ASBYAK.TXT - May 06, 1999 By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association A note before I begin - I was going to call this Diatribe 6, but it's all about Associated Student Bodies - a wonderful comic - So I ranted about it instead. And if any of You reading this have comments, feedback or just want to Rant at Me, The e-mail address is all over the web-site. Drop me a line - I may not reply That Day, but I try and read my e-mail daily. And if I piss some of you off, So much the Better - It means more things for me to read ;> * * * * After looking ASB over a few times I have some remarks - First let me state I am Bi-Curious. Usually This means a Straight Person is curious about those of the same sex. As usual, I am the opposite ;> I am a Gay Fur who is curious about Females. My sexual experience is Extremely Limited, so perhaps I shouldn't growl so loudly at the 2 boys who make the comic up, but... Issue 3 Is Daniel Really that much of a Wimp? I was when I was in school.. But I had a build that kept others at bay. I have been beat on once - I simply shrugged the kid off and walked away. And somehow managed Not to get into a fist-fight with a macho idiot. I lost some books and what little self-esteem I had at the time, but I was unhurt and I didn't hurt anyone else. Daniel - There are 2 places on a Male body that are Extremely sensitive - The Solar Plexus and between the legs. If you have ever sat down wrong or had something bunch up and GRAB you, You Know how fragile those 'Eggs' are.. And just below the rib-cage is a spot Mother Nature should have iron-clad.. Tap it and wheeze. Hit it ( I got a football in the gut once ) and you are out of commission. One more thing - Don't hit out of Fear. I know it's hard, but keep in the back of your mind, that You can Kill Someone by hitting them too hard. A friend told me of his nephew who somehow got a testicle twisted around - He was vomiting blood by the time they got him to the hospital. So hit, and Run. Get some distance between yourself and however many there are of them. And never be afraid to Yell.. The Last thing these guys want is Witnesses. * * * * Issue 4 Before I begin I have to say I Loved the ending. Now to the growling.. What a wonderful way to dodge a bullet.. And do a Big disservice to All the furs out there who are still struggling with themselves. Why Couldn't Daniel go to bed with Allison? At least far enough to decide if it was what They wanted to do.. "I have a Boyfriend." And? The first time is with another Guy and suddenly there is a Chastity belt around one's balls that is stamped 'Men Only'? The easy way around it was for him to go to Marcus and say 'I met someone and...' If Marcus is Half the guy I think he is it wouldn't be hard at all for him to say Yes, Maybe with some restrictions, and Defiantly a talk about safe-sex.. Two of the same species stands a Very good chance of having Kits.. Then again, Maybe all Gay are Jealous Fucks who won't let their Boy-Toys off the Leash for even a Minute. I can only go by what I would say and do.. I am not monogamous. I may have someone I Love dearly, and more than anything.. But I won't hold them to me like I am frightened they will blow away with the next wind. And if someone thought I was cute ( HA HA ) and wanted to go to bed, I wouldn't say no. Cheating on my Lover? Cheating him/her of What? A night without me being there because I am making someone else happy? Jealous/Angry/Hurt? The sun will come up tomorrow and not give a tinker's dam about you and your feelings. Your Love will.. So while I am not saying Be Yourself - Cry, Growl, Snarl.. Whatever you need to do to vent, Just remember that Tomorrow is Promised to No One. A car, a plane-crash, an air-bubble or blood-clot in the blood-stream and they are Gone. And all the I'm Sorries in the world will not bring them back. So when it's all over with and you are looking at each other, Ask Yourself - Do you love them? Forget for the moment you may want to storm out or break something or even them.. Deep down is what you Really want a Hug? Their arms around you, apologizing and kissing you and knowing at 70 when you are a wrinkled prune they will still slide their hand in yours and say 'I love you'? Then Hug that Person. Clear Everything you are doing and Sit and Talk and Hug. It won't mean you won't still be angry or Hurt, but it Will mean you won't come back to a dead body. Or an empty place where 2 Lovers once lived. * * * * To Mr. Parrish - I would be disappointed if a wheel Didn't fall of Steven's Wagon. All it takes is one argument and too much alcohol.. Especially with someone like Ricky who loves him more than Anything. It would Probably only Once, And be not much more than some mutual caressing, Oral sex - Maybe Ricky getting mounted, but even I doubt it - and 2 friends sleeping in each other's arms. Stephen would be in bed with someone who truly cared about him, not someone he met at a bar - Or worse, beaten up and robbed. Ricky Would Finally get to sleep with his Adonis. And life would go on.. Maybe some jokes at the collie's expense, Some chiding from Other ladies who would have taken the sexy male in bed.. And probably will. But it Could happen. It probably does all over the World. A scenario could be Stephen wakes up, not remembering Anything after the third Tequlia shooter and finds himself nude, with an armful of Ricky. Or maybe he Does - Staggering or being helped to the Dorm. Ricky helping to his room and to bed.. From there, things just Happened. Maybe he would shake his head - And wish he hadn't.. Nasty Hangover - Smile ruefully and kiss his friend on the cheek, maybe whispering 'Thanks.' before climbing out of bed and heading for the shower, leaving the raccoon asleep, and happy. And that would be it. Steve is still Het-Boy, Ricky is still Twinkerbell. And if Steven ever needed to hold someone, to have a warm body in bed, he and Ricky could be together. They already Past the hurdle of Sex, it would just be 2 males sleeping together, comforting each other. * * * * Some final thoughts - They have 3 issues left to decide what to do with the 'Couple'. Marcus is supposed to be a senior - which means He will be Leaving. What then? A telephone Relationship? Daniel tells his parents he's gay and moves in with the Wolf? Someone Else comes into the picture? We will have to see what the boys decide. And while I may growl and grump, I will enjoy them just as much as all their other fans do. And Guys - If the grind gets too much, make it every 4 months.. Or even 6 - I would Much rather wait and have something good, then lose something so good because the creative furs behind it burn out. 8 issues will Probably cover Daniel's first year well - But he has 3 more to go.. And there are All the other characters, both Male and Female, to explore. So Please - Do the 8, Take a Break, Have some fun... And then, Return to us again. Zane A. Lewis - Sometimes knows as Afril