DINOGHOST.TXT - Mild language - 3/14/2001 By SwampRat and Rauhnee (Cl) 2k+1 GFA Some thoughts on the metaphysical, based on the Chris Sawyer Pic, Dig-Ghost.jpg She watched them move around her. Heard them chitter as she was slowly revealed to their eyes, then chuckled to herself. They were kind of cute, with their strange multicolored hide. And the way they touched her ... reverently, caressing each bit before moving on. If she were still alive she might even think about seducing them. Too bad she was only a shadow, a thing without form.. It would be fun to tease these the creatures that stood on 2 legs and made their noises every time a new bone was found. 'No, no you silly - That's a foreleg bone.' They were not the first to find her - Scavengers took that prize. And some were not at all mannerly about leaving her intact, fighting for pieces, strewing her this way and that. She would have slapped them if she could ... but then as now, all she can do is watch. And occasionally, 'breathe' on them, watching the reactions -- the jumps, the stares, the queries ... the shaking of the head and some interesting noises. When they were done, where would she go? Would she stay here amongst those who went before and after her? Would she be moved -- again. How she Hated water. It was Much worse about scattering her remains ... and mingling them so lewdly with pieces of others she didn't even know! It was scandalous. But still, she had to 'live' with it. The day turned into darkness as it had for as long as she could remember and the cute borrowers disappeared into some kind of cave. She sighed and would have given a couple of vertebrae to be able to peek inside, to see what was going on in that little place. Were they mating? Were they fighting? One came out and relieved himself. She chuckled, licking her 'lips' - She knew a mating organ when she saw one, even one as tiny as that. How did they ever .... A soft 'sigh' made the dust stir ever so slightly. So many questions without answers. The howlers were out. She had seen them sniffing over the ground for little creatures to hunt. But they stayed away now. She wasn't sure Why but she was grateful - Her bones hand been through enough without adding being gnawed upon to the humiliations she had to suffer. Now even the faint light from the cave is gone and only that which is overhead remains. How things have changed. The earth she was on, and under. The sky overhead she never bothered to notice when she was alive, but now noticed because _nothing_ is more boring than being able to do nothing. Again the dust stirred as she 'blew' on it, a breeze answering her call. So maybe not _nothing_. She settled back into her resting place, content to just observe and enjoy what transpired around her. The End -- For now.