SHADOW.IDX Index of Shadow's Run. (cl) 1997 Gay Furry Association Feel Free to use any char/place except Shadow in your stories, Games, Etc. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Berrin - Third Void World. Home to Thids and Ithkassa. Ithkassa - A Shadow_Dragon. Part of his essence was replaced by one third of a human soul in a hideous ritual. He exchanges places with the man when he is summoned. Idnfyu (Eater of Light) - Minor Demon. KhRroht - Greater Demon Lord. Brother of Makhni. Krrna - Eighth Void World. Twin to Turak, It It is where things grow and die and grow again that are better off not seen Or discussed. Makhni - Greater Demon Lord. Brother of Khroht. Rassa (Sendar's Horses) - Found on Turrl, these beings are twisted versions of equines. Once a victim looks into their insect-like eyes, or hears their soft siren's call, they are doomed to a slow death, Minds torn apart, Souls fed to their master. Rhesst (The Insane One, The Sleeping One) - A Greater God, rumored to have been brught to life by The Creators, to destory all their handiwork when the time came. Others rumors hint he was asleep before the First Ones made Existance and when he awakens All will cease to exist. Shadow_Dragons - Creatures who inhabit the Void Worlds. In appearance they are a shadow of a dragon. Red triangular slits for eyes and mouth. Their bite is poisonous, the creature feeding on the victim's life-essence until it gets too weak and becomes a lich, like it's master. Shevasr - The Fourth Void World, Considered the nicest of the lot. Sussea (Nullifier of Sound) - Minor Demon. Thids (DarkToads) - The other 'life' on the Shadow Plains of Berrin. Tohn Jalivar - A human who was destroyed fighting with a Cult of KhRroht. The DarkLord killed the coven, and riped the human's soul into 3 pieces - One he replaced with an equal amount from a Shadow_Dragon. One he returned, making a characture of a human being. One He destroyed, creating a creature whose hunger knows no end, vainly striving to fill the empty space left. Turrl - Fifth Void World. Turak - Ninth Void World. Nothing exists for long on it's surface, as it is forever dissolving and being sucked into the Abyss. Only to re-appear, intact a few moments later, starting the process all over again. Tjylmn (Caster of Shadows) - Minor Demon. Ubytf (Walker in Shadow) - Lesser Demon, Lord of The Castle of Darkness. Void Worlds - A set of 9 'Dead' worlds floating on the edge of The Abyss. In the center an anti-sun radiates a dark luminescence. It is an anchor point where not even chaos stays long. It is believed by some to be one of Rhesst's Dream Worlds, one of his eyes being the sun, one of his mouths the Abyss.