KZIN2.TXT Security Duty - By SwampRat (c) 1989 The Brotherhood Of Pan "Those Who Follow The Way Of The Shepherd" 1991 The Rashathran Society "Dedicated to the Continuance of InterSpecies InterRelationships" Not dirty.. But then Not everything I write is about sex... I walked out into the cool mist. The guards were lax this day. I would see to it security was tightened. I had been thrashing as loudly as possible, to get somebody's attention, and was tiring of it. Much more of this, And I might not be able to resist my Training. I was now in sight of the house. Terrible. With one rocket-launcher I could kill the Governor, His staff and entire household. Instead I hit the lower wall with a rock. There were questioning snarls, then growls, and finally shouts, as my presence was finally recognised. About Damn time! Two armored creatures bounded out of a door. I stood, staff on the ground. "Where is your Superior, Worthless ones?" One of them grinned, and gave his partner the Lazer Rifle, and came towards me. I waited until he was within range, then snapped the rod up, slamming it the startled Kzin's chin. He yelped, falling back. The other one lifted his rifle... and was ordered back. Another came out of the doorway, and stood looking at me. "Are you in charge of these Senile Creatures?" The one with the bloodied mouth, yowled, leaped at me... And was turned every way but loose. I hit his head, sides, legs. Finally thrusting the pole in front of me, letting him grab it. Then I fell back, and flipping him over me, rolled on top of him. I grabbed his nose, and tweaked it. "Do you acquiese?" He snarled, and tried to get his paws free. But with a knee on the staff, which held his paws in place, he was virtually pawcuffed. I twisted the small piece of flesh between the nostrils, and he screamed in pain. "Do you acquiese?" "I will never surrender..." "I do not want your surrender, just your word you shall not attack me again this day." He surged up in reply. I jumped back, allowing him to rise. Twisting the Staff, it split it into three pieces, attached by chain. One piece whistled by the guard's face, making him duck. Another smacked into the side of his head, knocking the big cat unconscious. I jerked the mid-piece pulling the weapon towards me, re-attached the pieces, and turned, waiting. The other two had been joined by a third. Chull-RRah looked at me. "Kill him," He said. The guard fired his rifle at me, and gasped when the beam of energy did nothing except put a hole in my robe. "Your Security is shoddy, your manners are beneath a ground-dweller. If it wasn't for the fact I gave my word, I would kill you myself..." "Who are you, that you should speak so to the Governor?" This from the other Kzin. I tossed the tattered cloth away, revealing a black chain robe made of Hardened Plasti-Steel. Lazer, Claw, Blaster, even Blade proof. "I am Shadow, FreeBeing Mercenary," That brought a snarl. "And for the next three days, the Governor's bodyguard, Cat." "You will address the Hero Properly, Monkey!" I turned to the guard. "I have but one eye, but see better than you. My hearing is worse for age, but still sharper than yours. I was hired to guard his worthless hide, not deify it. And if you do not like my words, I invite you to come down here, whereupon I shall put you to sleep, as I did your partner in ineptitude..." He screamed in anger, then in confusion, as a dart hit his neck, and dissolved, the chemical laid him out in seconds. "But I do not have time to play games with kittens. My orders were to report to you, Governor, which I have done." The Kzin wasn't sure what to do next. "Who hired you?" I straightened, and re-sheathed the dart-gun. "That I could not say. I was given two envelopes. One contained a large amount of credits, and the instructions that I was to protect the Governor of Troain, for the next three days." He scratched his fur. "And the other one?" "I am to give that one to you.. In Private Only." He yawned in frustration. "Then come inside." I walked up to the animals, and waited. "You first, If you please, sir." His ears showed his pleasure at the deferential tone. I turned to the Guard-Captain. "Beware of Monkeys, " I grabbed his armor-plated crotch, and tasped him, "They carry diseases." The Kzin gasped, purred, fell in a stupor. I walked into the room, stepping to one side almost immediately, and crouching. When nothing attacked, I stood, looking at the bemused tiger. "You fight well... Which war?" I had to smile. "All of them." He looked quizzical. "All 4?" I shook my head. "Many Inter-Solar, Too many Inter-Galactic.. When I wasn't being 'utilized', I was in deep-freeze." He growled, and took the envelope from me. Only his thumb print could open the seal. He read it, read it again, and snarled. Then he stalked over to a console and howled a handful of words into it. I understood Kzin, it came with the assignment. He was making a 'call' to someone important. I didn't know how high up until a furred face came up on the Vidscreen, wearing a robe, and cap. "Forgive the intrusion, War-General Makirre, but.." The creature growled low in his throat, then stared at me. "Come forward, Human." I did so, staring back at the image. "Remove your helm... It can not be!" I smiled, showing steel teeth. "A pleasant life-turning to thee, Sire-Of-Kings." He returned the grin, the 4 canines tipped with metal. "And unto you, FarScout-Commander, Master Of Perverted Pleasures." The cat beside me gasped. "I truly am sorry about your teeth..." The smile widened, in both anger and pleasure. "You are a great enemy... But no longer." I bowed my head. "I still say a bed is more comfortable than a battlefield..." The general roared, his amusement showing plainly. "Still the same Bastard!" He turned to the overwhelmed Kzin. "Watch this Monkey closely, or you might find yourself on a mating couch..." I looked hurt. "Whadda ya mean 'might'?!?" The pink ears flapped in amusement. "Allow me to speak to the Governor." I bowed. "As you request." Melting into the shadows, I waited as both animals waged a war of words between them. It ended with a "As You Wish, General." To say the Hero was not happy would be an understatement. He wanted nothing more than to rip me into little shreds, and stuff those into the nearest disposal. But, Kzin do Not countermand Direct orders, no matter how painful. "You are my guardian for 3 days.." He looked disgusted. "Do you understand what that means.. When you scratch soil, I will comb it beforehand. When you mate with your wives, I shall be behind the door, waiting." He snarled, clawing the air. "Damn Your Balls, Monkey!" I replaced my helm. "I believe you were about to retire for the evening.." His eyes narrowed. "You Are Not Getting In My BED!" "I do not Officially go on duty until the sun rises.. I shall meet you in the morning, My Lord.." I shut down. Sleep was easy for one who is mostly machine. I awoke to an internal alarm. The sun would rise in a few more minutes. Kzin guards lounged in the room, most staring at me. They made remarks about my stillness, the guards who I had vanquished, and one red-faced sergeant, who had to snarl at more than one rumor of having liked being tasped.. The Governor came in, growled at his servants, ate, and reviewed his agenda. "Hungry?" "I need nothing for a time yet." He nodded, seeming in better spirits than the night before. "Council Meeting first." I nodded.. * * * One of the Kzin screamed, leaping off the floor.. He landed with a snarl, far short of his target, as the Governor sat back down. Twin swords crossed his chest, the flat of the blades holding him back. Not even a Kzin would care to jump on a sword. He growled, but allowed himself to be seated. The blades whirled, then went back into the robe. "Trained Monkey.." I didn't even twitch. "I do not believe combat is allowed in Chambers.." The Governor grinned mirthlessly. "There are exceptions.. ChamberMaster." He lifted his arm. "My 'servant' wishes to know if he may 'discuss' things with my opponent.." The chuckle that made the rounds would have made most beings scurry for cover. "It is most unusual.. But if both participants are willing.." The Kzin jumped back into the ring, snarling. This time he had his own sword. "Than I think it will be alright." I leapt over the table, coming to rest on the hard surface. "I await your pleasure.." A laugh came from the Governor. The cat snarled and swung he scimitar-like blade at me. It met my own sword. I shoved the weapon away, and took a step back. Something was wrong.. The Kzin growled and tried to run me through. I easily parried the blade again. The monster wasn't pressing his advantage. Then he grappled with me. Almost at the same time, a kzin was getting up.. I slammed my hand Through the ribcage, snapping the neck at the same time. The body was thrown, still twitching straight into the blaster's beam.. A hole appeared in the skin, but it was enough to stop the beam. The creature would have no second chance.. I leapt towards the kzin. He dropped the blaster and snarling, took my rush. We rolled for a moment.. Then all was still. A tri-bladed dagger was inches from the now wide eyes. My arm was an unbreakable bar around his neck, hand locked on his chin. My knee was in his back, holding the cat in a half-crouch. "Kill me.." The guards watched, guns drawn. "No.." I lifted the blade, and released the animal. He turned, screaming.. And got his paw twisted behind his back. He gasped, as I put a collar on him, Then cuffed both paws behind his back. A guard disgustedly tugged on the being. "Wait.. I wish to see who has vanquished me." I let my faceplate go clear. He shuddered.. And was led away quite willingly. I turned, and leapt back over the table. Then took my place a few steps behind the Governor. The entire place became bedlam for a minute.. Then order was restored by Armored Guards with stun-guns. A couple of cats looked at me like they weren't sure what to do.. The Governor snarled, as did the ChamberMaster. Questions flew as to how the blaster had been smuggled in the Council. And just who or What it was that now stood behind the Governor.. But nothing unusual was forthcoming for That day.. Or The next. The third day I looked over the schedule. It called for the kzin to spend the day at his house, doing things all governor's must do. I scoured the place, found nothing more dangerous than a bent pin. When the sun came up the fourth day, I left the mansion. My mission was at an end. So was the lives of a dozen beings.. A commando squad had tried to get inside the fortress. The kzin guards growled because I didn't leave anyone alive for them to 'play' with.. But, Chull-RRah Did have five new heads to put on his doorframe. As to the assassin.. He joined a cult of kzin demon-worshippers. He became a Priest, because he had fought with one.. For No Human Alive has only one eye, And half a face. The End