KLIX.TXT - August 09, 2002 (cl) 2002 GFA The story of Klix "This is the Words of This One. This One has no name, as others have been given, but this one has been called 'One who Clicks' as this one does have a habit of clicking feeding mandibles together. So, this will refer to oneself as Klix. This one was born as all are - at the Hive. Speech, social structure, Place of being are Trained until the third time the Sun Rises Full.. Then the body goes through the changes that mark the second phase of one's lifespan. When again the body awakens, this one found that Male was his allotted being. More training to attune body, spirit and energy was done until This One could Glow with the Power of Oneness. This One became a healer, as the life within was strong and called others spirit back to the body. As a male, this one was not allowed to know of certain rituals, of the Way of Fertility. But this one was not interested in bringing more of the same of his kind onto the Planet. While Birth-Mates settled and found mates and partners, this one stayed alone, communing with Plants whose thoughts are simple and slow and restive. The females who courted this one came away disappointed, as none could bring the hormones needed before conception and mating, to the surface. This one was called unto the Council and asked Why, as Society and Status demand, did not This One participate in the ways of Mating. Not to even be scarred, or have lost a body-part to an overzealous Female.. The being before them must be unbalanced, as he has not Taken the Flight of Reproduction, as politely refused to even be a part of a Clan, where many females may use and choose the mate of their offspring. The Council in it's wisdom decided this one should not add to the pool of genetics, but would serve the Colony in other ways. This One was given passage to the Out Worlds, where few of the Being were. But other souls shone, other minds spoke, other energies cried out to be touched.. And this one has done to the best of his humble abilities to perform in whatever way is needed." "Klix.." The man laughed. "You can jabber off more vacuum than 3 space-rats combined." The creature who looked like nothing more than a Preying Mantis - except it's antenna were like feathers, and glowed with energy - Turned it's triangular head at an impossable angle. "Does this one's words offend, Recorder?" The 'words' came out of a black box that was suspended on a chain from the armored body. "Offend.." The man snorted and stopped the session, lifting the matrix-cube from it's slot and fed it into a machine for analysis, and storage. "No.. It's just the way you talk I guess." He Stood. "Perhaps tomorrow you can tell us of some of your exploits." A nod and the man left.. Not noticing the furred tongue appear for a moment between the mandibles. "Humans have such nice body-parts - This one thinks the male has a nice butt." Klix laughed to himself then tidied the small room he called home for the time being and went to stroke the plants he kept, talking to them as easily as he did the mammal. The End