GRIFF.TXT - M/M, Semi-NC/Oral/Anal - October 02, 2000 By SwampRat (cl) 2000 Gay Furry Association A griffin gets his wish - Yes Katrus, I finally got it done.. The griffin was scrawny, a runt. He could fly.. Just. Anything feistier than a rabbit would overpower him. And he was Sick of it! It wasn't His fault he was the last egg to hatch. The last one to eat or share in his parents affections.. He huddled in the dark, knowing this was his last hope.. A wizard who could perform Miracles.. For a Price. Whatever that price was, the griffin was willing to Pay it - Anything to not be like this any longer! Daylight woke him. As did footsteps. A moment of fear.. then of resignation. Standing, he heard his belly grumble. 'Soon you will be quiet. Either full of meat or laying on the ground as I am gutted.' Actually, neither came to pass a the human who appeared had on a simple robe, but had eyes that shone with an inner light. "You have need.." He said, and the beast nodded. "Are you willing to pay my price?" Another nod.. Whatever it was he would do it or get it. Just to be able to Soar like his kin! "Drink this." He was handed something murky and ugly. Closing his nostrils, the griff tipped the flask and swallowed.. Gak! It tasted worse than it smelled! But he managed it all, and dropped it, panting, trying to keep it down. "I think you need something to wash that down with.." He nodded, hoping for wine but willing to take water.. Instead he got a close-up view of a Human's 'Thing', as the robe rustled to the ground. "What.." He squawked, unable to do much but sit as his fore limb was pulled up to the worm, and made to grasp it. "I told you there would be a fee." Yeah, Gold or someone killed or something like.. The head slid across his tongue and he again gagged.. No. There was NO way he was going to... The soft shaft got harder and warmer in his claws.. It really wasn't That bad.. Anything was better than that Potion! He licked and stroked on the length, feeling the veins stand out, the throbs whenever he found a sensitive place. He was feeling pretty good.. So was the maleness. Tilting his head, he took it in his beaked muzzle, licking at it, biting gently on it, panting as he swallowed the sweet liquid that oozed out. Fingers played with his wings, scratching them, making him moan with delight.. They itched. As did other parts of him.. Then the pole of flesh was throbbing.. Spurting! Damn! It was sticky and salty and He closed his serrated beak on the cock, not quite sucking it, but doing his best to, swallowing all he got, tongue lashing around the spurting tip, harvesting every drop. He could get to liking this... Then it was gone. He clicked his beak, squawking, wanting it back. "Stretch.." He did so.. And felt things moving and tugging and pulling... What was going on? Why was the ground suddenly farther away? Hey! He was Taller! Bigger.. In more ways than one. A sexual shiver ran through him and he licked his beak, wondering if he could get another taste of the male elixir.. Hands grabbed his hips. "Wha... Owwwww!" He screeched, dropping to all fours again. The male had invaded him. Taken him as if he were a Hen! How dare the Human.. But there was nothing he could do about it - He gripped the forest ground too tightly, His head swayed side to side. His body refused to do what he told it to do.. Gods it Hurt! It was going to rip him apart! He couldn't take it.. But gradually, the pain went away.. The feeling of fullness diminished to the point the Griffin was shoving back against the man as hard as he could, wanting that feeling back.. Wanting the pleasure of being mounted, mated.. His own body responded, becoming erect, cock swaying under him, throbbing in time to his heart. "Ohhhhh.. Ohhh Yes! Do it. Fuck me Human!" He was shamed by what came from his beak, what his hips did.. But Nothing was going to stop the rutting griffin once he started. It felt good. Real good.. Then fingers squeezed his balls and he screamed, exploding all over his chest and the rocks and the ground... Barely clinging to sanity, he arched and shoved Hard against the human, squeezing the thick meat - then lost it as his insides were washed with hot sticky, malesap. The last thing he remembered was the pants and groans that echo'd his own before darkness closed his eyes. * * * * He awoke to a soreness.. an all-over ache. Mingled with a feeling of enjoyment.. Well, he Had been a virgin. No longer.. He still remembered the feelings of rutting, of slurping up semen.. And although there Would be females that his claws latched to, his rut would be satisfied on.. There would also be Males. Lots of Males.. he chuckles, thinking of the hunters who came to the uplands searching for them.. Well, some would leave alive, but not intact! He stretched, back creaking, wings unfurling.. And stopped. Opened his eyes to how wide the span was. Stood on wide hindpaws and looked at his muscular frame, strong eagle-forelimbs, muscular feline legs. His tail swished, before rubbing his nuts.. Oooohhhhh. They were Huge! So was his dick, he bet, chuckling. Then he stretched again.. Higher than he ever could. Higher than even his brothers could. He knelt, chest on the ground. "My thanks to you, whoever you were. And yes, the price was worth the results." Then he screeched and Leapt into the air, wings lifting him to the blue sky. There would gathering places, and caves, and fires to sit beside and tell tales around. He grinned wickedly.. More legends to make, to embellish upon. He wondered what other tricks that human - if human he be - had under his feathers... And what the price would be for a Higher place in the Rookery, Loyal servants who might have been scrawny runts themselves.. His tongue slid across his beak. Things to think about - Later. Now he was full of life and the blue sky, and the feeling of being alive! The End ?