FILLERUP.TXT - M/F, Semi-NC, Human/Saurian - November 01, 2000 By SwampRat (cl) 2000 Gay Furry Association This one came about from a Nature Series - A man was asked how he kept 5 wives. He said he fed them well. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hunger woke her. She opened her eyes, stretched, rubbed her tummy. It was the same every morning.. Find something to eat, return to her lair and laze until again hunger drove her forth. It never occurred to her to eat more than one meal, or to hoard food. Besides She was Picky about her Dinner. One last yawn and she moved out into the warm sun.. To find something laying on the path. How convenient! Strong forearms stuffed pieces torn from the carcass into the snout, bones and all. When only a stain remained on the ground, the saurian waddled out to pick a few leaves for Roughage and wash her repast down. A few more leaves to chew on during the return trip and she sank on the warm stone, not wanting to do Anything but digest her meal. Her nostrils twitched.. Something was approaching. The breeze brought a scent that ran through her - Anger, Fear, Curiosity.. And as it got stronger, Lust. A male.. Something. It cautiously made it's way to the entrance and she snorted in disgust. One of Them! The chatterers that stood on 2 legs as she did, that jumped and tasted as bad as they stank. Any other time she would have chased it out of her Territory - let some Other saurian deal with it - But she was still lethargic, barely getting out a good Hiss. The male ignored her warning, coming closer.. What did it want? It had nothing in it's foreclaws, And nothing suggested a Danger to her. Even though it was as tall as her, she still had Much better teeth and claws. It reached out and touched her.. She was too startled to react, except to blink her eyes. Was it crazy, or injured? 'Go away and get something Else to eat you..' It moved closer, and her nostrils closed in protest. What in the... She tried to shake her head, to shove the creature away, but this only seemed to excite it more. Something pushed against her mouth, hard and wet. What the.. Oh No! You are Not going to pass water on... Her lips opened - Just a crack - to get some air into her lungs, and pushed her tongue up to block the creature from pressing whatever it was in.. She squeezed her eyes closed at the taste, closing her mouth again. Then blinked. Then opened her snout again, and pushed her tongue out tentatively.. Ugh! If water had touched this ugly thing, it had run away in Fear. But there was an underlying sweetness as well. A taste that made her lick at the tip, wincing as crud dissolved, but licking a little faster once skin touched skin. She closed her lips around the end, licking at it, wanting more... And she got more. The male, as she now knew it to be made all kinds of noises and rubbed his filthy self against her face and neck until it froze. Then it shivered and something splattered into her mouth. Startled, she slapped her tongue against the tip, swallowing.. Then more hungrily as the salty fluid slid down her tongue. Her nostrils opened and she inhaled his musky male-scent deeply.. It no longer smelled so rank. She pushed her head forward, engulfing more of the strange thing, choking as it was pushed into her throat. She pulled back, getting the last of the wonderful stuff as the thing slid out of her lips. The creature seemed as startled as she was, breathing heavily, but not moving away. 'Ok, you had your fun.. Now go and leave me in peace.' The male instead moved around to her back. She felt him rubbing and poking and.. She chirped and jerked when a finger found her 'entrance', her full stomach getting in the way of her turning around and Biting the fresh male. 'Now what are youuuuuuu.. Ooooooo...' Her tail was shoved up and something thick and long opened her up, sliding in. She Squeezed the intruder, trying to move away.. And move towards it. She had never been bred before. When Hungry, mates were meals or strangers to be fought off. When full, none had come around - Until now. A rythem was established, both moving in the Dance as old as Time. She was enjoying this. She was Really enjoying this.. She was - Orgasming! Her claws scratched at the rock floor as She arched, squeezing the worm inside her, tugging on it, wanting to feel.. She crooned low and deep as warm seed splattered in her, rocking her hips against her lover, keeping him inside as long as possible, tail curled around his panting body. They stayed together for a while, mating several times before the stirrings of hunger made her move. First to void the sticky wastes. Then to drink.. And return to the creature. He was still sleeping and she looked him over, then knelt, nuzzling his crotch until he lay on his back, legs apart. She nibbled on the small thing, using her teeth gently, her scaly lips more demanding of the pole that swelled in her short snout. She gripped the eggs buried in the thatch of hair, bobbing her head up and down, feeling the throbbing blood, smelling the desire that came from the creature until it's Hips moved to the rythem of her head. It made a face as nothing like she had ever seen.. Then the salty/sweet liquid again flowed down her tongue, making her gulp and suck harder, wanting all she could get. Her tongue flicked across the sensitive head, making it's owner groan and shiver.. But the well was dry. With one long last slurp, she let the worm slide from her mouth and nuzzled the male Carefully - he Still Stank. Then went back out to find some leaves to eat and more meat to satisfy her belly. Upon returning, she found her Lover gone. She didn't worry about it as she could track him with no problem. So she lay and digested and licked her lips.. It would Take more than One to fill her belly with the Seed she now hungered for. But there was usually more than one of them in the packs she remembered seeing.. Having eaten lightly, she Rose again and moved quietly into the underbrush. * * * * The Tribe suddenly found their warriors disappearing for days on end. This was not unusual except they returned without game and reeking of Lizard. Some did not return at all, prompting the Chief to move the Tribe away from 'The Haunted Place'. But it did not remain empty for long - Lush foodsources and balmy days lured another Tribe to settle.. Until again young men vanished to satisfy the lusts of a growing list of Reptilian females who enjoyed the worship of early herptophiles. The End