HUMPEM.TXT - M/M/? - NC, You-name-it - April 25, 1999 Yet another batch of game personas doing the 'Nasty' - Mostly Duke3d references in this one. By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association The names have been changed to protect Me ;> Actually, if there was an All-Male add-on of Any of the '3-d' games it would be a big 'underground' hit.. I am Sure many a Person would enjoy watching their favorite Game Hunk running around Nude. And of course us Perverts want to know what's Hiding behind those 'loin-cloths'.. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 1 - The house, or what's left of it The lizard put his multi-fire weapon down and rubbed his balls. Damn, this wasn't the place for him.. Sitting in this miserable blown-up hovel, waiting to shoot or be shot. Eating - His stomach turned at the thought of Field Rations. It was small comfort the enemy was in the same fix.. And for What - Human Females? If the Royal Race wanted to screwin' breed it should have Cloned itself like the soldiers did! Of course it meant All-males, but he never saw a problem with that.. In fact he Liked looking at his well-muscled, Well-hung Brothers. A bullet pinged off the side of the stone wall, a lazer fired soon after. Heavy fog and drizzling rain made visibility Zilch. The blind shooting at the blind... He chuckled. Now I am thinking like a Human.. His radio went off, telling the troops to move forward.. He turned and urinated on it, making the thing hiss and zap and expire in a shower of sparks. The Bosses - Sit up there in those ships and tell Us what to do. "You come down here and get shot at, you stupid Fucks!" Across the way a human voice laughed. "You Tell 'em Liz!" Another one chimed in - "Damn Straight.." Ryyian? A 3-eyed, floating gas-bag agreed with him? Morale Must be up the tail-hole.. He jerked as a lazer-bolt singed his hip, cutting flesh and cloth alike. "HEY! Watch where you're pointing that thing!" Damn that hurt... This Sure as Hell wasn't worth a smooth-skinned, big titted Alien Female! He wanted to go out and Thump the stupid Trooper, but he was too tired.. Better to sit down. Rest. Just a moment's rest... "You alright?" The lizard heard boots thump on the stone, and opened his eyes. A Man peered in, and Him with his weapon way out of reach.. "That looks nasty." Why did Humans Always have to state the obvious? "It hurts too.." He growled, closing his eyes, waiting for the bullet that would end it all. Then jerked when fingers probed his side. "Sit still.." He watched the human open a kit, and start working on his wound, hissing a few times when melted skin was tugged on. "I am going to have to clean this.. Grab something." Gripping a wooden beam, he waited... And damn near pulled the roof in, mouth opening wide in a soundless scream. "Ok - That's got the worst of it.." A couple of snips and the lizard was naked from the waist-down. "That's about all I can do out here. Try and lay low for a week or so until that heals." A canteen was thrust into his clawed hand and he drank from it greedily. The human packed his kit and was about to leave when.. "Why?" "Because I am a Medi-Tech. My oath is to help those in need - It doesn't say 'Human's Only'.. And - I think you are sexy as hell." Shocked, the Lizard sat with his mouth wide open, tongue lolling. "I.. You.. We...?" He finally managed to get out.. The man laughed and caressed his snout. "When you guys hit, the Military took anything on 2 legs.. They didn't ask us if we liked other men, or males, or sexy lizards like you." Soft, warm lips pressed against his, and the creature felt it burn down to his dick, which snapped erect like a spring, his tail thumping the wall softly in pleasure.. All too soon, both lips and hand were gone from his face. "Look me up after the war, and I will see what I can do for that Swelling between your legs." And then his Angel of Mercy was gone. He scrambled up, wincing as his wound bit. "Hey! Wait.. How will I know you?" A gentle laugh replied. "There are Plenty of Herptophiles who would Love to stroke your tail.." The creature looked out into the fog, then got his pack, shouldering it, draining the last of the canteen, and hooked it over a shoulder. Picked up his gun, checked the ammunition gauge, then looked at his hard-on.. One way or another he was going to be shooting at Humans. Of course they shot back... Grinning, the Male stepped out of the Hovel - But not before mashing the radio into the mud. "Screw you, Tail-holes! I'm going solo.." Stepping carefully over the war-torn soil, Gun at the ready, he listened for movement, smelled for living bodies.. He had Always wondered what Humans tasted like, and Now he was going to find out.. But best to start off small - Semen, harvested Fresh from the Source. Soft round butt-cheeks, nibbled on gently. Sweaty nipples, licked until they were stiff... He had to stop and rub his balls again, but this time with a Grin - He was going to make Sure someone else's hurt just as much! * * * * Chapter 2 - A shell-hole with Infantry Corporal, 1 each Corporal Carlson was in A Place at A Time - Right or Wrong depends on who you talk to. Sitting in a blast-crater, eating a bar of Something - Leave the Wrapper on Kid, It will taste better - and trying not to jump at every sound, the 'man' held his weapon and wasn't sure if he wished something would happen, or it would just stay as it was.. He hadn't even fired his rifle yet. An eternity ago he was part of a Squad of 20 guys taking refuge in a house. Word had come down to advance and meet another Squad. That would have been great - except you couldn't see more than a couple of feet in front of you, You never knew if the guy you were shooting at was one of yours or not, And Everybody scattered for cover when Something went *BOOM* nearby. Now he was sitting in a crater a little taller than he was, wondering what was going on, and... Having to take a Leak. A tree was close enough to risk walking to - As long as he remembered the way back.. Carefully surveying the area - Visibility, About 6 inches - Carlson crawled out of the crater, and stood a moment.. It was quiet. Maybe the war had moved away from him and he was alone out here - Not such a bad idea really.. Wishing he could see Anything lower than chest-high and farther than the end of his nose, the soldier moved to the dark overhang that was a tree of some kind-or-another.. he had watered it a couple times already, deciding he preferred taking a chance rather than sleep in a wet fox-hole. The zipper was stuck so the man had to put his rifle on the tree-trunk and used Both hands to try and get it down, finally undoing his pants and letting them fall. He sighed with relief as the urine splattered, having to laugh when he thought about what a profile he made - bare-ass naked from waist to ankles, cock jutting out as he pee'd. He just barely finished when a noise made him start. Carlson tried to decide between pants and gun, and the Gun won out - he didn't care if he Shot someone with his butt hanging out, but he Sure wasn't about to die with them Down - he'd Die of Embarrassment! There was 2 problems with this plan of action - His rifle wasn't against the tree anymore, and a leathery hand had grabbed his dick, stroking it! "Hello Sexy.. Do you usually run around with your dick out for anyone to grab?" A hot stiff rod poked his butt as the hand kept stroking him expertly. Oh Lord.. He was going to be raped! "Mmmmmmm.. You have such a Nice, Smooth ass.." The corporal gritted his teeth feeling hot breath sliding down to his rear.. A tongue flicked across them and he flinched, cock stiffening. "You Like that?" This time the tongue slid across his cheeks lewdly probing between them, slathering all over his butt.. Then he was jerked around and shoved against the tree. "Be glad I am a bottom Human, Otherwise I would stick this big dick of mine right up that incredibly Hot ass of yours.." Fingers grabbed his balls, pulling them down as warmth engulfed his cock. The young man clenched his teeth, as the tongue caressed him to the point of orgasm, and beyond.. He groaned loudly, balls being fondled and stroked, coaxed to empty themselves into the reptilian snout. "MMmmmmmmm.. I Love Virgins - They taste Extra Fresh.." The corporal *Blushed* as he held onto the tree, twisting a little as hard lips kissed his sensitive head. "Maybe I will run into you again Sexy.." Suddenly everything got quiet as the lizard trooper left. A little Too Quiet for the Soldier who found his gun had fallen down - He did too after trying to run with his pants around his ankles - and grabbing it made Quick time back to the shell-hole. He gasped, dropping his pants again.. He would get them on after he got his breath back.. "Got a Light?" The poor man damn near jumped out of his skin.. The figure was indistinct in the fog but the cigarette was US Issue. Patting his chest fetched up the lighter, and he lit the 'tar-nail' as it was called. "Thanks.. You usually run around half-nude?" The corporal suddenly noticed it Was cold below his waist. "I.. " A chuckle. "Don't worry about it Kid. Doesn't bother me none. You Smoke?" The lit end wavered as a hand moved the cig, just visible from a few feet away. "Um.. No. No I don't." The light flared for a moment then it was dropped and crushed out. "Don't. Damn things are additive.. Like sucking Cock." It suddenly dawned on the man that whoever Else was in that hole, they could see a Lot better than he could... Peterified he watched the shady figure solidify into an Alien Soldier. 6 red eyes stared at him as the non-human hand reached between his legs, gripping his dick. "You start with one, then it's 2 and pretty soon if it's male you are kneeling on front of it.." The creature did just that, licking the human balls with lust. "You got a Cig?" "Back Pocket of my pants." The young man replied automatically, noting someplace in the back of his mind he was getting stiff under the expert stroking and licking. "Why?" It was a Crazy question, but he was already there.. Hands gripped his butt-cheeks, squeezing them. "Because I Like to smoke After sex too.. I told you, I am addicted." Inhuman lips tugged on the fattening cock-tip, sucking the pre-cum that dribbled out hungrily.. By word of mouth, snout, muzzle and - other things, word got around a Hot Human was taking all comers to suck on his dick. "He even walks around without pants, just letting it hang out to be grabbed or licked on or shoved under a tail.. And he has the most Kissable Ass..." 1 shell-hole, 1 corporal who is afraid of every sound - Not because he is worried about being shot.. Because he is naked. Teeth marks cover his chest and butt, with scratches on the latter as well. Dried saliva coats his groin, his nuts are swollen and painful, his penis is locked in a state of semi-hardness and he waits.. Waits for the next hungry creature to growl at him, claw at him, suck him into oblivion... * * * * Chapter 3 - Conversations "Will you Stop wriggling your ass in My face!" A grunt then some hisses. "Scales off the Tail there guys? ( Rough translation - No longer in Love? )" Laughter followed by a Hiss. "You Troops Shut up before the Humans Find us and We won't have to worry about who's been nuzzling who's tail.." "At least we have one.." someone muttered, making the 3 red eyes glow redder.. "Who said that?!?" Hisses of laughter. "You gonna spank my Green Ass, Bag-of-Air?" "Or my Brown one?" "Maybe it doesn't go for males.." More hisses and snorts as the Ryyian growled, knowing he couldn't 'blast' these leggers because the light would be seen for miles, but Damn he wanted to.. " *Grunt* "I told you to stop shoving your ass in my face.. Do it again and I am going to bite it!" A soft hiss. "Promises, Promises.." The Ryyian twirled around in frustration. "You want to get your nose-rings shot-off, that's your decision..." *Chomp* "OUCH! Son of a Mammal - You bit me!" A hissed chuckle. "I told you I would if you kept sticking your ass in my face.." That brought a chorus of "Me Next! Me Next!" Jack sat on the hill watching 2 lizard troopers wrestle each other, while the others laughed and made dirty remarks he could hear from here.. He looked at his radio, then at the madhouse, then at his radio again. Report This? Hah! Arms slid around him from behind.. "So what's going on?" He handed the glasses behind him and got comfortable. "Calling it in?" Jack shook his head. "They would either tell me to come in for some mental evaluation, or think I was smoking something..." One hand handed the glasses back while the other unzipped his pants. "Hey.." A soft chuckle as alien fingers stroked the Human penis to fullness. "What About.." A lipless mouth sucked him into the roots. "Let them get Their own Hunky Human.." Came out of the translator while semen blew out of the Man... * * * * Chapter 4 - I Am Big. "Charlie.. Look over there - Is that one of those 1-eyed bosses we keep hearing about?" "Profile's about right..What's he doing?" "Looks like he's taking a pee.. Damn! What a Whanger!!" "You always were a size-queen.. Crap! One of us has to find a radio and report this to HQ - Think you can keep it in your pants until I get back?" *Slap* "You are the camp pervert.. I mean - A Lizard?" "Hey, They give the Best head.. And I didn't hear You complaining about him 'tucking you in'.." "Alright, Alright.. Now get before he hears us." While one soldier carefully made his way back down the trail they had been following, keeping to rubble-piles and half-destroyed houses, The other crept in closer, watching with rapt attention as the clawed hand-guns were dropped to the ground and big alien fingers wrapped themselves around a Huge pole of male-flesh. At a good 3 feet long and 4 inches thick it looked like a straight-man's nightmare, knobby and thick with a pointed head dripping something that Wasn't urine. He watched every movement carefully, dick threatening to rip the zipper out of his pants.. Then he had to bite his knuckles as the monster turned a little.. And a carbon-copy of the same balls he had cleaned of So many times came in view. Huge horse-nuts, brown and sweaty, just like the Stallion on his Father's farm - Right down to the throbbing veins that he loved so much to run his tongue over.. ^ Like what you see human? ^ Charlie gasped as the big male moved to show of All it had - Huge cock, thick balls, nice ass, even a row of 4 nipple-like ringed bumps on his chest. But How... ^ I am a telepath. I 'heard' you coming a long way back.. Now, remove your clothes and come show me how you sucked a horse-cock when you were young. ^ The young man Stared at the monster for a moment.. then slowly removed his clothes, leaving them in a heap as he walked towards the thick male-meat. Lifting it to his face he rubs himself against it, kissing the tip, sliding his tongue inside, tasting the salty/sweet liquid. A few moments of jaw-stretching and he slipped the head in, sucking softly on it. Bobbing his head he managed to slather over about 8-inches.. Which was More than enough for both of them.. One hand stroked the thick meat, while the other went to his Own erection, tugging on it, groaning and swallowing every time a big drop of pre-cum would come out. 'Oh Shit.. This was good! This was Better than Good!!' He bit down as his orgasm removed sane thought.. Then the hose in his mouth went off and he swallowed rapidly, drinking the hot, alien semen down. But the pressure was too much as he was shot off the cock, which continued to spew it's load.. All over the soldier. He writhed, getting a sticky cum-bath.. As soon as the flood turned to a dribble and the man got his breath back, He was up and sucking on the head again, stroking the still throbbing meat, draining it.. Then the big male knelt and licked him clean, sucking on his cock, flicking his balls with the fat warm muscle. ^ I can do this 5, sometimes 6 times a day.. How would you like to be my Sex-pet, and help me drain my balls. ^ They both knew the answer, but the formalities had to be taken care of. "Oh Yes Sir!" the man said, rubbing the big semi-hard cock against his soft body. ^ We will have to find a safer spot before we can Continue.. ^ Lifting the Guns in one hand and the soldier in the other the Big male alien plodded off, squeezing the firm butt, 'hearing' the man think of ways to stretch himself to accommodate the thick cock.. After all, it wasn't That Big. Another squeeze as the Boss shook his head. 'And they thought me crazy for volunteering to come down here..' The End... For Now