KESRIK.TXT A Woven Cloth of Thought - By SwampRat (c) 1991, 1992 The Rashathran Society In The fantasy 'Kesrick', Lin Carter wrote of 4 travellers. Lost in a wood they find a camp. They were not sure Who had made the fire.. So I thought, Why would Werewolves need a campfire? It's not really dirty, just thoughtful. <+================+> The campfire flickered. The 3 beings sat, watching the meat cook. The rest of the deer was hanging from a tree. "How long?" One of them got up and fondled a cloak hanging by the fire. "Another few minutes, at least.." A sigh. "We have company.." A nod. "Females.." Arn growled softly. John lifted his paw. "If they ask, we shall give all we can.. That is the Law." The others nodded. Arn turned the haunch, rubbing it with herbs. John stood. He walked over to the path that led to the small clearing. The creature clasped his paws in front of him. "Welcome.." * * * Kesrick heard the voice. He looked at the form outlined in the light. Furry, but erect. Werewolves.. He whispered to his companions. They nodded. But his enchanted blade stayed sheathed. To attack without warning, even if the opponent Was an evil Monster, just Wasn't Done. He walked closer. "I am Sir Kesrick, of Dragonrouge." "Enter and be.." The animal had lifted a paw up to gesture towards the fire, as was customary.. And quickly slapped it back to his groin. ".. Welcome." A sheepish grin. Kesrick noticed that the being was male.. And no matter where the hands were put they could not disguise That fact.. But his party was quite weary. And the invitation seemed genuine enough. As he stepped into the light, the being held up a paw. "Sir Knight, I must ask Upon Your Honor, That neither you Nor any of your Party draw sword upon us without provocation.." The knight wondered about that oath. He stepped back and discussed this wrinkle with his companions. Sir Mordiaco agreed, as did the Amazon Princess. The Frankish Knight returned. "We do agree to that, Wolf.." A nod. "I and my companions bid you welcome." He turned and stepped towards the fire. "I am John." The humans followed. One of them got up and again felt the robes. "Still a few minutes.." He turned them over. John nodded.. Kesrick wondered at Werewolves who wore clothing. "Are you thirsty?" One of them lifted a pitcher. Holding out 2 large wooden cups. Kesrick wasn't sure until he saw what came out.. When it turned out to be nothing more exotic than cool water, he agreed. "Excuse us a moment.. They turned their back on the party. and donned the now dry robes. The Princess, having been naked since the time she was born, giggled softly. She had seen they were very much male... But being animals, she felt no more lust towards them that she did towards a stallion. "Much better.. I am Arn." The being had an accent, that was hard to place. "Reginald.. If I may I would like to borrow a knife." The wolfen waited politely. His accent was of the Northern People. "We do not carry edged weapons, and I believe you would prefer your meat in easily held steaks.." The dark-clad knight of the Moors nodded, and handed a dirk to the being. Fragrant slabs of venison were placed on leaves and given to the ladies. Madeline noticed the being kept his eyes above her neckline.. Then the knights were given their food. Finally, the Werewolves ate. The dirk was laid on a stone, close to the meat, but far enough away so it would not get hot. More water was passed around, and everybody had seconds. Kesrick commented on the savoriness of the meal. Reginald thanked him. "Fortunately, many types of herb grow wild here." The princess asked if they had mates. The three wolfen awkwardly glanced at each other.. The Tartan Knight sliced through the silence. "Like the Greeks, Wot?" Kesrick groaned inwardly. He had pledged he would not take sword to the beings.. And now knew Why they had asked. They had no lust for the Women... But civility took precedence over whatever thoughts He might have on the subject. As they chatted, warming to the fire, The knight noticed a few things. Like the fact they didn't act like animals. Their vocabulary was very good. They enjoyed jokes, and puzzles. The thought grew on him these were no ordinary beings.. Perhaps... "If I may ask.. Are you ensorcled?" The night grew silent. Kesrick felt embarrassed. "We do not know, Sir Knight.." One of them finally answered, poking at the fire. "My Sword can undo most enchantments.." They shook their grizzled heads. "Are we Men who have been changed into Wolves.. Or Wolves who have been given Humanity? None of us remember growing up. No memory of pleasant days as children, or the noisy times of cubs. Our Laws also, have been with us forever.." As they recited the laws, Kesrick found them very similar to his own Oaths of Chivalry. He felt more than ever that these were not mere monsters.. But the argument was valid. "Would you go back to being something with no more brains than a dog? Even if the alternative is a Curse?" He had to admit the prospect didn't sound appealing. They slept well, and were refreshed by a warm meal of venison. The offer to travel with the Company was politely declined.. Which both pleased and disappointed the humans. But, there was nothing for it.. With a hearty 'Fare Thee Well' They went their separate directions. The End