GAYDOOM2.TXT (Suggestive - M/M) by SwampRat (c) 1996 Gay Furry Association An idea that has been kicking inside my head - What happens behind the scenes of a game? Is it like a cheap movie, there are really only about 20 of any one person and all those 'dead' ones get up and go someplace else, to be 'killed' again? And with rumors of a movie in the works... A bell broke the morning silence, ringing annoyingly from the bed-stand. 'Get Up! Get Up! Get Up!' It seemed to yell. A brown furred hand reached out and silenced it with a swat. Red eyes opened to blink and a mouth groaned. The brown body Stretched.. Then reached over and rubbed a large furry rear beside him. "Wake up.. Time to go get killed again." A grunt is all he gets in reply. "Come on.. You love to bare those big claws and toss those green fireballs. Besides.." He turns and sits on the bed, waking up a little. "It's supposed to be a new maze today.." A big hand reaches over and grabs his crotch, fondling him. He pats it.. "Now now. You know the rules. Breakfast, shower, work, then play." A minotaur-like head moves up to nip on the back of his neck. "To hell with work." He chuckles.. "Been there, done that - MMMmmmmm." A thick, throbbing pole is pressed into his back. "Just a quick shower." The hand between his legs becomes more insistent.. "Aaaand we can pick up something at the studio." A gutteral growl and a swift movement is followed by a shreak that turns into a groan of pleasure. * * * In the dressing room a couple dozen furred beings sit and chat, sipping from glasses and mugs as spikes, squibs and cod-pieces were places on bodies. Every now and again clawed fingers would pinch or rub a furry and not furry butt - Always with a giggle and a "Stop that.." Someone asked, "Is the Primma Donna here yet?" Gales of laughter followed that question. Turning to twitters as one of the big beings seemed to be having a problem. "Come on John.. How am I supposed to fit you when you keep..." Applause and wolf-whistles broke out as the problem showed itself quite large and stiff. "My My, John.. I don't think That will fit in a rocket tube." All heads turned as the director walks in. He hands out maps, ignoring the growls. "You ladies have 40 minutes, then we start. Try to be in place." He walks out, shaking his head. Finishing touches are put in place, and the crew moves out. As they stand, waiting for the go ahead, their nemesis walks in. A chorus of 'Ooooooo's.' came from all sides as he strikes a pose, armor gleaming, but Still showing a lof of his muscular body off. "Butch.." He just turns, showing off his 'Perfect Portrait'. Then saunters over, getting a cup of juice. "How's the wife?" A big male saunters over, steel-shod hooves clomping on the ground. "Good.. The Kids keep asking me when Uncle Ted and Uncle Mark are going to visit again." The creature removes the launcher from his arm, chuckling. "Next weekend alright?" The man nods. "Perfect.. I will bring the Grill and buns, if you can bring the Meat." They both grin while the others make rude remarks. "Alright.. Places everyone. Extra's - make sure you have your guns and your squibs are in place." Booms from a speaker. The man puts a helmet on and puts his hand out. "Make me look good guys.. And be careful, Ok?" A few of the pyro-stuff had burned more than just fur off some of the demons. They all growl, but everyone puts a clawed hand out in the pile. "Eat my Fireballs!" they chorus and walk off to their places in the maze. The human walks over, gets his 'trusty pistol', fires a round into the ground Just to make sure there are only blanks in it, and walks to the door. The hemlet camera is turned on, sound is checked.."Ok Folks.. We are Live. Ready Arn?" A thumb up. "Ready Monsters?" Various growls from different places as last-minute things are added, holo-cameras for the fire-balls, rockets, and floating creatures positioned. "FX ready?" After getting an affirm, he nods to the guy in the armor. "And.. Action!" The screen comes alive with a status bar and the man takes his first steps into the maze. The End