BITS.TXT - February 17, 2003 Various bits and pieces of things I don't want to toss A piece of 'Judy' I slowly got up, and stood. She growled again, but wagged her tail, as if she couldn't make up her mind. I put out my left hand, and spoke softly to her. She whined, and let me move closer. I stopped a few steps in front of her, and squatted. I gently held my hand out, and called to her. Judy whined again, and came over and sniffed my hand. Then she sniffed my leg, and growled. Without any warning, she grabbed the sash on my robe, and pulled hard on it. Then, with a bark, she jumped up, and knocked me to the ground. The dog placed both paws on my thighs, and sniffed my crotch. Then she nuzzled my balls, and licked on them. I lay there, stunned by the animal's behavior. ..... She lay on top of me, chin on paws. <+======= 2 =========+> The dragon snorted indignately. "If I go back on my word, I am called a knave, and bounder, and rotten old serpent... Whereas if you humans do it, it's Ok... Is that the way the well-bucket falls, Eh?" He growled, "And if I come to call, asking for my just renumeration, You brand me 'Maurader', and send knights to slay me!" The lizard folded his arms. "Well, you go back and tell that lard's bottom, that the next time there is an insurgence, or a rival lord covets his lands, I won't be there to help!!" <+======= 3 =========+> The man stood, horrified at the apparition that stood in front of him. Hairy shoulders thrust out of a tattered shirt, a tongue slid across large fangs, saliva dripped down the muzzle, long claws curled into talons. The werewolf snarled, and took a step towards his prey... "John, whatever are you doing?" The monster's demeanor changed dramatically. From blood-lusting creature to semi-cringing beast. Mark could see the collar around it's neck. "Master," it whined, "I was just..." A man walked up the trail. "You were just scaring the hell out of somebody again... And don't call me 'Master.'" "Yes, Zane.." John said, his tail curling under his legs. <+======= 4 =========+> The Kif stood as a commotion came from the outside. Then there was a roar, a thunder-clap as vacuum was filled with air, and a very familiar multi-colored light-ring, expanding from the Worm Hole. A robed figure stood in the middle of the room. There was a beep... "You have here one Captain Myrr. She shall be released immediately." <+======= 5 =========+> "Not your fight..." She slumped to the deck. Pure rage burned throughout my veins, eating adrenalin as fast as my body could produce it. A laser-bolt hit me. Power. Power... The lights flickered. Blood on the sleeve of my robe shone dully. I placed my hands together, and searched for a power source. Another charged shaft of light hit me. It would do. I pulled my hands apart, megawatts arcing between them. I threw them up, and as fast as light can travel the station, anything metal, and anything attached to anything metal was charged. Power sources were tapped, information found. Then everything drained back into me. <+======= 6 =========+> "I need a map.' Sikkiah hissed a warning. "I don't care whose, I just need 3 reference points." Maraakkt signaled for an old map to be brought. "We are here." He pointed to where the station lie. The Human? brought out some kind of instrument, made noises, traced a shape on the map. "1 Parsec. A Lightyear squared." The shape took in MeetPoint star, a few hundred Kilometers around it. "This is a #." Mah-del, is what the word sounded like. "Explosive size of room. This smaller, but same. Take out..." More noises. Asked for the map back. Made more symbols, each smaller than the first. Transferred a tiny box to the another part of the map. "This much." Over half of the Station. The Kif laughed, quietly. "Can not be done." Eyes? Something stared coldly back from under the hood. "Know what a # is?" A shake of the gray snout. "Didn't Translate." A nod from the other. " Sun. Light Source. InSystem. Other stars go around it. A hand tapped the box. "This create a small one. Size of fist." A clenched hand. "Create Sun. Grows until fuel is gone. Destroy that much if Station before fuel gone. Last a little while longer. Pretty Ball of flame. We not see. We not care. We gone. #!" A word? Not a word? Poof... The Kif suddenly knew fear. It was impossible... Or was it? He sat in a Kif Hunter, Not the least worried. Ignored the weapons, ignored the Kif! He? She? It?? Spoke Kif. Perhaps. Or at least the Trans did. "Have 4 big ones in ship. Take Parsecs out at once. Others make Gravity-Well, Parsecs wide. Best not to be near." The grin could be felt, if not seen. This one was crazy! "Fool. You Lie. Die Soon." One of the Kif, now scared. "We all die sometime... Want to go now? Have funtime! We go fast!" A hand rested on the box. Rifles clicked, loaded. "Wait! Lower your weapons." Hissed at the robes around him. 'Fools. This is a Martyr!' <+======= 7 =========+> The ship came in fast and hard. Two Kif vessels turned, fired on it. The missiles exploded against some kind of energy screen. It accelerated. Coming up.. Gods! It ran through the Kif, continued on. Kilometer-long blades shone on the belly, shiny where they cut through the Kif ships. Were drawn up. The ship flipped, did a snap-whorl. Now standing on it's nose, it rotated. Accelerated for another run. The Hani watched, stunned, as the deadly cutters slid out. This time both on belly and top hulls. At thousands of clicks per, they ripped through the packed Kif vessels again. <+======= 8 =========+> I grinned at the Kif. "Vaerakk, you remember when I had 2 drinks." The Kif made a strangled sound, tried to scuttle back. "You made some interesting noises.. Almost pulled my hair out." Skkkikkk looked at me curiously. I turned my cup back over. "No, I do not think I will have another drink. But, I thank you for your offer." <+======= 9 =========+> The Buck stood, watching the cars roll by. After this last noisy monster moved by he would.. A mental image of a multi-toed hoof sliding along his nuts appeared. WHAT?? As the vehicle came closer, more alien thoughts crowded into his brain. A tongue pressing wetly on his balls. The hoof stroking his maleness. A wet mouth nibbling along the white sheath.. Engulfing his erection. <+======= 10 =========+> Taken from one of the Wizard stories Again, the weary nod. He had.. And wished he hadn't. "I am not him, but you may think me so, when I tell you the remedy. It may not please you.." Right then, the Farmer would have been wiling to take one of the Wizard's pets to bed if it would have made his animals fertile again.. "They have been cursed. I will not tell you who, or why. But, it is a simple spell. You are to return to your farm, and when the moon turns full again, Go to your herd. Find the bull, and stick your maleness into his mouth. He will resist, but you must do this. Recite the charm I will give you, and spill your seed into his mouth. 3 days after this, all your cows will again be able calve.. However," the farmer cut short his sigh of relief. "You must repeat this ritual once a month. Fail to do so even once, and It will take more than just a spell to get them to bring life to their wombs." He nodded. Now for compensation.. A grin. "Allow your son to leave the fields. His destiny lies elseware.." Meit finally looked shocked. "But, he is my only.." A waive of a hand. "You shall have another.. There is a cow you keep as a pet. Some evening, bed her, instead of your wife... You have done so before.." The Farmer nodded. He had taken solace from the animal, when his wife had been angered at him, or her time was upon her. "As the cow conceives, so shall your wife. Both shall be male. Do not castrate the bull, or your son shall have no heirs. This is the best I can do.. For 1 Silver coin." A months harvest.. He scooped up the gold, and gave the required coin to the man. In return he got a sleepy-eyed boy, and a parchment. The words sounded foreign, but not threatening. <+======= 11 =========+> "Be a God.." Jihn stood, amazed as godhood settled on his shoulders. He was all-powerful, all-seeing.. Hah! He'd show those upstart peasants in his village.. They would Worship HIM! Or Suffer.. "What am I Saying?!?" Suddenly he was a human once again. "You see, Power bestows Nothing but Power. There is no wisdom, or Patience, or any of the better qualities. And it is very hard not to have a God-sized Ego as well.. Much to the detriment of those around you." <+======= 12 =========+> A knock came upon the door. The figure in the bed stirred. The hand rapped against the wood again. "Mmm?" The muffled voice carried an urgent tone. "Telephone, Boss." The creature yawned, stirred. Picked up the receiver. "Thank You, Mad-Dog. Don.. Yes. Yes. I see.. Again? *Sigh* Yes, I will relay the message. My best to you as well." He groaned, hanging up the phone. Turned on the light. Looked at the clock.. So Late! But there was still time to.. He grinned, leaning over to stroke the blanket-covered hump. "Cupcake.. It is I, Don Carnage'. Time to wake up.." A grunt. He chuckled, and ran his paw under the covers, teasing the stumpy tail. "Come on now, Love. It is already mid- morning.. And we have Little time left together." He stroked the broad chest. Lifted the muzzle, kissing it. The blue eyes looked into his. "That is better. Come. We enjoy each other's bodies one more time, then go to breakfast.." The bear grinned. "Did anyone ever tell ya, you sure talk funny." The wolf laughed. Then frowned. Then yelped as a set of claws dug into his butt. He was kissed again. A big belly rubbed itself against his. "Oh, yes. Before I forget. The boy.. 'Little-Britches' you call him, called. Her nastiness is on the path of war again." A deep chuckle. "I have to go to work.." A paw fondled a large stiffening maleness. ".. But not right away." Baloo groaned, as the pirate nibbled his way down to the thick cock. <+======= 13 =========+> The pirate looked his captive over. "Are you going to make it easy on yourself, or do we have to search you.." The figure squirmed. "I'm telling ya for the Last time. I don't have anythin.. *Ulp*" A wicked scimitar poked the bear's nose. "Do not be giving me the dilly-dallying, Baloo. In all the times I have seen you, you have Never worn pants.." He jabbed the blade at the trowsers. "Therefore, you Must be hiding something.. MadDog!" The toady came forward. "Yes, Boss?" Don Carnage' grinned. "Search him.." Maddog grabbed the cloth, putting his hand down the back. His eyes widened. "Hey!" Don Carnage' came forward. "You found something?" Maddog pulled his hand back, disgusted. "Yeah, Don't you ever take a bath?" Baloo looked over his shoulder. "What are you talking about.. I had a dunking last week." The pirate leader growled. "Enough chit-chatting.. I shall do this myself!" He jerked the front open, thrusting his hand down it. "Hey! Watch Those claws!!" Baloo squawked as Don stopped rummaging. He grabbed something. Squeezed it, eyes growing wider. "Stop That! I'm not one of those kinda guys!!" Baloo grunted, as the paw slid along the length. "Mmmmm... Well, maybe I can learn.." The wolf jerked his hand up, like it had been scalded. He stretched the cloth. Peeked inside. Don Carnage' looked up at the bear. "Baloo.. You have a ..." He whispered, awed. Then grabbed the collar. "How!" He shook the bruin roughly. "How did you get a ..." He grabbed the pants again, pulled them down, exposing a prodigious maleness. The captain fondled the huge thing a moment. Baloo grinned. "Ain't it a beauty.." The pirates watched, fascinated, as it grew fatter. The bear stroked it lovingly. "But, this is a Dizeny Production.. How..." Baloo grinned. "I 'farmed' out. And as part of the deal, I got to keep certain.. alterations." <+======= 14 =========+> Clipped from Wwolf 13 - A paw latched itself onto his arm! The Wolf-like creature yelped, falling backwards. Another paw slid into his robe.. The lad jerked his head up.. to stare into the depths of lust. Pale blue iris' shone with need. The husky breath sounded loud in his ears.. The fingers toyed with his chest, oddly exciting the youth. A noise from in front of them, said the other one was recovering from whatever had toppled it. The mind said 'Danger! Look forward..' The body ignored him, glued to the orbs above him. A tongue slid warm and wet across one ear.. It blinked. His head snapped forward.. The darker one was making it's way up the wooden planking. The face still held the same expression, but changed. The cruel snarl was no longer of blood-lust, instead the maleness that danced with every step told of another, much stronger need.. A claw hit the kill-switch. Damn! Now he was in for it.. The name of a plant was growled in his ear. "Drives WereWolves insane with lust.." The blackish animal growled, staring lopsidedly at the young man in the wheelchair. Eyes burned into his.. Fingers stroked the ones holding the armrest with a death-grip. It growled again, fumbling with the knotted sash. John no longer cared if anybody did come down the road. Not that it was likely.. This was a fairly remote part of town... He could do no more than groan and grip the chair harder, when the creature opened his robe, nuzzling the hairless chest. A tongue flicked out, lashing the nipple into hardness. Something slid across his backbone, wormed it's way up his neck. Exploded. Pleasure.. The scent of the werewolf was animal. Heated animal.. It lifted the scarred snout, and kissed the monster above him. He watched, fascinated, as twin pink ribbons slid across each other. Saliva dripped on his face. The creatures broke off, and the one in front of him looked down. Placing a paw under the chin, John got his first kiss, delivered by a horny werewolf. That didn't make it any less wonderful.. Nor did the fact that a cock was rubbing against his leg. Clawed fingers caressed his balls. John groaned into the mouth, nibbling on the tongue sliding into his mouth. It rubbed against his palate, caressed his own organ of taste, disappeared. Another took it's place, his head being tilted up. The second of his teachers-in-lust was a lighter color. Almost brown.. He pressed his nose into the chin fur, sneezed, resumed the kiss. He yelped as the other one having lapped it's way down to his belly, was now nibbling on his nut-sack. Claws dug into his ass, lifting him up, so the muzzle could feast on the lumps of flesh. Aaaah! The werewolf stopped rubbing his chest, Moved beside him. His eyes took in the huge cock that now lay against his arm.. It was so warm... He stroked it, watching the tip open and a drop of clear fluid run out.. The mouth came off him and harvested that nugget. John watched the animal lick on the huge penis as he frigged it. Then let go, as the muzzle opened, sliding over the fat head. Paws ran down his chest to meet over his slick erection. ... The creature moved to behind the monster soaking his crotch. Grinned. Spat on it's own jutting erection. Grabbed the darker cousin's hips. That worthy growled and dropped the thoroughly soaked balls into a paw. It yelped, tail curling over a hoary thigh. Shuddered, licked on John's aching penis. He watched as the long, red penis vanished under the plume of hair. The monster curled it's tongue around his cock, and pulled it past the long fangs. The muzzle closed around him, as the werewolf got busy sucking. The other held onto the furred hips. ... Black sat in his lap.. The chair creaked, warningly.. Was ignored. John grunted, feeding the cock to Brown, until the mouth sucked on his fingers.. He giggled. Moaned as the horny creature in his lap moved it's furry ass on him. he buggered the animal <+======= 15 =========+> The snake's tongue flicked out. It raised it's head, jeweled eyes gleaming in the wain light. It moved off the warming blanket, seeking.. The tongue tested the air again. The scent-trail ended at a huge bulk lying on a raised platform. Food-Giver was the closest thing to a name the reptile could give the mammal that kept it. The scent came from the middle of the body, where a protrusion .... The snake lowered it's scaly tail and shuddering, took the penis into it's vent. She waited, feeling the strange thing swell. The mammal moved unexpectedly, muscles pushing still more of the cock into her. She hissed softly, undulating around the maleness. It took time, but she was rewarded when semen jetted into her. She worked the cock well, getting a full harvest. When the liquid stopped running into her, the snake lifted free and with one last lick, made her way back to the warm place. <+======= 16 =========+> T-Shirts, or Business cards: Bottom - "Deliveries in Rear" or "Vacuum Salesman" Top - "FudgePacker extrodinare" Fisting - "Hand Packed Fudge our specialty" Piss - "Yellow River Water Co." or "Water Closet sitter" Son - "I'm a Baaaad Boy!" Father - "Do Not Spare the Rod.." Animals - "Horse Jumper" or "[Animal type] Breeder" or "Play leapfrog with a [Animal] Today.." Master - "We don't need no stinking T-Shirts!" Scat - "Hershey Road Builder" Bondage - "Beat' Um Good Leather Co." or "Puppy Trainer" Chickenhawk - "Mr.Sanders.." or "The Colonel.." Chickens - "Puppies for sale" <+======= 16 =========+> From Pandura1 Another did a much better job than I could.. His name I do not know, But he sat to one side and scribbled like mad. When the last of them stained my claws red, I went to this badger. He was scratching his head. "Umm. Spit!" He looked up at me. "Would you say Farqu went Splat, or was he more of a Squish.." I grinned. "Squish. Like an overfull winebag." He asked me a few more points and made corrections. Then closed his book. "I am ready.." I sat beside him. "For what.." He opened one eye and stared at me. "Why to be taken of course.." A grin rippled my snout. "Sure?" He nodded and stood still. "Please make it fast.. What?" I ripped his trowsers off. "Oh, no My little male..I intend to make you last as long as possible.. All this killing has made me hungry.." I slid my tongue out and slapped his cheek. He struck it away. "Don't you want my blood?" I put my paws on either side of him and knocked him onto his back with my nose. "No, Male.. I have tasted enough blood. I want Seed. Your Seed.." He screeched as I snapped my maw shut on his entire groin. Hmmm.. Perhaps I need to be smaller.. He certainly was! I allowed my body to contort and shrink back to it's 2 meter height. <+======= 17 =========+> The baboon screamed when I threw the water on it. Screamed even louder, when I applied soap. But, I wasn't about to allow the vermin to live another day.. Fleas, ticks, lice died by the hundreds. It sullenly stared at me from the frame. Refused to eat.. I grinned. Then, taking a feather, I gently rubbed the balls hanging so wonderfully between the hairy thighs.. Fat and blue, they swelled even more. The monkey moaned. Grimaced.. Made gestures that he plainly wanted me to continue. I did so, now lightly stroking the feather along his cock-sheath. The ape broke out in a sweat.. made a noise I had never heard before, penis sliding out. Not as big as an elephants, but still nice. I gave it a few strokes. Now the animal was moaning, and shoving it's hips forward. A finger dipped in oil slid under the tail without resistance. I nibbled on the nut-sack. and the ape howled. I no more than rested the straw-shaped cock-tip on my tongue than the baboon ejaculated. A river of the strong, slimy stuff poured into my mouth. I swallowed it, sucking the penis deeper. If I didn't know any better I would swear somebody was cutting him open.. With a rusty razor blade! Screams, moans, gasps. All the time the feet clung to my shoulders, holding me in place, with a very strong grasp. Not until the testicles I churned in my hand stopped vibrating, and no more spunk splashed against my throat, did they let go. <+======= 18 =========+> Death is not picky whom he visits, So Why should his servants be? Male or Female had never mattered to me.. Love is Love. Love is where two who love are. <+======= 19 =========+> He looked at the Silverback's balls, scant inches from his face. The animal might kill him, but he had to know. Reaching out an unsteady hand, he cradled the testicles. The Gorilla simply grunted. More confidant, he stroked them, and leaned forward to press his lips to them. It stood up, looking down at the scientist. Johin sucked the oval nuts gently into his mouth. A hand clasped the back of his head. A gasp made him look up. The 8-inch long cock swayed like a red snake. <+======= 20 =========+> All this thrashing didn't go unnoticed.. A small, brown reptile about 6-inches long stirred. He was darker than the surrounding earth, but a overall dusty brown, which gave him his name - Dust Brown Snake. Classified in the 4 Allah category - When bitten a man can say Allah 4 times before meeting him - this little creature was among the deadliest poison-bearing reptiles in the World. His given name was Pockets. Pockets was born in a Toxicology Lab where he was pampered by the aides - He was so small they had to use a special nipple to 'milk' the venom from him - by being carried around in a smock or lab coat pocket. <+======= 21 =========+>