SISTER.TXT - 08/02/01 By SwampRat This is based on an old joke that I can't recall, and a Radio blurb about a horse named 'Hurass' Sister's Ass A nun found a scraggly, half-starved donkey at an auction and bought him. She nursed him back to health and groomed him to the point he was quite handsome, and gentle and loved by All the nun's. They took him to town one day to get supplies. The next day's headline read, "Sister shows ass in public." The Bishop almost had a heart-attack. He went to the convent and asked the Sisters to please be more careful, and they agreed. One day the Sisters read there was going to be a livestock show with sums of money to the winners. As the convent was never rich, the funds would be appreciated. But the Bishop wasn't willing to take the chance of what might happen, and told them to remove the donkey's name from the list of animals. The next days headline - "Bishop scratches Sister's Ass." The bishop tore the paper into pieces, and spent the day in solitude, asking forgiveness for his thoughts. The donkey was a wonderful pet, but seemed lonely, even with all the Sisters. Perhaps he might like to be with other donkeys, or horses. So they sadly decided to let him go to a good farm, hopefully nearby so they could visit him. The next day, they found the Bishop, clutching his chest and pointing to the paper - "Sister to sell her ass. 'We need the money.' She says." The End