DIATRIBE.TXT The inner workings of a deranged mind. By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association People say they wish they had a Muse - Don't! Muses don't understand concepts like Sleep, Eat, Work, Fired. They come at all hours, Especially if you are busy doing something Else, and knock on your mind, firing up your imagination. Of course one Always has the option of Ignoring these happenings.. At which time some of the Best Stuff you ever thought up will dissipate into the either. Or you can tell it to go away, or Promise to write it down First Chance You Get - Like Tomorrow.. Err - Make that Later This Morning. At which time the Muse will get pissed off and leave - And of course you won't have the foggiest notion What that incredible story was. Until the next time. So here I am, at roughly 1 AM and 2 stories are sitting in the back of my mind percolating... One is a reaction to a story by someone else. I can't respond Directly to the piece because it wouldn't right to snag another's characters ( Yes I have done so before, and I keep such stories Well under wraps ), and play 'puppet-master' with them. And it is about an issue which I am straddling the fence on anyway. So I have to kinda go around the idea, using my own thoughts to describe a similiar situation. So "Workout.Txt" was born. This is actually going to be a 2-part story - A'Revenge' piece along with a more sexy, loving piece. So.. I am laying in bed and the characters come up and situations start and a dialog becomes scenes, and the Muse is composing away.. When I remember it's the Middle of the Night, and I Am Tired. "Ok - I will do this tomorrow, when I have had more sleep." ( I should know better - A. My Muse doesn't quit That easily; B. I don't have an artist's memory.. Once it's written, edited and finished in my head, it's Gone. Sometimes I will remember whisps, but the story is Never the same unless I sit and write it as I think it up. ) I have Just Waved a Big Red Blanket in front of an Angry Bull. So another line pops into my head - "They called us a Bad Bioengeeering Experiment." And here we go again.. Sexual Preferences. Human Vs Non-Human Mores. What turns someone on. What it would be like to be a true 'Furry'. And of course Humor, Eroticism, A batch of characters that I have to make come to life 'In Their Own Words.' Now how the Hell am I supposed to write this? It's a First person sequence, but it's not the usual Narrative story - So I made it an Interview 'Intervue.Txt'. I guess I could have just wrote it any old way and thrown it out, but I am not that easy on myself. I have over a Hundred stories in various states of completion on my Hard Drive. Most are of the 'What am I going to DO with this mess..' variety. Maybe it was 'A Good Idea' waiting for a story to be wrapped around it. Or a series of Sex-Scenes with some dialog to string them together, and I have bogged down... I mean - How many ways can one describe a Dick. And I don't think Anybody publishes a Dirty Thesaurus that describes 'The Act' so you don't write "He stuck it in " 20 times. Would you believe this started life as a paragraph I was going to put at the Beginning of Intervue? And of course there are 3 other stories wanting their turn to tell their.. Story. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You still reading this? Why on Earth would the ramblings of an idiot at 2 am be of interest to anyone? Yes, I talk like this too. The Muse is still prodding me, So I guess I shall continue. Where do I get my ideas... I have had erotic fantasies most of my life since I was 15 or so.. Example: Godzilla and King King - Who would be on Top? Godzilla - Big tail for spankings. Big feet for stomping, or putting pressure where it will do the most 'Good'. Radioactive breath for burning hair off slaves and giving an over-all tan. Scaly, or Leathery Skin? Bifurcated tongue for those sensous flicks.. Or broad and wide to wrap around a dick, Cushion it for those long suck sessions? King Kong - Gorilla. Would have Huge Balls that would sway between his legs for all to drool over. Big dark nipples jutting from Mounds of thick chest hair. Big hairy arms to grip or wrestle around with. Hands with leathery palms for spanking or stroking. And of course that nice hard Ass - Oh Jeez.. Another Story. * * * * Got the Idea? 'What If..' What if your bed was a living, sentient creature - Would it fall in love? Would it stroke you while you slept? What would it live on? What if the Dinosaurs Didn't die out but instead stayed parallel to man - Would they be like the Native Americans? Would they Help Early man Or Hinder him? Would they decide that Man isn't worth bothering about and Ignore them entirely? What would Happen of Man found another Space-Faring race... Nothing in Nature says you have to be Humanoid, or even Anthro to survive (Re: Dolphins). Mankind makes Contact with another Race - First by Radio. Fairly peaceful (No Major wars in some time), Then by unmanned ships with trade goods. Finally they meet.. They breed Human-like beings like we do Cattle - Food, Clothing, Recreational Sex (For those into such things). Are they a race of Wolves, long after the last one died in a zoo on earth? Would their moral structure allow Public Matings - With partner of choice or 'Pet'? Clothing - Optional, non- existant? Would taboo's be Fur color, Tooth length (Fang envy?)? Perhaps the genitalia would be openly displayed but the face would be hidden, or some part. What is Their concept of Good and Evil? Would recreational sex be encouraged while procreation is outlawed - And Why? Overpopulation, Genetic Deseases, Masters who do not want more slaves than they can handle. Hive-Minds where there is no such thing as an individual. Those considered cripples or 'Freaks' by their own kind seeking refuge. There are Tons of Ideas out there, all starting with What If.. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How the GayFurAss ( Now There's A T-Shirt for ya! ) Came about. I started a 'business' back in 1984 ( Don't get Orwellian on me ) Called Betal (b, Long a, tl). It was a kind of twisted latin for One who Loves Animals. It never did anything except on paper, but I had a name to (c) my stories with. Then came the Brotherhood of Pan - Dedicated to the Continuance of Interspecies Inter- Relationships. If that wasn't bad enough, I wrote everything 'From the Last Bastion of Insanity'. I still write from The Baston of Insanity, I just don't add it anymore. Then I expanded my work to include 'Furrys'. So I need a new name - The Rishathran Society. Coined from a word from a book that means to have sex between anthro's. But the author has a tendency to try and Sue anyone who doesn't ask permission first, So - the Gay Furry Association. About SwampRat - Imagine a mammal with an English-like manner, a new-york accent and the Morals of a Sewer Rat. Dat's SwampRat! His motto is simple - "If it moves, Screw it. If it doesn't move, suck it and see if it moves." One last note - CopyLeft (cl). Based on GNU and FreeWare, it simply means I want my name on my stories. That's it... You can toss them around, send them to friends, print them, publish them ( Ha Ha ), add to them. Use characters/scenes/ideas from them.. Except for certain Stories, which I ask not be distributed because of Content, I really don't care. If you do use a character or idea, please e-mail me a copy just so I can have it ( Yeah Right - More like so I can be vain and egotistical ;> ). And to publishers and would-be publishers - You don't have to ask permission. If it is something you think someone would like to read, go ahead and snag it. The only ones I worry about getting in Wide circulation are Not the kinds that end up in print anyway ( Unless it's 'Beating Bunny Butts' or some such, in which case I don't think I even qualify ). And Please - No Money. I got a most wonderful offer on a story that was re-written and printed - Some copies of the magazine. I Still feel guilty about taking them for something I do for Fun ( And Bless you Karl for doing it ). So CopyLeft means 'Free to a Good Home.' And Finally - Write! Dream up something and put it on electronic paper. Send it to Friends, Furry Fans, Albrecht at Furry Pleasures ( He's going to Kill me for saying that). Get a dozen or so going and get a web-page at some free place and let people know.. I have had close to 80 hits on my page in the almost 2 months it has been up and a searchbot asked me to describe it - Wow! Celeberity Status! So pass the Furverted Torch, be proud to enjoy dirty stories with non-humans in them. Who knows - You may be the next Guru of Furry Smut! ;> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dedicated to: Banwynn - We need more Brer stories, and more about Tresspassing.. Kashra - Faral still has plenty of life, and you have a Whole planet to populate.. Dream Tiger - Never grow up and become a cynical fox. You are too beautiful for that.. Untahk - Who gave more than I thought possable to a new fur wandering alone. NightCat - Please come back to us soon.. You are missed. BigPaws - How he puts up with me, I don't know - But I am glad he does. All who have made me laugh, cry, think - In story, online, or just being there. The fans of Furry Erotica in all it's forms - Whose stories inspire me to continue writing, Whose 'I liked it.' keeps me typing when I should be sleeping, Who keep me digging through newsgroups and homepages and archives for things that go Yiff. And especially to the Muse, who is quiet at 4:07 AM, for whispering in my ear 'What If..." "The end of the Beginning, Is the Beginning of the End." - Roger Whtittaker There is Never an End, Only a Continuance.