OTHERSIDE.TXT - M/m, Semi-NC - October 14, 2002 The Other Side - By SwampRat (c) 1994 The Rashathran Society (cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association This story is based upon a Great one done in Yarf... Unfortunately you never know what happened to the Other Male. This tail is my crude attempt to show one of the reasons Why the GFA was created. And to pay homage to all the Masterful Storytellers whose works Make me write - if only because I can not hold my feeling inside. <+===============+> Jirry Ran. Ran until his paws ached, his legs screamed. But not as loudly as the screams for his lovers's blood... They Still echoed in his ears. "It wasn't Wrong.." He sobbed, heading for the alien compound he had only heard about in bed-time conversation. They Had to take him in.. They Had To... He stopped, his throat raw both from crying and inhaling the cold night air too fast. His paws would bleed, he could feel them throb.. But if he was caught, more than his pads would be raw and bloody. The very Least he could expect was castration... Shuddering, sobbing with pain and shock, he held onto the tree, and listened. The smallish foxtaur closed his eyes and for a moment, he was in his lover's arms again, taking the thick maleness under his tail, feeling the slight pain and the wonderful pleasure.. Loved and loving... He had seen the two lovers entertwined before and curiosity made him talk in low, hushed tones to his Bond-Brother - Who was More than willing to teach another young male. "There he is!" Found! Oh Cruel Gods, to make him love and be loved in a way Society said was Wrong, but made his heart soar free... With a fresh sob, he lurched from the tree and made himself run forward. * * * * Two bored guards heard yelps and something crashing through the brush. "Hear that?" "Yeah... But you know the orders - No leaving the post." The first one, a human, listened again. "Sounds serious.." The older one, a lizardish male shrugged, eyeing his compatriot. He reached over and gave the tail-less rump a squeeze. Which made the man jump, then grin and grab a handful of the armored crotch. "Horny are we?" The scaled one laughed deeply. "You smooth-skins always turned me on.." The human laughed as well. "Well - We got another hour, and Then we shall see about this." He squeezed the pouch that was growing quite tight... The lizard- male groaned and half-listened to the ruckus out in the forest, hoping it would resolve itself After he and his partner were safely ensconced in a sauna. * * * * Jirry sobbed again. The roadway! He could See the gate and safety. Behind him however was the mob - His Bond-Sisters who wanted to make Sure his seed was Never passed on. Preferably by ripping him to bloody shreds... He gasped, holding his side as best he could. So close... He willed himself to walk, unable to run any longer. He closed his eyes to the pain and staggered down the road towards the compound. "Sisters - He is on the roadway..." No. Not when he was so close... He collapsed in a heap beside a set of bushes, too tired to even cry. He could hear the pack getting closer to the road, and tried to will himself to crawl. His legs refused, cramps literally making it impossible to walk. He tried to pull himself forward, but was too weak for even that.. "It isn't Fair.. It Isn't Fair.." Then hands were upon him and he tried to plead for his life. Except something was clamped around his muzzle. Something metallic. The he was literally jerked of the roadway and into the bushes. He watched as a dozen females burst out of the woods and snarling, trot up to where he was held. Some had thick branches, while others clutched rocks. Those who did not have a weapon were gnashing their teeth and their hands were curved into claws. He would not have lived long... "Where Is He?!?" They thrashed the bushes on either side of the road, making his heart lurch... It damn near Jumped out of his chest when another hand squeezed his sheath, tracing the maleness inside. 'What the.. Not Now, you Idiot!' he wanted to scream, but his muzzle was still held shut. He closed his eyes, death barely a dozen steps away, as his body responded. "He could not have gone far... Search the area." Oh no... His eyes opened wide as a familiar something prodded his backside. 'Oh Gods... Oh No... Oh Please..... Unnh!' The maleness felt different, but very similar.. He was too tired to resist... Then he didn't Want to resist. He tried to hold onto sanity as the male behind him started thrusting into his abused rump, sending waves of pain and pleasure. When his Bond-Sisters found then, they would Both die.. and it didn't matter one little bit! He moved with the male, his erection sliding free and stiffening in the strangely-shaped hand. His fore-legs dangled in the air, but his hind-legs found something to push back against, and they did so - But only to thrust into the maddening fingers that stroked him so expertly. It was excruciating! 'No Sheath..' part of him noticed. Another part didn't care, wriggling his thighs against the male, feeling the scrotum move against his. He felt the itch building in his nuts, the pleasure burning around his hole, racing up his spine.. He Stiffened... And saw the head of Jara poke through the brush. Sweet Jara, whom Jirry had liked most of all. Jara, who exchanged notes with him in class, played tag-the-tree with him all summer.. Now her face was a mask of hate and blood-lust. She hissed in disgust, but he was too far gone to care. As she opened her muzzle to raise an outcry, his orgasm peaked, and his cock-tip spat a wad of semen, Splattering her. The sticky stuff splashed across her muzzle, filling her nose with the smell of male lust. Another wad hit her, this time in her open mouth and she swallowed convulsively. It burned all the way down her throat, and set her stomach on fire. She leaned forward, pink tongue sliding out, and lapping at the thick goo, pouring out of the shuddering foxtaur, no longer caring who or what.. Only that she get every last drop of the sweet cock-sap that bubbled from the maleness in front of her. Jirry didn't know if the male had cum in him, he didn't even know if it was Really Jara he saw.. Because everything suddenly went black... * * * * Jara worked the cock over well, squeezing even the pre-cum from the red flesh. Finally she kissed it, holding it in her muzzle for a long moment. "He will vanish.." She nodded, swallowing, a tear rolling down her cheek.. "Goodbye Jirry." Took the muzzle in her hands and kissed it.. Then both it and the male were gone. "Find something Sister?" Jara quickly washed, and rubbed a foul-smelling bark on her muzzle. "I Thought I did..." She returned to the, barely stifling a grin at the wrinkled noses. "Bah... He will wait until morning. Home Sisters..." Jara nodded and lifted a hand to the bushes, knowing someone watched. And thought about the compound and her Own life... * * * * He awoke to a dull ache that seemed to encompass his entire body.. "He's coming around.." A light, Way too bright for his comfort hit his eyes and his head split open. He Howled in pain, and then blinked.. To stare into a Very familiar muzzle. It was one of his kind, but not of his Bond-Ring. A healer, perhaps? Had he a future-dream... if so, he Was Bound and Determined to change the Ending! "How do you feel?" Confused, in a little pain.. "Ok.... *Yelp!*" A hand grabbed him between his legs and he gasped, moving against the warm flesh. "You act well..." His knobs started to swell, and he blushed, unable to stop himself from erecting. Then he forgot all about his body, as he Stared at the bed next to him. On it, a male was resting.. It was Obviously male as something red and male- looking jutted from between it's twin legs. But that was not what shocked him so.. The being had Ears! Long, furry things that were put on a face that was beautiful and strange at the same time. The eyes were large and round and brown.. A Warm brown that sucked him in, and made him know he was loved. It made a noise like he had never heard in his life, and the female replied in kind. This was No Healing ward... "Tall Grass says hello to the handsome male-person." Jirry blushed again, not sure Why he was both flattered and scared. "I am in.." Hands moved him so he would be more comfortable.. It also exposed more of him to the male across the way. "Ward 3, in the Temple of Groannd." For the first time in what felt like ages, Jirry relaxed. He was Safe... *Chitter-Chit* "Tall Grass wants to know if you would like to sleep with him." The foxtaur literally jumped. "WHAT?!? I mean.. I - Ummmm." He looked at the warm fur, the inviting eyes and noticed that one hand had no fingers or anything resembling them. "Yes.. I would like that very much." The other male stood and half-hopped over. It only had one foot as well. He felt nothing but sympathy ( Well - A little trepidation and more than a little lust ) as the being was helped next to him. "Tall-Grass.." The fingerless hand ran across his body and pressed itself against his butt, coaxing him closer. He gasped, feeling the cock press against his, warm and damp. His nostrils filled with the smell of male lust and alien fur. But it was a pleasant smell.. Like grass in the spring. The other hand stroked his head and it looked into his eyes, pink nose twitching constantly. He stifled a laugh barely.. It was so comical... Then he was held to the male and heard another heart beating. Felt warm fur around him, and he snuggled in, holding the male with all 6 limbs. "Good Night Lady." The Doctor patted him. "Sleep well..." He nodded and was already out before the creature could kiss him on his forehead. The End.. For Now