Adult Stories S - Z

RAPINLAB - M/Machine, Rape - 10/28/98
Raptor in the Labooratoory..

ROBOWAR - M/M/?, Rape - 4/05/98
A man is taken prisoner, raped by robots then given to a non-human male as an experiment.

ROBOWAR2 - M/?, Rape, Humans/Machines - 12/06/98
What Could Happen.. Note - This story contains non-consentual sex between machines and humans, including children.

SHADOW - M/M, NC/Snuff, Varied Beings - 2/08/98
Shadow's Run - A nasty, semi/furry tale of one person's life in 'Hell'.

SHADOW.IDX - 2/08/98
Index of Shadow's Run - Feel Free to use any char except Shadow in your stories, Games, Etc.

SHADOW3 - M/M/F, Rape/Violence/Bondage/Snuff - 10/28/98
A Nasty Tail of Enslavment, Pain and the way things are looked at.

SLAVE1 - M/M, Bondage/Rape, Animals - 7/14/96
Fred decides to take the 'plunge' with something new..

SMSTBLE1 - M/M, Pony - 8/01/90
A continuation of an interesting story about a man who is treated like a pony.

THEHOUSE- Violent Death - 5/21/99
A study in Horror - by Jack

TLKSQUAT - Snuff - 3-09-98
A short piece of TLK Satire - Good doesn't Always win.

TORTURE2 - M/M, Bondage/Snuff/Torture - 7/14/96
A wizard gets revenge for some nasty doings in a castle.

UNDEAD2 - M/?, NC-Rape, Snuff, Violence - 04/24/99
A reply to a set of interesting tales that all involve pain/pleasure and sometimes death, With a little Soapbox Yapping added. Don't ask Me, I just Write the stuff..

VIXEN - M/F, NC/Beast/Rape, Human/Vixen - 2/23/98
A vixen's life, for good and bad.

WWOLF2 - M/M, Rape, Youth/Werewolf - 9/05/92
This one wrote itself.... a 'My First Time' story.

WWOLF11 - M/M, Snuff, Werewolves/Demons - 7/14/96
A Nasty Werewolf story, based on an book I read once.

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