RAIN.TXT - Outline - November 07, 2002 By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association Would you like the outline I made up? It's pretty simple - On this world it only rains on the mountains on the 3 main continents.. there are islands between them, but they don't get anything but what is brought in or trapped.. The water itself isn't the sex-getter.. it's a chemical in the upper atmosphere. It mixes with the rain and falls on the mountains, to be absorbed by the soil as it runs down until by the time it gets to the City's Cisterns and the Lower Forest it is just water again. The most concentration are in the High Mountain Areas, Where sex is often more important than food, or sleep.. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tumer is a powerful aphrodesiac.. It falls with the rains that sweep the High-Country, where it trickles through soil, and sand until by the time the water reaches the cisterns of the city there is no trace. However it is stored in plants and animals that eat those plants are subject to Rut - The severity of which depends on how far up they live. From the Rolling Plains to the Lower Hills there is little worry - Only the creatures who occasionally wander down from the upper reaches are a bother.. And while rape is certainly not pleasant, they only take what they need and move on.. Whereas the Western Scourge Loots, Plunders, Murders.. Then rape what's left. The Midland Forests Are the most populated. Matings are usually in Cycles, offspring are but once a year, and then only among certain species - Not even Tumer can make a wolf give lambs. End of Text