CHAOS1.TXT - M/M, Semi-NC, Violence - July 28, 2002 A wanderer in The Lands of Chaos Version 1.2 - Typos, Syntax and Spelling By SwampRat (cl) 1992, 2002 Gay Furry Association Written at The Bastion of Insanity Prelude I closed my door, setting wards. Sighed.. 'This is a wild-goose chase.. And You know it! Yes,' I answered myself.. But until I held a copy of the necessary Book, or could say for certain it did not exist, I would not rest. I had spent a lifetime digging through scrolls, tombs and books. Changing this hex and tweaking that incantation, I had succeeded in creating new spells.. Which I sold for a good profit. Being Neutral, I avoided most of the pitfalls and hazards that were a part of the profession. Love-spells had no affect on me. Female demons screamed and pulled at their hair when they found me immune to their charms. And since Male Demons were almost All Straight, I had no fear of them, either. I worshipped at no particular alter, so no God paid attention to me. Well - Some, but I kept myself out of Direct Line-Of-Sight, and life was enjoyable. But... Some of the darker scrolls hinted at a book. Written by a mad wizard, it was chock full of absolutely The dirtiest batch of nasties this side of chaos. The sorcerer was rumored to have a male dragon as a familiar. Some hinted the relationship went beyond just apprentice.. It was also rumored he founded a sect of crazies who did things best left unmentioned in the Company of anybody even slightly Lawful.. I Had to know. Was this the tomb that contained the spell to make a Pink Unicorn? I knew a few dukes who would love a gay stallion in their stable. And Pay Well for one, too.. For that matter, I would not mind having a sex partner again... I checked my cart. Being made of dried bamboo, and eel grass, it was tougher than my boot soles. And yet, with it's single wheel, weighed a mere 20 pounds. It was added weight, but I didn't want to use a flying disc.. Too many problems if it failed. I had a few landmarks to guide me by, but they were sketchy at best. I hitched the cart up and started for the Law/Chaos border. There were places one could move freely between, without too much fuss. Chapter 1 - Contact "Nothing of ye smells of Chaos.." I lifted my hood. "And.." The Skraven looked me over. "Nothing about ye Looks of Chaos either.." His companions were fingering their weapons and muttering to themselves. I shrugged. "Then I had best prove to you I am not Law.." I stepped forward and grabbing the startled rat by his ears, pulled him forward to kiss his muzzle. He sputtered and pulled back, wiping his mouth with a sleeve. The other two chuckled.. "Definitely not Law.." They laughed and slapped the third on the back. "Enjoyed that, did ye?" His paw slammed into the other's chin. "I enjoyed That!" I stepped past them as they rolled on the ground, then turned. With a grin I slid my hand into a breech-cloth and squeezed the contents. There was a loud *SQUEAK* and the scuffle went up a notch in violence. Wiping my hand, I continued on down the road. 'Border guards here? Damn!' I thought as I sat beside a small fire. My compass said I was heading in the right direction, but it could not say how far to my destination. Ah, well.. I slept well and found tracks around my camp, but nothing of an alarming nature. If anything happened to rummage through my cart, it was in for a Big surprise.. I came prepared. I met a few creatures, who eyed me well, but continued on to wherever they were headed. Chapter 2 - A visitor As the sun was getting low, I came across a strange sight. A goat-man was tied to a tree.. And nobody was anywhere in sight. Punishment? I shrugged and tossed a cupful of water into his face. With a snarl the monster awoke to jerk at his lashings, then growled at me. I enquired about a certain landmark. He told me to try a perverted deed. Not having a tail I chuckled.. As night was coming on, I also started a fire. He watched me for a time, then growled low. "Do what thou wilt, Man.. I shall say nothing!" I grinned.. "Do I tie your head back, or Will you promise not to bite.." His eyes blazed. "I promise Nothing." Then tilted his head. "Why?" I undid the strap holding his groin pouch in place. "By the by, May I ask your name?" His split-pupiled eyes narrowed. "Again, Why?" I stirred the fire. "Because, I hate saying 'Hey You'.. I prefer names." He snarled, then tossed back his head. "I am Ghoulrave, Earl of Xoth.. Now human, Whom art thou?" I dropped my robe. "For now, call me Lover.." He looked disgusted. "What? A high-Lord of Chaos who has never bedded another male?" He looked ready to vomit. "Perhaps you are just a lowly foot-soldier, who pretends to be a mighty warrior." The muscles went taut along his frame. "You Dare To Question My Authority?" I picked up a chalice. "You were alone.. And tied to a tree... Wine?" He glared at me, but after sniffing the contents, drank greedily. "Another?" He grinned at me, licking at his beard with his goatish tongue. "Trying to get me drunk?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Perhaps.." "Then, pray continue.." It took two more cups before his eyes went cloudy. I stroked his hips, moving down to twirl the hair on his jack-legs. "Wanton bastard.." I grinned, stroking his all-too human balls with the crown of my head. He grunted, letting out a immense fart. I went over to a nearby stream and dipping a cloth in the water, returned to thoroughly wash the monster's groin area. When I was done, his cock was erect and straining. "Tell me something.. Where resides the Well of Vung?" He looked at me, then laughed. "Do you wish to die, then? Unnh!" I stroked at nipple. "Tell me anyway." He snarled, snapping at my hand, as I went to work on the other bump. "Bastard! The Temple called The Blasted Well resides in The Wailing Valley.." I grinned, watching the veins bulge out on the cock which pulsed in my hand. "I thought you didn't like bedding males.." A growl rumbled deep in his chest. "Shut-up and kiss me.." I put my hands on either side of his snout and pressing my thumbs into his jawbone, pressed my lips to his. He jerked, then groaned, as I slid my tongue out, pressing it against his mouth. I licked it, tasting the wine and his own musky flesh. Then shoved his head up, and slamming my shoulder into his throat, pressed my body against his. Groin rubbed groin, Belly against hairy belly. I squeezed his butt, caressing his chest with my own. He bleated, thrusting his hips at me. We stood, glued together for a time. Then I let him go and attacked a teat. "What guardians keep the Temple safe?" "Screw thyself!" I slid my tongue across his mid-chest, nibbling on the hairs. His eyes smoldered with lust.. "I intend to screw you later.. But right now, I need information." He growled, jerking on the leather cuffs. "Make no mistake.. You will tell me. It is just a matter of how much work I have to put into forcing the answers from you." I wrapped my fingers around his erection, and squeezed it. "So.. You may tell me now, and we can spend the night in pleasure.. Or I can use my talents on extracting the knowledge from you until cock's crow.." My other hand dripped oil from a skin into his butt-cheeks. "Either way I intend to enjoy myself.. The question is.. How much pleasure do you receive?" I bypassed his groin and grazed on his furry thighs, down to his backwards bending knee. "There.." He hissed through gritted teeth. I bit at his balls. "Aaaugh! Bastard!! There are only the priests.. Who are enough for one human.." He growled and thrust his dick at me. "Now was that so hard?" I flicked the tip with my tongue. Then crossing my legs, sat before him. Took the flared head into my mouth. Sucked wantonly on it. He strained forward, trying desperately to shove more into my mouth. "You're doing it.. You are actually sucking my cock.." He gritted his teeth and jerked his head up. His tongue flicked out as I used mine to torture the fat head. "This Bastard Human is Nursing at My Groin.. And I Like IT!!" He dropped his chin to watch me swallow another inch. "Ohh, Take it All.. Yess..." His head lolled, grunting when I stuffed a finger into his ass. His hips moved, pressing the thick meat down to the hair. The animal twisted around, growling, as I slid my free hand down his leg. Then pulled back, taking my finger to the last knuckle and wanting more. He wheezed when I squeezed his balls the way a miser pinches his purse to find out how many coins reside there. Rolling them in my palm, I removed my mouth off his seeping dick for a moment. The monster squalled, demanding I return it at once. Instead I took his nuts into my mouth and sucked on them, nibbling on the cords. Moved my head letting them slide across my tongue and slap my cheeks. Then bit them, closing my mouth and applying slight pressure. The ragged moan that followed my gesture was most heartening. I nibbled on his cock like a carrot, and asked a few more questions. He mumbled answers, and cursed my lineage for many generations back. I grinned and engulfed him entirely. He roared, shook as if caught in a stiff wind and poured semen down my throat. I jerked my finger out of his butt, and used both hands to maul his shrinking testicles. I waited until he spurted no more. Then taking the still dribbling cock between my lips, held his hips and hollowed my cheeks. He bellowed, twisting in my grasp. I stopped trying to pull his hooves out the piss-slit and twanged the web of flesh under the head. He screeched, begging me to stop. I bit the cock-root and stripped him of cum. 'Not too bad.. Doesn't taste anything like goat though. Pity..' I lifted off the sodden animal and gave him a kiss. "That, Ghoulrave, is what you have missed by not bedding another male.." I let the head slip from my hand. "Rest.. We eat now.." I went to the pot and poured a bowl of soup. Fed it to the monster, along with a steak. Ate myself. "Why were you alone? Most Earls have at least a bodyguard.." He growled. "I am banished.." I didn't ask Why.. Some questions are better left unanswered."Why do you ask about the forces that reside at the Well of Curses? The reptilian priests will skin you before you can take a dozen steps inside their territory.." I lifted a bundle free from the cart. "This is why I ask." I removed a sword, and holding the leather sheath, slid an inch of steel free. The animal bleated, eyes wide in fear. It was ChaosSplitter.. A dwarfen blade made especially for killing demons. No creature of Chaos could hold it without dire consequences. I smiled and put the weapon away. "I came prepared.." The Earl quaked as I walked over to him. "It is fake.. You are not Law.." I stroked his chin. "I am Neutral.. The blade tolerates my touch. Especially when I use it on Demons. Don't worry, you will not feel it this eve.. If I thought I could trust you, I would undo your bonds and let you sleep beside me.." He snorted. "Pervert!" I squeezed the hairy butt. "It is likely to get cold tonight.. And two bodies are always warmer than one.." He grinned at me. "Then release me. I promise to bugger you well, male." I shook my head. "Before or after you rip my head off?" His fangs gleamed in the firelight. "No.. I think you shall stay there. For the time being, anyway.." He cursed me a thousand times over. I dropped a blanket over his head, muffling the dire threats. * * * * The morning brought another visitor. A wolf had tried to paw through my belongings.. Not dead? One tough customer then.. I slapped the muzzle. The eyes opened, crossed, then re-crossed. "What happened?" I smiled and lifted the monster up. "You ran into a ward. Be glad you are a male.." The creature snarled.. "I am not a ..." Paws went to the furry crotch.. It grabbed. Then yelped as the claws dug in a bit too hard. "You are now.." Gender changing was one of the nastier spells that was wove into the cart. He grabbed my shoulders. "Turn me back.." I shook my head. Then kissed the animal.. Lust smoldered deep in the amber eyes. He grabbed my head and pressed his muzzle hard and wantonly. "Return me to Female form.. So we may lay in the Grass, Male." I stroked the gaunt sides, tweaking the nipples I found. "I can't do that.. You barely survived the change once.. Twice would Kill you. Besides.." I stroked the sheath. "What's wrong with being male?" Tugging the sheath down, I traced the blue veins on his cock with my tongue. It throbbed as the wolf growled, trying to shove the pointed tip into my mouth. "Suck Me, Male.." I laid him down on his back, and as he stroked my head, slid the shiny dick between my lips. "Oooo, Nothing I have ever done felt like this!" I guess not, as he didn't last long.. The wolf howled, paws raking at my head as he arched, spewing thick ejaculate. I nibbled on the exposed knob, and was rewarded by another shuddering orgasm.' "Please, Male.." Not until the canine's penis went flaccid and vanished back into the furry sheath, did I let it slip from my mouth. But not for long... Especially not when I untied the goat-man, who fell to his knees then screeched as the canine attacked his nuts. "You two have fun.." I left them, moaning and growling.. Chapter 3 - The Temple After what I had just been through the rest of the time was a breeze.. No monsters - horny or otherwise. No rain, or storms.. Zilch. I Really didn't like it. And so I came to the Well of Vung, with more than just my cross-bow firmly strung. No one seemed to be around.. But the chanting told me Something was up. It took stealth to get to where I could see what was going on and I cursed every moment - On an altar was a buck. Just a plain animal who was struggling as best he could, eyes wide, making all kinds of fear-sounds. It had been cut dozens of times, shallow, painful ones that kept a sacrifice alive. Standing beside him was a toadish being with an ugly knife. Normally I turn the other eye when sacrifices are done - Not because I approved but I didn't want an angry God subsisting Me for whatever was being given - but this was too much! The warted hand lifted the knife and cut another line in the struggling animal, enjoying it's struggles, it's fear. "Bastard - You will attend no more parties like this one!" I snarled and lifted my weapon.. The crossbow bolt went deep into his chest. It took a second to re-cock the weapon and put another plain iron bolt in place. it wasn't needed as the priest dropped the blade and staggered back into the arms of something dark that had risen from the alter at the last chant. The dark smoke touched face.. and Ate it! He screamed as tendrils slid over his shoulders. The skull gave one last screech then vanished into the dense fog. The body slumped. It too was enveloped. A spike came from somewhere deep inside the smoke and impaled the still form on the alter. "Tasty.. Come forward, human." I did so, looking out for the toad-like beings who seemed to have run off. "What brings a man so deep in our territory? Surely you could find enough to satisfy your lusts back home?" I shrugged. "I seek The Ruins of Rhoi.." The dark eyes probed me for a moment. When the demon could find no handle with which to grab me, it growled. "And why do you travel to such blighted places?" I smiled.. "That is my business." It tried a new tack. "What if I took you there.. What would you be willing to trade?" I shook my head. "I don't fool That easily.. No deals." It chuckled. "But you still owe me a High priest." I stepped back. "You ate him, not me.." The monster chuckled again. "How about if I show you where the place lies? And why not.." As I shook my head. "Because I do not trust you.. Besides why do You wish me there?" The idol growled, reaching for me. I hit the tendril with my shield. It screeched, and jerked away. "I.. Lost a trinket there. And desire it's return. But none of Chaos may step inside the Ruins." Then it chuckled, withdrawing it's tentacle from the animal's chest. Who stirred! The eyes blazed with fire and it lifted up it's head. "A guide.." I grunted. The buck shook it's head and rolled off the alter. "A few conditions.. If I agree, I want it known I wish to get there in 1 piece, alive and in the least possible time. I have no wish to be led off a cliff or to arrive at the site, just to die.." Laughter rumbled from the statue. "You are a shrewd one.. I agree to your conditions. Allow him passage.." The followers had returned, and stared at me most strangely. "Man.." I turned and looked at the dark figure. "Return to me a stone made of blood and I will reward you most handsomely.. Fail me..." I shrugged. "If I find such a stone, I defiantly will have no use for it.." I followed the deer out of the clearing, and into the forest. Chapter 4 - The Buck "And why do you seek the ruins?" I watched the white rump twitch in disgust as a fly bit it.. The insect exploded with a tiny flash. It's ball-sack swayed each time the animal moved.. My mouth watered to get a taste of the furry scrotum.. Night was no time to be strolling around the Jungles of Chaos, so we made camp. "I search for the Book Of Rhunnan." The buck took a half step back, then grinned. "You shall be driven insane after reading the first page of the Book.." I shrugged. "Already being inflicted, I hardly fear losing my mind a second time.. I am bedding down. You may do as you please.. But remember. You are to get me to The Ruins alive and in one piece. Also," I unzipped my tent flap, "Once you start smelling, Out you go.." The monster growled, but stood watch as I rolled up in my bag. The morning came with the usual sounds. I stretched, and dressing, stepped out of my tent. The animal lay beside the fire, dead as it was. So, no dream after all.. I shrugged. Made breakfast, and restacked my small cart. I lifted the deer's antlered head and shook it. Not stiff.. But not breathing either. I stroked the brown side, reaching down to fondle the fat nuts. I rolled the furry ball-holder between my hands. "Too bad.. At one time we could have had a lot of fun." I dusted my hands off, and attached the harness. "And why can't we have fun now?" The creature lifted it's head, staring at me. "2 Reasons.. 1 - You are dead." The buck stood, wriggled it's hips, and came over to nuzzle my leg. "Not as long as I inhabit the shell, it isn't.." "The other reason is simple.. I gather we have a ways to go, and I for one want to get to our destination in as short a time as possible." A snort as the animal sniffed my crotch. "Not even one lick?" I lifted the muzzle and kissed it. "Not until the sun goes down, or we enter the Ruins. Whichever comes first.." The dark eyes blazed again. Then he turned and rubbed his rump against me. "A taste of what is to come.." With a flip of his tail, the buck moved off into the brush. * * * * "Slow down.. I do not have 4-legs to run with, you stupid animal." I panted to a halt and stood a moment, catching my breath. Damn but I wish I hadn't eaten so many times at Leard's.. The night fell with us deep in the brush. I made a clearing and started a fire. Put up my tent, took what I needed from the cart, Made camp. The creature watched all this work with impatient mutterings. Finally, he growled "Fuck it!" And started masturbating. I watched the red cock slide out of it's sheath and press into the thick belly hair. The hips hunched, moving the maleness across the ribs. One half-lidded eye watched me as I finished my preparations and ate. "Want some cream in your coffee?" I lifted my cup to the grunting animal. "Please, continue.." With a teeth-clenched snarl, the deer jerked it's head up and splattered cum over it's legs. The ribs heaved, as it stepped over to me. He grunted as I grabbed the still-hard prick. It felt like any other cock, warm and throbbing in my grasp. I gave it a lick.. Tasted like dick. The cum smelled acrid, but clean. I decided to take a chance, and moved the hips so I could get at the tight scrotum. Neither tick nor flea lived on the flesh, so I had no qualms about lapping at the nuts.. With much encouragement from their owner. I opened my mouth and stuffed the testicles in my mouth. The fat things just fit.. I slavered my tongue over the white fur, gently chewing the bumps. A snarl and I was lying on the ground with a muzzle ripping the hell out of my robe. Then my own nuts were attacked. I tried to tell the monster to be more careful, but he was reclining on my face and rasping at my dick with a will. I jerked and stuck a finger under his tail.. Which made the violent actions at my groin grow even more intense! I finally got my ears out of the headlock his thighs had slapped on me and fumbled for the red penis.. Which stuck itself up my nose! "Hey.." A chuckle.. "Sorry.. That better?" The dribbling tip butted against my upper lip. I grabbed the short sheath and sucked the slick male-meat down to it. I squeezed his nuts Once.. And found myself on my back, straddled by the animal. "Enough foreplay.. I want it up my ass, Now!" Foreplay? Damn, but his ass was tight, and I was now glad I had oiled it first, else I would have never fit! I felt his balls rub against my stomach as he worked himself into an impossable angle.. Then Sat on me with a Bleat. I was about to tell him to take it easy, We had some time before the night fell, but he started humping and stroking and It was all I could do to keep up... In and out.. Up and Down.. I came in that so tight ass until I saw spots.. and he was doing his best to flood my chest with deer-semen. Which he licked off.. While biting my nipples and bouncing on my dick and... I woke the next morning with a tongue curled around my dick, swallowing yet another load And I sincerely thought about abandoning everything and shacking up with the damn Buck... Until he bit me. "Only 4 times? You blew your scum in me at least a dozen luscious explosions last night.. Stingy Human." Ummmm.. On second thought, I Did have something to find. Chapter 5 - The Ruins The demon stood beside a blighted tree. "I can go no farther, man." I nodded and walked on down towards what used to be a castle of some sort. A statue of a bull standing on it's hind legs was beside the road. It's eyes followed me as I went past. I turned and grabbed the marble balls, giving the thing a kiss. "Too bad you are stone.." I patted the rump. Then continued onward. This must have been the right thing to do because none of the guardians that the scrolls warned about appeared. What was left of a tower stood to one side. I went inside and saw.. A bunch of dust. But there was a door.. One quick peek and my head reeled. On the walls were every kind of obscene painting imaginable.. And in each corner were hyrogliphs. I opened a book and tossed it into the room. There was a flash.. And the room was bare! The magic paintings were now captured in the pages of the book. I did this twice more in rooms with wards written on the walls or ceiling. At last I put the clasp on the tomb and replaced it back in the cart. It was my deepest regret I had only been able to create one such volume. I would study the glyphs at a later time, now that they were made safe. In another tower was jewels, but none that looked like it was made of blood. Gold and Silver coins spilled from chests. I picked up a few, more for curiosity than wealth. Yet another held weapons and armor. I hefted a few.. Too heavy to carry. The final tower held a curiosity that I could not resist. It was a crystal dragon. I lifted it off it's pedestal, and turned it over.. It's ruby penis was sliding into a sapphire snout. I stroked the thing, quite lothe to leave it.. But it was too heavy to carry... With a sigh, I replaced it and instead selected a smaller statue of a minotaur with overly-developed anatomical proportions. Stroking the pointed cock which hung down to it's knees, I slid it into a bag, and wandered back up the deserted streets. I kicked at something.. 'Well, I'll bugger a werewolf.. Come to think of it, I did..' A stone that was a sickly red squished under my foot. I dropped a piece of cloth on it and gingerly retrieved the thing. It too went into a sack. Wait a moment.. Wasn't that the first tower I explored? What was it doing to my right? I walked through the ruins, and poked into the rubble. There, at long last was what I had searched for. A handful of books lay on a shelf. The first turned to powder when I reached for it. Damn! The others were in somewhat better condition, and taking great pains with them, I managed to salvage four, and a cursory glance told me this was at least part of what I wanted. Better than a dragon that cums prematurely.. I walked back up the road and patted the statue again. "Perhaps I can find a spell in the books to give you life, Eh?" I met the demon-deer beside a few blackened trees. "That's about it.. Thanks.. Why are you looking at me like that? And why have you suddenly grown fangs.. and Claws.." The eyes glowed redly. "I promised to bring you here.. I never promised to return you alive.." I stood dumfounded.. "What about all those times we lay together..." He grinned. "They were fun.. And when I return to Hell, I shall look you up. But I want a human body. I am tired of this animal one.." He leaped at me... To be swatted away by a dark branch! The tree reached down and wound the animal's horns in it's forks. I watched the deer twist in the wooden grasp. Then smoke came pouring out of it, as the spirit was exorcised. The vapor tried to coalese.. But was dissipated by a sudden wind. The body hung limp and lifeless. Was tossed at my feet. I stroked the thing.. To feel a shock as it sat up! It nuzzled me in a most intimate way.. Then the flesh expanded. It stood, the hooves splitting into paws, the horns twisting into a pair of larger ones. Scales shone as the hair fell out in a flurry. Within a few minutes, a dragon stood where a buck was before. My robe was tossed to one side, as it wrapped scaly paws around my legs and pulled me up to bury the wide muzzle in my crotch. The creature inhaled deeply, slowly rubbing it's snout over my entire groin. "Man-Scent.." It rumbled. A forked tongue slid out to coat my nuts with saliva. Then moved upward, to tease my cock into shuddering erection. "I am Siffus.." The dragon said between licks. Then he gripped my dick and even though I thought myself drained I still gave him a good snoutful.. "Most tasty.. I wish I had an eternity to lounge my head betwixt your legs.." He sighed. "But it can not be so. Come.." I chuckled.. "I already have.." He grunted, stroking my thigh. Then grinned. "And shall again.. However we both require sustenance. Especially of my master is to feed his servant properly.. Which is about six times a day." I shuddered. "Six? And.. what about the nights..." His snout split into a huge grin. "I don't count the nights as sustenance.." Oh, boy! "Did your old master die.. or just dry up to dust and blow away.." "He died.. During a 12-day orgy." 12. Days. "It would have been longer except Nobody noticed he had died for some time.." Oh, Boy.. Chapter 6 - Conclusion I tossed the stone to the idol. "So, You were victorious." I shrugged.. "No thanks to your Servant.." The dark god chuckled softly. "His indiscretion has been noted. But you 2 were an eyeful, I must admit - Here. A token of affection." Ummmmm...You Don't say 'No' to a god. So I thanked him and got the heck out of there with a black-tomb. One I wasn't too sure I Really wanted to open. Perhaps when I had it in a death-grip so any nasties couldn't jump out at me.. And I got Siffus on a diet. Twice a day he gets to drain me dry. And My horses.. And a few incubi. And whatever he can get his scaly paws on that was male. What an appetite! Even now he tugs at my robe, wanting me to again do my duty.. He says he found a Minotaur wandering around nearby. Sure he did.. But I now have two horny creatures waiting for me. A Twelve-day orgy? Remind me not to accept any invitations.. The End