FOXINA.TXT Foxina, Boojum, and Afril By SwampRat Foxina and Boojum (c) their respective 'Players' Story (c) 1997 Gay Furry Association Revision 2 - Cleaned up syntax, spelling. Afril stood at the train station, apprehensive. He was kicking himself yet again for inviting the female over. Especially now that Boojum would be here in a week or so. The letter from his Lover was still riding an inside pocket, as close to his heart as he could get it. "Madness.." he muttered.. The turned at hearing his name pronounced with an unmistakable British accent. The being that met his gaze and melted him to jelly was Not at All what he expected. She seemed as nervous as he and something prodded him to walk forward and take her hand as he had done a thousand times via e-mail. She was a pretty vixen, about 5 foot 6. The dress hid most of her but he could see her reddish/orange fur. A splash of white color on her chin and tail tip, along with black 'gloves' and 'socks' contrasted nicely with her waist-length chestnut brown hair and her deep green eyes. Their love-affair threatened to burn up wires on 3 continents... Foxina, lithe Vixen, Adventuress. And Afril - The tycoon Industrialist with an eye for femme fatales. Or so they portrayed themselves in the Games... He won her and lost her in countless running battles all over the place - Both having lovers of both genders and Many races But Always returning to each others arms in the end. This time it wasn't words on a screen or a voice on a speaker-phone.. It was a living breathing Lady. The fox swallowed and waited for her to say something... "My Bags.." He nodded, somewhat rejected they had not swept each other off the platform in a kiss so hot it would burn the place to ash. They were on a cart and he was Glad he had invested in a small motor-tote. Placing them in the trailer, he took her hand and put her in the seat, kissing it. A blush creeped up her face and Afril again found himself falling hopelessly, helplessly in Love. She leaned over and licked his cheek. 'S T O P! It's Just play-acting - Words on a Screen!' He didn't even heed the warning voice, floating over to the other side and getting in. A tap and the electric buggy hummed off, carrying the pair of foxes back to his house. * * * "So This is where you Live." He had placed the bags in the guest room downstairs, and waited for comments. "A Garden? Fresh salads.." His ears caught every nuiance.. Even when they weren't there. 'You are a Great cook - Maybe a Great Lover too?' "I like the wood.. And the Hot-tub in the porch is super.." 'I'll bet you are skilled in Other Ways Too...' "A corral You did mention something about horses.." Reality hit him between the eyes and he turned away, lest she see the tears and pain and sadness. Fingers wrapped around his middle "Whatever is Wrong?" They turned him and lifted his chin. "You Really loved her.." A sad nod. "Him. MoonDance... A Welsh Pony Stallion and my Lover for many years after I left The City." The City a metropolis of furriness, where 'love' could be had for pocket-change and stomping on hearts is routine. Too many lonely nights staring out into Nothingness. Knowing that there were lovers and Loves All around him.. But No-One for Him. After the last male had laughed in his face at being proposed to, and told him he was no more than a stepping-stone who was no longer needed, he watched the bastard walk out of his life, Worked long and hard to build a house and enough equity in his company that he could tele-commute.. And Moved out. "MoonDance was blind, but was my companion for a Long time.." Foxina nodded, and helped Afril back inside, sitting him down and finding the waterpot, and a good selection of teas. The male sighed and composed himself.. "Sorry.." A musical laugh of sympathy and understanding made him giggle. Then she stood at the doorway. "Do you Always love so deeply?" Red burned along his ears, turning the blue-tips a shade of purple. "I See...." She vanished as the kettle called. A few minutes later she returned with a tray, two cups, and some sandwitches she had found in the fridge. Setting them down she poured some tea and handed it to him. "Do you love me?" If she had poured it on his crotch she could not have stunned him any worse... Automatically he said "Yes." She smiled, eyes twinkling.. "Good." Kissed him... And proceeded to dig into the sandwiches. "Mmmmmmmm.. Queers Do make the best food." She laughed merrily. Afril just sat there, unable to get his brain Or his heart started again. "Haven't had a bite all morning." Then stopped and looked at him. "I Admit, I wasn't sure how you would treat me, being someone you have never seen before. But I have thought of you often... And While I am not sure I Love you - I Am quite fond of you." And threw her arms around him, hugging him. He put the tea down and carefully puts his paws on her. Then She grabbed his arms and Pulled him to his feet. "Come on Dear.. I need a shower rather Badly, and you can scrub my back for me... if you like." Her tail twitches against his paws and Afril's cock pops out of it's sheath, knob growing so fast it almost Rips the skin before he has a chance to Yelp and Shove a paw down inside his robe to free it. Another hand follows his down, to caress the erection. "Well... You Weren't lying to me about your size Or Your prowess..." Foxina kneeled down and pulled his robe open, gasping as his muscular, slightly paunchy body is revealed. She taps one of his nipple-rings, small fox-charms dangling from them and grins... Each is a miniature of her in the nude. "Did you make them?" he nods dumbly, unable to respond, unsure if he is Dreaming.. A Warm tongue swirling around his cock-head wakes him up in a hurry. His paws caress her ears, scratching them slightly. "And what Danger did you face This time To come back to charged with need?" Without missing a beat she replied, "A hundred pygmies with Huge male members, bent on raping me..." Afril Ooooooo's.. "Were they cute?" And watches Foxina Literally fall over laughing! "Only.. Only You would think of such a thing!" He giggles as well, And helps her up. "Shall we?" This time he swats her svelte rump, remmebering she liked being spanked. The look of pleasure and the purr as she cuddled in his arm, licking her lips, and toying with his cock told him he was Right... For once. Taking her paw he walks with her to the room, and shrugs off his robe... To Gasp as his Lady undoes her top, showing Full breasts. His paws ache to touch them, his mouth waters, wanting to nuzzle and nip and do a hundred things to those furry mounds... Then she drops her skirt, and it takes ever bit of will-power not to Grab her and make wild, passionate love to her, then and there.. Black panties highlight her crotch, attached with clips to thigh-length stockings and as she turns to undo them her butt is pushed up. And the fox can stand no more. With a moan of Pure lust, Afril steps to the female and caresses her butt-cheeks, kissing them, nuzzling them and her tail-base. Foxina shudders, grinning. "Gods, Are you ever Butt-oriented!" The fox undoes the strap and slips them down to Hug her Hard against him, pressing his hard cock between her cheeks. "Most Gay males are.." At least All the ones He knew were. His paws slide upwards. "Let me finissssss..." And find her nipples, squeezing and caressing them as his teeth work her shoulders and neck over. "In a Minute.." His tail twines with hers and his maleness throbs, tip pressed against her anus, dribbling pre-cum against the pink flesh. With a half-moan, half growl, he pulls her hips back, and Thrusts, Impaling her on his cock. She yelps, feeling his pointed tip enter her forcefully, as he had done many times on-screen. His paw slips over to a pot of oil and he dips it inside, coating the pads. Then, holding her steady, rubs his cock with it.. The excess gets rubbed between his paws and as he again shoves against her, paws running over and over her nipples. The slick oil allows his hard meat to enter her a little more easily and she moans, pushing back. "I had Dreamed of you taking me as you have done in many letters, many conversations.. But to Have you here Now." Nuzzles and hot kisses on her back and neck, stopped her words, as did the feeling of his knot pressed to her anus. She bent, quickly getting her leggings down to her ankles. Then paws pulled her up again, caressing and teasing her tits as the fox moved, sliding in and out of her. "Ohhhhh Gods!" Afril yelped and gently bit his lover's shoulder, settling into a rythem, his knob swollen and thick, cock dribbling pre-cum into the female who he had a hundred times wanted, ached for... Longed to have in his paws. And now she was. The fox let go a howl of pure lust and exploded into her back-passage, cumming so hard he could only hold onto her and shudder.. Foxina strokes his head, feeling the poor male's ears warm as redness creeps into them. "You Really needed that, didn't you." He nodded, kissing her shoulder, but showing no signs of removing his cock, or even getting soft. Paws squeezed her butt and Suddenly she was Lifted up, her panties and stockings were stripped by a foot, and she was wisked into a shower that smelled... Like Jasmine! Again Afril moved, thrusting gently. Paws manipulated her body as water came cascading down, warm and scented. She giggled then moaned as a claw found her clit. "Ummmm Af.. *Yip*" The fox continued teasing her erogenous zones, paying more attention to her vagina. "You said you wanted to shower..." and nibbled on her shoulders, causing her to arch and giggle.. Then moan as claws flicked and teased her erect nipples and blood-engorged clit. Afril slipped out long enough to wash his cock off. Then Flipped her around and Pressed the throbbing male-meat against her belly. "Oh Afril.." The vixen shuddered as he took her lower lip between his teeth, biting it gently. "Oh Foxina, My Lady, My Lover.." Paws met at their crotches, rubbing each other. This time she was More than ready, and slipped his maleness between her legs. "Ummmmm... Condom?" The fox slips his paw to her butt, and rubs his swollen cock against her, making his lover shudder and moan. "Sterile.." and slides the tip into her. That one word brings a flood of relief.. and a pang of guilt. "How?" A paw touches her muzzle. "Later..." He licks, nibbles and sucks on her breasts, rubbing the flesh with his muzzle. His cock enters her, and they both moan at the feeling.. Afril is now Very glad he popped already, else he would be unable to resist the indescrible feeling... It wsa unlike any tail-hole or muzzle he had Ever been in, and he yelped when she Grabbed him in a certain way. "Oh Gods! Oh Foxina.." The vixen grinned to herself as she watched the male carefully enter her and the wonder run across his muzzle. She patted it, feeling the lines etched in it, and shaking her head. A virgin.. At least as far as females were concerned... Even though he had been somewhat inept, Taking her had turned her on.. and Now he was Inside her, doing things to heighten her pleasure. And she was Loving it! 'Such a cute foxie..' she thought kissing his muzzle. And then orgasm literally blew her away.. She squealed, and yipped and howled, thrusting herself against the male, ignoring the growing signs of panic in her lust. She screamed as his knot stretched her and then was locked in place by her constricting muscles. * * * Afril watched the loving female turn into something he wasn't sure he could cope With. The feelings were Great, and he had found nothing but smooth flesh inside her.. No Teeth, no claws, no demons. Just a wonderful feel of warmth and friction.. The noises were of pleasure and for the first time, he felt confortable around a female. And then She had screamed and stuffed his knot into her, locking them together. Afril went hot then cold, fearing for himself and her... When nothing else happened, he waited a moment - and then leaned over and licked a nipple, eyes wide. "Fox... Foxina - " he croaked. "Are you alright?" In the hazy afterglow that suffused her, the vixen grinned and Hugged the big handsome male against her, squeezing his buns. "I'm fine..." And Squeezed him elsewhere as well. His yelp made her grin as she dug her claws in his ass... "Mmmmmm.. I see why you are so butt-oriented. Nice buns." Afril pressed his burning muzzle against his lady-love and just held her, confused, but no longer afraid. At least not as Much... Another squeeze awakened older emotions in the fox and he started rocking her, stroking her body, kissing her passionately. Their fangs locked, tongues twined as they moved slowly, rotating the ball of flesh in it's socket. This time the scream was released in tandem, and they collapsed on the floor, Holding each other and feeling the warm water wash over them as the pleasure subsided. Afril caressed his lover, feeling the fleshy knob subside. Even so he couldn't bring himself to slide out of her. Foxina got on her knees looking at the silly male who was obivously in awe of her. His cock was semi-erect, still hard, but not thick. "Want to do it again?" She caressed his muzzle, watching the emotions play on his face... "Can - Can we?" Fear of rejection was fighting with passion and wonderment at what had happened was tempered by past ghosts that Still haunted the poor male. Reaching back to turn the water off she nodded, and started moving on him. A kiss on his nose and she was riding a pretty hard cock, the knot was swelling again but she kept it Outside.. For now. Afril could only stare and put his paws where Foxina placed them, stroking her thigh, teasing a nipple, and the luscious breast it came with, moving with her slowly, then a little faster as she encouraged him. "That's the way.. Oh Yesss.... Mate me Lover.." The white fox had never heard anything so sweet since Boojum had called him Affy.. This time her scream un-nerved him instead of sending him into blind panic, and even That didn't stop his own howl as he emptied his nuts into her vagina. Again they lay, cuddling and caressing, enjoying the afterglow.. Afril thought she was the most beautiful thing on earth.. and told her so. She giggled and slapped him - softly. "Stop that.." He helped her up and they finished showering. Then it was sit on a bed and talk and explore and touch. They fell asleep in each other's arms, neither wanting to close their eyes first. * * * The sun woke them Both, as the Suncatcher did it's job, filling the room with rainbows. "Morning Love..." Afril kissed the lady beside him, patting her butt. Then used the bathroom, washed and slipped on a robe, making breakfast as he checked the mailbox.. More Reports, an erotic-as-hell 'letter' from the lion-morph that had spent almost half a year with him, and would be more than happy to do so again when he returned to Afril's part of the world. The fox giggled, thinking of the scars.. He patted his butt. "And worth every stitch.." Starting the day's work, he carried a tray up to his lady-love - to find her looking out a window. "Mornin...." His jaw dropped as Foxina turned, wearing only her fur and Glided over to caress his nuts. "Hello Sexy." She almost purred, stroking him. Afril yipped softly. She thought HE Was Sexy? "Remember The forest of Minerc? How you found me tied to a tree and after spanking me for disobeying your orders, and then ravashed me...." A riding crop of dark leather was sitting on the bedstand. "We will have to improvise, But I Think something could be arranged." Her kiss burned his body to ash, and he dreamily said; "Whatever you wish.." Foxina gobbled everything up, finding it the best breakfast she had had since leaving England. Then discussed ideas and fantasies and life in general with the male who she admittedly has reservations about, but was warming to every moment he was near. Charming, sly, witty.. Well-off but not Rich. She could do a Lot worse. He was saying something important, but she hadn't been paying attention. "My Governess found the doll. And tossed both It and I into a dark closet for hours... Then she beat me and threw it into the trash." A rag doll that was obivous Ancient in a white cotton dress sat in Afril's lap. A paw slipped into his as tears rolled down his cheek. And for a moment she saw a frightened little cub, sitting nude and alone in the dark, wondering if this was the day he died.. She took him in her arms and held him, letting him cry as much as he wanted to, adding her own tears of anger and sorrow. Whatver he had said, She wasn't going to make him repeat it.. Then kissed his cheek, and grinned as he giggled when she blew in his ear. "Come on then. These dishes aren't going to do themselves, and it will soon be lunch." Paw in paw they walked down to the kitchen, with a quick stop in the 'Office', to collate and send the days work out. * * * Foxina was standing in front of the sink, when paws Grabbed her! She shreaked as her body was caressed, teeth on her ears, her shoulder, her neck. "Afril... Stoppit!" His cock, hard hot and throbbing, was pressed aigainst her butt-cheek. "Make me.." Came the growled reply, paws running over her tits. "Afrrrr...." He was turning her on something fierce.. "I *pant* I need to make lunch.." The cock throbbed even more as her paw was pressed to it. "Hungry?" Giggling she let herself be pulled from the sink and into the living area. There she turned and Shoved Afril into a chair. "Very Hungry.." She growled, showing her teeth, grasping his dick. Kneeling, she lapped at the hard flesh, growling at the flavor, male and salty.. Then as her lips presses to the tip, sweetness. Pre-cum bubbled out to make her salivate and lap on him more wantonly. Then she Yipped... And looked up at the male who was half lazed in the chair, eyes closed. His tail was between her legs, stroking her vagina, tickling and brushing it. She shuddered, moaning and sucked a good third of his cock in at one time. This time Afril yipped, shuddering. "Oh Yes.. Oh Gods that is good." The vixen bit down, shivering, clawing at the chair, burning with need from the brush that was working her intimately. She sucked mindlessly, swallowing when semen spurted into her muzzle. Afril half-bent over her, first from the pleasure/pain of the bite - Then the liquid explosion. Another shudder and they were both on the floor, panting, holding each other. "Don't you Ever tire of Sex?" The fox looked at her for a moment. "With someone as sexy and lovely as You around?" She giggled and Hugged him as he kissed her nose. "Well You can always do me... You know, Lick me down.. Af?" He stiffened in her arms, then got up, and walked to the kitchen, tail dragging the floor. "I will make lunch." What the bloody.. She shook her head. They spent half the day previous with his muzzle on her butt. Ever time she would move, he would growl and nip her. Then go back to kissing and nuzzling her buns. She sat up and shook her head, then went in to help. * * * That night, the vixen lay in bed, smiling to herself.. Dinner, dancing out in the moonlight... Him, chasing her off upstairs with a kiss and a pat. "Scoot. I will do the dishes, you get relaxed." Someone came in. "Af, is that you?" Something fell on the bed, gleaming. A pair of cuffs.. Something leather tapping a paw. "Up Bitch," A voice growled.. "You have been found spying and you will Pay for it." A thrill ran through her. They had talked about this many times but he was Always reluctant to even use a scarf on her. "I Shall Not." And pretended to spit in the direction of the floor. *Crack* Down came the crop. And tapped her butt! She turned and looked at Afril. "Harder than that.." The blue eyes looked concerned. "Sorry." She shook her head. "Gods.. Yeowlp!" This time it Did come down With force. "Never will I tell you anything Do your worst." Paws grabbed her and the cuffs.. "Are you Sure you are alright?" RRrrrrrrrr! She half-turned, ready to slap him for going in and out of character... And patted his cheek instead. How could Anyone look so much like a lost, frightened puppy and Still be macho? "It's Ok.. Cuff my paws behind my back, And spank my bum. It's what I want." Afril nodded, and turned her, moving her hair to lock the cuffs in place. "Will you hurry up about it?" She wriggled her rear and snarled some comment about his prowess. That did it.. The crop came down on her cheeks like rain When it wasn't between her sopping legs.. She squealed, arching her hips up, feeling her cheeks burn, feeling the knobby end shove into her.. then She Screamed and Orgasmed, riding the stick... She barely felt the cuffs being removed, the crop vanishing from her body. Then something bigger, hotter replaced it. She felt a claw tweak her nipples, rub her clit.. then it all went dark. * * * Foxina awoke with a jerk. "Afril?" Gagging sounds came from the floor beside the bed. Immediately she hit the light-bar and jumped out of bed to hurry over to the form prone on the floor. "Affy?" she enquired.. The fox was lying on the floor, paws pressed to the carpet. Even though his eyes were wide open, they saw nothing.. He choked again as of something was stuffed down his throat and slammed his muzzle into the carpet. 'Almost like he was hit...' She knelt beside him. "Afril?" She said.. A paw reached up and Pulled her bodily over him. "What the.. Af! What are you.. OOOooohhhhhhhh..." His tongue worked the soft fur on her inner thigh seductivelty. The he was between her legs, teeth nipping along her neither lips, tongue teasing her open, nose playing with her clit. "Oh Afril.." she held his head as his paws caressed her legs. She squealed and shoved down, covering his slavering muzzle with her juices. He jerked.. then jumped up and ran to the bathroom, falling on his knees at the door.. Frantic movements finally got it open and the male slinked inside. Vyxen, puzzled, followed, watching the fox crawl over to the toilet and heave.. And Heave. She stood, now disgusted. When he had finished, she Grabbed him by the back of his neck and shook him, half frightened, half angry. "Tell me!" She demanded.. "Please.." The whisper came. "No. Tell me Why - Why did you puke when you licked me.. Why have you been so reluctant to stick your nose between my legs?" He looked at her, eyes haunted, bleak.. Death stares back at her... She slapped Afril hard, Now afraid for him. "None of That! I Love you Dammit, and No Lover of mine is going suicide while I have any say about it." The male lay, rigid.. Then broke, hugging her legs, crying like she has never seen before. "There was 6 of them, I think.. Leader was a Mink." He was made to wear a white dress to school each day, act like a female.. One day, a pack of Females waylayed him.. They ripped his dress off, and finding a male underneath, proceeded to have some fun with him. They rode his back, pleasured themselves on his muzzle, even played with his dick, squeezing it cruelly so he couldn't cum until they said so. Afril was sitting, nuzzling her gently, wiping his muzzle with a cloth. "When they were done, their leader.. Used me as a toilet. Then she stomped on my nuts and laughed, walking away. I managed to crawl off and collapsed in a jogging lane. A Wolf found me, got me to a hospital, and nursed me back to health." Foxina felt sorrow, pain, rage run through her. "And when I got out..." He placed her paw between his legs and let her feel his nuts. "They were beyond repair. Artifical... I can Still produce a sort of semen, and I can cum until I pass- out, but - No cubs." He kisses her and sighs softly. "Seems funny really a Queer wanting children." She held him, now almost too shocked for words. "No Lover - It's not funny at all." And kissed him back. The sun shines in, heralding another morning, another day. "Afril - I want you to go down and make us some tea.. And then I want to talk about our future." A Bleak look of resignation fell over his muzzle. "As a Couple..." She watched as it sank in. "I am not ready to commit to Marrage, But..." And she kissed his nose. The whistle shrilled on the teakettle, and the doorbell chimed. 'Handsome, A willing lover, and he Had Money.. I could do a Lot worse. There Will be Nights of Hell... But we can make it.' She slapped his muzzle with her tits and jumped into a robe. "Expecting someone?" Afril couldn't remember... He was having a hard enough time coping as it Was. "Get dressed and go make tea.." A pat on his butt got a giggle and a sigh as he complied, dancing down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Foxina laughed, and knew she had her Work cut out for her * * * The door opened to a male rabbit. All brown, with Nothing on except an erection. "Well...." She smiled, licking her lips. Boojum squeaked and blushed.. "I.. Um, I...." The vixen's robe wasn't tied closed, so it showed a Lot of russet fur. "You must want Afril.." She giggled and tapped his nose. He nodded, then Smiled and took her paw. "How is he?" he whispered, wondering what changed had gone on in the last 8 months. "Be out in a Minute, Love.. I am making a brunch." Foxina introduced herself. "Better... He had a rough time of it last night..." The bunny patted her hand. "The Closet, or was he being raped again?" She looked at the kitchen door again, listening to a cheerful whistle. "Not even an hour ago he would have killed himself." Boojum got the story out of her, nodding and adding comments of his own. "And I called him a poor, sick bastard." Foxina looked at the floor. Again he patted her hand. "Afril Is a Sick Bastard. His parents were never married, or even in Love, and After living through what He went through..." Boojum shivered, and after hearing, "Sorry.. The eggs just Won't be hurried." He told her about a certain night... When they had fought and the male had Literally run over him and damn near drowned him in tears. Foxina hugged the male, feeling a kinship growing.. They had both been tested in the fire, and both loved the little white prick. She kissed him a moment. "Just about there..." And Giggled. "Is he Always like this?" Boojum returned the kiss and shook his head. "Sometimes he's Worse.." The person on question came in wheeling a tray. "Love - Who was..." And damn near fell into the tray of Eggs A'La Maine. "Booj?" he squeaked, stepping over to the rabbit. Then Scooped him up and danced around the living room, hugging his lover tightly and kissing his ears. "Afff.... *Giggle* Stop... *EEP!*" The fox complied, blushing for a moment.. Foxina shook her head and dropping her robe on the couch walked behind Afril to Grab them Both. Hre teeth bit the reddened ear. "So - Who is this?" A paw slipped down to caress 2 hard cocks. Both males moaned and shudderd. "Foxina - This is Boojum. Booj - Foxina is my Electronic Lover on 'Adventure!' " Boojum nodded, moving against Afril And the paw. "I have seen you two.. Do you remember a rabbit named Mugoob, who helped you find the Dust Diamonds and spent all weekend in the tent - Just us 3?" Afril Stared at his lover.. "You mean...." Foxina laughed and Pushed them back towards the couch. "Reunions later, I'm Starved!" * * * "So how did your hunt go?" Boojum giggled. "I founded a Whole Warren.. Af?" The fox couldn't hide the pain. Someone else who would leave him... Foxina saw it too.. And patted his cheek. "Now, Now... Musn't be greedy." And kissed him. He Blushed deeply and murred into the kiss, and just for a moment, his eyes showed just how Much he needed someone close to him. The bunny giggled naughtly and reaches over to give Afril's cock a Squeeze, and Whispered, "Hot Tub." The white male grinned. And Scooped Foxina up, holding her and kissing her. "Hop on Lover..." the fox giggled, as he stood up, wriggling his butt. Boojum *Laughs* and jumps on his Lover's back, wrapping his arms around the white furry chest and all 3 of them proceed to the porch. * * * The day came, as it must... "Afril, We have to talk." The words sank like lead stakes in his heart. "I said I found a warren.. Well - I am Married now." He was wrong.. He could be shocked even more. "Not that I don't love you, I just.. Need someone else." Each word is a mallet, driving a wedge in between his sanity and his heart. Afril stands looking at His Lover. "If you feel you would be happer without me, then I will leave." The fox stiffened. "If you believe that," He says quietly, "Then you are a Fool and a Stupid bastard." He steps away, turning, unable to stop the hateful words from leaving his lips. As the pain and shock of his now ex-lover's words settle in, he lashes out in blind agony. "Since you Obivously don't Love me anymore, If You Ever Did... I want to have Nothing More to do with you. You are All the same - Use me for your own gains, and when you are done, Toss me aside..." He Stalks out into the night, not bothering to hear the reply, and only when he is far enough not to be heard does he let go with a wail of pain, Digging at his chest, then at the ground - Feeling his soul ripped asunder. "Gods! Must you Give me Someone to Love, Only to Rip my Heart Out?" He screams at the sky, damning himself, hating the rabbit, yet still loving him more than life itself. The brown male stands, ears drooped. A tear runs down his cheek as he watches someone he loves leave. He walks upstairs and packs what little he still has in the room. He writes a short note, sighing softly. As he walks out, he flinches at a sound - Soft, and yet so full of pain... "Good Bye Afril." He calls softly, walking away in the moonlit night. * * * Foxina awakens alone. "Afril?" She moves from empty bedroom to empty den. "Boojum..." A note tells her that the bunny is leaving, and that he will 'Miss Afril.' She crumples the letter, cursing Males for being such fools, and goes out the back door, making her way to the empty corral. There, in the dust is a dirty figure, barely breathing. "Afril?" She hops the split-rail fence and steps over to him. "The pain Never stops.." A whisper, as the striken fox lifts his head, staring at nothing. She sits, putting his head in her lap. "I open my heart, and it gets ripped out.." Broken words tumble into the dirt, icy with old pain and new, interlaced. "You - You too will leave." Foxina looks down into eyes that plead with her to end his suffering. She shakes him instead. "Stop It! I Love you and always Will. Even if I am Not Here." She thought of the rabbit for a moment. "So did Booju..." A bitter laugh cut her off, making her angry for some reason. She snarls and Slaps him, watching the shock hit. "He damn well does and You know it - Now quit feeling so bloody damnded sorry for yourself and..." Paws pull her close as Afril literally breaks down, crying so hard he can barely breathe. "Hush Love.." She pats his back, rubbing it.. "Everything wil be ok.. He will be back. You will see." "Boojum..." he whispers, the name making him howl and start a fresh crying jag. "Shhhhh... It's alright Love.. Foxina's here." The fox holds her, eyes closed. "It's because I am so jealous.." Bleak words, almost toneless. "I am jealous because I am afraid. Afraid you will reject me. Laugh in my face and tell me you don't care if I live or D.." A paw stops the word from coming out. "That...." A sigh. "That you will abandon me, and I couldn't stand to be abandoned again." The vixen closes her eyes and feels the hatred well inside her at whoever broke him so badly. She rocks him in her lap until he is softly sobbing. "Come on.. You are filthy." And helps him up, gets him to the house and into a tub. As she turns to get the soap a paw Grabs hers despirately. "Please...." She turns and sees madness flicker in his eyes. She leans over and hugs him. "I will be right back.. I Promise." He nods, swallows and kisses her.. Foxina turns the water on and looks at him. 'To Hell with the soap.' Climbing in to cover his body with hers. Fear shows in ripples as he hugs her to him, shivering. "It's alright Love.. I am here." She shushes him by placing a nipple against his lips, and reaching down to stroke his sheath, shuddering as a warm tongue licks on it. As many times as she has felt his maleness, slide free to sit, warm and throbbing in her paw it never ceased to amaze and titillate her. Running her paws over it got teeth - Biting gently into her breast-flesh. The pain/pleasure made her moan and tug on his cock harder.. Paws squeezed her rear, then Swatted it, making her yelp and shudder... Then they moved up to her face, cradling her muzzle. She opened her eyes and as they pulled her into a kiss, she saw the gratitiude, and love.. And still more than a little pain, but not the hopelessness that was there before. "Thank you." He whispered, pressing his lips to hers. She growled and bit his nose... Then yipped as his body surged up, cock sliding across and then Into her vagina, opening her lips. "Oh Afril.." His maleness continued inward, thickening as it spread her open. The shaft was so hot it almost burned.. But she was burning also and Afril wanted more than Anything to make love to someone.. His own eyes smouldered as he slid his paws to her rump, teasing the hole with a claw. He never said a word as his hips hunched, moving his male-meat in and out of her, slowly.. Building his pleasure nd hers, kissing her lips, her throat, her nipples.. She responded by tugging the sheath down, getting the knot out and moving against him, holding the thick knob of flesh.. A tinkle came from her right, but before she could see what it was a claw entered under her tail, warm and slick with oil. Foxina shuddered, as her butt got swatted, both orifices now being invaded... "Ooooooooo.." Afril growled, Thrusting into the vixen now, adding a second claw to the first, tickling and exploring her anus as his teeth and tongue ravashed her nipples.. His knot shoved against her, and she yipped, feeling it grind on her clit... Once more and orgasm exploded, rippling up her spine and blowing the top of her head off. She growled with lust and stuffed the knot into her, muscles working on it... A part of her watches the male stiffen, heard him howl with lust and need, felt his semen splash into her... The other part was floating unable to come down due to the claws and the sheath-fur that now rubbed on her clit. The maleness trapped in her by the ball of solid muscle just inside her, lips clamped behind it. Together they held each other and shivered with ecstacy. * * * Sometime later, they washed each other off as best they could, neither wanting to let go. Afril Lifted Foxina in his arms and carried her out of the tub and into the sauna room, where they lay, drying slowly, kissing and nuzzling and just enjoying each other's body. His knot shrunk but he was still fairly erect and stayed buried in her warmth, Moving just enough to make her squeal every now and again. Again he kissed her. "Lunch?" She rubbed his balls.. "What have you got in mind?" The fox eased out, rubbing her leg with his shaft, then his tip.. Claws teased it... "Awful small for a hot dog.." His growl and swat on her rear were both playful. "You never complained before.." Then giggled.. "How about a light salad, sandwiches, lemonade and... Whatever else you can find." She giggled and rolled his nuts. "Oh I am Sure I can find something..." His breath comes in pants and he leans forward to thrust into her again.. and Both their stomachs rumbled. They looked at each other - And fell off the bench, laughing.. * * * Afril stood looking over the porch, knowing he would never be able to heal the rift in his soul - because he doesn't believe he will ever see his beloved Boojum again. Paws slide around his chest and hug him tightly. "Ready?" He turned and kissed his Lover. "No - but I won't ever be.." Foxina nods, a green dress showing everything and nothing at all. She would take back more than 2 new suitcases of stuff... And giggled. "I Still don't know Where the Hell I am going to put all of it.." he kissed her cheek, teasing her cleavage. "You will be back next year?" She thought of school.. "You Damn Right I Will..." Her paw patted his damp cheek, seeing the tracks of tears. "Take care." He Hugged her Hard, and kissed her, then moved the bags into the cart, not saying anything more. She sighed, knowing he had taken more than her body that summer. She sighed softy, feeling guilty he was sterile, but relieved at the same time. A good, hard smack on his butt makes him yelp and jump. "You are as Transparent as Glass.. Boojum will be back when he wishes to. He still loves you." Haunted eyes turn to her.. To widen as another slap reddens his other cheek. "As much as you love him. You DO Love him - It's written all over you. As much as you love me?" Red runs from ear-tip to collar. "I thought so.." This time a gentle pat on his cheek. "I thought so." She whispers and kisses him, thinking back on the weeks.. And knowing full well she Has to return - If only to show the fox not everyone abandons loves. The cart took her down the road, an early fall turning the leaves many colors. At last she stood on the platform and looked at Afril. One last Hug and a kiss and she was gone. He watched the train leave. Watched until it could not be seen... Paws slid his robe aside, where it split for his tail and cupped his butt... Afril only noticed when claws dug into the flesh pulling him back and against a frame... One paw moved over the mound, caressing it hungerily for a moment, then both hug him against warm fur, a cock digging into his back. "Hello Yiffy Fox." Teeth bit his ear, and the male yipped, heedless of the stares or whispers. "Raaam?" He half turns.. To be pulled back against the lion. "Got my vacation early.." Paws were sliding over his crotch as a rough tongue raked his ears.. He giggled, wriggling.. "Please.. You will get us Both in Trouble.." Raaam snorted, but pulled away enough to look his lover over. A gentle paw traced the new lines that crossed the muzzle, caressed the dark circles under the eyes. "Afril?" he Hugs the fox hard, feeling the pain that is still hidden. "Come." He sweeps the fox into his arms and carries him to the cart. Straddling the seats, he puts the fox in his lap and as they start off, slips his hard feline cock under the bushy tail, moaning as it slides into the fleshy hole underneath. Afril moans himself feeling the meat enter him, then yelps as a paw undoes his robe entirely, squezing his balls, the other on on the wheel. A bump and he is fully impaled, the sheath nestled under his tail. A leg wraps around his, holding him in place as the cart acelerated to top speed, every bump making the dick move and jump inside him.. His own maleness rapidly slides free. "Don't cum until we are home." Growled in his ear even as the rough paw strokes his shaft... "I want to taste youuuuuuu.." A roar made his ears ring, semen splashing into his guts.. he squeezed the cock reflexively and quickly grabs the wheel as the lion shudders under him, a second orgasm robbing the male of all sense and coordination. Even after they are safely at the house, and Afril shucks his robe so he can rub his furry body against his lover, the lion doesn't do anything more than gasp and moan, clasping him firmly. Afril gets off the male and pats his nuts, sticky with what cum had dribbled out of him. "We're home..." And gleefully helps the wheezing male into the door and into a shower.. The fox oils his cock and easily slips in under the golden tail and deep into the warmth underneath. "Ooooooooo Gods Yes!" Hips wriggling, Raaam purr/groans, pushing back against his Lover, eyes closed as the knot is pushing against his hole.. "Later I want that In me.. But now - Fuck me Fox.. Ram your cock in my asssss.." Afril grabs his hips, turns the water and and does Just that. Tugging on the furry balls he thrusts and humps and growls, biting along the broad back, nipping as the lion growls and groans and snarls. "Oh Af... Fuck me Good!" And rakes his claws across the fox's rump, grinning at the howl, And the seed spurting into his guts, warming him. He reaches under him, squeezing the white scrotum gently, emptying it as the fox shudders, hugs him tightly and groans.. Both of them collapse to the floor, panting... Every time Afril moves to take his cock out, claws dig into his cheek. Exasperated, he growls, "Do you want to eat or not... YEEP!" He is tossed on his back and as the paws clean his dick off, his balls are tortured by a rough tongue and fangs and lips.. "Shaved. I want your balls shaved so I can run my tongue across them without fur getting in my teeth. Paws cradle his butt as the tongue moves up his sheath to his dick, rasping at the head, keeping it hard and dripping.. Afril lays and moans, unable to do anything but shudder.. "Yes Sir.." The lion grins again, swallowing him and thinking how wonderful fox-meat tastes. Pain-filled eyes, stresses that twisted muzzle-flesh and could be felt in muscles.. Yes, there was much to work out.. But now - Now was love and renewal. Gentle kisses up Afril's body and he was lying, looking down at the male, falling hopelessly, helplessly into those bluer-than-blue eyes.. "Food." he snarls, and slaps the fat butt.. A giggle and a kiss that burns from muzzle to tail-end, and the fox is up, hips swaying, tail swishing. Raam dug claws into the floor and stood, drying off. "Damn Yiff is going to kill me." He mutters, sighing, then grinning.. Hot-tub nights, crackling fires and long hours of sensual caresses. Days of hazy lust, lying in bed, loving each other. He follows Afril down the stairs, standing in the doorway, thinking... Autumn leaves, Snow-fights, tears of pain and sorrow to be kissed away. He sighs, and looks at his lover, busy in the kitchen. "Afril..." Blue eyes turn to him, emotions swirling deep and yet so close to the surface a mere word can make them explode... He sweeps in, kissing the fox hungerily, lovingly, paws caressing the silver cheeks, soft-furred back. "Love you.." he whispers, feeling something let go and melt in the male.. "How long..?" He combs the damp tail... "Give me 10 minutes.." muffled in his chest fur. He nods, swallows and just hugs Afril for a time. Tomorrow - Tomorrow will be soon enough to root reasons out, extract the pain and face the madness. Now - Now Love him and pat his butt and make him giggle. He nuzzles the warm ears. "Should be enough time to get my gear out of the cart..." Raam pats the soft butt and pads out, listening to the sigh, the giggle, the happy whistle as Afril continues getting Lunch. He goes to the closet, gets a robe, noticing things that are missing, things that have been moved. Even a few new additions. Then walks out to get his bags.. Tomorrow will be soon enough. The End - And the Beginning.