GARRISON.TXT - M/M, Semi-NC - By SwampRat (cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association This piece is based on a story where a Garrison resides outside of a town - 2 races war for the land, Felines and Canines. The Canines have been removed from the Garrison, and the Felines are in Control. This will change but the Town will remain no matter Who holds the Garrison. However Lives are always changed.. Story 1 - Who knows... Daniel closed his eyes. How he hated the paperwork, hated being apart from his lover, hated the army that now sat encamped in the garrison.. He stroke his crotch gently - He had not taken nor Wanted another lover since his Husky had been imprisoned.. But Sometimes.. Sometimes he Wished with all his heart it had not been so.. Or that he could have fought alongside his Beloved canine.. He sighed, rubbing his nuts, yearning for his Lover in more ways than one. A knock interrupted his revere. "Yes?" he growled, irritated but also Glad for an excuse not to have to look at the mounds of papers on his desk. A lion came in.. Magnificent in body, and wearing very little to hide it. "What do You Want?" the rabbit couldn't help but notice the bulge between the strong legs, the big chest with it's scars and nipples, the sexy lips.. A soft laugh startled him. "I see I am not the only one drowning in paperwork.. Sometimes I think it is better to be a Plain soldier who has few worries in life." He scratched a leg, where a pink scar stood out from the fur. The green eyes looked into his.. "But this is only a semi-social visit.. I came to inform you I have heard of some.. Fraternization between the Village and My Soldiers. While I have not forbid them to enjoy their time here, I have reminded them of their Place. If there are any infractions I would like to be Told.. I will Personally see to any offenders being Punished, and I hope you will do likewise." The lion smiled and bowed. "I will take up no more of your time as I can see you are busy. And I offer my poor chambers should you wish to discuss affairs, in less formal surrounds. Good Day to you, Counsellor." Daniel was gracious and replied in kind, wondering Why the stare and the invitation.. Until he looked down - His erection was plainly outlined in his shorts, as was his aching balls.. To make matters worse there was a stain of wetness at the tip and Anyone with a nose could tell what was on His Mind. Damn and Damn again.. Not that he would Ever go near the feline - he had a Love.. And he would be true.. But there were nights he cried and nights he moaned, and dreams that shocked him involving a rabbit sandwiched between a Husky and a Lion.. Sitting down with a Thump, he laid his head on his arms and cried.. * * * * The big lion stopped a moment.. His round ears twitched as he mulled over the things he had seen, had felt.. If he were any other male - if this was any other time he would kick those doors open and go take that Sexy male in his arms and soothe those hurts, caress him and make love to him and.. He growled deep and low, knowing it was not to be, no matter How much he wished it so. He continued on back to his troops, wishing His nuts didn't ache so, and his Heart wasn't so damn fickle as to alight on a rabbit who had a lover already.. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Story 2 - Townfolk The panther purred as he pulled the delectable bit of fluff to him. Kissed the rabbit, squeezed the hot ass he had been thinking about for what seemed like Ages and growling as it moved against his palm. He growled and squeezed it again. "Not so Loud.. Someone might hear." The panther laughed.. "What do I care - We hold the Garrison, not the Dogs.. Speaking of which.. How many Others have been here while I was out trying to keep myself from being killed, eh?" The rabbit looked up and down the street.. Then yanked the male inside, closing the door and latching it before turning and walking up to the dark-furred male, Hips swaying.. "Jealous, are We? I am not a Harem rabbit, if That is what you worry about. Yes I have entertained a few canines, but I do have to eat you know.." Paws tugged at the feline's pants, pulling them down so the short muzzle could nuzzle the already straining member, getting a moan and a hand caressing the long ears. "Yes I am jealous. I want that muzzle all for myself.. Now get to sucking. I don't have much time before I have to return." Paws gripped the feline balls as a tongue flicked across the curved cock, making it's owner shudder and moan.. Then grip the soft fur as it slipped between warm lips and into a sucking muzzle that had the panther screeching and cumming Long before he wanted to.. His nuts were squeezed, manipulated, make to give up their stored seed to the hungry bunny sucking hard on the cat. The panther's claws dug into the wood behind him, barely able to stand as he was drained of everything including sanity.. Slid down the rough wall onto his butt, gasping and panting.. He grabbed the furry ass and squeezed it again holding the sexy lepine against him. "I Did miss you sexy.." he kisses his lover, trying to get breath enough to speak more.. A finger on his lips and pants pressed to his hands bade him to be quiet.. "Will you be here tonight? Or must I steal off to the Garrison.. I like Your ass Too Lover.." The panther groaned as he felt the Rabbit's dick press against his belly, remembering moaning over the Hot male who screwed him into early morning.. And sometimes Under him as well. He pressed a silver coin into the soft paw that was tweaking his nipples, pulled his pants on and somehow made it out the door without having anything Else mauled.. Damn them Bunnys were Hot! The rabbit licked his paws, loving the taste of Maleness. He washed and stood in his doorway, watching the traffic.. Well, Well - What's this then? A new one. The young lion was trying to look all regal and formal while doing his best to hide the tentpole in his pants.. 'They grown 'em Big where he comes from..' It took all of a moment to decide if eh should charge the Youth for his 'Services'.. He had enough coins - and it was Always fun to break in the New ones. Getting paid to have sex didn't make him a slut - Wanting every cock he saw Did.. He tossed a robe on and went over to the lad, chatting him up, feeling him up in such a way as to make it look completely harmless.. And at the same time inflame the male into forgetting everything but wanting the rabbit. It didn't take much at all to persuade the feline to come look at his wares.. Or was it a rodent problem, or perhaps some vandals and broken something.. He was the Master of seduction and he played the fish until it swallowed the bait hook, line and Pole.. The young lion found himself walking past the door, past the main room and into a nicely furnished bedroom, disrobing and in bed with this Male - The dick in his paw throbbed as the lips burned on his own, then his nipples, then his balls that ached to be played with so.. Then His erection and he forgot everything but the burning need that blew his head off as he came harder than he could ever remember into the muzzle that he touched with awe and wonder even as it made him shudder and roar - Into a pillow, Don't want the neighbors getting upset - and blow both balls out his cock. The rabbit looked at his new lover panting and moaning and twitching every time his still hard cock was touched. He chuckled and rolled the male onto his belly, then mounted the golden-furred cheeks.. There was resistance - Until a paw gripped the feline cock and stroked the head - Then the male arched up, and took him almost to sheath.. He chucked again.. They are So sensitive after cumming. The rabbit leaned over and nuzzled a round ear.. "MMmmmm.. You have such a Hot, tight ass.. I promise I will only cum 5 or 6 times before I suck you off again.. Unless you have more time for me to use.. Damn!" The feline made a noise that was part scream and part snarl, and went limp.. Well almost all of him. The bunny shook his head and continued to enjoy humping the Lion's tight ass. "I keep forgetting they don't have my stamina.. Ah well. I guess I will just have to wake him with a blow-job before I send him back to the garrison with a promise he will return when he gets paid.. I Do have to pay the Rent." A paw reached around to caress and stroke the throbbing dick, tongue licking soft bunny lips, already wanting it back in his mouth. "Mmmmmmm - I bet you will feel real good plowing that big malemeat under my tail as you blow those fat balls into my assssss... Oh Gods!" The lion's rear gripped him almost as if it was afraid he would pull out and start torturing his other side again, and the rabbit came and came and came into the hot, sexy ass while he screeched and hugged the big male, kissing his neck and mane until he could not move.. Wow - What A ride! "Damn Beautiful.. You give as good as you take and I may just Give it to you for Free!" Again the ass clenched down on him so tight he screeched and orgasmed a couple of more times, panting and squeezing the big dick and wondering where the hell this male had Been all his Life... He groaned and slowly pulled out, not wanting to at all.. But he had to leave Something for that Panther tonight.. But that was Tonight.. And This big hunk was still half-hard! Licks and caresses changed that quickly and the rabbit laid on his side, pushing against it until the head found his hole and slid inside. "Oh Yess.. It's just as I thought it would be.. Come on Lover, Wake up.. This rabbit wants you to fuck him silly.." All he got was a Moan and a grunt and his butt being filled with hard lion dick that twitched and scratched, the little barbs digging into his insides erotically.. The bunny had to grip the pillow himself as he wriggled his butt into that golden-furred crotch.. Still nothing but he had both time and patience.. he Would get at least one more good orgasm from the male before either dragging his rump out.. Then he twisted on the pole, getting a half- screech, half moan and continued working the cock in his rear-passage, now able to take a nipple between his teeth.. Or maybe he would keep this one for a while.. Always nice to sleep with a sexy male buried to the hilt inside him. "Would you Like that Sexy? Keep that hard cock in my ass all night? Except for when Mine is in yours of course.." The only reply was a moan and a few spurts of hot pre-cum into the male who panted and worked on the other Nipple.. Mmmmm - Give that panther a good hard fuck, then come back and Really give this one a night to remember... He closed his eyes and SQUEEZED the lion, again having to push the pillow into the wide open mouth to muffle the scream as he Twisted and Squeezed the male again expertly. Oh yeah.. The new ones were the Best! The End..