SMOOTHA.TXT (M/M, Rough-Sex) Smoothie, Revision 1 Just another wet-dream - by SwampRat (c) 1996 Gay Furry Association I really have to stop reading things that make me wonder 'What if...' Not a Lot of sex in this one. * * * * The 'Bi-Sected Angle' was fairly empty. There were other Bars to be in, and the fact both Males And Females freely mingled, kept the 'Crowd' away. John didn't mind. Being a bruin, one sometimes learned patience the hard way. And Weekdays, especially Snowy Weekdays were slow anyway. He scratched his stubby tail, then washed his hands. Second-generation Gengineered stock.. Supposed to look less human. Hah! What a crock.. A squeak made him look up - 'Gotta get that hinge fixed' and a coated something came in. *Tap* *Click* *Thump* It walked to the coat-rack, aided by a stout cane. The thick coat was shaken and removed, revealing an undercoat, sensible pants, and shoulder-length silver/white hair. It turned... A gasp, followed by a whispered mutter that ran around the room.. Gold-rim glasses sat on a generous nose. Deep blue eyes, full sensuous lips, surrounded by that same silverish hair in a mustache and full flowing beard. *Tap* *Click* *Thump* John came to his senses and wandered over to where the man was sitting himself. "What'll it be?" 'Ouch - How cliche' "Something to warm old bones on a cold evening.." The bear nodded, turning so he could shift his pants around, suddenly getting very tight in the crotch. Irish coffee, with a good dollop of Baley's. He put in down with an extra napkin.. A wallet that folded along the side appeared, and a 20 was placed on the bar. "Keep the change." John deliberately over-reached and allowed his fingers to stroke the human's.. The only response was a wink and a long sip. "Now That's good Irish Coffee." John grinned, and pointed to a sign - "Coffee Bar, Spirits and Fresh Java." He and went back to his glasses and stocking. A few beers later, he returned to the lone human. "What brings you out on a night like this?" No packages, so he wasn't one of the shoppers who 'find' the place occasionally. Stay long enough to get a mail-order form, and run out. As a side-line, mail-order coffee was doing real well for him. Not so well he would close the bar, Not with Hot Males like this one walking in all the time. Another slow sip.. A shrug. "Just got tired of sitting. Can't do much physically with a plastic knee, and got enough money." A Nod and a smile.. John turned the hand over, looking at the wrinkles and calluses. "A Hard-working hand, still strong." An iron-like grip confirmed that. "Had a farm for nigh on 3 generations. Then the interstate came in. Now I got some acres - mostly trees, and brush. Kept the house, but it's too big for one old man." 'So That's where the accent came from.' "Got a few friends in The City, so I visit every now and again." The bear squeezed one more time, then went to re-fill mugs again, knowing That look before. 'Friends.. Ex-Lovers most likely.' But not his responsibility to pry into other's affairs... Unless they opened up first. Now that the shock and novelty had worn off, conversation turned back to normal things, and the man was pretty much ignored. A couple of times Furs looked his way, but got no responses. Suddenly, all the lights went out. "Great!" John turned up a radio he kept behind the bar - "... Power outages all over due to power-lines down. Crews are working overtime to remedy the problem. Expect delays from hours to a few days until the storm moves on." Groans, curses and mutterings as everyone got up and left. John turned everything off, drained the sinks, and stuck a bag of his favorite blend in a pocket. He helped the elderly male into his coat, and setting a sign in the window about being closed due to weather (It happened often enough he had a sign made up), helped him out, locking the door. "Never did get to finish that coffee." It came out as a wistful sigh. John Grinned.. Was that a pick-up line? Who cared?!? "If you would like another cup, my place is just up the way.. Sir." A hand grabbed his butt and Squeezed. "Sure.." * * * * The lights Were on at his place, 3rd floor of a 5-story Building. Half the building was offices, the other half living quarters. An elevator that had been around since time began creaked open, allowing them out. A stubby tail wagged, being teased by a rough-nailed finger. "Heater is in the living room." He went into the kitchen, after hanging his coat up. Starting some coffee, he made a pile of sandwiches, putting some in baggies. 'No use keeping stuff that might go bad when the power goes out.' Gas powered most of the place, and he soon had soup, coffee and the sandwiches on a tray. Bringing them out, he gazed over the figure sitting on the couch. Fairly well-muscled arms, silver watch-chain in his vest, a paunch that made him look like Santa in a business suit. John stifled a chuckle, thinking about a Queer Pole, with deer who frolicked with the little men.. and one Big one who cracked the whip on them - Literally! He set the tray down, and sat beside the human, still wondering what made him offer.... The guy Was sexy in his own way. But John was careful about his lovers. Conversation was light as they ate and drank, discussing whatever came to mind, both of them a little self-conscience. Found out Robert was in town to do a little shipping and business. And John has someone in the family that fished for a living. While they chatted, hands were busy rubbing legs, crotches, chests... And they ended up snuggling close together when the food was gone. John groaned as a finger rubbed him through the cloth of his pants, cock outlined quite well. He wasn't sure about his guest, for nothing Seemed stirring when he rubbed back.. A kiss led to another, deeper one, lips locked to lips, eyes half-closed with pleasure and desire. The bear reached up and removed the glasses, wanting to see the man's incredibly beautiful blue eyes. They looked at him, through him.. Engulfing him even as he felt a hand undoing his shirt buttons. hard fingers reached in to caress his furry chest, finding an erect nipple to tweak. Their owner moaned, going semi-limp as one hand cradled his head, breath mingling with his own. Teeth - Artificial, but who the hell cared? - bit into John's ear, making him gasp and catch his breath. "Ohhhhh..." He moaned, feeling a tugging at his shirt. "What are you..?" A *Ziiiip* told him, his cock springing free, demanding attention. "A hot lil bruin.." The words made his heart beat faster.. His wrists were gripped and as he wriggled, still dazed at how fast things were going. He felt hands, rough, leathery hands with calluses and a thumb rubbing the underside of his sensitive head. "Oh, Oh Yessss.." He arched up, leaking pre-cum. "How are you at kinky-stuff?" John wriggled his hips and butt and would have said he liked spanking chickens if it kept that hand on him Just a little longer. "Ok.." he gritted his teeth, half-helping the man undo his pants and pull then down. 'Gods, I am getting Turned-on!' A chuckle warmed him. "Good, sturdy boxer shorts. Ya can tell a lot 'bout a person by what they wear and how they shake hands." He nodded, moaning again as they too were pulled down a little. "Now you tell me if this gets too much to handle.." A finger smeared pre-cum across John's cock-head, making his stubby tail-wag. "MMmmmmmm.. What? Oh - Ok Sure." Fingers gripped his nuts, rolling them around, playing with them while the bear rolled his head on the couch, gripping it. had it been So long since someone played with him? Maybe it was just the rough/gentle way the man excited him. a tug on his balls and his cock went rigid.. All the loose skin was gripped tight as the man spat in his hand, then started rubbing the bear's cock-head. Not much more than that, But as the hand dried and the friction became noticeable on nerve-endings, those scant inches were all that was needed! An itch built into a sensation.. And as more-pre-cum oozed out, a need. The itch lit a fire under his tail, burned it's way up his spine and then Blew the top of his head off! He roared, digging his fingers into the cushions, hips trying to thrust as his cum splattered over his belly and chest.. John's nuts were tormented, squeezed, rubbed.. Milked by expert fingers to unload all they could, from the wailing bruin. Finally, the spans subsided and John wheezed, eyes shut tight. "Oh Gods.. That was Great!" He felt movement.. *ScritchScritchScritchScritchScritch* A thumbnail tortured the Very sensitive underside of his cock-head. "Ohhh - Oh Shit.. Please Don't Do.... AAUGH!" *ScritchScritchScritchScritchScritch* His hips moved, wriggled, tried to walk off - Anything to get away from the sensation.. *ScritchScritchScritchScritchScritch* "Oh Gods.. Oh Please! Oh Godsss.." The man chuckled again and stopped. "Amazing what ya can do with Just one thumb-nail." he stood and as John whimper/moaned in relief, undressed. He watched as buttons were undone and cloth moved. 'Not much hair on his chest.. What a Beer-belly! Would Love to plant some hickeys on that tub.' The shirt went, and John couldn't get over the contrast... Big muscles sculpted by long hours of hard toil and sweat, padding that comes with eating well. A furry face that rivaled his muzzle, but next to none on the chest or the top of his head. Suspenders held up well-made pants were undone and both slid to the floor. "Boxers." A yawn that had been stifled since the firs snuggle broke the bear's mouth wide open. "It's not That big.." He stumbled a moment, then growled and reached out to shove them down, and grip the human dick. About 6 inches, thicker than most. He leaned over to lick on the smooth ball-sack, male musk filling his nostrils. "MMmmmmmm.. he panted.. then yawned again.. "Damn. " His face was patted. "Come on.. Let's tuck you in bed." John almost bit the man. "But..." Then a hand cradled his face. "It's not very polite to fall asleep while giving head. Could get kinda messy." He looked up into those blue eyes and fell head over ass again. 'Shit! I don't Want to..' He sighed and got up, helping Robert walk down the hall to the bedroom, listening to the *Click* of his knee. He got to the foot and turned to ask the Question that isn't asked.... And was kissed so deeply he forgot about everything else but the warm male in his arms. Hands grabbed his ass and he repeated the motion, both falling into the bed - Which complained loudly about being treated so rudely. The last thing John saw was those blue eyes as they looked into his soul. * * * * Morning.. John Yawned and Stretched, patting the sheets beside him. He twitched, hoping... Oh well, one night stands were nothing new to him. They still hurt like hell though. Especially when he though he had something special going.. "Damn.." Then got up, and started thinking about what he could do to get his mind off his troubles... And remembered he didn't have to go in to the bar until they got the power back in. "Damn. And Damn.. And Damn again!" What to do now? He stumbled into the bathroom, half-awake, even with an erection he had to piss.. And damn near jumped through the roof when a hand grabbed his nuts and Squeezed. "Bout time you were up, lazy.. Thought I was goin ta have ta shower by myself." The bear Whooped and grabbed Robert up, hugging him tightly, tears leaking out. "Hey hey Now.." A loving kiss. "Did you think I was just gonna whirl in and whirl out like some top?" Another kiss. "Or did you think I was just another sex-object?" Hands dug into his cheeks. "I will stay until your bar is open at least.. Mmmpf!" John melted into the bright blue eyes, shutting off all further conversation with the hottest kiss he could remember giving - Or getting - in Ages. They spent the day in bed, making love, talking, eating, lazing, making love again.. It was well into evening when John got up to wash himself and start the gas-fireplace up, watching the flames move. The radio gave mixed news - In the morning the power should be back on, and planes would be leaving again.. He got up and nuzzled his lover's butt, kissing the cheeks. "Again?" Came muffled by a pillow, as the man turned, semi-erect. The bear laughed.. and kissed the pretty flared head. "Maybe.. Dinner first." Hands rubbed his ears as the cock shuddered and stiffened to fullness, a drop of pre-cum oozing out as he caressed it. "Ok.. Maybe second." * * * * "You Will write.." A chuckle. "I will do better than that - You are invited to Year-End Dinner.. I expect to see you the first weekend of SecondMonth." John stood, nodding. "Good.." And to the consternation of those nearby, Robert grabbed his neck and Kissed him full and hungrily, thrilling the bear to his toes. "Call me sometime.." Was whispered huskily, then the man turned and made his way to the plane - cane tapping, knee clicking, boots thumping. The bear wiped a tear away and returned to the rail station.. A smile ran across his muzzle. He wasn't going to tend bar Forever. And Hydroponics could do wonders with plants.. "Hey John!" A shout and a gray hand waving disrupted his thoughts. "Tim? How ya doing?" The husky Hugged him, curled tail waving. "School is a bitch, pardon the language. Am burned out - Thinking of skipping a semester, Relax a little - you know? So.. I thought I would stop by and see old friends, and maybe wheedle a job?" They rode the train up, then walked to the bar, chatting. Light from the lone sign that John had left on, let him know power was back on - if only until the next storm. "Money is tight.. Am going to have to find a willing friend to put me up.." He looked so innocent, John burst out laughing. "A job And a bed? What else do you want from me.." Tim closed the door, locking it and Grabbed the bruin, one hand opening his pants to squeeze the big cock inside, the other pulling his head down to 'press muzzles'. "Guess.." he whispered, panting a little. The bruin groaned, stiffening.. "I Can use another hand, if you keep it out of my pants during working hours." They both laughed, going through the supplies, cleaning up and getting ready for business. The curled tail wagged when Tim got an earful of the Past few days events. "Sounds Serious... You 2 in love?" John shrugged. "We were only together a day and 2 nights.. Hey!" A hand swatted his ass. "That's Not what I asked." John bit his lip.. "Alright - Yes. Well - " A grin and a squeeze. "Well?" The bear huffed and wriggled his rear against the hand. "I think so.. I mean we Were only together for a Day." The husky chuckled. "How long were We together?" The bear's eyes got glassy as he thought. "I can't remember.. Hey!" Another swat on his rear. "2 hours. By the lake.. Undying love and a whole night of humping our tails off." John Hugged the husky, kissing him. "Say What are you doing the first week of SecondMonth?" Tim eyed the bruin.. "Into Old Religion now? Nothing that I know of.. Why?" John Grinned widely. "Let's just say I have a friend I want you to meet. Now get busy. I want to be ready to open tomorrow." This time it was the canine's turn to yelp at having his butt swatted. The End * * * * This is loosely based on a Very good comic by Minotaur Press called Spike. It is available from: Mailbox Books P.O. Box 1278 Roslyn, PA 19001