THE-END.TXT - January 10, 1999 By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association For a Very Dear friend, who might appreciate the dark humor.. The rest of you - E-mail me ;> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A man stood on the curb, waiting for the light to change so he could cross, when Something appeared, Attacked him, and Vanished again! The force was enough to shove him back a few steps. What the..? He rewound the event in his mind... One, Something appeared - Hairy Naked Wolf-Like Humanoid. Werewolf? Ok.. A werewolf appeared out of nowhere. Two, It attacked him - Feet raking the thighs, hands ripping across the shoulders, head turning to sink it's teeth into his neck. Three, It vanished again. Conclusion - A werewolf appeared and tried to rip him into 6 pieces - Legs, arms, head, torso - and returned to wherever it came from... How Interesting. There was one other thing - Oh yes. Just before the werewolf vanished, there were the sounds of claws snapping and teeth breaking - Along with the beginning of an extremely loud scream. How strange.. He considered this while remembering another being, who had accosted him in a similar way 20.33 standard time units before. The being came from a darkened alley, rushed to him and scratched at his suit weakly while trying in vain to bite his neck. "May I assist you, Citizen?" The dark eyes tried to focus. "Give me Blood. Give me Blood.. Please?" The man took off his coat and gently helped the being to the ground, laying it under the white-haired head. "I do not have any Blood, Citizen." The hands gripped him. "You are Strong, Healthy Human. You can spare a Little for a dying.." The bloodshot eyes widened at the reply. "Humanity went extinct 500 standard years ago. The last living creature died 337 standard years ago. I am Business Android 1278, Nice to greet you Citizen." The being made a choking noise then lay still on the walkway, decomposing rapidly to dust. The man lifted his jacket and put it back on, continuing up to the crosswalk... A chime told BA 1278 the way was clear, Shaking the organic debris from his metallic frame, the man continued onward to walk into an empty office building, sit at the same desk and continue to do the job he had been built for - 2 centuries earlier. The End