BEASTWHORE.TXT - M/? - Robotic Sex - June 24, 2002 By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association Beast Whores - A 'Slash'-type story about some Very Sexy Robotic animals ( Lawyerese: Character Names (c) Hasbro - Used Without Permission ) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rattrap sat at the bank of consoles, setting his cup of 'Something' ( Rhinox had made the goop in the Lab.. It oiled all the internal workings, felt pretty good going down and wasn't Too bad in the Taste Department. It had become habit to grab a cup and sip it while on 'Watch' ) down, tail lazily stroking his morning hard-on, and adjusted the cameras, looking for enemies.. Setting a couple up to beep if any movement came from around the perimeter, he set the rest to look in on various groups of animals that roamed the area close by.. A slim fingered hand gripped his thick 'meat' as half-lidded eyes took in the sight of so many Males... The lift sounded and he flung a shop-towel he kept handy for just such reasons over his groin, turning the chair a little.. Then almost jumped up as Cheetor came up the lift from the outside, all Banged-up.. 'Fur' matted, 'Hide' scratched.. "Little Cat! What happened to you?" A soft groan as the cheetah-like robot stepped out onto the ship's deck, legs a little wide. The 'rodent' couldn't help but notice Cheetor's 'dick' was hanging between his legs, fully extended and limp like it had been used quite a few times too many. "Dinobot and I were..." Rattrat smacked his head then waggled a finger at the young robot. "How many Times have I warned you about Chopperface.." Teeth marks were clearly visible on the 'cat's' neck, and claws had dug grooves in the metallic flesh of his bony ass. The towel was rising as the sharp-tongued robot took in all this but tried to keep both face and voice from showing his excitement.. "So - What made him do this? Not that he needs a reason.." "We were interfacing -" Cheetor began.. "You and Dinobutt!?! Gross!" exclaimed the rodent-like robot, close to drooling now... The com crackled to life. "No more 'Gross' than a Maximal who thinks a Certain Gorilla's Butt is the Rat's Cheese, and wants to nibble on it all night.." The switch to the outside com was hastily shut off, as the spotted robot chuckled.. "I never said Nuthin' Like that!" Cheetor grinned and patted his friend's metal rear. "Sure, Sure..." Then winced and half-limped/half waddled to the Regen Chamber. "Besides - It was Worth it.." As the door closed, Rattrap's mind began to mull things over... The gorilla wasn't the Only Male around the ship he had sometimes dreamed of. * * * * Dinobot rubbed his aching interface port. Cheetor had been a Very willing pupil to teach male/male sex to, and it drained the warrior in more ways than one. Maybe he should have gone slower, But the feel of the hot male under him, purring, 'Harder, Deeper, Faster..' inflamed him So Much... His nostrils flared as he snorted - Love was for weaklings. But he couldn't deny the feelings he had for All his fellow robots.. And especially a certain couple of sexy males... "Hey Lizard Face - Da boss says you gotta Take Cat-boy's place at watch until he is better." Dinobot Hissed Indignantly.. "That goesss without mention, Mouse." Rattrap hid a chuckle behind a hand.. Dinobutt had it bad for Spots. Then smiled slyly, and re-arranged the schedule so he was going to be on Guard-Duty as well. Maybe a few of his fantasies would come true tonight... * * * * The cleaning robots in Megatron's Private Chamber were awash in the synthetic semen that had poured out the big reptilian dick. "Damn.. That was better than watching the locals's rut." He bucked in the harness, shoving a big dildo up his ass roughly, spewing the last dregs of his need on the floor. "If I knew he was That Hot I would have gotten Dinobot in My Chamber.. Yes." His reptilian butt wriggled, taking the artificial dick in to the floor-bolts and SQUEEZED It, 'muscles' sucking the twin tanks of lube dry. "Scorpinox reporting in Chief - Waspinator says, 'Except for the Floor Show, Nothing Moving..' " Waspinator had a way with words.. He also had a way with that buzzing body to drive most Any of them insane with lust. The Predicon leader undid the straps and stomped out the hatch, interface unit still hard, thinking he would find something Organic to stick up his back-passage.. He grinned, eyeing his reflection. Interface unit indeed! At one time maybe - But that was before they covered them with synthiflesh so they looked more - realistic. The shiny scaled balls weren't original equipment either, but after seeing Maxumus Primal trotting around with His black, leathery sack that looked so good the Predicon had drooled all over the video screens for some time, He had to have a pair. And they felt Soooo Good rubbing between his thighs... Damn he hoped one of the big Rhino's that frequented the area was in Rut! "I am going out to scout around for more.. Raw Material. Keep watch on the enemy, and inform me of any.. 'Interesting' Developments." Waspinator buzzed acknowledgment, then sent out on the 'private' channel the boss was going out to get his ass reamed, and it was Kick-back time until he returned.. Another radio picked-up the broadcast and a big shape moved along a path it had wandered many times before, waiting to capture the Big Lizard.. But becoming unsure exactly How... * * * * Primal scratched himself. He didn't really Itch, but all the other apes were and he was 'blending in' to better keep track of the enemy. So far it had been pretty quiet - Surprisingly so.. He moved closer, rubbing his side against a tree, then Standing to scan the area... If he had better 'ears' he would have heard the moans and pants his movements were creating - His scratching made his big balls swing like a bell-clapper, His furry ass stick out and of course all the Extremely erotic thrusts of pelvis and hips while pretending to rub against the side of the tree had Many eyes glued to screens.. He reached down and rubbed his half-hard interface-unit, still not used to the synthi-skin covering. But it was necessary if they were going to be able to spy on the Preds and not be so noticeable. There was movement in the brush and he carefully moved closer... To have a blaster stuck in his back! "Doo Not Moove, Maximalll.." The Predicon scout wasp pushed Primal's arms up and 'frisked' him, seeming to linger in spots a bit longer than should be normal.. Maximus didn't curse himself for being caught - It happened. But Why the too-friendly caresses? The carelessness in the way the blaster was held? "What do you Want, Pred?" "YOU!" came the reply, Waspinator tossing the gun to one side and pulling the Hunky gorilla-like male against him. Primal saw his chance and fought back, not knowing his movements were making a phallic-shaped probe, firm buttocks, and a pair of round globes slide over the striped abdomen.. Not noticing the darting tongue that almost touched his skin, the antenna quivering in ways that had Nothing to do with fighting.. "Hot maximal... Want youuuu.." The wasp jaws opened and fastened on Primal' neck, fore-legs crossing over his chest, 'fingers' caressing his nipples. The mid-legs jerked him against the throbbing abdomen, reaching around to stroke the thickening 'male-meat', rubbing as much as of it's metallic self against him as possible. "Um, Waspinator.. I don't go for..." Suddenly he was on the ground and the insect was between his legs, the tip of his interface-unit locked between the toothed jaws as a soft warm tongue bathed it. "Bee quiet, Maximalll.." When Waspinator talked, he buzzed.. And the tingle ran all through Primal's circuits... The furry male got up on his elbows to try and see what was going on, just as the insect abandoned his cock-tip and was stuffing his oversize scrotum in it's mouth, sucking, licking, drooling All over the fleshy sack.. The jaws clamped firmly at the base of Primal's dick, as his nuts got the Best cleaning since he had put them on.. The suction, the tonguing, the pleasure.. He almost grabbed the wasp-robot's head, but fought the urge down. Twisting instead, he saw the blaster almost within reach.. He stretched for it... Then completely forgot about Everything but the mouth that was planting searingly Hot kisses on his cock-tip, Engulfing it a moment later.. The insect opened his jaws wide and slid down the length of Primal' interface unit, buzzing in pleasure, starting to bob on the large dick. The gorilla-like robot grunted, unsure What to do now - He understood the Crew had needs and desires that weren't in the Officer's Manual, but he Was Captain, and Leader.. 'One leads by Example..' His Father had drilled in him time and again, and Now here he was being given a Hum-job by an enemy soldier not even a full click away from the Pred Base! Of course, That didn't it stop from feeling Good.. Very Good! The soft tongue wriggling along his cock-tip, then sliding along his shaft as it was swallowed to the roots. 'Toes' caressed his nuts, scratching them, rolling them around while his entire crotch vibrated... Then the antenna moved up to flick sensuously across his hard nipples, and Primal was washed away on a tide of orgasm that made him dig his fingers in the ground, groan loudly, blowing like a geyser in full spout. Since Waspinator didn't have to take in breath through his mouth, he kept the throbbing worm buried in his gullet, sucking on it hungrily, teasing both ball-sack, and nipples to get the Most Maximal scum he could possibly harvest. Slowly pulling back, he watched every shiver, heard every groan and pant, lifting up to hold the big cock in his fore-hands, to lick it gently, cleaning it and driving the gorilla-robot insane. "Waspinator thinks Optimus Likes having his cock sucked.." The toothed jaws worked the softening meat between them, making sure every inch got tongued.. His antenna quivered and he reluctantly let go with one last kiss on the blown-out nuts. "Am being called back to base.. Maybe Next time Waspinator capture Optimus Primal, He clean Hot, Sexy Butt too?" The wasp-like creature turned it's head as only an insect could, then was gone before the still panting male could reply. Had it been That Long since he last emptied the pipes? Primal shook his head and slowly got up, staggering back to the forest. "Optimus Primal to Base - Mission Scrubbed. Will have to try another time. Out." It was a good thing he didn't ask for a reply because Rattrap was in a ball on the floor, one hand buried up to the elbow in his ass, steadily fist-fucking himself while his muzzle was desperately trying to get the last few inches of spurting cock stuffed in it. He was well into his fifth orgasm when the Regen chamber opened up and Cheetor stepped out - Better than New.. He had gained another inch over all and a couple more between the legs. Coming out re-energized to a scene like This made his cat-cock snap to full attention. Grinning, he moved to the quivering ball of rat-flesh and pulled Rattrap's arm from under his tail, purring, "Let me help you with that.." He positioned his cock at the winking opening and Shoved his hard as a steel rod interface unit deep into his friend. The robot barely had time to squeak before the spotted hips were pounding his brown ass, claws gripping his hips and they both came in an explosion of moans.. * * * * The predicon leader tried to at least Look like he was there for some reason other than to pant at the mammals with big sexy horns on their faces and way too long dicks that were his favorite suck-toy. He felt eyes on him. Brown eyes that belonged to his Lover.. A well-built bull that enjoyed reaming him out as much as he liked to wriggle under the hot male. A snort from behind him got a response from the herd and a young bull trotted out to see what was going on.. The lizard-like robot quivered from snout to tail - 2 of them? Lowering his body, he formed his lips into an 'O' and waited, hoping. Either this male had been with him before or he was becoming popular because the Rhino trotted up, looked him over and mounted his face, waiting... Megatron's tongue slid across the sweaty balls, making their owner grunt and spread the thick legs a little, the leathery sheath showing signs of life. The tyranosaur moaned as another horn pushed at his tail, moving it out of the way.. With a hard thrust, the Big male drove a rhino cock deep in his ass, the other male unreeling into the robot's mouth. His own interface-unit slapping the ground, The lizard-robot pushed back and shoved forward, eyes closed in utter bliss.. To hell with the Maximals, This was what he wanted to do the rest of his cycles.. The one in front blew it's cum down his throat and he sucked on it lovingly, draining it's balls just out of reach of his short arms.. The one in back was another matter and his tail caressed the fat nuts moaning at how rough the male was pounding his back orifice, how firm and full the scrotum was that swayed even as he caressed it.. And how Much semen blew up his tail-pipe.. The one in front slowly pulled out - Very slowly because Megatron was sucking and licking and doing his best to keep it just a micro-cycle longer in his mouth - And tiredly made it's way back to the herd. The other one was still slowly humping, cock very hard and completely sheathed in him. He Squeezed it as he let go his own male-liquid, wishing it was more organic.. Not so he could Breed, far from it! He just wanted it to taste more 'real'.. The mammals had such tasty sperm and he loved every drop he could harvest. Maybe someday he could 'capture' Maximus Primal and see if the other camp had made any changes he would be interested in... Yes... Oh Gods! It was pounding his ass again! His senses overloaded and he went into semi-hibernation just letting the big male do as it wanted with his body - He could so easily fall in love with the big-dicked male... Rhinox wondered if he should Tell Megatron who it was that fucked him into oblivion... Then the pred male stirred and turned to lick his cock clean, taking it to the sheath and nursing in it. No use spoiling his fun.. And the big Maximal's either. He closed his eyes and let his enemy bring him to orgasm yet again. * * * * Rattrap and Dinobot lay on the ground, caressing each other. "That was Great.." The brown robot squeaked, wriggling a little. "But just because I let you tie me up, spank my butt then fuck it raw, doesn't mean I am going to stop insultin ya.." The lizard-like robot 'smiled'. "I would not expect otherwissse." Then leaned over and tongued the semi-hard rat penis. "Ohh. Hey! Don't dooo That.." A hissed chuckle.. "Why Not? You have already Cum 20 timesss, I am sure you can do it a few more.." He chomped his teeth down on the now stiff 'meat' hearing his new lover/slave screech and moan, rat paws rubbing his muzzle. He started sucking, moving his own hard cock to the tight Maximal butt, thinking he might have to go back in training - Servicing 2 Hot males would wear him out Quickly if he didn't watch himself. The End... For Now.