LIFE2.TXT - Violence, Profanity, Implied rape - September 05, 2002 By SwampRat - With some help from Meser (cl) 2001 GFA This is one of those 'Reaction' pieces - I read something, I feel it run through my being, and I write something in response. I can't say if it is good or bad because it isn't Meant to be a Story.. Just something I have to get out of my system because it won't leave me alone until it does.. And I also promised myself no matter What I wrote, when I finished it I would put it out. So here it is, raw as my nerves were after reading the story that spawned this. * * * * Kain opened his eyes, hearing a pounding at his door.. "Shit.. What time is.. What the Hell.. This had better be good." Getting up he tossed on a pair of pants and went to the door. "Your name Kain?" A figure standing in the doorway said. "Yeah it is.. Now what the fuck do you.. Oof!" A hand that felt like iron slammed into his midsection, propelling him backwards. "I hear you like to put Fags in their place, Tough Guy.." A backhand sent him sprawling, tasting blood where he bit his cheek. "One of those 'Fags' was a friend of mine.. You really worked him over, didn't you. First the friendly scene. Then some snuggling.. then you beat him up, and raped him." He got to his feet, still unable to see who was assaulting him, but he snarled, "So? Fucking Fag deserved it.." This time the hand gripped his throat and he wheezed, choking under the incredibly strong grip, hands pawing at the arm, trying desperately to stop the pressure. "This 'fag' got up, went to his father's house and found his service revolver.. When his father got home all he found was what was left of his son's head - all over the wall." The eyes glittered as the being dropped the young male, reaching into a pocket for a long, wicked looking knife. "I usually Charge for this service.. But you are a Freebie." * * * * The intern at the Hospital thought he had seen it all, but This one - Rings in his ears, nipples, nose - even his cock... High on something and dumped here, probably by his lover.. Had more make-up on than most prostitutes, but the kicker was the 'Fuck me' shaved into his butt. He was a mess in more ways than one. "It's Ok Son.. We are here to help you." A wallet fetched up a name and address. That meant a phone call to a Father who was probably going to make some kind of scene.. Probably didn't even know his - Oh Boy - Underage son was doing this. He sighed to himself - It was faggots like these that gave Gays a bad name. But he was a doctor first, and with a wave to a nurse started the proceedings to get this miserable piece of maleness into the hospital. The End.. ?