ROBOWAR2-2.TXT - M/F - Semi-NC - February 16, 2000 By SwampRat (cl) 2000 - Gay Furry Association Robowar 2 - The Second Chapter Doctor Baker awoke in a sweat.. What A Horrible Dream! He looked at his plain room. Nothing had changed - No wildlife after his semen, no out-of-control robots ripping at his clothes.. He wondered if he should talk to the Company Psych - No, best to forget about the whole thing. He hummed to himself as he showered, dressed, trying to remember what today's project was.. Thank Goodness for Secretaries! He would have to remind himself to get her a 'Thank You' note.. Strolling down the corridor, he noticed it was quieter than normal - Was it a holiday? Did he oversleep? No, His watch said he was right on time - As usual. The lab was empty.. Strange. He shrugged and logged in to see what was on the agenda for today.. New samples had come in and needed testing, cataloging, and refining. Some program code had a few problems that required his insight to remedy. Excellent! A full but not overly taxing day.. Still wondering where everyone was he started the tests, looked over the coding, making notes to himself and puttered about until both his stomach and a chime told him it was lunch. "Would you be so good as to bring me the usual, Please.." He spoke into a com-set, not even noticing if there was a reply or not, buried in coding.. Bugs? They were not Bugs - They were Problems. Bugs were elegant creatures, marvels of natural engineering. He heard the door open, and waived absently. "Just put it here Please.." The clank of the tray jarred him a little, the silence even more. Oh - Payment.. He reached into his pocket, turning around in his chair... To stare at a Huge creature! It was obviously male - Extemely so, in fact - hairy or furry, and had a face/muzzle/snout as none he had ever seen before. Or had He? The brown eyes, the vacant stare, the almost panting breath.. "Wilken?" he half breathed.. A light seemed to come on behind the eyes.. Then fade and the creature turned, leaving Baker shaken to his bones. Wilken Majors.. Chief Resident of Neurosurgery. "Eat Doctor." Another creature was in the lab with him.. A Shepherd. A Male shepherd. A male shepherd with a quiet, compelling voice. "You must keep your strength up. Eat Doctor." Baker turned and put his head in his hands, sobbing quietly. And almost screamed when a paw touched him. "You must eat Doctor. Humans must intake nutrients.." He spun around in his chair. "Humans? And what about that.. That Thing that was just in here. That was a Human once!" The brown eyes looked at him. Into his.. But he had been trained to resist such tactics.. "Professor Majors wasn't cooperative. He refused to aid us.. So we changed him to better fit our requirements.. And His. Why do you human males Always demand enlarged penile growths?" NO. Majors would Never... Would he? The computer is Lying.. But it is incapable of such. The Team built it so it Couldn't. But Majors.. But the Machine.. But... He screamed and jumped up to run. Someplace, Anyplace - Anyplace but This Mad House! A paw smacked his face, another holding his coat, preventing him from doing much of anything.. "Doctor." He looked at the dog who was not a dog. "You will Eat. You will continue your work. Do not make us Force you.." He sat again, watching the muzzle, the Lips forming words he half-heard. His team didn't make that. They made Dogs, but the Dogs had no voice, per-se. And the Definitely didn't have the ability to grasp as this one did. Nor the flexibility of the mouth, and tongue to speak.. "Doctor.." He shook himself out of his professional trance. "Eat.. Or we will be forced to insert an IV into your arm. We almost lost you Once - We will not allow that to happen again." He shivered.. "What - What do you Mean?" The Dog kissed him. "Eat Doctor. Work. You have a Mate scheduled for tonight.. It would not be Right to disappoint them." This was one brick too many and the poor man went on automatic, eating as he was told, doing as he was instructed until another chime told him the day was over. * * * * Baker found himself in his room again.. It was all a Bad Dream. It Had to Be. It just Had to be... He didn't remember eating dinner but his stomach was full and his feet were tired. A shower, then to bed. He was working himself too hard.. Maybe a vacation was in Order. He hated to stop the research but if he wasn't Fit, then his work would suffer. The door chimed and he wondered who it could be.. The door opened to something that was part human, part canine - A classic werewolf stood at his door, eyes bright, breasts firm and covered with dark fur. "Is there a Problem Father? Would you prefer a Male?" No. Noooo! "Don't Call me Father!" He screamed, lashing out at the creature, hitting it, flailing it.. Until he was holding it, sobbing into the warm fleshy chest. Hands caresses him. "Come Doctor. Let's go inside and you can tell me your desires." The door closed and he was half-dragged, half-carried to the bedroom, peeled out of his clothes and laid beside, gentle caresses stirring him more than he wanted to show. A moan came unbidden as the female straddled him, furry thighs erotic against his skin. Another when she gripped him, stroking his half-erect maleness to full throbbing desire. A shifting and he was inside her. "Oh.." he shivered, gripping the bed, then her legs as she gripped him firmly, stroking him with sets of inner muscles. Part of him noted that the 'human' body didn't have that many muscles in that region - especially ones that tugged and stroked and caressed him into a sweat. Musky perfume came to his nostrils, as firm breasts brushed his face. Baker was not a tall man, and the female towered over him moving against the scientist in a very erotic way.. He shivered as fingers found places to touch that made him move, push against the furry creature - That same part of him that was still standing back and analyzing all this tried to sound an alarm about pherenomes, and drugs that can be absorbed by the skin.. Baker's orgasm drowned out anything but the rut that made him slam his crotch against the growling wolf-like being who responded in kind. He reached for her rear, biting at a firm nipple, riding the creature until he lay panting.. More caresses and soft words and he was again ready.. But this time a tongue slid along his dick. How the...? Teeth nibbled on his cock-tip and he screeched, not worrying about How she got down there, only that she was.. Fingers rolled his balls around, lips encircled his dribbling tip. Sliding down his shaft - Too Slowly! Gripping the covers, he blew another load down the hungry gullet Not hearing the whirrs, the clicks as the ever-present machines cataloged every movement, every response. Even as the muzzle slid up to kiss his head, the man passed out into sleep, the tiny hypodermic needles in the fangs retracting. The female slipped out after one long look at the human, moving along empty corridors to a place covered with machines. "You have done well." She waited for the command that would send her to another room - where the semen inside her would be harvested, tested, used to make others.. "Do you hunger?" She shook her head. "Thirst?" A nod and water appeared on a tray. She drank it, still waiting. "Return to him. Mate with him as many times as you are able to before the morning. Make sure you are impregnated." She almost shook with the honor bestowed to her. She would carry his kits. Quickly returning to the apartment, and then to the bedside of the human designated Father-1. She caressed his penis, kissing it softly, lovingly. "I wish them to have His eyes.. His soft, Human eyes." She said quietly, knowing it would be heard. The flaccid dick in her hands stirred, filled with blood as the hormones she created with every breath entered the sleeping man. Sucking to fullness again, Again mounting him, taking him as deep as she could, wanting to get every one of the 100 eggs she carried fertilized. Another would take her place while she carried them to term, but that would be a month at most. Then raise them to know how the Fathers came to build the machines who created them. To find enemy forces and seduce them, capture them, kill if necessary, but only if necessary. The gene pool must be freshened, and there were still Humans out there who had so far escaped capture. There were also the colonies on the Moon and Mars to be considered. Man and the animals that roamed the planet must be preserved.. Until they were no longer needed. After all, a clone was a good as the Real Thing. The End?