POEMS.TXT - A couple of poems.. By Afril WHY? - 07/04/01 This I do believe... From the Greatest Whale to the smallest worm in the sod, We are all Equal, In The eyes Of The Lord. You scream at me, and say I am dammed, But who else speaks for the Land? In Greed's name You plundered, you raped, you took And when you are done, Will you then turn and look; At the our children's heritage, A torn and twisted Land, Not fit for any living thing, Beast or Man. So I say, My Brethren, Start now! Feed the soul, watch the plow, Take the earth in your hands, Plant the seed. For when it is all gone, so also shall we. For as goes Earth, so goes man, In Glorious abundance, Or barren, dead Land. I speak for those who have no voice, For those who have been given no choice. You say I am outrageous, Such Words should not be said, How many votes are gathered from the dead? They who gave all they had, Who did what they could, Good or Bad. Now forgotten, Except in ritual, Placed in mounds upon the hill. Do you hear the tortured cries, Of those who were murdered for the prize? Rush, Rush, Live for Today... And what will you do when it's gone away? Will our children have to go to a museum to see, A hologram of a tree? Animals living only on Tape, CD's, Names on a list, A Gorilla only a memory, in the mist? 'Yes, my child, I remember a time, When air was pure, Life was fine. We walked in sunlight, and Grass was real, Not man-made as you see here.' And while we took and pillaged and razed, Life slowly faded away. No God will come down to say, "That's alright Little Man, Go on and play. I will bring then all back, and then, You may kill them all again!" Before I go, I say one last thing.. With the Fall, Must come the Spring. The Sun will look down at us, The same Yesterday, as Tomorrow; But how will it find the earth? A Dead hollow.. Will we still be here, to make hay? Perhaps a cleaned one, Once Man had wiped himself and all else away. * * * * PATHWAY.TXT - 10/14/02 The Path When you walk along your way, Along the path that you have made.. Will you stop and look behind? Or forward to uncertain times. Behind is what you have made, Every step you have paved. Created by your own hand, Your stamp upon the land. Do you see the broken dreams, Shattered truths, The extremes You went to, Just to survive.. But really - Are you alive? Yet no matter the endeavor, No matter How hard you try, In the end, We all will die. Will you step forward and spit down the cliff, Will you look beyond the rift? Will you walk on your way, Looking back at the Days.. Or forward go, To the end for one of the race called Men? The End