HANI7.TXT Another tale of Hani - By SwampRat (c) 1991 The Rishathran Society Pyanfar Chanur sat on Lower Op, scanning messages. The rest of the crew was busy loading cargo. Except Tully. He was trying his best to learn Hani. Getting good at it too. Just didn't have the ears.. Something came in, coded. She put it through the comp. And bit her moustache as Bad News came up on screen. 'Hilfy Chanur par Fasa gone. Irraha Rhyun killed by Kara Chanur.' With help, she thought darkly. But where had her niece gone to? She Might turn up here, looking for Her Aunt. Well, if the imp showed before they left.. They would worry about it then. At least six weeks even at Jump to get back to Anuurn.. And What? Restore Chanur? Kara Was Chanur now. Damn! Irraha had been a Nice son. Even Tully liked him. An hour later, More news arrived. By courier. 'Aunt. I am sorry. Kara and Tahy too much. Have left to find help. Promise, I will get Chanur back. Hilfy Chanur.' Huh. So. Well. Nothing to do but wait. And go on. Credits to be stored, if They were going to lay over for a while. This time, She and Khym would sort out That Gods-Rotted Son of theirs. Once And For All! The second bit of trouble came from a distress call from Gaohn Station. The beacon sent it when it got ID from The Pride. "Station Alert: Two days ago a ship appeared at the farthest tip of our System, It came insystem at full-c, stopping cold (no dumps) at Anuurn. Smaller ship detached itself, and made it's way to planet. Ship doesn't respond to questions. Doesn't answer on any channels. Has made no other moves hostile or otherwise. Be advised, and stay clear of Sector 2." Sector 2... Oh, Gods. Chanur Hold. Haral's ears dipped. "Captain?" Pyanfar ached from jump. "Get us to Gaohn. Priority." "Aye." So they came in a little fast. That was Her Clan down there. And She By-The-Gods would know what was going on! Khym informed her they were in touch with Station. "This is The Pride Of Chanur. We are coming in." Two Hani Hunters were already in place, watching the thing. She growled. "Haral cut us free, I want a run at the thing." Haral looked at her. "Pictures only." "Aye." "Chur, get the cameras ready. I want a good look." "Aye." from Belowdecks Op. They came in slowly, rolling for g. Up it came, dark and nasty. Two tubes glowed wierdly on either side.. No sign of weapons, or holds, or anything. The only marking was a crest of sorts.. "Pyanfar!" "Yes Tull..." She looked over at the human. And saw fear chasing hatred.. "Tully, Do you know what it is?" The Human shook. "Yes, Captain. An OutWorld Ship. Nastier than Kif. Give me a Com." Pyanfar nodded. "On 2." Khym reached over and patted the human's shoulder. That seemed to reassure him a bit. He talked in an alien language, into the mike. Khym turning on the Translator. Which sputtered noise. So. Tully knew another language.. An answer in the alien tongue. Now more shaken. "Pyanfar, It says it is The OutWorlder DarkRaven, on Chanur Business." She gaped at this. "And best to mind our own." Chanur. Hilfy! Oh, Gods.. She had gone into space. To find help. "Tully, Tell them who we are." "I understand you, Creature." In Main Kif. 'What?' Khym snarled into his own ComLine. "This is Khym Mahn, of the Pride Of Chanur. Identify yourself." "Chanur. Do you belong to Hilfy?" Belong? "I am The OutWorlder DarkRaven. My Captain is indisposed. What do you wish Chanur?" Pyanfar hit Com1. "To talk to my niece." "Negative. Lady Hilfy is indisposed." Khym growled, eyes growing black. Tully got out of his chair, afraid. Geran got up, patted his back, talking to Khym, trying to calm him down. "This is Khym, Hilfy's Uncle. You get her on Com, or I'll go over there and..." A chuckle. "You Fleshers do get excited. The Lord Shadow left with the Lady Hilfy 2 standard Days ago. Therefore they are indisposed... And what can you do to a Irridum ship? Break your puny bones? I am a class 7 computer. Only The CMC1 is above me in complexity..." A beep. "And your personality needs retrofitting.. Captain of Chanur. I am Captain Shadow. Will meet you at your Station in 1 Hour. Out." That also on Kif. "Station, did you get that?" Acknowledged. Tully looked like somebody caught between an enraged male, and a cliff edge. Khym stood, looked straight at him. Put both hands, claws in, on his shoulders. "Sorry. I am upset over Hilfy. Not mad at You.. Understand?" Tully nodded. Still shook. "This one. He is not of Earth. Not civilized, Khym. OutWorlders are Pirates, Renegades... Damnded dangerous." Pyanfar mulled That bit of information over. "Well, they're here now. And Hilfy's hooked up with them." Bad News All The Way. What had the imp done? Or did even she know? * * * The niece in question had no idea what she was going to do. Hilfy Chanur par Fasa, Lately Ker Hilfy. With Rhyun, she had watched over Chanur's Hold. Then her Cousin Kara had killed Irraha, dispossessed her. She knew pain, anger, and knowledge. Somebody Human had helped them. Thought a moment of Tully. Wished she could have lain with him for a longer time.. Now she sat at HighPoint Station. 4 jumps from Meetpoint, this one was run by T'ca. Humanity came here, traded, talked with the Compact Races. The Hani had hitched along, blown by ill winds, looking for news. Family ties got her this far. But no kin were here to lean on. Wishing herself dead, too stubborn to wallow in self-pity, Hilfy cursed Fate. She had asked quiet questions, pried into hidden crevices, with all the skill a trained ComOfficer could muster. Which was considerable... Nothing! No one noticed the Hani, who sat, miserable. Well, almost no one. The bartender didn't like customers who just sat, taking up space. But, he couldn't just toss her out. Another in a gray robe also watched the female. Yes, that was the one asking pointed questions well wrapped in veneers of double-talk. So. A certain ship was sitting in dock also. A shuttle. Black, sleek. Very well armed for being just a transport. It belonged to another ship. That nasty thing sat aways outstation, and waited. Did nothing. Said nothing.. Yet, anyway. Rumors, on the other hand, whispered all over the station. A Kif GreatLord Who Was Not Kif. Hani dealing with Non-Compact Outsiders, To topple Hani. Ships capable of greater than LightSpeed. Weapons able to destroy Planets.. And a Kif worth his robe could smell profit, no matter from what improbable source. Sfik was life to them. HiRikkakk quietly left the bar. He wanted to know more things Before baring his neck. Or his tail.. The ship sat, dark and mean. The door opened at his knock. A 9-foot creature met him. All steel, looking nothing like anything the Kif had ever encountered. "What do you wish, Kif?" His throat went dry. Sfik, Indeed! "I may have information about certain beings that it is rumored... Aaaugh!" A paw latched onto the cloth, and yanked him inside. The door hissed shut. "You have information, Flesher?" A squeak. "Let Go, Bastard Machin.." Suddenly, his hoarse breath was the only sound. Metal claws pressed under a wrinkled chin. Stroked the long jaw. Others probed his abdomen. Found his testicles, and were in the process of caressing them. "Want me to let go?" The upper hand moved slightly, while the lower firmly grasped the shrinking balls. The Kif scrabbled for a clawhold. "No! Please, creature of metal, I ask. Remove your hand from my...Mmmpf!" The monster pressed it's mouth against his. "Fleshers find this enjoyable. We make trade. Information for Sex." The Kif mulled this one over. Suddenly found his legs upended! "Wait!!" It stopped, pressed him against the cold steel. "We look for an Renegade. If you know anything about such, it would be in your best interest to speak.." A saying came to mind - 'A hundred heads mean nothing, if yours is among them.' Perhaps profit could be postponed until later. "There is a certain Hani at a bar, who might know where the one you hunt stays." A trickle of sweat ran down his back. The Machine pulled back, and the Kif saw a metallic cock, twice the length of his arm disappear between it's legs. "If your information is correct, another of these will be given to you." A gold coin was pressed into his hand. "If you lie.." The steel-clad hand fondled his testicles. "Marshall, I am leaving for Recon. Inform the Commander. For The Brigade.." The cry was answered from another part of the ship. A robe and something nasty was taken from a locker. The door opened once again, and the creature followed the Kif out. Donned the Cloth. Still stood out like a beacon. The Kif strolled quickly along, helped by a finger which stroked the fur on the underside of his tail. So! This one liked males.. Another rumor came to mind. A HighPrince who had lain with a Living Machine... Better to hasten oneself, than allow the creature behind him to get too many ideas. And so it was that a Hani found help comes in many shapes. And had it's own reasons for helping.. * * * Someone stood in the ruination of a doorway. Someone tall, and dusty. This one had walked far, and even though the cloak was dirty, the being gave no indication of tiredness. especially in the way it crossed to a set of doors, and finding them locked, stood for a long moment. Then a fist slammed into the crack between the doors, where the lock was. Metal shattered, And the wooden bar that held it fast, cracked like a rifle shot. This time both hands hit, on either side of the handles. The wooden slabs flew open, knocking the two guards forward. And the dusty one strode through. "Where is Kara Chanur?" One of the Hani snarled. "I wish to see him." A shot ricochet off the intruder. "If he is alive, I would speak with him. If he is dead..." The cowl was thrown back, revealing some kind of helmet. The cloak was removed entirely, and metal gleamed in the light that streamed through a window. "This is not your fight, Outsider!" The right arm moved to behind it's leg. There was a click, and it returned to the front again, bringing with it a 2-meter long sword. "If he is dead," The metal one continued, "I will find out what I need to know another way.." Another bullet pinged off the armor, as did a few shots from a machine pistol. "Your toys will do you no good. I will speak to Kara Chanur, or avenge his death. Whichever is up to you. I give you 1 minute to decide." The sword was flipped with seeming ease, and pressed into the flooring. Both hands went over the pummel, and the creature waited. Hilfy could only watch from the ship, as Shadow mopped up the last bit of resistance. Then the screen went blank. "The Lord Shadow returns.. Asks you to be ready to travel to a space station. Meet relatives." Her hand went to her mouth. Then sighing, resigned, she went to the closet looking over the interesting assortment of items.. * * * A nail-biting hour later, the shuttle left the dark ship, now sitting nadir of Station. Came in smoothly. Settled in berth 5, without mishap. Llun stood, Armed and waiting. A hiss as air pressure stabilized. A hum, and doors opened. Up, and down, how strange. A ready-made ramp. Hani ears came through. Followed by a familiar face, in very unfamiliar dress. The cloth started in ruffles at her neck, and went down to her ankles. Lacy, and pretty. And absolutely worthless to a Spacer. Hilfy stood at the dock. "Py!" She stepped out. Stopped when she saw the rifles. "Aunt?" Something came out of the shuttle, to hit none too gently against the dock. Hani. Lay there. Another gingerly walked out, head high. Tahy. Went to the other. Lifted his arm. "You were warned." This in Kif. What walked out next told Pyanfar Why the OutWorlders were banned from Human Space. Over 2-meters of nastiness. Steel clad hands. A sword hung down The Captain's back, almost as tall as the being was. A Heraldry patch where one eye Should have been. A tri-bladed dagger was pulled out of the belt. He shouldered the Hani aside, cut the cords holding Kara's hands. One hand twirled the blades, replaced them on the belt. The other grabbed a handful of Hani neck, and lifted him like a kitten. "Give me any more trouble, And I will deliver Your head on a Silver Platter to The Lady Pyanfar. Understand?" Kif words coming out of a Com. "Madame, Please." A hand beckoning Tahy forward. She walked next to Kara. Hilfy stood, talking low to a Llun. Kara suddenly turned, lashed out. A forehand sent him sprawling, 2 feet away. Something very large, black, and mean looking came halfway out of the holster riding on a black-suited hip. Was slammed back with disgust. Rifles clicked all over the hold.. "I was owed that one." 3 furrows ran down one cheek.. And Didn't Bleed! The OutWorlder continued forward, Stopped when officials leveled rifles at them, And him. "Which of you is The Lady Pyanfar Chanur?" She walked closer to the creature. "I am." The Llun still held their rifles on the group. Tully came up, spoke to the man, Angrily. "Before you curse my ancestor's ancestor, I must tell you. I was born on Terra." Tully took the news silently. But the look was total disbelief. The dark one reached into his robe, and removed a ribbon of gold encased in something clear. Handed it to Tully. It glittered. "From the Black Hills of Dakota. The place of my Ancestor's." Some of it Pyanfar caught through the Com, some she got out of their language. "Even if I may never see my Home again, My heart is ever there." Tully swallowed, clasped the steel hand. Put the artifact into his pocket. Nodded, and backed away. So. She moved through the Guard. "Hilfy, what have you done?" Perfumed, and looking like something never seen this side of a shsto. "I got Chanur Back. Aunt, Please." Eyes down, ears down. Then up. She was Kohan's daughter. "With His help!" Tahy snarled. "Outsider help! I demand Kara and myself be returned To Chanur immediately!" Hands folded, the man looked over the assembly. "You are not their's Yet, Prisoner. Do not ask for things which may cost more than you can afford." The Llun shuffled. A Outsider ship sat outside the Station. Unknown design, Unknown armament. While someone of Authority stood within. Someone who had been to Anuurn. Had taken two Hani as prisoners. Was more dangerous than Kif. And Kif had fired on Gaohn before... One of them stepped forward. "Captain, do you require medical aid?" A shake of the head. "Captain Chanur, Captain Shadow, Hilfy Chanur, Tahy Mahn, Kara Mahn.. Follow." She turned, and the ranks of black-breeched Hani opened. Kara hissed, but let his arm be taken and walked with some dignity. The dark one bowed. "After you, My Lady." Pyanfar bristled at the name, but went ahead of the OutWorlder. They went to an office, The two Hani still under guard, where they were seated. Everyone, but the OutWorlder. He stood, arms folded. And Pyanfar got the feeling he was waiting... She shuddered. Drinks were offered. Shadow didn't take one, thanking the servant. Tahy started off again. "I demand Hilfy Chanur's arrest. She has brought an outsider to Anuurn. She has kidnapped myself and my brother. She has..." "Done nothing, except find me." Tahy turned towards the being, ears flat. "You stay out of this! This is Han business, not any of yours Outsider Male!" He grinned, showing metallic teeth. "I am an OutWorld Commander. And renegades with Outsider weapons are my business, Female." Commander? Oh, Gods! "Now, would like to explain, here in civilized surroundings, how you came into possession of those weapons? How a certain Human came to be in possession of Anuurn Gold? If you stand before a tribunal, I assure you, You won't like it." Tahy's eyes went dark. "You dare threaten us here?" "Threaten is a harsh word. Especially coming from a Prisoner." That delivered like a blow. "You had in your possession 2 OutWorld blasters. Four OutWorld Laser Cannons. Do you deny this?" Tahy spat. "Who is in charge?" A Llun stood. "I am." The snap was released on the holster. "The safety is on. Examine this, and see if you have anything like it." He pulled the gun up, double-checked something, then handed it to a han. Who almost dropped it. "It is heavy.." The Llun took the proffered weapon, looked it over thoroughly, being careful not to pull or press anything. "No, We do not." The man nodded. "Lady Hilfy. Would you tell the others what That one," A motion towards Kara. "Shot at me with?" Hilfy pointed toward the black gun. "One of those." "Lies!" Tahy snarled. The Outworlder made a noise. "Indeed? I have confiscated your weapons. They can be brought as evidence. Witnesses by the score, including my shuttle's own camera. But, I don't care about that. I don't really care about You..." Hani looked at him. "All I want to know is Who sold/Traded/Gave you those Blasters. A name, A face, A ship... And You are theirs." Kara snarled something. A nod. "I know this one." Snarled something else involving Certain bodily orifices. "That I shall endeavor to do." He turned to the Llun. "You are..." "Jefoh Llun, Commander." "Madame Jefoh. If you will allow Lady Hilfy to translate these to your satisfaction," He took out some papers, "I am prepared to hand these two fugitives over to your care... I must also ask for my weapon back." The gun was reluctantly returned to a gloved hand. Without a second thought, it was whirled, and slipped back into the holster on the hip. Gods! An Outsider Deputy.. Hilfy reached for the documents. "May I?" A nod from Jefoh. "Let it be known the first undersigned does transfer to the care of the second undersigned, Any and all Prisoners, at their discretion.." Khym stood. "Sounds like a general release form... And when did you learn to read His language?" "In the week it took us to get here. Wasn't much else to do." She looked at him. "We did Nothing but talk, Uncle. He doesn't even seem interested in me. Not in that way..." Pyanfar stroked her beard. So. "Was he that close?" Hilfy turned to her. "No Aunt. That far. It took months of searching to even find him." "And a week to return?" The Commander nodded. "There are certain.. things That did not allow me to let Lady Hilfy to roam too far. She might have seen things, That I am not at Liberty to discuss." Definitely Law. "Do you have instruments of writing?" A pen was brought. "Not necessary." One digit flexed, and a steel claw snapped out. Was dipped in the inkwell, wrote a signature. A Stamp was also pressed to the papers. The Llun did the same. Copies were made. Guards took Kara, and Tahy away. They would be dealt with by the Han. "As to Hilfy bringing an outsider into Hani space..." "Negative. We have No Pacts, No treaties. Except for a contract, we would not even know of your existence. To me, This was just a loose-end." The Llun looked angrily at the OutWorlder. "A loose-end?" "Correct. My report will mention nothing of this side-trip." Jefoh didn't like That. "A contract. With Her?" Hilfy cringed. "Not her. A third-party. I was at a station, looking for information. She came there for help. Someone who knew us both brought Her Ladyship to me. After describing the weapons, I knew they were of OutWorlder make. So I came." Llun looked at Hilfy. "From where?" "HighPoint." Pyanfar's ears went down. "Highpoint's 8 jumps away... In a week?" The Commander shook his head. "Direct line. My ship needs no star mass to jump. The trip took 6 standard days." Oh Gods! He folded the papers up. "If you have no further usage of me, I shall return to my ship. By your leave, My Lady Jefoh." That one rankled.. But legally she couldn't hold the creature. So, with escort, he left. And that, or so Pyanfar thought, was that.. When they go to the Chanur Hold, they found ruination.. and one priceless tape. "If the Hani Nation, and in particular, the Clan of Chanur, should ever wish our services, you have but to call on our agent, Srikkk Safffkkin." Two months later a Kif stood in Gaohn, waiting. Pyanfar looked at the being with disdain, but his papers were in order.. A cargo crate sat on dock and it needed Her Personal signature. She signed it, and the Kif bowed. It departed. The han had the crate loaded and when everything was closed, locked and secured, she walked down to the cargo hold. "Lady Pyanfar?" Py jumped a kilometer. "Who is there?" The crate beeped, 'A Blasted voice-lock..' and fell apart. There, in a smaller crate, was a lot of Gold bars. On top of which was a set of frilly dresses.. A tag read, 'Compliments of the OutWorld Federation.' Gods Be Feathered! The End