GAYDM.TXT - M/M, Cartoon characters - May 23, 1999 As if you Didn't suspect... By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association All characters (c) Thames Television and used Without Permission =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Danger Mouse stood in the Greenback Flyer, staring - Somewhat - at his arch- enemy. "And what dirty, sordid scheme do you have up your sleeve This Time, Baron Greenback?" The big amphibian chuckled.. "A Simple experiment - Yonder is a Crate with a Large Anvil suspended over it. Inside is your Girlfriend. Surrender and she goes away unharmed.. Resist, and..." His hand rested in a lever that held the anvil in place. "You Fiend! Leave Fifi Out of This!" He was tensing to make a grab for the lever, when the rope holding the anvil broke at a frayed point and down it came... To smash into an Empty Box! Greenback laughed heartily at the mouse's stunned silence. "Really Danger Mouse - How long did you think it would take Me to find out there Was no Fifi.." "But How, Who, Why..?" Another chuckle. "Relax, Relax.. You are among Family." Greenback lifted his lapel to show off a rainbow flag pin with F.L.A.G. stamped on it. "No White_Wonder, I am not Gay - But Stiletto is.." A green, ringed finger pushed a button and the screen came to life behind the toad. There was Stiletto.. And Penfold! The crow was nibbling at the hamster's impressive erection, licking it almost worshipfully.. "He he He.. That Tickles!" The thick male-meat was longer than the legs that lay over the bird's shoulders, and DM wondered where he tucked it away to while wearing those tight pants that had made him drool - Quietly of course - more than a few times. "Baroni - This is the Best present you ever gave me!" He tipped the log downward and proceed to give Penfold beak. "Cor! That feels.. Oh, Hi Chief!" DM watched as the crow swallowed more and more of the Hamster's 'worm', bobbing his black head, fingers playing with the swelling furless balls. "A thing of beauty, Wouldn't you say Danger Mouse? Now Now, Don't look so Shocked.. Where do you think Penfold Goes on his days off, When he goes out for a Date, When he talks about his 'Fan Club'.." He stepped out from behind the console and over to the secret agent whose white pants were tenting something horrible.. "Here, Let me help you with that.." A moment is all it took to peel the skin-tight cloth from the male mouse, another to grip him firmly, stroking the not-so-small rodent dick. "Ooooooo Baron - I don't..." A chuckle and a slap on his taut ass came as reply.. "Shush, as you are so fond of saying. Just relax and enjoy.." Dm moaned - quietly of course - as the toad stroked him expertly, watching Penfold's dick disappear under the crow's dark tail-feathers.. Stiletto bounced up and down on the hamster, still marvelling about his friends length - The 3 inch tall hamster had a dick an inch long and 1/4 wide.. It was a Real Butt-Buster - As Stiletto could testify! "Oh Baron.." The mouse sighed, laying back against the big male, watching his friend giggle and pant under a crow who was obvious in ecstasy. Gritting his teeth, Danger Mouse gripped the Baron's arms and blew his pipes all over the floor.. "Don't worry, The floors are Easy-Kleen." Another soft slap on the rodent butt and Greenback went back to his chair. "There Is a Fifi, You know.." Dm said between pants, cleaning up and trying unsuccessfully to get his dick back in his trowsers.. "Fifi La Roux, at the Bird Whistle." The Baron filed that bit of information away, smiling as he thought of a nude male dancer with a mouse swaying at the end of his large man-hood. "Problems, Chief?" Penfold came strolling out a bit later, looking exactly like he had an hour ago.. Suit clean, hair - what there Was of it - unruffled.. He didn't even look like he had broken a sweat, while Stiletto was groaning and panting and laying in the bed, looking like he had been flying for miles! The hamster smiled, gave the mouse-dick a kiss, then with the skill of a rope-maker wound, pressed, and cajoled DM's tool into the skin-tight pants then got them up and buttoned. A pat threatened to undo all his work, the very firm bulge stretching the cloth. "I.. How do you do that?" Penfold grinned and moved beside his Chief, awaiting orders. "Cor DM.. you are never wide awake when you get up, you know.. I've stuffed your morning hard-up into your pants many a time." Greenback chuckled again. "Of course White Wonder, We will Still be adversaries - It's in the contract. But I am Sure Stiletto wouldn't mind being the cream filled 'meat' in a 3-way sandwich.." A groan was heard from the monitor.. "Baroni, Please.. I don't know if I could Take it..." The toad chuckled again. "Don't blow a fuse thinking about it, My Horny Henchman." Then waved to DM and Penfold, watching them get in the Mark 5 and fly off. He laid back, undoing his trowsers, and his caterpillar wrapped it's furry body between his legs, sucking in the 'nectar'that leaked out of his warty cock.. "And they wonder why I call you my Precious.." * * * * Danger Mouse thought about things all the way back to their super-secret flat. "Penfold.. How long have you - You know.." The couch/lift went up to the main room, where the hamster went off to make some tea. "Have I What Chief? Known about you? Since we first met. Kindred spirits you know.. I have been gay since I can remember. Tea's almost ready - Cream Sandwiches ok?" For a moment the white mouse had a vision of Penfold toasting the bread, then jerking off on each slice, then cutting them... His pants Demanded they be taken off, so he went in his bedroom, getting a robe to hide his erection - Just in case Col. K called. Which of course he did.. "Hello DM - I say, are you crouching behind the couch in your morning robe at this time of the day?" The mouse nodded, hearing Penfold come in with the Tea.. and a soft hand that caressed his aching erection. "Sorry Colonel.. Just stepped out of the shower, not decient yet - that sort of thing. Penfold..." the last was whispered as the robe was lifted up from the back and those same hands gripped his muscular cheeks, kneading them.. And did they Ever feel good! "You were calling about.." He had to grit his teeth as his assistant started nibbling on his rump, tongue-flicks making the flesh quiver. "Oh Yes.. Boffins have been going over the books and it seems you have too much Vacation Time saved up.. Need for you to take a week or so off. Union rules and all that.." Danger Mouse nodded, trying not to arch back as a tongue found the puckered hole between his cheeks and licked it, teasing it.."Will do Sir.. Give my best to the misses." The shaggy dog nodded and stabbed a button, the screen going blank. "Well - I guess there is a first time for everything." The tongue stopped torturing him, and a soft pat on his rear made him sigh. "Tea chief?" Dm took the proffered cup and noticed there was only 1 sandwich! "Penfold - There is only 1 sandwich.." The hamster nodded and sitting next to his boss, leaned over, gripped the still turgid mouse-member, and licked the pre-cum that had dribbled down clear to the pink, furless balls. "I thought I would eat something else.." Dm gently put the cup down, spread his legs and moaned, "Ohhh Penfold.." over and over as his assistant cleaned his nut-sack, then his cock-stalk and finally latched the vacuum-like muzzle onto the dribbling tip. It was too much and the white male arched up, squeaking as he filled his new lover's mouth with semen. Baron Greenback chuckled, watching everything on a large screen. "Do you think they will ever catch on?" Col. K smiled and shook his head. "I hope not.,. He is Still the best we have.. And unlike Our Cousins across the Pond, We don't muss our fur over 'Preferences'. Oh - Darts tourney Thursday.. Can you make it?" A grin and a nod from his school friend. "For Old Bristol U." They said together, clasping hands.. Then settled to watch the 2 males As Penfold fed DM a sandwich with one hand and his long red cock with the other, slowly disappearing between the white cheeks. The End?