RAIN2.TXT - M/? - Semi-NC - April 16, 2002 A Midlands Tale By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association The lowlanders are quick to call us names and scoff at our lives, but not about to risk Their perfumed asses to gather The Water, Nor to 'tame' the Guard-plants which keep their houses safe. No, they leave such work to us and then expect Gratitude.. And there are hazards to working and living where we do - The raids of sex-crazed creatures from the Upper Lands. The destruction of males who spend days on end training the Wild ones so we can sit and drink our ale and tisk in sympathy to those who are hooked on the Plants. Who can never leave the corrals, lest their charges go insane. But of course we don't talk about the bad things, Only the good ones. How much Gold is in our purses, how the weather is holding, how the fish are biting. But for this moment, give a thought to those who disappear into the Woods, those whose bodies we find ravished and abused, who make life that much easier for the rest of us. Alright, Alright.. I will stop talking about dread and tell you some tales of the life beyond the raised pickets of the fortress... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The wolf prowled through the forest, restless. He had food and drink aplenty, but what propelled him was not the need for nourishment.. unless it came spurting from a cock - He closed his eyes as the tip of his over-large maleness poked out, rapidly swelling at the thought of hot cum, hot ass, hot tongue. He shook his head again, trying desperately to find the track he had started out on. On 2 legs he gripped a tree with one hand and his erection with the other, smelling desire on every living thing around him. The scents and sounds enticed him, but he didn't want a Plant.. He wanted another mammal, another warm-blooded being to rape as he wanted to be raped. A cock to suck on and take under his tail.. A male to growl over and thrust into. Whine under, moan with.. The explosion only fueled his need, semen splattering on the ground where grass writhed, sucking the sustenance in. He groaned and rubbed his hip against the trunk that rubbed back - Branches stroked his butt, seeking entrance while others bent to caress his balls, leaves holding the fat, hairy scrotum. He was tempted.. But he patted the tree and continued down after the elusive but tantalizing scent. * * * * Jona shook his head, thinking his employer was too greedy. Oh sure it was fine to Talk about gathering the Hiland waters, to pluck fruit that gave itself eagerly to the hand or plants that would uproot after being stroked. But that was from a chair in the Cities, not up here, naked and finding even the grass a Little too friendly. Of course he didn't Have to take the bounty money.. Or eat, or feel the caresses of the beings in the Pleasure houses. Besides - It was kind of erotic to have Everything looking at him like he was a Stud. He inhaled the air deeply, feeling better than he had in years. 'Clean air - With a little Tumer mixed in..' He picked up his pack with it's vials and sacks and - reluctantly - got off the green carpet that was caressing him intimately. Every drop of pre-cum was eagerly sucked-up by the grass and he Almost pulled some up to take with him.. But it wouldn't last the trip. He needed saplings, fruit, water - Things that would make the long trip back to the City. And this was just the Upper Midlands. There was still miles of Mountain-range to search, before he could return. Sighing, he walked on up the pathway hoping to find a good place to rest before nightfall.. Having a tree caress you is one thing, being both the main event And the main course at a wolf-orgy was Not. Speaking of which.. A howl broke the stillness, so full of desire and need it made his nuts ache. Damn - that was Too close. The young man moved more quickly, or as least as quickly as the trees allowed. Even as they thinned they grew more and more 'friendly'.. Groping, Grasping, Fondling every part of him the branches could reach until he burst into a clearing, butt stinging from a woody swat. "Sorry.." he gasped.. wishing he was back behind stout walls, hearing his master's voice droning on about some boring thing or another.. Never again would he snicker at those whose lovers were wooden.. A frond caressed his balls, reached up for his swaying cock.. and he jumped away, heading out quickly for ground more rocky and less grabby. 'Damn. Even the Ferns want my dick..'He sipped sparingly at his water flask - It was the closest to untainted he would find for miles, and even It had traces of the drug.. Not enough to be bothered about. It was chilly in the Upper Reaches, And the lad shivered, but was glad for it.. It would keep him alert - And Alive. Finding a patch of ground that had somehow been passed up by the fauna, he lay down and fitfully dozed, ready to grab his pack and run if need be. He woke to the most tortured sounds one could imagine.. Howls and snarls and moans... he jerked up to see what the commotion was.. And saw a Wolf. A Big Wolf. A Big Male Wolf. It seemed if the trees couldn't have him it would take the next best thing.. The poor animal was being raped in every way possible.. And seemed to be loving every moment! The furred hips thrust, the tongue lapped, the tail waved in a half-moon over the dark back. And those feral eyes were on Him.. They were beckoning, demanding he come join the sex-show.. Jona Decided he had enough rest and Moved somewhat quickly off, trying his best not to hear the howls, the liquid smacks or gulps... The sounds of plant and animal mating.. he found some seeds and grabbed them by the handful, as well as some soil that seemed to glisten in the wan light, he stuffed all he could into his sacks.. Deciding it was enough, he hurried back down the hillside, through the trees that grabbed and groped and fondled.. And Smacked his rear when he showed no signs of slowing. It was dangerous to run in the Forest at night.. But He was Much more worried about his ass than his neck. What he had gathered was worth at least a Year off his contract.. Especially when he found fruit appearing in his hands as he ran past the trees... He knew they were laughing at him as he stumbled and fought off the fauna's advances. Let them jeer all they liked - When the suns rose again, he was going to be on the Other side of a stockade wall! The wolf snarled at his bad fortune - He really Wanted that human.. But there would be others - There always were... And he could wait to fill his muzzle with their sweet flesh - Of one kind or another. As to the lad.. He tried to do in one night what took 2 days of hard walking. He Did make it to the Lower Forest, where the plants were less demanding.. But still as desirous. As he found out when exhaustion took him as he lay rubbing an ankle he had done a good job of bruising up. At least the tree wasn't inclined to grab at him.. In fact it seemed almost 'normal'. And the air was warmer.. So he put his pack to one side and relaxed against the trunk, not noticing it was conforming to his body.. Gripping his butt and rubbing his back in a most gentle way, the tired youth fell fast asleep, not noticing the tendrils that slid into him, gathering his dung, and also massaging his prostate in such a way he was hard and dripping in moments. A long branch stroked him as smaller creatures gathered around, touching the warm skin, licking the sweat off it. Beetles and lizards took no notice of each other as they cleaned his body, snakes likewise licking and caressing the still form.. That is still until the balls that were being mauled in a reptilian snout gave up their treasure in long spurts of semen.. And the grass got very little of the offering! Whatever hit skin was lapped up, sucked up and gathered up.. A second shower was received as welcomely, as was a third.. A forth seemed to be sparse.. and a fifth barely got a trickle of fluid. But it didn't matter as the troop simple cleaned the human of everything - sweat, loose skin, fleas.. All were taken with enjoyment. Then the lad was allowed to rest and sleep, Twitching occasionally because of the root still taking nourishment from his rear. And when he woke he felt strangely tired.. and Clean. But everything was there.. With a few more things added - the creatures of the Forest were curious about the City, and intended to hitch a ride. Hiking up his pack, Jona set out for Civilization.. Such as it was... The End