BFHUMP.TXT (M/M, Zoo/Orgy, Hentai Characters/Animals) Because my Muse will find the smutty side of Anything, And Once she starts... By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association After leafing through a comic that involved females with wings (you probably already know who I am talking about) I said to myself, What Bitches... They need to be taken down a few pegs. So I wrote BFKill. But After getting into the story, I also noticed there was a sub-plot that could be sexual too.. And So... * No death in this one, only L O T S of humping... * =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jeff loved his job. As a FireWatcher, he got to stay outdoors a lot and the pyro in him was satisfied with setting small back-fires to clear out brush - easily manageable with a single truck and 4 or 5 Others to help. He stopped to admire a stretch of particularly nice forest, needing a few touch-ups that he noted on a pad, having left his firebox in the truck. Jeff continued deeper, enjoying the fresh air, the gentle breeze the soothing sounds of nature, when he smelled what could only be smoke.. Running back to the truck for a portable radio, a bag of sand and a shovel he quickly headed back up the deer trail he had been following.. Sure enough - a blackened patch of earth, pretty much devoid of life met his gaze. Was it natural or... He sounded like a bear with a bad tooth when he found the butt of a cigarette lying where the grass had started to burn. "Base, this is FireWatch 7 on Knights Ridge.. over." A slight crackle of static. "The is Base, go ahead Jeff." He composed himself, getting a bearing with a compass. "Yeah, I have a 20 meter grass burn and a butt about a hundred yards South West of the access road. Be advised we may have some 'Bodies' wandering around up here." Bodies was a slang term for people who, for whatever reason, wandered around in the High Woods. Warm meant they had been found alive, Cold meant something found them first - Even a Hungry Puma would leave enough remains to tell it was once Human. "I would estimate a half-day old.. We got lucky - Wind is calm." About that time he faintly heard loud music and whoops. "Joyriders, A mile, maybe 2 above my position on Coley Trail." More static. "10-4. The sheriff and a few rangers will meet those boys at the bottom." Coley Trail wound up around the mountainside, then back down again, making a big loop. "Good, Will continue marking this trail then head for the Barn. FW-7 Out." Jeff walked around the area looking for hot-spots, or other clues. The butt was carefully placed in an Evidence bag - The County was getting Tough on Careless people.. 1 Year Mandatory for every fire set, Plus restitution. That butt was going to cost somebody - Then took a polaroid of the site. The time/date stamp authenticated the picture should it be used as evidence. He continued up, finding one more patch, and a beer-can. Another bag and a second picture. This meant a trip into town tomorrow, but the Truck needed gas and what was in those 2 bags changed a slap on the wrist to Serious Punishment. Didn't those nitwits know people Lived in these woods? He shook his head going back down. As he looked over the first site again in case he missed something, he saw something moving.. Something that walked out of the nearby brush and onto the trail. There were 3 of them, about the size of a 'barbie' doll - all in some sort of bondage gear. As one they knelt and came to put their little heads on his boot. "Sir," one of them said, A male from the tone. "We beg for our worthless lives. Please sir.. Don't burn us." Jeff stood there like he had been beaned by his own shovel. He had heard of pixies and fairies and the like living in the woods but hadn't Believed it.. until now. "We were gathering berries.. We heard screams and ran to hide in the bushes. Now we have no home.. Please Sir." He shook his head, and knelt. "I wouldn't hurt you.. I guess you had best come with me while I try and sort out what to do." They eagerly scrambled into his arms, and he gathered his tools, heading for the truck. He gave them a piece of a sandwich, radioing in he was done for the day and would be in tomorrow with the evidence, only half-hearing the reply. What was he going to do with 3 doll-like men? Same thing he did with any orphan creature he found - Raise it till it can fend for itself and set it free.. "Strap in, the ride home is bumpy.." Jeff gathered up his equipment and secured it, started the truck and headed for the cozy, hand-built cement-block house His Father had called home until he passed on. * * * * It took a few days to get used to them - Especially waking on his back with little hands stroking him, little tongues licking his erection, dancing on his belly as his cum poured over them.. But they were frustrated. All of them were subs to the point None would top the others and although they Loved to rub their butts against his dick while they stroked themselves, there was just No Way it would work.. He told them he would see what he could do, and left for work. The 3 little males went outside to see what they could find.. And ran into a Pine Mouse. Striped like chipmunks, half-again as big as their meadow cousins they came to the house to look for treats he left them.. and to hide from predators that didn't like the scent of man. He stood a moment amazed at seeing 3 males his size coming down the path. The cheered at seeing him and came running like he was a lost relative. They swarmed all over the startled mouse, pulling his tail up to rub his furless balls, reaching farther in to grip his sheath. "Hey! Wait a.. Stop That! What do you thing you are.." One of them got down on all fours in front of him, wriggling it's rear. "Please Fuck Me Sir!" Almost immediately the other 2 were beside him, wriggling their butts and looking at him over their Shoulders.. "Please Fuck Me Sir! Please Fuck Me Sir! Please Fuck Us Sir!" Oh Jeez.. He looked at them and shook his head. "I can't.." They looked back at him. "I only got 1 dick.." They nodded sadly.. Then brightened. "We can take turns! I will go first. No, I will go First. I need it worse that you 2 sluts. Who you calling a slut? Whoever is on his knees, begging a Mouse to fuck him... Why you..!" The mouse also had an idea. "Guys, Guys.." He finally had to slap their asses to get them to shut up. "There's a hawk that likes to patrol this strip about now, and he's not picky. You get your butts back to the Big Place, and I will work on the problem of there being only 1 of me." At the word 'Hawk' all 3 froze.. then nodded and ran for the house like it was breathing down their necks.. Chuckling the Mouse returned to his burrow - There was a hawk who came by, but he was old and only caught someone pretty much gone already. Truth be told, he preferred Bologna on White Bread with Mayo that was left out on a platform for him. He also liked to listen to the gossip that the mice chatted about while they sat around and stuffed themselves seeds and grasses and the occasional bread crust that fell from above. The Pine Mouse returned and found 5 brothers/cousins who were also randy enough to take on the job of satisfying some strange new males - It was getting tiresome humping each other 20 times a day - And made a run for the door that was open a crack. "You sure it's ok?" one of them asked, seeing the hides that decorated the porch railing - Warning that Trespassers better have Good Manners. "We are here to hump, not make a mess - And if I catch Any of you pilfering I will hang you by your tail for the hawk, Understand?" As one the others scooted their hind legs together, trying to hide their nuts, thinking about that sharp beak. A nod and they were inside, making a bee-line for the bedroom. The 3 little males looked down from the bed to gape at the beautiful mice. "6 Holes, 6 Cocks, Right?" The males nodded eagerly and got themselves ready while the rodents climbed the sheets and sniff, lick, nuzzle, and ultimately Mount the creatures. Paws gripped each other, tongues twining as the Mice mated their new lovers enthusiastically.. "Oh Grass.. What a tight Hole! Suck harder, I'm going to Cummmmmm... Push that smooth butt against me you sexy.. Whatever-the-hell you are!" A chorus and giggles, squeaks and moans as they changed partners in a circle of scum-covered lust. The males weren't forgotten, eager paws gripping their dicks, tongues lapping at the spunk spurting from them. * * * * The fox was also inclined to a treat - be it Mouse or leftovers with a few ear scritches tossed in for good measure. There was an unspoken oath between the fox, the mice, and the skunks who foraged at night that No Grasshopper, Cut-Worm or Caterpillar would ravage the small but lush garden out back. The man and him took turns urinating on the 4 posts that were set in the corners, keeping what few deer wandered by at bay.. Hopefully. His sharp ears heard noises coming from inside the house.. Interesting noises. He knew the big male was away until the sun moved closer to the trees so who could be inside.. He came closer and heard.. Sex? Those were definitely Mice and they were definitely screwing.. He never thought of a Mouse as something to mate with - He had masturbated many times watching them mount each other, but that didn't count - But as he got closer, the breeze blew the scent of hot male bodies and fresh male spunk to him, making his nuts swell. Maybe he would go in and nose around a little.. The Big male's claws felt good on his ears.. Maybe Lower? Now his cock was showing itself and he grunted with desire, padding in the door, each new moan, and spurt and smell making it that much harder to walk.. He finally sat, put his forepaws on his sheath and Popped the knobs free. Then stilt-walked to the bedroom, where everything was happening. He looked up at the bed.. and Moaned as his nuts swelled and his cock dripped. 6 mice had 3 other creatures pinned between them, a cock-sucking daisy-chain that filled the air with slurps and grunts and gulps.. "Well Well Well... What's going on here?" Everything stopped for a minute, as they took in the new male standing there, and what hung between his legs. "Get that Big Red cock Up Here!" They chorused, and he leapt up grinning. "Alright, who's.. Hey!" Paws grabbed his balls, tongues slid across his dick, a mouth popped onto the head, sucking down his pre-cum. The fox moaned spreading his legs, then lifting his tail as a quivering nose, then a warm tongue explored under it.. "Ohhhhh.. I didn't know you guys did..." The mice all snorted. "Come off it Fox. We seen you with your muzzle buried in your crotch watching us fuck. We wondered when you were going to give Us a taste too." He shivered rolling one of them over to nibble on it's fat nuts, a little man straddling the pink cock that jetted out so nicely.. * * * * And That is what Jeff found when he returned.. 3 naked little scum-covered men, 6 panting mice, and a wheezing fox - All of whom thought their balls were going to drop off. "Aren't you lot a mess.." He shook his head, smiled and walked out again, not hearing the whispers about what hung between the man's legs, nor the appreciative gasps.. But next time he went out to swim naked as he sometimes did, there would be an appreciative audience. And if he could be talked into showing off his 'prowess'.. He might just wake up with more than Little Men licking on his morning erection.. "Out, Out - I gotta clean the sheets before I can go to bed.." Reluctantly the orgy got down and shuffled out the door.. To have a bucket of cool water tossed at them! "And you need baths too!" They chittered and yeeped and barked shaking the water off, then headed down the trail towards the mouse burrow, little men following their new Lovers. The fox stayed behind to get his ears rubbed and patrol the garden for something easy to catch for dinner.. No Way he was chasing after something with a half-hard cock and a pair of painful nuts.. The rabbits would take one look and either die laughing or hop Towards, not away from him... He yipped as the thought of bunny paws and tongues on his dick brought another growl from his abused sex-organs. "It was just a Thought.." He trotted off to find a stream to soak his painful balls in, while the little men found a whole warren of new sex-partners - The rabbits had heard the gossip and came around to see for themselves. "So it is True.. What? All 6? Come one now - We call him the Big Male but.. That Big? Pellets, he'd never fit under my tail... That's alright by me - I would lay on my back and stroke and suck on it until... Ha, You would Suck on The Fox given half a chance! What do you mean he.. And you stuck your tongue Where? I knew he hung around when we fucked but... Round knobs at the base you say." Bunny cocks got hard and bunny paws rubbed squirming haunches as the story got more lurid and graphic... They nodded to each other silently, thinking next time Fox came around they would see for themselves about those round knobs, and what fox-cum tasted like and what His tongue felt like on their furry balls.. And of course the Big Male - It was still too cool for him to go swimming in the pond, but soon... Soon they would Know. A groundsquirrel came up to the group sputtering and trying to wash himself. "A guy's not safe snoozing behind a rock no more.. That damn Fox came walking down the path kinda funny-like, turned and sat in the creek - I sure as grass am not drinking out of it no more - Sighs, shakes his butt, comes over, cocks his leg and Damn near pisses all over me!" Tongues click in sympathy as paws help him groom the strong-smelling urine out of his coat. "How Close? I could have reached out and shook paw with his cock, that how.. I don't know - long as my forearm, about so big.. Hey! Watch those paws - I ain't into that Kind.. Of..." Eyes gleamed, pink tongues flicked over soft lips, tiny fingers moving in anticipation. The chipmunk suddenly noticed his audience was All male, some Very Much So, and Swallowed, backing up a little.. "Umm.. I had better go and washhhhhh..." A soft growl arose from the crowd, moving in closer.. "Maybe we had better scatter - The Hawk you know.." That only got another growl.. "So you never has your cock sucked on until your nuts blew out?" The rodent stood and growled himself. "Sucked on? I ain't Never had lips on my willie, Ever had my ass tongued, Ever had my balls played with.. What kind of Fur do you think I am?" He stood with paws on hips, indignant. "A virgin one." Someone chuckled.. "ORGY!" came on the still air, a Warning and at the same time an Invitation. The groundsquirrel screeched as he was picked up and passed around like a wineskin. They were very democratic, each fur got to suck on his cock, tongue his ass and/or fondle his balls.. All 50 of them. He came more times in 5 minutes than in his entire life, passing into a haze of sexual lust. The Hawk chuckled, perched out on a dead branch where he could leave quickly of the need came - When he was Younger he enjoyed the mindless pleasure of fucking anything and everything within reach of tongue or talon.. But now he preferred the simple pleasures of masturbating. He spread his legs apart, getting off on the scene below... Then something warm and wet slid across his vent. "Wha?" He screeched, looking down. A red squirrel was holding onto the branch with hind feet locked in place, one paw pushing his tail- feathers up, the other stroking a real nice-looking cock.. The male winked, then slid that talented tongue into him, wriggling it.. "Oh Feathers!" he groaned, arching his neck in pleasure, semen being slurped up hungerily. All the birds that didn't vacate the area either got a tongue or a cock shoved in them, fluttering in orgasmic pleasure. The burrows emptied as horny creatures found partners to couple with, not caring what species or gender.. And it spread like wildfire through the woods. Bucks mounted stiff-legged wolves, the howls and snorts of pleasure just as loud when they switched, knobbed canine cocks plunging into wriggling deer rumps and hot sucking muzzles. A young Puma still learning about life on this side of the mountain heard the commotion and decide to see what was going on.. When he had gotten close enough to see, his jaw dropped, his tail curled, and his dick unsheathed.. He wasn't sure if he was disgusted or turned on or.. A snort and a tongue on his balls made him arch and turn his head. 12 large thorny projections jutted from thick bony branches ringing the head of the Large Stag who was licking him. "I.. I.. I.." A chuckle. "New here then..." a nod and a gasp as his cock was nibbled on.. Then the big male was covering him, and the cougar wasn't sure he Wanted to be mated, until a long, hot maleness was rubbing his prostate and furry balls stroked his dick until he clawed the ground, sanity going in sticky spurts all over. The Fox heard all the commotion and made a bee-line for his den, hoping to find a nice Big rock to push in front of the entrance.. And groaned as he found a welcoming committee of Rabbits. "We hear you been humping the Mice. Been playing with yourself while you watched us mate.." Why oh Why did he Run back... Now he was winded and wasn't sure he could get away. A muzzle shoved his legs apart, cold nose inhaling the smell of his nuts, a warm tongue rubbing his dick. Then he was flipped on his back, paws holding him down.. A familiar reddish shape smiled at him. "Do you think you are the Only fur who watches? Who moans as he rubs a paw up and down his cock.. Really Little Brother - You have been very very selfish. But we forgive you.." He winked and the fox was covered with kisses, and caressing paws and hot tongues on his swelling balls, his thickening meat.. Then a yip as his Older Brother found not All the rabbits were busy torturing him. "Wow, you Are built.." He chuckled then yipped as legs straddled his sides, one of the bigger bucks slowly taking his big dick. Fox didn't believe it even when the rabbit started bucking up and down. "That it! Ride that hard dog-cock! Ooooo.. Me Next!" He squirmed trying to figure out How, Even with help, he was going to service all these Horny.. Paws rubbed his head, and he Mmmmm'd, nuzzling a fluffy tail. "Mister Fox Sir.." He opened his eyes to stare at a young buck who was watching the others playing at his other end, but too shy to join in. "Yeees?" he said, patting the furry rear. "OOoooooo.. Umm I.. Well.. I was told that Foxes chased Rabbits, and When they caught them.. They Ate them." Big brown eyes looked at him, butt wriggling as he squeezed it. Fox knew where this was headed - Tails to frighten cubs into behaving.. True or not, they made him shiver whenever a wolf howled.. "Stingy fur - I already came 3 times and you are just dripping.." Paws caressed him and he arched as another tight-assed bunny slid down his pole, making his nuts move in their sack, tongues and claws caressing the fat globes. "MMmmmmm.. I am going to shove those fat knobs up my ass.. Oh No you're not - I am riding him next. Poor Fur, those Mice must have Really Emptied your balls.. Yeah - when you watch us, it only takes a few strokes..." He panted, nuzzling the cute male. "I am a little busy to chase you.. But if you want Eaten..." He bit the bunny's left cheek, Then his right one, and spinning the poor fur around, swallowed his not so little cock.. "Hey! Ah.. Ohhhhhh..." The rabbit slapped paws to his bitten ass, got in a couple of thrusts, and flopped on top of the fox's muzzle, orgasms chasing themselves up and down his spine. Fox swallowed every tasty drop, remembering back when he was young and bashful. Then grunted as his own wave of pleasure hit.. "Wow! Look at That..." Paws stroked up and down on his dick making him shoot like a waterfall all over the lepines.. Who danced and caressed each other, working the firehose for all they could get. Out of the corner of his eye, Fox saw Older Brother Also on his back, yipping as another bunny hunched between his legs, taking his bigger dick and chuckling at the line of bucks, all fondling themselves, waiting their turn.. Paws turned his muzzle and the hottest, sweetest kiss he ever had was given by that same young buck, laying beside him, eyes shining. "Mister Fox Sir, I really wouldn't mind it if you chased me sometime.. I know I am not as good as My older brothers but..." A gentle pat made the youth giggle and another kiss made him squirm. "When winter comes, why don't you come around and sleep with me. We can take turn eating each other.. Would you Like That?" Tears came to the rabbit's eyes as he Buried his face in the warm chestfur, hugging the big male, unable to reply. * * * * Jeff went to his garden, weeding, watering, puttering around when a bear burst out of the woods and made tracks for the meadow.. In hot pursuit were a dozen or so raccoons, a bunch of squirrels, and what looked to be a young puma. Wood creaked and he turned from the menagerie to see the hawk tear into the now stale sandwich he left like it was fresh meat, every now and again dipping into the water tin, until there wasn't even crumbs.. "My My, You were Hungry." The bird bobbed up and down, making chirping noises. Jeff smiled and walked over to ruffle the hawk's chest feathers with a finger making it close it's eyes in pleasure. "Spring is in the Air, Eh Old Boy? Tina will be after me to come down more often and take her out.. She's the one you can thank for those sandwiches - She has it in her head I like bologna, and every day she hands me one and says I should eat more.. And every day I bring it up here and give it to you." The hawk had heard it all before, but didn't mind... He was so full of squirrel cum he sloshed. His rear ached from being thrust into by a hard cock until it blew hot, sticky mammal semen up his ass.. Followed by a tongue eating him out, making his own seed flow. And tomorrow the process would start all over again... Then he thought of the Skunks and Moles and Owls - Especially one Great Horned who had held him against a tree all night, rubbing vents until neither could move, puddles of bird juice all over... He moved from one side of the perch to the other. "You want to come in for the night?" The hawk chirped and bobbed again, going over to his usual place, letting go a Bunch of sticky waste.. Then sailed in through the now open door to his perch, sighing in relief. Hopefully he could get some shut-eye and gather strength for tomorrow - he was going to need it. Jeff walked to the door, watching the sun set, still not believing the events of the past few days, listening to the howl of a wolf.. It tapered off then was gone, the howleee's muzzle being stuffed full of bear-cock. "Yep Spring is here.." The End?