DIATRIBE3.TXT - Chat - 12/22/98 A Couple of Tirades Because I have Nothing better to Do ;> By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association I would like to know if Anyone Else has a Internet Server that is down on the weekend - Conveniently when the Tech 'boys' have all gone home. I can Always leave E-mail...I would like to e-mail 10,000 offers of a dirty magazine, with a few hundred used-car dealer pitches and some life-insurance deals... And speaking of Adult services - Anybody DA feel like going after the all these www.RipemOffGood.com's? Since when did 'Free' mean someone had to have a Credit Card? If they want ID My Drivers' License, or State I.D. card is just as good and very unspendable.. I think someone should take them All to Task. And another good one - They offer to 'Show me' all the pictures that are FREE on the newsgroups - Spam Free of course - And THEY are the ones Spamming them! I think a few 'Round-Robin' mailing lists where people exchange erotic photos and stories, With a Moderator to kick out Anyone who tries to put an ad in, Would have most of them gone in a Month. If instead of doing all this stupid crap they came out as said We are a Bunch of Greedy Bastards, I wouldn't care. If they said they needed the money to pay for their equipment, I would understand - I would Still Not give them a card or pay them anything, but I Would respect them. And what Really twists my tail is there Are Free sites - They have to pay the same bills, buy the same equipment.. And all they ask for is the occasional donation and comment.. * * * * Speaking of web-sites - As I told someone I have gotten More comments when something is broken at my website than about my stories.. I know they are not perfect, I am not perfect. But until someone says 'I don't Understand.. Was it the Sheep that lived with the Prince, or the Goat?' I think everything is OK.. I admit I would Love to go through some of the Old Stuff and 'Update' it, but then again they are like 'Time Capsules' - Who know what I will be writing about 10 years from now? So if you don't understand something, if you can think of a better way to say what I am saying, or you just want to say 'You are the most perverted person I have ever known... And I want to shake your hand.' The address is on the web- site, which is there for YOU. If it is hard to find something, if something disappears, if you would like to say - Could you do this? I will try it, see if it works better, and Always reply.. * * * * Advertisements. if Anybody doesn't think Drugs or Stupidity runs rampant in the workplace, watch some of these advertisements. The scary part is they went through an Agency who dreamed this up. Then it was looked over by someone who Approved it. And Then foisted off on the Public. These nits should be glad we don't have buttons to keep or cancel ads.. A Majority thinks something is stupid and a $10 million ad campain gets dumped in a day. That would wake some people up! In answer to the questions of You-Know-Who.. A. It is a Puppy, not a Person. B. DVD's are small Lazer Disks ( Remember Those? ) and require a DVD Player. C. How much memory one needs is like asking how big a box one wants. Are you putting a toaster in it or an elephant? The true answer is - As much as you can get. D. Can I get a computer Without all the crappy software, And get the Licensing costs taken Off the Price? What if I want Linux, Os/2, Free BSD instead of Windoze? I guess Not.. Oh Yeah - Which computer do I want? Seeing as the one that is made now will be the obsolete one 6 months from now, what does it matter? Maybe that $500 to $1000 drop in the price? * * * * One last thing - We toss the words stupid and ignorant around like they had the same meaning.. They don't. Start with the the preposition that Knowledge is Experience - What you have learned over your life.. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. I am ignorant of what it is like to be a flower. I am ignorant of many of the languages spoken in the world. Stupidity is either being unable or unwilling to learn. I think C is Stupid. I think people who run like sheep after the Newest piece of software are stupid. Ignorance is burning your hand on the stove.. You hurt and are no longer ignorant of Why you don't touch a hot stove. Stupidity is barbequing your hand because it's either You or the Stove - and You are going to Win! The End - For Now