BMRRIN.TXT - M/M/M - Semi-NC, NC - April 10, 2003 A Biker Mice/Rrin crossover story By SwampRat (cl) 2003 Gay Furry Association A note - Rrin are not Kzin because Kzin is a copyrited name. But they are both feline races. He woke up with a groan. A hand was on his head and he gulped at the water in the cup that was at his lips. What had happened.. He felt pained all over - especially between his legs, where a hand massaged his balls softly. And Damn it felt good.. "Mine were the same way. Take it easy for a little while.." So it was a Male who caressed him so wonderfully. He inhaled the scents, noting his own lust and that of another.. Unfamiliar, alien. But the male was lying him down on something and made no overt moves except to continue holding his nuts and caress them gently. He opened his eyes slowly.. To see a striped cat squatting beside him with a big, strong hand between his legs... He panicked for a moment, quickly quelled with a Squeeze applied to a Very sensitive area.. "You are a Mouse? We do not have your kind on my planet.. If we Did I would not have been so eager to leave." The male whose name translated as 'Thomas' in Common, nodded and relaxed a little.. Then stiffened when a warm mouth descended on his crotch, blowing hot breath across his erection.. He had a Hard-On? Ok, So females were not high on his priority list.. He was young and would find a mate Someday. A tongue slid across his exposed flesh and he moaned despite himself.. His hips came up of the slab as it flicked across the tip, then engulfed in warmth. He didn't last long, between the expert mouth and the tugging on his balls.. "You have just been eaten, which I believe was your concern if I read your body-language right.." He laughed and slid his hand down to touch the strange head, the triangular ears even as the feline licked his cock-tip, squeezing it to get all the semen out. Sighing, he let himself fall back into slumber.. Walks-Against-Winds purred as he let go of the now sleeping male. So different, but so similar.. Why was he here? Walks chuckled.. Perhaps he was here to Tempt the Rrin into giving out more information. Perhaps He was the one who was now Interrogator, whose role was to 'soften' the male up for briefing. He was familiar with such tactics, having learned them second hand from a Human who wished to join the 'Other Side'. And first hand, both when squeezing All the information out of said Human, and when he was captured, brought here.. Abused, used, made to babble about anything and everything.. But he was a Priest, not a warrior. So he cradled this poor male who would have to walk the Hard Road before he let go of his former life to walk towards a New one.. Or be broken on the lathe and fall to be a creature who walks but has no mind behind glassy eyes. When the captors came for the mouse he of course moved to one side.. His road had already been traveled, and he accepted it as he had accepted his position in the Circle of Mind. The poor male screamed and fought - to be tapped with a stick, the semi-limp body being dragged away. To fight is to be Broken, to not fight but to resist made the way tolerable. He had done his best to teach the ways of Shifting, of Twisting With the Winds.. But most had laughed. They didn't care to hide their pride and maleness inside. The wore it like the rings around their balls.. And like those rings broke when pressure was applied with force. But he loved his race, so he fought to explain to them the skills they Might need, but as his manesake implied, few listened. He knew this as well as he knew the lulls and peaks of War itself. There would be a time of peace, and a time of fighting.. He licked his lips as a suited being came in with a tray of food. The male tasted Good.. Almost as good as Humans. "Do I need to divide the meal?" A shake of the head. 'he will be fed by tube afterwards.' The Rrin, who most resembled a 7 foot tall tiger, knelt and prayed in the Old Tongue over the rations. The without looking up said, "May I be allowed seasoning?" He grinned slightly at the sound of a flap being opened.. He closed his eyes and opened his muzzle, letting the suited one grip his head and lay a smallish but still very nice penis on his tongue. As he sucked and swirled said tongue over the appendage he purred.. Humans tasted Much better. * * * * The mouse was again laid out on a frame, tail clamped up from his butt, arms, legs, neck all secured. 'you have been a bad mouse.' The voice was mechanical, but the hand that slapped his ass wasn't.. He snarled that whoever it was they could go screw themselves. And get their damn hand off his rump, he Was't That kind of male. But the hand stayed.. Caressed his furry cheek, teased the puckered hole lightly. Scritched across it, rubbed around it, pushed in just a little. Then moved away entirely.. Making the mouse shiver as he suddenly wished it had stayed a little longer. 'let's start with a name.' Name? "Fuck off." He grinned to himself... "Name and Rank.. Now Soldier!" He stiffened up, came to attention as best he could and barked out, "Thomas Orter, Trooper Third class Sir!" "Thomas Orter, Trooper Third Class.." the voice sneered. "And what is a Trooper doing standing here with his dick waving in the breeze.. Are you some kind of faggot? A Queer who is waiting for another male to bend him over and fuck his ass? I Am Waiting Trooper.." Oh Shit.. What was the Right answer? "No Sir!" A hand grabbed his erection and Squeezed it, stroking it in such a way as to make his toes curl.. "I think you are Lying to me.. Are You Lying to me Trooper?" "No Sir!" "But you like my hand on your Dick.. Isn't That right Trooper!" He arched as a thumbnail scratched at the underside of his cock-tip bring him Very close to orgasm.. "I'm Waiting Trooper.." "Sir, Yes Sir!" "Well.. That Does make you a Faggot, doesn't it." As the mouse's eyes went wide in shock, the thumb flicked across a nerve-bundle and he came harder than he could ever remember, semen hitting his chin, splattering his chest, his belly, before the cock was released to let it spray arcs of white sticky seed onto the floor.. Fingers tweaked his nipples, squeezed his balls, shoved the slippery spunk into his anus, grinding around, making the male shudder and cum again.. He lay in his bonds, sobbing.. What were they doing? Why were they doing this? Fingers touched his antenna softly, stroked the cream down his belly, teased his dick into yet one more spurt.. And the mouse moved with the hands.. Pushed up against the caresses.. A kiss got one back, hot and wanton.. "Speak of your troops again." He didn't know much but all he knew he said, unable to do anything but shudder and moan as those talented hands attacked his body expertly.. Three times, Four times.. He repeated and repeated himself, hands guiding him, goading him, Making him comply.. He was finally allowed to rest, given something that was like porridge and some water.. Then he was Fucked. Hands worked his dick over, his balls over, his nipples over.. Not even his antenna were off-limits to being caressed and teased by supple fingers. He came and came until he couldn't even gasp breath to beg. One final word was whispered in his ear, then he was yanked from the table, half-dragged down the corridors to the room where he was dumped on the floor. He curled up into a ball, trying to forget the word that echoed in his mind.. Faggot. He barely felt the hands lift him, place him on the slab, rub his shoulders, give comfort.. He suddenly turned and Hugged the male to him and Cried.. Cried because maybe he Was a Faggot. Cried because he was scared to Death.. Scared Of Death. Scared at being all alone, a long way from home.. The hand on his butt felt good, squeezing the cheeks, kneading them softly. The arm that his head lay on felt good too - Masculine, strong, but it cradled him gently. He fell asleep, holding the big male against him, inhaling the scent of rut, of fur, of male... Walks held the smaller male and waited. The storm had come, and it had been bad. But there would be other storms.. The furred butt moved against his hand in an erotic way.. Or perhaps they would only be Gusts - Enough to move the body but leave the spirit intact. The door opened and suited beings motioned for him to follow. Sighing he nodded, kissed the sexy male on the forehead, then got up. A last glance at the form on the slab before the door closed.. He would fight His way.. As he always had. But the room he was led to did Not hold a table, nor any instruments of torture.. Instead there were more of his kind - All male. All kneeling as he came in. 'they require a priest.' He nodded, no longer shocked by where the Winds blew him. He greeted each one, and was greeted in turn. Then they turned their backs on the guards and started chanting in the Old Tongue. It was probably for the best the translators couldn't understand the words - Both Blood and Semen were mentioned many times in various different combinations - Both strengthened the Ties, both brought forth life, and removed it. All gave a drop of blood, and a splattering of seed as offering to the Gods. The 2 men who stood by the door were amazed.. It looked like a cross between a circle-jerk and a knock-down, drag-out free for all. They were Really surprised when they were asked to add to the offering, not willing to say no to half-ton tigers who could rip their arms off, suits or no.. And gave a much better offering once their flaps were let down and one by one the Rrin knelt to suck on them, work their balls with strong fingers and to cum more than they had in Years.. After 'services' the 2 guards had to be helped out and all the felines went back to their cells.. It was not Time to change the way of things.. Yet. * * * * One of the 'Big Dumb Brute' types walked down the corridor. Eyes glassy, hands at his sides, cock swinging between his legs, half-out of it's sheath. That was because of the suited ones who as they walked by swatted his butt or squeezed his dick. It was hard not to groan.. To return the friendly caresses. They thought him Broken.. Useless except as a sex-toy and sometimes bodyguard. Let them think what they wanted As long as he got his daily ration of dick, he was happy to spy on the smooth-skins. He had to chuckle sometimes.. He was knew he was Gay long before he donned a flightsuit. Long before he was captured and 'tortured'.. And now he was free - Free to piss anyplace he liked. Free to drop to his knees and nuzzle a sexy ass. Free to suck every cock in reach.. Free to listen on many conversations that would have been barred to him had they known. Or perhaps not.. He enjoyed nuzzling all the crotches under the table. Find a fat one to unzip and suck on, knowing it's owner would not hear Anything of the meeting as long as he had the tasty meat between his lips. His poor owner was getting grayer of hair, long of face lines and fatter of balls trying to keep up with his charges demands.. His ears heard, His eyes saw.. So - another race was in the grip of Humanity. Friend or foe, they would be sorted when the time came. Another male who waddled a bit passed him, taking time to rub his butt in a most erotic way... Oh Hunter Gods! So much flesh to play with - to chew on and nuzzle. To cum into and to make cum for him.. Even with the suit he knew that ass was wider than his hands.. and it made him drool. He heard rumors of Rrin who hunted 'Prey' to be mated with.. He would have to be careful of claws and teeth but he bet he could make that body quiver for some time both over and under him.. He stepped up his pace a little so his naked crotch bumped the male.. Who turned and gasped, reaching out to caress his erection.. There was a service entrance nearby that was hardly used and he 'allowed' the fat male to guide him to it. There he peeled the assistant first of suit, then of semen, rasping the fat stubby cock with his tongue while he kneaded that slab of male-ass that gave to his grip so nicely.. Purring, he found the hole between them and pushed a finger in, making the fat one squeal and give him more male-sap to drink.. When the well was dry, he turned the being and let the weighty body impale itself on him, still kneeling legs wide apart so his balls rubbed the wide cheeks.. He moaned as his sheath hit the cheeks.. then slid in further - To kiss the stretched anus. He reached around finding nipples to caress and with a throaty growl humped the male hard and lustily, feeling the body wriggle in his grasp. The feeling of so much flesh pushed him over the edge and he filled the male with his seed, purring and licking the sweaty skin. Twice more he humped the male, holding on tightly as the strongest orgasms of his life burned up his spine and made him blow his balls out completely.. He fell to one side still caressing the fat male, hearing the wheezing moans, and gasps for air, the heart beating wildly.. He let his cock soften and slip free so he could move his muzzle down to that huge ass and lick/nip/suck all over it, So in Lust he sometimes bit a little too hard.. Much as he wanted to take this male as his, he still had places to go.. And a 'Master' to make moan. Not nearly as rotund as This one who made him purr and wish he had more stamina so he could hump and suck this male for days on end.. "You. Come. Here. Morrow?" He said it brokenly, pausing between words.. A nod and a Gasp as he moves his muzzle to the fragrant, sweat soaked crotch to suck on the fat balls.. Good. He chuckled to himself as he remembered a line from a story the humans told - 'All the better to Eat you with...' But the were all Kinds of eating. With one last long lick the big male feline stood and walked out, his cock again swaying between his legs for the suited ones to caress.. And in an out of the way service room, a man was passed out with the big male's hand imprints and teeth marks deep in his butt. * * * * Thomas was again shackled, again forced to tell all he knew. All he Thought he knew.. English, like any other language was learned by antenna touch.. Or by Rote from others who picked things up faster. He was a soldier, knew little of his clan or family being taken from them when young, trained, and brought to earth to fight.. Who? That was the problem. The enemy wasn't here. At least not the ones called 'Fishface' who had decimated his homeworld. Mars of course. But it was in the past.. A parallel universe? Perhaps.. He didn't know, still being young and mostly uninformed. He arched as a hand caressed his erection. He repeated everything again, this time between gasps of pleasure. No the blindfold had to stay in place - as did the shackles.. Orders. He nodded as best he could understanding that much at least.. His orgasm was much harder, splattering across the floor as a cock entered him, hot and slick and opening his passage up. It was kind of short and he found himself pushing back, wanting it to be bigger, longer.. Wanted it deeper in his ass... Then the fingers were on his antenna again and he screamed, passing out after finding out the male somehow had Talent too - At least enough to send him feedback. So while he was jerked on he felt the cock inside him, and felt his cock sliding in the tight, hot hole.. Fingers gripping, sliding across the erection.. The pleasure both alien and familiar as 2 males rutted... * * * * "Well?" The table had 5 men sitting around it. 2 Rrin were under it, sharing the erections and semen between them. They winked and played with each other as they sucked on the humans, gathering much more than seed. "Unnnn.. I *Gasp* think he is pretty much used up. We have gotten all we can get from this one. Without more data, we will have to go on what we have. Eeeeeee!" The one speaking arched and gripped the wood, thinking the perks of this job were fantastic! A sixth comes in and the cats under the table purr to each other.. the scent, the sound of the footsteps are well known. This was The Master. The one who trained them, who taught them how to be the way they were. And while they knew his touch, his flesh by heart, none had ever tasted his semen, his skin.. Even as they licked the males they listed to him breathe, knowing he had been in with the male who was being taken back to his cell. "I concur.. There is nothing new he has to offer us. He is basically a scout sent to see if this unknown race has been here. We know they have not been, so he may be from another universe or simply another timeframe. I think the former as we have no records of any invaders that match the description." The others nodded and with reluctance sent the Rrin out of the room. They both stood, blank-eyed beside the door, listening as best they could. This Must be important.. They nodded to each other. It was time for a Meet.. The door opened and the human who was an Alpha Priority for nabbing when The Time came, walked past. They inhaled the mingled scents, gathering information.. A hand squeezed their balls, and they stood a little taller, even Now feeling the fear and pride that the male created in them. Then he was gone.. But a white hair was whisked off the floor so quickly it might as well never have been there. Information was Required/Demanded of Any who was close to the humans - Especially one who had been given the name Molder. He destroyed them, Re-built them. He did things not even their Trainers did to them.. They were clay that he fired in his ovens to be stronger, better... And he was unique. None of the other Clans knew of such tactics being used, and so were eager to know this Master. Their handlers appeared and took the big males off to their respective offices, while word was passed along. * * * * The mouse woke again cradled in strong arms. And they felt good. The body against his felt good. And he wondered.. He opened his eyes to look into amber ones. "There is no shame in liking other males. Perhaps when you are older you will prefer females, or continue liking males... Or enjoy both sexes. SO do not worry so.. You will decide when you feel it is time. For now enjoy what you have." Thomas nodded and wriggled a little, asking for and getting some water. Food was not coming for a little while yet so they had time to talk and touch and learn about each others bodies.. He had been used, abused and Broken.. But he has also learned and found the pleasure not so illicit or 'Bad' - He had been forced to look at himself, to open some doors he didn't know existed.. And while it hurt, it wasn't like the Labs he had heard of from the Elders.. He was intact. He was healthy.. And he was Gay. Or Bi. Or whatever he felt like being. With a laugh he kissed the feline, squeezing the strong male ass, wondering what it would be like to make love to someone like him.. The Rrin smiled at the caresses.. Yes this one was going to be alright. There was still pain and confusion in the eyes.. But no fear. No Desperation.. While not Paradise, this place was a haven compared to other places he had heard of.. War would come. Hot-headed males would give words and reasons but it was all the same.. And when enough lives had been taken, enough money made, enough reasons fulfilled.. Then there would be Peace again. Perhaps forced by a third party interfering. Perhaps attrition as those who wish to die fastest do so. He returned the kiss, slipping his hand down to caress the warm, hard dick that stood proudly from the soft sheath. Where there was one, there would be others. Others to teach, to learn from. To live with or fight against. The door opened and a suited male came in.. Winds was never sure Why they wore suits - Unless it was fear that all the male musk would make the humans hornier... He whispered in an ear, "Ever tasted human dick? I prefer it to all other kinds for flavor.." The mouse blushed but looked at the orderly who was putting the tray on the table, the suit somehow enhancing the round butt-cheeks. They both slid off the 'bed' and padded over to the man who noted the way they licked their lips and groaned.. One 'cock-hound' was bad enough but 2? 'The things I do for this job..' He thought as he undid his crotch flap, feeling fingers slide across his cock, another holding and caressing his balls.. He hoped the orderly in the next cell was faring better - He wasn't going to be able to do much for a while... Twin tongues caresses his stiffening maleness and he adjusted that to Quite a while. End of Story - For Now.