PANISLE1.TXT Isle Of Pan #1 - The Minister By SwampRat (c) 1989, 1990 The Brotherhood Of Pan 1991 The Rashathran Society The animal walked stately across the marble courtyard, greeting the other beings he met by placing a paw on their maleness, and gently stroking it. Since all he met greeted him in like manner, he was in a constant state of semi-erection. "Pleasant Day, Minister." A large stallion stopped in front of him, and extended it's arm. He shook his head, as he fondled the stallion's huge cock. No matter how many dicks he felt during the course of a day, he still enjoyed each one, still wondered what each would feel like sliding across his tongue.. Especially big ones like this. A finger gently rubbed the underside of his slick penis, then slid up, and stimulated the sensitive head with a weathered palm. The GreatWolf grunted, making the stallion smile. Pera always did know how to excite him.. But, being Minister of Mating, that's what the animal did best. But the stallion didn't stop just to torture him. "Don't forget Minister, New recruits are being initiated in four stripes." He was referring to the lines in the middle of the square. A gigantic sundial told the time, and doubled for a moon-dial at night. It glowed when passed, so anybody could tell what part of the day it was at any time. The GreatWolf nodded, still feeling amazement every time he was reminded that he was in the domain of a wizard. Pera brought him back to reality, by lifting his testicles with the other hand, bouncing them gently. The animal frowned, disapprovingly. "Sock, You haven't been to the Temple in a while..." The wolf laughed. "And how can you tell that by playing with my balls? Your's must weigh three times as much as mine." The horse snorted, then twirled a digit around the doggish cock.. Slowly, enticingly... The canine moaned, reaching full erection in seconds. "That's not fair!" Pera snorted again, then grinned. "Everything's fair in Matings..." Socrateas growled. "Alright! I'll make an appointment to visit the temple in a week.. Unnngh!" The equine gave another twist to the appendage. "You won't last a week!" Pera grinned. "At least you are ready for the ceremony.. I've gotta run, or I'll be late. " Socrateas grimaced. "Sure, leave me like this..." Even though the GreatWolf was the size of a welsh pony, the horse had to bend down to press his muzzle against the smaller animal. Like himself, the stallion wore only the medallion of office, on a chain around his neck, and a belt with a pouch for necessary items. He grinned ruefully, watching the percheron's tail bounce with each clop, the sight of the animal's gyrating rump did nothing to help his condition. Not long ago, he would have savagely attacked the same creature, caring only to stop the aching hunger inside him. Now he had a different need.. That could wait. His current task was to find The Mas.. No. Siris didn't like being called "Master," or "Lord," or "King," even though every being on the island would gladly die for that one robed figure.. "Pleasant day, Minister." A calloused hand ran across his aching hard-on. As his paw/hand automatically did the same, Socrateas studied one of the humans who inhabited the isle. Instead of slipping off the end, the paw gently rubbed the fleshy knob. The man stopped, hand curling around the thick doggy-cock. The animal felt a chill run up his spine, as the fingers grasped his maleness. At one time they would have met under very different circumstances.. The wolf grunted, as the human continued to stroke him, then smiled, and dropped his head. "Forgive me, Brother. I did not mean to interrupt your journey." The man returned the smile, white teeth gleaming in a well tanned face. He place the other wonderful hand under the wolf's chin and lifted it. "There is nothing to forgive, Brother." Then he gave the wolf's dick a squeeze, making the animal shudder. The man twirled a forefinger around the swollen cock, making it throb, and raising it's owner's blood pressure. The Temple Seal on his pouch, along with his blue belt, meant a priest was playing with him. The three stripes on the belt signifying he was at the third level of his training.. Socrateas rubbed at the silver ring in his ear, his one concession to vanity. "What is a Priest doing out here, instead of scurrying about in the Temple?" "Gathering strays, and reminding Ministers they have three stripes until Initiation..." He grinned wickedly, as Sock hung his head. Chastised twice in one day.. He felt a hand on his wrist. "And you are coming with me..." And as the wolf protested, "No 'buts'. You are delinquent in paying a visit to the Temple, and as a Warden, it is my duty to see you fulfill your commitment..." Socrateas shook his maned head, being pulled along by a human who barely came up to his chest. But he followed the nude man, enjoying the sight of the tan buttocks moving in front of him. The warm steps felt good on his paw-pads, as he had been walking most of the day.. "Pleasant Day, Citizens. How may we help you?" A brown bear stood in front of them, the medallion on his chest showing a smaller version of the being who smiled down from the front of this and the other four temples. A Human with Goat legs, and a prodigious erection. His smile was friendly and warm, his arms open wide to embrace. "I bring one who is in need." No matter how many times he heard those simple words, The Wolf still felt a thrill run up his spine. The bear checked a scroll in front of him. "Public or private?" Sock thought a moment. "Private please..." He felt a small twinge of guilt.. and a lizard appeared in front of them, smiling. "It's all right, Minister. There are times when we need our privacy." As with all the other animals on the Island, the lizard stood on his hind legs. But, unlike others of their kind, these lizards had cocks, and scrotums, with tiny scales that caught the sunlight. All the Technicians who worked in the Temple were telepaths. The animal had felt his guilt, and assuaged him of it. He nodded to the bruin, and showed them to a room, where a marble slab lay. Off to one side, there was a tray with various scented oils, and feathers, gathered from the birds that frequented the island. A soft light came from the ceiling illuminating everything brightly, but not glaringly. A large mirror stood in front of the slab, hinged so it could be angled to reflect the ones in the ceiling and walls or turned so only a warm copper color greeted one's sight. The mirrors in the walls had curtains across them that could be drawn for partial or total obscurement. Even the ceiling mirror could be dulled. The slab was set in four foot sections, each could be lowered or raised for a total area of twenty feet by twenty feet. If this wasn't enough, the slabs disappeared and the entire floor space could be utilized. "Enjoy yourselves..." He left, chuckling. With deft manipulations, the man made the slab fit the GreatWolf's seven foot frame. For one of the few times since he had gotten the Chain Of Command, it was lifted off his shoulders, and placed on a rack, along with his belt. Then the human put his own belt there also. "Now Brother, do you prefer fast or slow strokes..." A finger gently pressed against wolfish lips as the animal started to protest. "You are not a Minister here, so lay back and enjoy being pampered for once." Sock grinned, and did as he was told. The man went over to a wall, and removed a pot of oil. Placing it in the receptacle in the marble, and, after asking, he adjusted the mirrors for best angle. The wolf moaned as talented hands rubbed the warm oil into his chest, paying particularly torturous attention to the hardened nipples. After what seemed like days, those wonderful fingers worked along the heaving sides, pausing only to re-oil the palms, then crossed the stomach fur, working the warm stuff in to the skin. Afterwards, the fur was re-combed, making the canine gasp. He couldn't take much more.. "Spread your legs, please." A wedge-shaped section disappeared into the floor, allowing the human to stand between the furry 'V'. Sock yelped as strong fingers dug into his tense thighs, working out the tensions from first the inner, then outer muscles. The bent knees, and 'dog-legs' were also rubbed and oiled. He groaned, toes curling in pleasure, as hands smoothed the tough foot pads. "On your stomach please, Brother." His maleness hung down, red against the cream of the stone. The man leaned over him, and Sock could feel the human's erection rub across his buttocks as it's owner caressed his shoulders, and back, fanning his already overheated passions to the boiling point. The animal couldn't stand it. Warm hands had no more than pressed themselves into the furry buttocks than the Wolf howled, his body shuddering, cum pouring down the side of the marble. His hot maleness was pressed against the cool stone by strong hands kneading his gyrating buttocks, as Socrateas felt a second orgasm run over him like a runaway boulder. *Unnnh!* The fingers continued to play with his ass, letting the animal slowly wind down. When they no longer were needed, the hands disappeared, and a bucket of water was placed in front of him along with a length of male flesh, scented with oil, hot skin, and pre-cum. He gulped the dipperful gratefully, a hand holding his head up. By Pera's big horse balls, he hadn't come so hard in.. "Two weeks, four days, seven hours." He looked into the mirror, to see one of the Lizards peeking into the room, a wide grin on it's face. "Felt that one three floors up.. Keep that up, and I'll be wanting to massage you next!" The GreatWolf grinned. "Promise?" The lizard laughed in it's dry way, and continued onward. Then his attention returned to the human in front of him. That one had re-oiled his hands and was doing exquisite things to a pair of sensitive ears. Thumbs ran across the outer flesh, while gentle fingers rubbed the bases. His nostrils opened wider to inhale more of the heady aroma coming from a just out of mouth's reach maleness... "Feeling better Minister?" "Mmmmm," Sock growled softly.. His eyes opened a crack. He still had his wolfish cunning.. "Brother, I have an itch in my back, by my shoulder, could you please scratch it?" This was almost too easy.. As the human leaned forward to comply, a wolfish snout opened up, much like a crocodiles, and waited for it's plump prey to just fall in. "Here?" "Farther down..." A little closer.. "Here?" Now! Jaws that could crush a deer's neck clamped four inch fangs down onto the penis. A tongue lashed at the fat cock-head, and the teeth unlatched themselves only long enough to vacuum the rest of the seven inches of maleness through rubbery lips, like a piece of pasta, then pressed themselves into a hairy groin. Paws that had opposable thumb-claws latched onto thick ass-cheeks with a death-grip, as the snout rapidly pistoned back-and-forth, allowing a full half-inch of erection to slide across a raspy tongue. The human doesn't stand a chance, lasting all of half-a-minute, before his testicles contracted, squirting sweet semen into a very hungry maw. The creature gulped it down, sucking with fervor.. All too soon for the canine, the cock gave up the last of it's man-seed. He slid his tongue along the shrinking maleness savoring the taste of the flesh, and hoping for just one last drop the cum. Letting the man go, he grinned and sat-up. "Sorry, Brother, but you did ask for it..." The human smiled back. "That I did." And kissed him. Socrateas pressed his doggish lips against the man's, enjoying the feeling. Then he pulled back, and stood up. Combed himself, with help.. (If those fingers rubbed his ass one more time...) Thanked the priest, kissed him again. Then he donned his articles of office, and walked down the corridor. The same bear stood at the entrance way. "Pleasant Day, Brother." Instead of giving the usual greeting, the wolf got down on his knees, and nuzzled the leather-like scrotum. Sliding his tongue across the oval testicles, and up the length of the red cock, He licked the drop of pre-cum that glistened on the bulbous tip, pressed his lips to it, then stood. "And a Pleasant, Productive Day be unto you, Brother." Only then did he continue on his journey, grinning.. Let Somebody else Suffer for a while.. Sock rubbed the ring in his ear. It had definitely been too long since he had been to the Temple. Well today should take care of that, and then some. Last time they had initiations, he didn't even want to Think about matings for almost two weeks! Thank the Great One they were only held twice a year! One more stripe until the ceremony started. Now, where could he be... Aha! There was the one to who the entire population held allegiance to, standing by a fountain. Where all others went nude, because they enjoyed it (All the better to ogle you lewdly, Brother), he wore a robe. When there were beautiful, multi-story palaces, and temples built out of cool marble, he lived in a hovel. The wolf stood, paws on hips, looking at a god with an ego problem.. He didn't have enough! The buildings and streets, all lit with some spell called 'Electricity', were made for this one. And here he was, a simple animal, to argue for the umpteenth time that He, as Lord and Protector of the Island, should preside over the Initiations... And for the umpteenth time all his arguments will be cast aside, with a kindly 'As Chancellor, and Minister Of Island Affairs, it falls upon your deserving shoulders to.. Etc, Etc.' He moved towards the robed figure. "My Lord..." "Do you argue for the sake of arguing, or being an officer, feel compelled to toss your case yet again at my feet?" The GreatWolf smiled. "Perhaps a little of both." The robe turned. "Even if my answer is always the same?" Socrateas sighed. He was getting tired of this game, frustrated by the whims of a being who could level mountains when angered, changed the body structure and mentality of all who came here (these changes were taken quite willingly by the initiates), and yet didn't believe his own was good enough to be seen! "And why not this time, and don't give me any bullshit about not being worthy..." The wizard laughed.. A ring formed in the air. As a stone creates ripples in a pond, so did the ring spread, creating a visible rift the air, and the entire Brotherhood stopped for a moment, all cares momentarily forgotten. The sun shone a little brighter.. and then it was gone. Everybody continued about their work, a little more cheerfully than before. Socrateas, being near the center of the ripple, was flung to the ground.. "At least watch.." He managed to gasp, being helped up. The hood nodded. "I owe them that much." As they went toward the arena at the end of the island, the Minister continued to greet everyone in the same manner as before. Paw/hand/wing sliding up/down/across semi-erect cocks, with a "Pleasant Day be unto you" for a greeting. No one asked about the being in the robe. They simply took it for granted that he was one of the infrequent guests, or scholars that came here. Only the Ministers and the Temple Guardians knew who the wizard was, and even they weren't sure what he looked like. No scrolls bore his likeness, no walls held his name. If he were to vanish tomorrow, few would notice. As they got closer, Socrateas remembered back, as he always did when he came to the ceremony, when he was known as "BellyRipper," a GreatWolf, leader of a pack, and feared killer. And how a stronger male killed his mate and drove him away. Two years.. Had it really been That long ago? * * *. The GreatWolf's stomach knotted in pain. Four times the sun had blazed it's way across the sky, and not even a careless squirrel. Three cool nights, without finding so much as a drowsy bird. But this evening luck was with him. A human had traveled through here. A lone human. The wolf had eaten humans before and although he didn't care for man-flesh, they would do in a pinch. And right now, he would have attacked a Giant Bear. The camp was in the middle of a small clearing. The animal grumbled as the smell from the pot, cooking over a tiny fire, came on the breeze. 'Vegetables..' He had hoped that the man had at least Some meat in his provisions. One scrawny human would barely last him a day. If the wolf had not been driven by hunger, fatigue, and pain, he might have noticed the aura surrounding the campsite, and felt a certain strangeness. He would have turned tail and run for his hide, as there were many spells that various parts of a wolf could be used in. Instead he noticed nothing, except the man was plump, and seemed at ease. Both were good signs, and the voracious animal crept closer. BellyRipper tested his right fore-leg and found it would barely hold his weight. Useless in an attack.. That meant that he would have to get as close as possible before jumping on the being. He lay just beyond the ring of light, waiting for the man to move away from the fire and get closer to the pile of sticks that he crouched near. He would hit with his ribs, knocking the prey back.. Perhaps his maleness would brush across the human's face.. What?! He mentally tossed the thought out one ear. Then he would find the soft throat and.. Mayhaps it will slide through the thick lips.. This one was a bit harder to get rid of, and left a cloying mental picture of him holding onto the creature's head, thrusting his cock into the warm orifice. What the bloody bones was the matter with him? He was a Male! The human was a male! Even if the human was a female, he wouldn't mate with... This time he was holding the edge of the robe between his teeth, claws digging into the man's thighs, as he soundly buggered the human, ass quivering deliciously under his brutal thrusts. Almost the wolf got up, almost he whimpered his desires.. But the knot in his stomach tightened another notch, and all thoughts of sex vaporized in the glare of hunger. He stood, again the predator, and waited for the human to do something stupid. The man walked toward him, and bent down as if to fetch a twig. At that moment, the GreatWolf roared, as much in pain as anger, and his hoary body forming an arc of death, hurled himself at the bent figure.. Why was it taking so long? He should have hit something by now, even if he missed.. The wolf watched the man stand, toss the particular bit of wood into the fire, and return to the spot under the tree where he had been sitting. The human crossed his legs, and studied the animal suspended in the air. "My, my.. you are a big one." Somehow BellyRipper knew he wasn't referring to the thickly furred body. Claws digging into the air, he tried to go forward, or backward, or just move.. The wizard crooked a finger, and the wolf found to his terror, that he was floating closer to the being. Never having really known fear before, the animal didn't know quite how to cope with it. "Outcast!" he snarled, "Fight me!" "I'd rather fuck you." came the languid reply. Another mental picture fixed itself in his head. The human still sat, but now the wolf's hind legs straddled his hips, tail plumed along his stomach, as the canine bounced merrily away on his lap. BellyRipper howled. "Never will I be used as a female! By my tail, I swear I will kill you, Human!" The man chuckled. "Never swear upon something you can not afford to lose..." The wolf found himself flipped. Then turned. Then straightened, nose pointing skyward. All the time the wizard made noises and comments, a hand languidly toying with the appendage in question. The animal shuddered. Part of him wanted to kill the man for humiliating him so. Part of him wanted to run, even though he had never run from anything in his life. And part wanted the human to continue to caress his tail, and to move across his thighs, to that which was barely contained in it's furred sheath. "Nice.. It's a deal." A wave of his hand sent the huge monster flying off to a spot devoid of grass, where he was put down as gently as a thistle-down. The robed one followed, still chuckling. He stood a few feet off from the beast, and let the cloth puddle at his feet. The GreatWolf looked at the wizard before him. He studied the face, looking for any signs of treachery, then continued down the body. His slanted pupils stopped at the hairless chest. 'Nice Tits..' The gaze moved downward to the well-sized maleness and testicles that hung down. The flesh was devoid of hair.. His mouth began to water. 'That would be tasty..' For a moment he wasn't sure if he shouldn't go for the groin and rip upward, hence his name, or to jump for the throat. Another mental picture came unbidden. In this one, he was nursing on the human's erection, like a famished cub. And no matter how hard he tried, the wolf couldn't dislodge it. The animal wondered what the man's cum tasted like, or for that matter his own.. Then he shifted wrong, and pain shot up his fore-leg, reminding him why he was here. Revenge! Kill, and eat the human. Find more game. Grow strong. Go back. Kill DarkFur! Before any more thoughts could distract him, the wolf snarled, and leaped at the nude man. But he had forgotten his bad leg. His jump was far too high, pain making his back legs push harder than needed. The animal sailed over the human, teeth clicking on thin air. He grunted when his ribcage brushed against the man's forehead. He thrust his hind-paws forward, hoping to either rend flesh or just simply stop falling... Then gravity took over, and the beast found himself on top of a sitting man, hind legs pressed into a nude back, fore-legs wrapping themselves around the bald head, and his thick cock-sheath pressing against soft, moist lips. Hands roamed his emaciated body, fanning the fires of lust. A wet tongue slid across his hairy cock-holder, making the organ inside throb. His sight dimmed. It had been so long since he had mated.. No! He was a GreatWolf! The BellyRipper! Slayer of Me.. The warm living sponge was gently caressing the pointed tip of his cock, which was sliding out in response to feelings held too long in check. He moaned, and lolled his head. His gut gave one last whimper, then the canine gave himself up totally to the lust that lit-up his nervous system. With a roar that would have done a Snow Bear proud, he rammed all nine inches of dog-cock into the cloying warmth, stopping only when teeth nibbled on the twin knobs that held his sheath in folds. Toes splayed out, as the tongue squashed his penis against a bumpy mouth-roof. He tried to pull back, but the teeth bit harder, holding the mouthful in place. The wolf made a noise that is impossible to describe, as the man rolled his fat cock across the roof-ridges, and a hand fondled his swelling balls. Then the organ slithered back, the rough surface shredding what sanity the animal had left. A finger invaded his anus, unhampered. It did, however cause a pair of amber eyes to cross, and a bushy tail to curl up like a nautilid shell. The GreatWolf's head rested disjointedly, gently lapping at the smooth flesh, as powerful leg muscles pumped a now free maleness as deep as both the oral cavity and the length of the penis would allow. Every now-and-then a muffled yelp would come out of the animal's mouth as the finger twirled in his ass, or the other hand juggled his testicles on a rough palm, much like rolling a large pair of marbles around. Except for the warm breath that ruffled his unkept belly fur on the out-stroke, he could swear the man didn't breath, so strong was the suction! And those teeth... nibbling in the bloated tip when he pulled back, then vanishing, leaving only velvety smoothness to slide back into.. Three orgasms, each feeding on the one proceeding it, burned through his neural passages. The animal squalled, his fore-legs locking across each other onto the back of the human's head. Cum spurted like a waterfall out of the tortured doggy-cock, and disappeared into a vortex that threatened to pull his maleness out by the roots. Wolfish balls expanded, then lurched as long fingers milked them for all the semen they could produce. His entire frame shuddered, and he howled until his vocal cords refused to produce any sound at all. BellyRipper was on the border of passing out, but held on as he was stripped of ejaculate by a very skilled mouth. Strong arms slid his hind legs off the man's shoulders and he gasped as the cool air hit his moist cock, shocking him into wakefulness. Wow! He'd never had such a mating.. The finger that was rubbing his prostrate was removed, and the wolf's eyes snapped open full as it was replaced by a much larger muscle.. His anus dilated to accommodate the thick penis, and his jaw flopped open in surprise. The man grinned and rubbed a rounded nose against the animal's black one. Slid his tongue in, and pressed it against the canine palate. Slowly retreating, it spread a thick wad of cum across the roof of BellyRipper's muzzle, then caressed the rubbery black upper lip. The GreatWolf snapped his mouth shut, tasting his own ejaculate for the first time in his life. The rich flavor made his head swim. Hungry for more, he shoved his tongue into the human's mouth, and as he was slowly buggered, the animal got his first lesson in French-Kissing. He looked into the human's eyes.. Got the dual feelings of cock sliding into a tight passage, and anal walls being caressed by a thick cock-knob. The wizard smiled, and as the animal felt the dick throbbing deep inside his guts, he knew that he could never go back to mating with females again.. Then his forth orgasm tossed him into the black pool of unconsciousness... * * *. The canine awoke to the most wonderful smell.. "Hungry?" The man was standing next to a kettle, with a pan in one hand, naked. BellyRipper wasn't sure what he wanted more, the contents of that simmering stewpot, or that length of male-meat, making his mouth water. The man laughed. "How about food first.. Sex is better on a full stomach." The pan floated over to him, and the wolf dug in with both paws. When he had finished, he asked for and received seconds, then lay down, fore-legs extended. That was when he found his right one had been healed. He watched the man pack up the simple camp into a small cart, quietly keeping at least one eye on the worm that swayed hypnotically between strong thighs. The wizard smiled, and lifted a clean robe from out of the well-stacked pile. In one smooth motion that made the wolf's heart beat faster, he lifted his arms, and let the cloth settle down upon his body, covering everything. Grabbing a rune-covered staff, he nodded to the canine who still lay in the shade, and walked off, the cart following behind as if on a chain. BellyRipper was immobile until the human was out of sight. The GreatWolf found himself torn.. He had enjoyed his mate, but never really felt much but desire for her, and in no way near as strong as what he now felt towards the man.. And she had Never used her mouth on him. But Revenge.. Hell, Let DarkFur try to keep those bunch of half-dog puppies in line! He stood testing his leg. Felt just as good as ever. His stomach, while not full, didn't gripe for once. But he still found he was hungry.. He thought about the cock that had held his attention for so long, and his mouth watered.. It suddenly occurred to the animal that the man had passed out his range of hearing, which was much better than even the average wolf's. He let out a roar that shook the branches above him. If that stupid son-of-a-human thought he was going to get away with just one mating, he didn't know BellyRipper! In two huge bounds the animal disappeared into the dense undergrowth... The man in question continued down the road, seemingly unaware that someone was shadowing him. * * * The wizard walked onward, humming a tune. He turned the bend and found a creature blocking the pathway. The GreatWolf stood, mane standing out, giving him the appearance of having a gigantic fur collar on. His fore-paws were spread wide, ready to leap in any direction. "Human," he snarled menacingly, "Bare your maleness to me!" The man laughed. "I have been propositioned in many ways, but none such as that..." The animal took a step forward, lust making him reckless. The Wizard undid a clasp, and pulled the lower half of the green cloth behind him, re-fastening it across his back. The GreatWolf whimpered, walking up to the male, and lapping at the smooth balls. Sucked on them. Rolled them in his mouth. His eyes crossed, as the penis rose up, to lay along his muzzle. He sat. Lifted a paw. Spat out the swollen testicles gently. Then fondled them, while he lapped the fat cock-head. The Wolf opened his mouth, and slid it along his tongue until his nose was pressed into the folds of skin that made up the man's groin. Then he clamped the jaws shut, and nursed on the long penis, draping his fore-paws across the golden thighs. Bobbed his head, screwing his mouth around the maleness. The wizard groaned, caressing the long, pointed ears. Again, the dual senses of both sucking and being sucked upon came to him.. A penis expanded, spurted rich semen deep into a warm mouth. And to this day the animal couldn't tell you who did what to whom... After a time what was left of his senses came back. To find himself laying on top of a cart. "Where are we bound?" The Human chuckled."It speaks.. To The Isle of Pan." He sighed, watching the firm butt wiggle.. It didn't matter where they went. As long as he got to lap on those mounds of flesh.. And so he was brought to an island, where many other creatures taught him how to have sex with a whole pack-full of males. It took all of three weeks to decide he wanted permanent member of the island, and he was initiated in a little more than a month after arriving. And he never regretted his decision. It was only after the Initiation that he found out the man was only a servant, And that there was someone even more powerful on the island. Even as he stood, listening, he once again remembered coming into the temple, and being asked the same things... The lizard stood on a dias, looking into the eyes of each initiate. "Do you wish to become a citizen? Now is the time for doubts." If any showed unwillingness, they would be given a choice, train for another half year, or be returned to the world, the same as when they walked/trotted/ loped/flew in. If they agreed, then they passed into the temple, where they were again asked if they did this willingly. This was to make sure no wish-spell, or geas had been put upon them. If they passed this test, then they were gathered into the Great Hall. Here the awesome power of their founder manifested itself. For when all the Initiates were in inside, each creature gave voice to the pleasure that sang in their blood, as their minds and bodies were crafted by an expert sculptor. Bones were moved, changed, added to as necessary, so the being could stand. Sexual organs were changed, or created for those who didn't have any. Claws became fingers, wings now served as hands, and all were given the knowledge needed to use their new appendages. Size discrepancies were remedied. No being on the island was under five feet tall, and some ran the nine to ten foot level. And all the while, the only thing they felt was ecstasy.. As they emerged from the temple, each found a willing subject to vent all that pent-up need on. The orgy lasted for days, only a skeleton staff made sure things were kept running, and these were spelled by weary partiers, so they too could join in the festivities. And of course, the first person the GreatWolf met after his initiation was The Wizard.. "Good Day, your Lordship," He managed to get out through clenched teeth, his erection screaming, testicles aching. "You are in need..." came the gentle reply. A hand touched his hand\paw, The same mind that had just finished transforming him, making every atom both hum with pleasure, and scream for release, ran across his psyche, like a warm wind.. The animal fell to the pavement in a furred heap, as if he had been deboned. A mouth wrapped around his cock.. Sock whimpered, hips flexing, as the man expertly brought him to climax.. The GreatWolf's eyes tried to have a staring contest with each other and failed, as a megagasm short-circuited most of his higher brain functions. In the Temples, gauges which changed slowly, if at all, bounced off pegs, and Temple-Engineers scrambled to contain the massive energy surge being fed into the system by a hooded man, who was helping a dizzy animal up. That was how everything worked. Sexual energy released anywhere on the Island, was fed into the Temples, where it was stored, transformed, and used to run the Island. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you..." That was his first inkling that something was wrong. "That's all right.." He shook his head, gave the man a kiss, and continued on his way, lust building with each wobbly step, until he finally found quite a few somebodies to vent it on. On the first day of the third week, when the sun was at it's highest, Every citizen on the Island met on the Stone Circle, and held his brother's hand/paw/wing. And when the circle was closed, individuality disappeared. All were brothers, all were one, all bonded by the living powerhouse, who stood amongst them. New names were given to those that wanted them, and a peaceful feeling descended on the island. Then it was gone, just a pleasant memory. But the feeling was etched on their souls, and would warm them until they passed from this life. After the ceremony, the brethren helped his new brother to the house/temple where they lived. Then the next day, as the third stripe glowed in the sun, beings came out and went back to work. From the Council Of Ministers to the newest member, each worked at the task he both liked, and was best able to do.. More than one power-hungry being came through the system, their need channelled to other avenues.. Sometimes these ex-tyrants would silently slip out at night to the shore. There they would demand the tide to come in at their command.. Some raved at the water for the better part of an hour.. When the sea took no notice of them, they would sigh. Then making sure nobody saw their foolish act, grin, and return to the city. * * * Sock moaned, as the House Warden knocked on his door. "Third Stripe, Minister.. Do you need assistance?" The wolf could only groan in response. The warden opened the door, and came into the semi-lavish room that was home to the animal. Except for personal touches, it looked like every other one in the forty-story building. The building itself looked much like it's neighbors, even though all were beautifully crafted, and each showed the builders preferences, their unique personalities. But all the GreatWolf could think about was the throb in his way-too-big head, and the ache in his very-abused balls. He had been to umpteen post-initiation orgies, way too many parties, and countless get-togethers; and each time he vowed not too drink so much, not to screw so long. And each time another flagon found it's way into his hands, somebody else cajoled his cock back into life, whispering lewd things in his ears.. He gratefully pressed the cold towel handed to him on a large wing, to his head, as the other gently stroked his groin. Then the Eagle went back out to the hall for a moment, and returned with a mug of warm herb soup. Socrateas thanked the animal, whose very outline would have made many an animal's heart quicken with terror, and who could stare into the eyes of a six-foot man with ease. And would have laughed in a eerie way if told the former, as the bird had spent most of the night humping an over-sexed rabbit, and later in the day was going to help a Ram sharpen his skills at oral sex. The animal returned the empty cup to the Warden, who was gently lapping on the swollen nut-sack. He stopped, grinned, replaced the chalice after getting another groan at the offer of helping draining the canine's distended balls.. And continued on to the next room. As one of twenty House Wardens, he was in charge of two floors, two hundred rooms. The work was easy enough. You rose early, got everybody else up, attended to the cleaning of the rooms, and hallway. Helped the sick, the horny, and the pained-from-too-much-fun. Then you had the rest of the day to yourself. Sock lifted the cloth, the broth doing wonders to bring him back from the dead. He glanced at the calendar, and groaned inwardly. It was exactly thirteen months ago they had placed the Medallion Of Office around his neck, because he had been foolish enough to volunteer for it. That meant another party.. Bleaugh! A knock came at the marble door. "Yes?" he replied. the slab disappeared into the wall leaving a hole fourteen feet from floor to ceiling, and six feet wide. The scaled being stood for a moment, looking at the mammal, who had stepped into the recessed stall that made up the shower. A wide head moved into the room, followed by eleven feet of body. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, My Lord?" The dragon chuckled. There were a pawful of the beings on the island, most were guests, but a few went through the Initiation, as this one did. Cloudlounger's tongue slid out slowly, and the twin fork-ends waggled at the wolf, then slowly disappeared back into the scaled snout. 'I wish he hadn't done that..' Sock found himself the owner of a raging hardon. "Well Chancellor, it's simple. Your anniversary is today." "I know, but that doesn't warrant a visit from you, Sir..." He tread on a pedal, and warm, scented water gently washed down from the ceiling onto his fur. He reached back to run it through his mane, and found a clawed hand already there. "Please allow me..." The wolf stopped wondering how the lizard had traversed the length of his room in a few seconds, and lost himself in the skilled fingers caressings. "Do they always bring dragons around when a Minister has an anniversary.. Mmmmmm." Strong claws kneaded his shoulders, and chest, paying particular attention to the nipples. A tongue long enough to reach the floor, stroked the back of one ear. "You are forgetful.. Do you not remember what Day it is?" The wolf growled. "It's hard to concentrate when you have a horse-cock pressing against your thigh, begging for attention..." He reached down and grasped the leathery penis, and as always, was amazed at the workmanship. He compared it with his own. Not having a sheath, all nine inches stood erect and waiting. He rubbed the two maleness's together, and heard a hiss come from behind him. Socrateas chuckled. Good! If he had to suffer with terminal horniness, somebody else could also.. But dragon's do not play fair. Long, clawed fingers dug into his buttocks, as a scaled snout attached itself to one of his erect nipples. The forked tongue twined around it, teasing the sensitive bump into still greater hardness. When Sock was sure he couldn't stand any more the mouth moved either over or down, until all six teats were hard enough to bend metal. Then the serpent gently untangled himself from the canine, much to the wolf's disgust, and turned him around. "A Most Abundantly Pleasant Third Anniversary Be Unto You, Citizen Socrateas!" and he kissed the startled wolf, very thoroughly. "What?!?" he managed to sputter out. Cloudlounger's tail lifted a tablet the dragon had brought with him, and placed it in front of the animal. "As of 1/tenth stripe ago, you have been a citizen of the island for three years!" His jaw dropped in surprise, as the wolf smacked his head, and drooped against the back wall. "What's the matter?" "I think Brother Socrateas is just about sexed-out..." A smaller lizard stepped through the doorway. "Impossible.." The GreatWolf just moaned in reply. "Greetings, Felspak." The lizards pressed their snouts together in a kiss, scales iridescent even in the muted light. Then someone stood in the door. Sock knew who it was immediately, and anger suffused him for a moment. He would not even pass through a portal without being invited.. A shrug. "It is my way. Would you prefer me to be an ogre?" The wolf lifted a hand/paw and shook it weakly. "Damn It! Why can I never stay mad at you?" The robed one walked in. "Perhaps because I make sense..." Both lizards bowed. "Nah..." A chuckle from the trio. "He's too horny.." The wolf had to agree with that. "What would you like most?" Sock winced. "Not to have this head." A waive of a robed arm, and his pains were gone. "And to see just what the Hell you look like!" Gasps came from the Lizards. "I am Minister of The Temple Order, and I don't know the Wizard's visage..." The Dragon looked angerily at his friend. "Stupid, as usual.." The smaller reptile hissed. A gentle sigh calmed them. "No, he is right. Perhaps I should not be so secretive..." The GreatWolf snorted. "Damnded Right!" The cowl was lifted, and drawn back... Whatever Socrateas was expecting, he couldn't have been more surprised by what his amber eyes took in.. A plain face, bearded. One blue eye shone with power, the other was covered by a patch of Green cloth. "Won't even heal himself..." Sock muttered. A gentle smile. "I do not need two eyes to see." He walked forward. "Nor two hands to feel, even thought I have them.." Paws slid into palms. The animal was lifted out of the shower. Sock looked the Wizard right in the eye. "Shut-Up, and Kiss Me..." Warm lips pressed against his muzzle.. He jerked the head forward, and gave his master a lip-lock hot enough to curl hair! The second Megagasm of his life ripped through Neurons, creating new passages of Pleasure. The animal went totally limp, sagging into the strong arms. Fingers dug into his furred butt, setting the nerve-ending on fire. Sock babbled, as did both Lizards, swept up in the vortex of Energy, orgasms ripping through them too fast for the body to react. Waves ran across the room, covered the building.. And for once, the Technicians didn't care if the Meters Did Peg.. They were caught up in the joy of being alive. "SonOfABitch..." A grin, and a more gentle kiss above the crossed eyes. "That you are, My dear Wolf." Jaws agape, every living being on the island gasped as one. Then continued on with whatever they were doing.. But the Pedestal shone, as if polished. And the Temple got a dozen new Petitions for entrance.. "I don't think I could last through many more such Anniversaries..." He grinned, and kissed the Wizard once again. Pera gasped from the entrance. "You sneaky Bastard! If I knew you planned to ambush the Entire Island, I would have made sure to be elsewhere.." He grinned, and clasped hands with the human. Pressed muzzles as well. And with the others in the room, ending up with the animal who sat, head still reeling. Then he turned to the man. "I am Pera.. You will have to forgive my language.." A smile. "Forgiven.." The stallion wondered why the robe.. Perhaps the shy type... The wolf, on the other hand was wondering what had happened.. He remembered something about a kiss.. And why was he all wet? "I thank you for a most instructive evening, but you are busy.. And I must return to my studies. A pleasant life.." "Be unto you, Brother." The animals chorused. Sock groaned.. He didn't even Remember taking the human to bed. Shit! When you can't remember your last bed-partner, It's time to retire.. The man left, and Pera took the confused animal out to another party/orgy. Somehow he managed to beg off early, letting his paws wander. "Good Day Counselor, What brings you here?" The robed one stood by a fountain. "Why.." Something hit him between his eyes.. A shower. A face.. The fur around the animal's neck stood erect. He growled.. "Why You..." The same face again stared at him. "Because I am leaving.." The GreatWolf felt his body go limp. The anger drained along with his strength. "You can't!" The Wizard and Lord of the Island smiled, placing a hand on the animal's shoulder. "I am no longer needed.. You are now independent. Those in the Temples are able to do the transformations." Sock stared, jaw agape. The human press a hand against the furred chin. "You look like you have just been propositioned by a dragon.." The canine grinned sheepishly. Then latched paws onto the man. "Then stay for us.. Me.." Eyes went down. The man held him close for a moment. "I can not." A sigh.. The wolf glanced back up. "One last request.." The man took his paw, leading him towards the large cottage. How the hell did he.. Sock smacked his forehead. "Wizards read minds.." The inside was pretty barren. Some interesting artwork.. A being who looked like a fish stared at from a painting, Very much Male. Hmmm... The lights went up as they entered another room. A soft rug covered the floor. Sock watched the man drop his robe. A nice body, but nothing spectacular.. Siris offered him a drink. He declined, kneeling, so he could play with a nipple. The other one was lapped at as well. He nuzzled the wizard's stomach, fondling the smooth butt flesh. Mmmmm... He pressed the penis against his muzzle, and buried his nose in crotch hair. The wolf inhaled deeply.. Much more like it! Hairless cocks were alright.. But he liked fur. Especially musky dick-root fur.. Speaking of which... It was an easy matter to open his mouth and latch onto the erection with his tongue. He chuckled hearing the man groan. Pulled tongue and sausage back in. Sucked gently. All the while nosing around the wonderful patch of hair.. Drinking the heady aroma in. Hands pulled insistently on his shoulders. He growled, biting down on his mouthful. "Ith my bone.. You can't have it.." he lisped. "I want one too.." A tongue slid around the inside of his ear.. Damn! He couldn't resist such an offer.. With one last deep breath he let the worm slip out of his mouth. "Be back soon.." Kissed it. They both chuckled, as Socrateas lay on his side. The tip was once again cradled lovingly between claws. The horny animal lapped on the round balls, then cleaned off the pre-cum dripping down the fat cock-head. He moaned, as his nuts were engulfed in warmth, hands combing his butt-fur. Paws digging into the man's ass, the GreatWolf pressed the tip against his muzzle. Rubbed it, along one side, then the other.. "Hey!" He squawked, his pointed cock-tip being gently scraped by teeth.. Well, two could play... He yelped, as the teeth bit him, rapidly moving down the spongy doggy penis. Sock hadn't even gotten a lap on the man's maleness, when his balls contracted in the grasping fingers.. He howled, jerked, came hard. Semen poured out of the tortured nuts, jetted out of the squashed dick, being pulled out by throat muscles that wrapped themselves around every bump. Pulled in waves.. His second orgasm was no kinder. The animal shuddered, moaned, clung to the human.. Eyes crossed, the wolf lapped at the erection lying next to him. He inhaled the odor of heated maleness, and musk. Slowly pulled himself together. Damn, but he loved fucking Humans! The animal gasped, as his cock was allowed to slide out of the greedy gullet, which had drained his balls most thoroughly. He watched the man get up, move over to a table, return with a cup. Sock lifted himself up, latched onto the cup with a paw, fondling the round testicles with the other. He drained the beverage, and tossing it to one side, attacked the swollen nuts. Claws dug into the tan thighs.. 'If he wore a robe all the time, then how did he..' "I don't always wear a robe." S-H-I-T! He stopped lapping on the soaked balls, and looked up. "I enjoy the baths too.. But I Use them." Sock growled, turning red. He had sat on the marble steps many a time, ogling the nude, wet, bodies.. He nibbled on the thick cock. Then turning, he dropped his paws to the floor, and looked over his shoulder. "I want it 'Doggy-style'!" The Wizard groaned, then knelt behind the horny canine. He had barely pressed the tip against the crinkled anus, than the Wolf shoved back, engulfing the cock to the roots. "Nice.." When the horny animal was sure he had it all, the furry hips rotated. Moved back-and-forth.. All the man had to do was hang on for the ride. The male 'Yeep'ed over him, as Sock brought him to orgasm. 'Well, at least he cums like a normal human..' The animal rocked back and forth, grunting as his nipples were tweaked. His tail curled around one leg. It was still hard.. Good! The Wolf moaned as fingers wrapped around his dick. He grabbed both sets of nuts and mashed them together. His ear got bit in retaliation. "Kiss me.." Ok. He shoved his snout up, pressing it against the man. Stars exploded.. His entire body turned to fire. Another megagasm overloaded his neural passages.. Socrateas lay in a sodden heap. His ass was awash with semen. From belly to mane he was soaked in his own cum.. The man moved, sending another wave of pleasure through the animal. "You need a bath.." Hah! He was lifted and taken to a shower. At least it felt like one. "I'm gonna.." The man simply held his shoulders as the Wolf did what all creatures do after getting an enema. His red-faced muzzle was held against a strong chest. "No harm done." He licked the skin, nibbling on the tits. A chuckle as he grunted, moving under the hands. A finger found his anus, slipped inside. The animal grunted.. Reciprocated. "We're cleaning You off, not me." He chuckled, fondling both pairs of swelling nuts. Finally, with a lot of grabbing, nibbling, and moans, the GreatWolf was clean. As he luxuriated on his back while a comb undid snarls, he looked at his lover. "At least let me keep my memories.." A gentle kiss on his forehead.. Sock looked disgusted and grabbed the man's head, giving him a proper lip-lock. "They were never taken.. Just lost." The wolf sighed. Muttered he was getting too old to be bedding wizards. That task done, and much too soon for the Wolf (He wanted just a few more minutes of those hands stroking him), the animal allowed himself to be guided out of the hut, while his mentor packed the few belongings there into a cart. The shack vanished, no longer needed. And, hand in paw, they walked across the dias. "Where will you go?" A grin. "Wherever I am needed.. I don't intend to stay away forever. Besides, somebody needs to recruit more horny GreatWolves.." Sock growled. He followed the robe-clad being to the bridge that served as a roadway to the outside world. One last muzzle-press, claws digging into the smooth butt-flesh. Then he sighed, watching as the man walked onto the roadway and out of his life.. But only for now. Another human walked the opposite way.. A slap on his shoulder. "I don't believe it.. You let one go?" Sock sighed. Shrugged his shoulders. Pera noticed a little gray around his friends muzzle.. Both smiled, watching the young man walk across the bridge, being followed by.. DarkFur?! "A present.." With a ripple of laughter, the Wizard was gone. That Sneaky Bastard! Socrateas decided then, and there, he was going to find that Human. And Repay him.. But, right now, he had to welcome a new initiate to the island. "Pleasant day be unto you Counselors.." The wolf looked just as satyr-struck as he must have. He grinned, watched the animal's furry butt move. Soon, he would have to have a 'talk' with DarkFur.. The wolf chuckled, and slapped the stallion's ass. "Come Counselor, We have an Island to run.." The End