TAVERN.TXT (M/M, Language) A tail about a wolfish scholar's life and a certain tavern nearby. Sometimes these things just write themselves. By SwampRat (cl) 1996 Gay Furry Association The tavern was fairly quiet - Not what I was expecting at all. On the other paw a sexy male rabbit was serving things, his long legs wriggling his butt as he hopped/walked around. I could feel my cock stiffen under my robe as I sat down on a wooden bench, tail curled beside me. He came bounding over, and looked at me, cute nose twitching. "How may I help you sir?" Oh Yiff! My hand curled around his balls.. His whiskers twitched but no other reaction. Gods they felt good though.. Firm, round balls with soft fur that made my hand tremble as I ran a thumb up and down them. I had to cough before I could speak. "Vegetable Stew, Cheese, Bread, Watered Ale." He stood a moment more, letting me remove my hand before moving away. I watched his leaf-shaped tail bob as he went to the back, drooling uncontrollably. I wanted him! I wanted that ass under my paws, being slammed into my crotch, bitten to pieces in my jaws, kissed and nuzzled all night... He returned, and I mauled his balls and short sheath again, shivering. He let me do what I wanted, patiently waiting until I let go of him, then patted my hand went to another table. I ate what was in front of me but my eyes never left the gray-and white body, jealous of every pat on his butt, struggling to keep my breath steady when he refilled my cup, bending over enough to make my cock ache. Somehow I got done without raping the sexy little lepine, putting 3 copper coins down on the table. He came back as I stood, trying to hide the distress of my aching nuts. "Goodbye Sir." He smiled softly. "Do come again", rubbing his front against me a little. I reached around and firmly pushed a coin under his tail and against his anus, squeezing his rear. "Goodnight." I managed, and got out the door before I stuffed something else under his tail. I had to walk stiff-legged all the way back to my room, drawing a couple of buckets of Cold water to soak my enlarged nuts and throbbing cock in. Even so, I didn't sleep well. * * * * The sun rose and with all my will I demanded it go back down for a little while, let me have a few more minutes of darkness to rest in. It declined, and as if co-conspirators, a crower decided I had been sleeping long enough, telling all that the day was officially Here, and to get your asses out of bed and get busy. *Sigh* I washed my face and sat, studying my books. But all I saw was that cute ass wriggling inches from my muzzle. I finally gave up and meditated until the sun that was so cheerful in waking me had left for the day. Then I had to keep my knees apart, and my tail down while I walked as best I could for the place that tugged me towards it as if a rope had been tied to my nuts and was being pulled tight. I peered in before I entered.. And wished I hadn't. This time a panther waited on the few customers in the place. Sleek ebony fur, sensuous movements, a cute ass that was a wriggly as the rabbits.. and By the Gods, A cock! A pole of red, throbbing meat jutting between his legs, mine answering by tenting my robe up. I re-arranged myself as best I could and dived for the safety of a bench and table to hide my aching hard-on. When he finally made it to my I was gasping for breath.. His nuts were shaved, the pink skin glistening in the lamplight. "May I help you *Purrrrrr*?" I wanted to say, 'Wrap those balls up. I will take them home with me.' They were warm and so soft in my hand, oil giving them suppleness and a sheen that twitched my tail. I managed to choke out my order, eyes not leaving his crotch. He patted my hand, then gently pulled back to give me a very close-up view of his black- furred ass padding away from me with a swish/wriggle. I dug my blunt claws into the table and chewed my tongue, until he returned to set the food in front of me. My fingers cupped his nuts, squeezing them, the other hand grasping his dick, mesmerized. I could hear his purr turn to a soft rumble as I played with him... But again he firmly pushed my paws off, patting them as if to say 'If I had my way they would stay there all night, B U T...' I unashamedly licked my palms, tasting him.. He returned twice to fill my mug, allowing me to touch him intimately, before moving off. I thought I was in pain yesterday? Hah! It took all my will to get up and drag myself to the door. "Goodnight *Purrr*." One hand clasped the coin I pressed into it - The other slid into my robe and Grabbed me! He held my cock forever, eyes closed.. Then someone called for more wine. He let me go and padded off... I don't remember Anything from that moment until I awoke in an alley-way with cum-matted fur. Ick! I made my way back to my room in the School and soaked in warm water until my fur was untangled.. This time I didn't even hear the sun or see the crower. I was gone until the noon bell rang. Thank the gods porridge was available all the time, so one could grab a bowl and run back to one's room. I ate, sipping tea to wake up, studying my books with a will. I even managed to sit through a class - Of course this meant More Books. But, each book meant more coppers to be able to spend on things that made life bearable.. Or unbearable, depending on the conditions of one's nuts. I studied to be a Merchant, At least that is what was on the papers I signed. I was actually studying to make enough money to afford to have my own Personal, Willing, Horny... Oh Gods, My Balls! Could a fur grow tired of looking at a cute ass, stroking a well-turned leg? Oh Gods That Be, let me never become so Jaded! * * * * A counting of my monthly coinage made me feel hollow inside. One more trip to that den of temptation was all I could afford - And barely That! Even so, I would have to wait a few days - The weekend was coming up and the servers would be too busy to notice a poor student. I spent those days of torment, studying as best I could and jerking off when I had to. I got razzed a lot about having a girlfriend in town. If they only knew... * * * * Oh Beautiful Day! I had forgotten about the HolyDay after the weeks ending. "You are free to do as you like, no studying today!" Yeah Right! I was free to be followed by a bunch of fellow students, wanting to catch me with whoever it was that made me moan at night. I led them a merry walk, then returned to my room to study for a test that I would easily pass.. But best to make sure. Another sun rise and set and I didn't budge - Just in case someone was Too curious and followed me. At long last The Day arrived. I passed my test as I know I would and added the 2 copper coins I earned to my stash. Barely enough to buy a decent meal.. Not near enough to spend an evening of bliss with one of those beautiful males... *Sigh* Girding myself as best I could, I slipped quietly away in the night, finding my Inn of Happiness (It had a much more common name but I prefer not to repeat it), almost empty.. I walked in and found a bench - And for a full minute could not move. His fur was silver, golden eyes accenting the ear and nipple rings, which like his collar, was made from black iron. He was just So gorgeous! Full hips swaying, the fox padded around, oblivious to my slack-jawed, drooling stare until his eyes met mine. A shiver ran from my tail-tip to my ears and my cock jumped out of it's holder, popping my robe open, and standing in all it's glory for the world to see. The exotic male padded over, a waterfall of silver swaying behind an ass I would die a happy fur if I could spend my last minutes snuggling my head on, And stopped, appraising me. "You look Hot," he whispered huskily, tongue sliding over his lips as he looked at my wolfhood, bending over to put his tray on the table. Oh Gods! If he so much as touches me I will cum all over both of us. "Maybe something cool, a little spicy?" I nodded like a wooden puppet, unable to do much but breathe. His hand dipped below the table... To grip mine. I damn near lost it as he lifted it to his hip, turning slightly so I could look at what my paw slid over. Smooth fur covering strong muscles, moving under my paw as I stroked his rear, half thinking I was dreaming. "You are a cute wolfie." He turned and kissed my cheek, then gathered his tray and swishing his tail over my body, padded off. As if This wasn't enough to make my nuts scream, as he walked away, the vulpine lifted his long bush to flash his glistening pink tail-hole at me. It took several decades for him to return and put something in front of me. "Now, Don't gulp it.." I had been about to, mouth dry as dust. A paw lifted my head. "I have to go help the cook for a while. But maybe I will see you later?" I nodded again, taking a sip. "Mmmmm. Hey, this is.." He was already gone. ".. good." I fumbled my robe closed, and made the drink last as long as I could. Finally I sighed, paid the poor fur who was tending the place (I couldn't even tell you what species he was - I was that far gone), and walked out. The night was cool but not bad, so I found a niche and sat and stared at the moon, then the sign, then the doors.. With a sigh I picked myself up, and started for my lonely bedmat. "Hey!" A familiar voice came from behind me. I turned.. and saw a dream walk towards me. The fox was dressed in a coat and boots, rings flashing in his ears. "Want to walk with me? I only live a few streets away." I floated over to him. Oh would I! And all the way to the door of of the block-house, he chatted about his life - Too big-boned to be a dancer, not much of an artist. "Besides, I like it when a big, hunky male drools over me." His hip bumped mine, emphasizing the point. I must have blushed because he stopped and squeezed my my hand. "And of course all those males touching me, rubbing my butt, making me hot and yiffy.." He shivered, then tugged me along again. We stood a moment in the doorway, just looking at each other. "Come up for a cup of Moj?" I knew I was in over my head, and should say no - Then he licked his lips again... "Sure." Somehow squeaked out of me. * * * * A second-story apartment, nothing fancy. Still luxury compared to my room with it's single shelf, desk and sleeping mat. "Take off your robe and get comfortable." He said, hanging up his coat, and bending over to undo his boots, giving me a very clear view of his beautiful rear. I swallowed hard, my cock straining from it's holder as I slid my robe off. The fox straightened, and padded off to the kitchen. "My 'stage' name is Sasha, but you can call me Jer." "I'm..." Oh Crap! Think, Think.. It's your Gods-be-Saken name - You should know it. I glanced at my robe and the name sewn inside - "Tilan." He returned and Murred loudly looking me up and down, but mostly staring at my crotch. "I heard you were a well-hung puppy, but.." I was shocked, proud and confused all at once. The fox chuckled and padded over to set the cups on the table, then slid a finger up my dick. Oh Gods! "Don't look so shocked, Sexy. We don't get many scholars in the 'Well-Fucked Ass'." I arched up, spreading my legs as my nuts blossomed. Lips pressed against my shoulder as he stroked my side, pressing his body to mine. My arms encircled his body, feeling his back. "Specially not hot, hunky ones as you." Me? I was always big for my age, and even though we didn't exactly eat Well at the school, I was getting a paunch. His lips felt so wonderful as they moved across my chest. I looked down to watch.. and noticed 2 things - He wasn't wearing his collar, and he only came up To my shoulders. "Umm. Jer?" He moved down a little and nuzzled a nipple. "Mmmmmm?" I was doing everything I could not to melt into a puddle at his feet. "Your collar.." He giggled. "That's for Work.. And for special furs." Then he looked up at me. "Would you like me collared?" His paws gripped my hips, rubbing his erection against mine. "Kneeling, kissing your feet, begging for the privilege of sucking on your big cock?" He gripped the base of my dick and slowly stroked it. "I bet you would growl and only let me suck on for a little while. Then you would shove me on my belly and pull my tail up and..." I never did find out what came after 'and'. I was too busy climaxing like - How did he put it? "Like a busted water hose. Gods! All over my belly and cock and arm and even dripped some on the floor. Wish you had given me some warning.." I was laying on the floor and he was laying on top of me, giggling, as I floated over my body. Somehow I managed to pull his head close to mine and kiss him. "I was kinda busy at the time.. It will wash off." He kissed me back. "If I knew you were so close, I would have shoved your dick up my ass." My paw caressed whatever part of him was close as I lay back, panting softly.. Then his words sank in. "Did you just say..." He giggled then kissed me again. "Come on now.. Don't tell me you have never fucked someone in the rear before?" I Ummmmed... "Never been with another male before?" I Ummmed louder, trying to find a way out that would leave me a shred of self-worth. He chuckled.. Then sat upright and Looked at me. "Why, your a Vir..." I tried to shut him up with a kiss. He grabbed my hot face and kissed me so hungrily my tail curled. "Damn.. I just wanted to spend some time with a horny wolf, get my ass reamed out." He looked into my eyes, and moved, rubbing against me. "But school..." My voice trailed off as I felt my dick slide between two furry mounds that squeezed it. "Will you be missed if you are gone a few days?" I wriggled under him. "Oooooo.. Not really. As long as the work gets turned in and you show up for tests, they don't care if we are not around for a few days. But I am afraid.." He looked at me, sliding down a bit, stroking the tip, pressing it against his warm anal-ring. "About what? Being a Dom for me? Don't worry about it, I a Sure I can work you up until all you will want to do is fuck your lil foxy." His eyes closed and we both moaned, my head opening him, sliding inside the warmest, tight thing I have Ever felt in my life. "Gods, you are so fucking big! I could lay under you Every night and never tire of it.." I looked up at him. "That's what I am afraid of.." He chuckled and kissed me again. "Don't confuse lust with love now... I am your first and it is natural you feel something for me." He grunted, taking another inch inside him. "On the other paw.." He started moving, wriggling his hips, moaning.. "Gods it feels good to have a big dick up my ass again!" I turned my head and felt him pinch my nipples. "You look so cute when you blush like that." Then he shifted and knelt, taking me in deep. "You like that?" He wriggled his hips, bouncing a little. "Oh Gods!" I yelped in answer, digging my fingers into the floor, hips shoving upwards. "Oh Yessss... Fuck that big cock into my ass! Make me squeal Wolf, Make me.." I wish he would finish a sentence. * * * * Morning came and I yawned, shivering as I thought about a bath in cold water, and porridge for the next 20 or so days. "Morning Sexy," came through my fog- enshrouded senses, along with feelings. Someone's furry butt-cheek was in my hand - A somehow familiar one - while fingers were rubbing my painfully hard dick. "MMmmmmmm.. Sasha was right, you Are well-hung, even for a wolf." Sasha... The events of the night before came into clear focus. "Oh Shi.." My eyes snapped open. And as quickly closed, tearing up. Through the blinding glare a face emerged. Grey fur, pink nose, long ears? I managed to finally open my eyes and stare into a pair of warm brown ones. "Hello." he said, moving a hand between my legs to cup my aching nuts. "Mmmmmmm.. Did you like fondling my balls? You made me So damn hot, squeezing my nuts like that. And when you put that coin under my tail..." Then grinned, speaking louder. "You were right.. he Is cuter when he blushes." A voice floated out of another room, "Told Ya." Then it's owner came in, bouncing his rear, tail swishing. I squeezed the bunny-rear so hard I am sure I left bruises.. "So I see you met Lekt." I nodded.. The fox dressed, then turned. "Lekt is my room-mate and sometimes lover." He came over to the pair of us laying on the floor and kissed the rabbit. "Oh." I said in a quiet voice. "Tilan, We are Both Bottoms. That's Why we work where we do." I looked ashamed, then relieved, and a little hopeful.. And they both laughed. "Gods.. Sexy, Hung like a horse, and so damn innocent." The fox thought a moment. "Til, I heard you mumbling something about Merchants and Accounts in your sleep." Jer grinned at me. "I also remember you moaning about someone's grey-furred ass and how much you wanted to chew on it. And you also grumbled something about sleeping with your head on my 'beautiful white butt.'" I Knew that by now I was blushing down to my toes. Lekt growled and swatted the foxes rear, eliciting a soft moan. "Quit being so mean to the poor fur and get to the point." Jer panted softly, then nodded. "A bunch of us are thinking of getting together and buying the tavern. Maybe adding a few more 'servants'. Just think - more hot male bodies to fondle." I wasn't quite sure What he was offering but I was willing to say yes to being shaved if I could stay a few days with.. "Oh Gods!" A tongue slid across my dick, and I grabbed the floor again, thinking I will never be able to make love in a bed - it just wouldn't be the same. It was the rabbit's turn to yelp as his rear got swatted. "2 things Twink - Just because you are off doesn't mean you get to skip out on your chores... And why don't you get that poor wolf off the floor, and in bed so you can be more comfortable. After all - I expect he will be here for a while." They both chuckled and Lekt stood to embrace his lover. Then knelt and rubbing my nuts slipped my cock-head between his lips kissing it, then sucking on it. "Think over what I said, and..." Someone was chuckling, someone was gurgling, and someone was howling - At least I think that is what I heard. I found myself floating again, glowing. Lips pressed to mine and I felt paws helping me up and half-coaxing, half-carrying me to someplace. "See you tonight - Lover." I had a lover? I kissed whoever it was deeply, wrapping my paws around them. "Lover..." I whispered, kissing someone. Then I was pushed down on something so soft I moaned in sheer pleasure. "I am in heaven.. I must be." More chuckles and someone talking then Something brushed against my face. Something round and furred and smelling so nice I wanted to... "Did you Really want to spend an entire night chewing on my ass?" I opened my muzzle and clamped it down on one of the mounds in front of me, biting it, chewing on it, kissing it, rubbing my muzzle all over it. My hand reached between his legs and found a nice-sized dick to stroke and rub. The bunny moved away for a moment, humping into my paw. "Bring that back Here!" I snarled and bit his ass again, pulling him back to ride my face, feeling him cum, hearing him squeal, "Oh Gods! Oh Please Sir, Bite my ass, My Balls... I am your Prey to do with as you please.." Ummmmmmm... I reached up and played with his nipples, still not Really sure what I was supposed to do. Fantasizing about this is one thing, Actually having someone moan and beg you to.. "Fuck me Sir! I want to sleep crushed under you, be your cock-sheath. Please Sir, I beg you to take me.." Well. And of course at that moment my stomach growled louder than I can remember in a Long time; my bladder told me it didn't care if My throat was slit, It was emptying itself; And I found myself staring into those beautiful eyes again. A finger slid across my half-erect dick, the other touched my nose. "Stay.. A growing buck like you needs sustenance if he is going to keep his harem satisfied." Oh Crap! "But.. But I Really have to peeeee... Eeeeeep!" I was pulled out of the bed and hustled into another room and - Into a Tub?!? And there was that same rabbit... Head back, eyes closed, mouth open. Now, I admit I had Heard of some strange things, But this was - This Was... He opened his eyes and leaned forward. "I thought you had to pee." I do. I did.. I think... His tongue cradled my cock rolling it back and forth just a little. "Mmmmmm.. It's been a long time since someone urinated on me. Please - mark me as yours. Drench me in your scent, Make me taste it, bathe in it..." I was going to say that all this was a bit much for me, but my bladder over-ruled me. Out it came, yellow and acrid and all over the grey fur, staining it, hands holding the spigot to aim it. When There was no more left, he licked the last drops off, sucking on me, stroking my legs. I wasn't sure if I was turned on or off.. Something inbetween maybe. Then he rubbed his head between my legs, licking my nuts, moving around behind me, rubbing my stiffening member as he cleaned my butt, lapping it slowly, making me moan and wriggle my hips a little. "I gather you like having a 'Tongue Bath." I moaned again, balls swollen enough to make me spread my legs. Then he flipped my tail up and kissed me. Oh Gods-That-Be! His tongue flicked over my anus and I moaned, throbbing in his grasp. Every time I would try to move, he would stroke my dick and flick his tongue directly across my pucker... My tail plumed, my knees weakened and I let him do whatever he wanted for as Long as he wanted. I admit I loved nibbling His rear and I had licked his tail-hole, But His was clean. I had no idea what shape mine was in.. Lekt spread my legs and nuzzled my nuts moving up to grip my hips and stare at my cock. "It's so big.." he whispered, tracing veins with his tongue and making me want to jump through the roof! Lekt kissed every inch of my dick from swollen base to dripping tip. Nuzzled it, murred over it. I think he would have stayed there but my stomach rumbled again. "Oooo, I forgot about your poor belly." Poor? He kissed my mid-section, playing with the roll of fat. "I am such a naughty bunny.. You should spank me Sir." I was used to skipping a meal or 2 at times.. He stepped out of the tub.. and something inside me went 'Rabbit. Prey.' I tackled him on the floor and with all the finesse of a bull grabbed his hips, jerking them up and forcing my cock into his ass. "Hey! What? Owwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Lekt screeched, jerking under me. Trying to stop myself was like trying to swim up a waterfall, and until I had slaked my lust I fucked that poor fur savagely there was no turning back. I bit his neck, his shoulders, clawed his ass and hips and drooled all over him. I came so hard I literally fell on top of him, knocking the wind from the poor bunny. When I could see again, I Knew I had killed him. He was laying on the floor, not moving. "Oh Gods, Please be breathing.." I didn't look down. I didn't dare.. I just knew my cock was covered with excrement and blood and other things.. The floor probably was too. I had taken a few classes in Healing - The last thing you want to bother a wizard/healer about is a paper-cut.. or a chafed dick. But they hadn't covered hormone surges or what to do to a raped rabbit. I cradled him to my chest and sat, rocking and crying because I didn't know what else to do. Would I be castrated? Put to death? if I ran from the City I might eek out a living in the woods. None of it mattered much to me... A voice croaked something.. A paw patted my cheek. "Hey.. Why all the tears?" "I Killed him!" A kiss, soft and loving stopped my sobbing a moment. I blinked, looking into those same warm eyes. "You thought.. Oh. No, Lover.. You made me pass-out is all." I just held him a moment.. "But - You Yelled, and then you weren't moving.." Lekt giggled and kissed me a little harder. "It did hurt when you first shoved your dick up me, but it felt Real good after that. You were Real Rough and Fucked your Rabbit like you meant it." His eyes were shining, staring into mine as he put a paw to my mouth. "Don't say it.. Just help me up so we can get washed, fed and in bed. I don't have All day to be molested by you." He stood up and grabbed my cock. "Mmmmmmmm.. even half-hard you are a pawfull." I kind of remember washing him and him washing me.. and being dried off with a cloth, and eating, and laying bed.. "OW! Sorry love - Not there, My ass is going to be sore for days." * * * * Something warm and wet was scratching my cock. Blanket? Someone whose hormones had gotten the better of them, and come to lick on my dick? Good fantasy, but never a reality. Then a loud rumbling purr, and my balls were scraped on next. Ooooo.. I spread my legs, trying to remember if any of the felines I knew had leanings toward other males. I thought I was the only gayfur in the school. "Mmmm... you taste as good as you feel." WHAT? A muzzle descended on me and I jerked up a little, looking down at a black-furred panther. He grinned at me licking my dick-head, making me moan. "I had to come and see who screwed up Lekt." Everything hit me again, and I started babbling. "I'm sorry.. I never meant to do it... I was Jus - EEP! " He grabbed my balls and twisted them Just a little, and I shut-up. He moved, covering my body with his dark-furred one. "They said you were inexperienced, but.. " Looked at me intently as I *Blushed*, then kissed me. The third kiss I had ever gotten from another male and I melted just as much as the others. "I am Abmkurl.." A paw found my cock and stroked it, working it over well. "I wanted your hands on my cock and balls so much.. But I had to work. And then you stood and let me Feel your big dog-cock up..." Oh. Ohhhhhh... "But I am off until tomorrow, and Neither of the furs will be back for a few hours." He moved down to look me over, squeezing my nuts, stroking me. "MMmmmmm.. I love big dicks." Why all the fuss over how big I am? I was born, I grew up and my cock is This Big. But I sure wasn't going to argue. Not when his tongue rasped at my cock-head and made me grunt, double up, and cum so damn hard I saw spots.. The panther mewed, taking my cock in his muzzle and sucking on it, draining me. Gods.. I was over a year past my 'Adult age', and until last week had never even so much as got a flurty look... And now - Now the floodgates were open, and I was ready to beg to be allowed to stay in this paradise. Movement.. A tongue rasping my nipples, as I was held close. I fumbled for a moment between his legs then found his dick. "You are not much shorter than me." I commented, stroking it slowly. "But I am not as Thick, nor do I have as big as sheath..' Then the cat penis was gone, replaced by a head as he licked and kissed my cock-holder. "*Purrrrrrr* I love a nice-sized sheath.. it makes me think of what it holds, what it promises.." We lay like that for some time, until weariness caught up with me and I slept. * * * * Voices woke me. Was it time to for class already? My stomach growled, my bladder screamed and I felt like I had been in front of the door at last-bell, trampled in the mad dash of furs who want to be Anyplace else but there. "Awake?" A familiar paw stroked my dick, and I could only nod and grunt. A furry rear pushed itself against my muzzle. "You want to kiss it, and make it feel better?" My mother would have beaten me silly if I had kissed Anyfur There.. But she wasn't around and a horny rabbit was. So I kissed his rear. And nuzzled it.. and Nipped it, Fondled it, Bit it. Popped Hickeys and left love- bites all over the cute ass until well past the poor fur begging me to stop. Then it was jerked out of my grasp and another, bigger one took it's place. "What about.. Hey!" If anything, I lavished even more attention to this gorgeous ass, telling the fox how much I loved every inch I was chewing on. I couldn't even grab his dick because I was too busy groping his rear. Somehow he managed to wriggle away, and twitch his tail in my face in doing so. I bit at it, managing to sit up a bit weakly. Paws massaged my back, helped me up and into the bathroom. I didn't even care someone else's paw was on my dick as I took a pee, the feeling of relief too much. Then the same paw led me by my handle out and to a table, where I was shoved into a chair and a plate was put in front of me. I ate everything, and got seconds, even though I Knew I could never afford to eat like this at the school. "Time to earn your pay.." I mumbled something and nodded, reaching out to play with the foxes nuts. "Oooooo. Not that way, Silly - Maybe later." Then a contract was shoved under my nose. It took a few minutes to scan it, ask for some paper and scribble some notes, then hand both of them back. "I would set it up as a Limited-term partnership, so no one fur has to carry the burden if someone is ill or dies." I winced for a moment, then kissed the rabbit who held my paw and kissed me back. "And what was that about a Harem?" This time it was an otter, who had no more on than the other 2. He straddled my hips and rubbing my erection on his smooth belly, chirping. Paws tweaked my nipples as I hung my head.. then a gentle kiss and 3 paws squeezing my balls made me yelp and tell them everything... My dream of someday becoming rich enough to travel, gather willing lovers to my harem, retire to live with them until I was to old to get hard. Soft laughter made me wince, while a pair of tongues lapped at my dick. "Silly male.. You can have that Now." The fox stopped licking while the otter, having maneuvered my hips out a little, was in the process of sliding me under his tail, chirping and groaning. "Of Course! You stay here and satisfy all 14 of us who work in the tavern, and keep the books." He kissed me, slipping his tongue into my mouth, while the rabbit started sucking on my balls and the otter who was almost Too tight, bounced up and down on my dick. Of course I said Yes, but warned them they would also need at least a 3rd degree law scholar as well. "I may know numbers and read contracts but my name is worth squat in the courts." The fox nodded, saying he knew someone, then turned and I got the pleasure of chewing on his beautiful butt... At least until orgasm claimed me. Get tired of this? Never! * * * * I awoke to the feel of someone's butt in my paw. This was not unusual but it was not like any other I had felt. I squeezed it and got a snort in return - Along with a Big paw gripping my rear and squeezing both cheeks at the same time! I opened my eyes and looked at a brown muzzle. Somewhat too short to be canine, but very familiar still. He opened his eyes and stared into mine. Beautiful blue orbs that latched onto me and drug me in.. Far from resisting, I followed them, muzzle to muzzle, kissing his thin lips. He murmured something and kissed me back, squeezing my butt very firmly. I still hadn't had anyone's dick back there, but for This big male.. Anything. I was startled when his paw slipped from my butt to my crotch, fondling my morning erection - Don't ask me... I don't know How I can even get one with all the males I hump daily - saying, "I Knew you would have a big one Tilan." He pushed me on my back and bend down to suck on it... I was in shock. Memea? It couldn't be! The bruin who had filled many a night's fantasy; who was never afraid to show what he had in the shower; who flaunted his big body at a skinny wolf who was in the same classes, in the same shower.. Even letting him rub the big back when the bear got a cramp from being Too athletic? Then he started chewing on the head of my cock and I blew all semblance of sanity away in a shuddering, cum-soaked moment. "MMmmmm.. You even taste good. I have wanted to do that for ages." Another paw rubbed my nuts. "Don't drain him too much - I have 4 horny males who All what a piece of him." I groaned loudly, thinking that too much of a good thing led to aching balls.. But I would not trade it for one night of sleeping alone. "You said we needed a legal fur, So we did... I gather you remember your old friend from the School." The bear just kept on sucking my dick, draining it of everything, then lay back and rubbed my chest, his own cock swollen. "Gods.." was all I could say, looking at a piece of meat bigger than mine. "Only 4? I can do them all and still suck this wolf off a couple of times." I grabbed a pillow and hid my face, as they laughed. Soft paws padded on the carpet than wrapped around my dick. The fox pulled the pillow away and I looked down at a shy ferret, male if what jutted from between his legs was what I thought it was, licking on my dick with such softness as not to be believed. I moved a little, lifting my shoulders up, putting them on the headboard. Then beckoned the male closer, kissing him, sliding a paw down his back to cup his rear. He kissed me back, wriggling a little against my paw. I watched another male enter the room, a tiger this time and without more than a hello, slide the bruin's big dick into his ass and grunting, ride it with a passion. "Turmil's had a long day of males pawing his butt.. he Really wants to get off." I laughed at the fox then looked at the ferret. "And what would you like to do?" He trembled again, as I kissed him, leaning over to nip on his cute, if bony rear. Then I lifted him up and just held him, rubbing my big dick over his ass, nuzzling his ears. I looked over at the bruin and the tiger who was oblivious to Anything but the big dick sliding in and out of him. I felt movement, then the male hunched against me a few times and spurted sticky stuff all over my belly. I held him until he moved down and off me, then stood head down. I lifted his chin and kisses him. "Anytime you need to do it again, or just need me, you came by, Ok?" He nodded, then yipped as I squeezed his nuts. "You just remember that there are going to be males who walk home with swollen nuts and wet-dreams because of you and your cute ass wriggling as you serve them." His eyes went wide for a moment, then he grinned shyly.. And with his head up and still semi- erect left. "Do I get breakfast before the next one?" Jer growled and lapped the spunk off my belly, turning to wriggle his butt in my face. How could I pass that up? The End?