PIRATE.TXT What if a pirate ship got plundered.. - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society The pirate ship Vixen lay, listless in the water. Her crew had opened a few of the kegs that was part of the treasure the vessel a few leagues distant had been taking to another place. Many snored, while other twitched and grunted. A few were left to watch for whatever dangers a calm ocean might carry. The craft that came onto them drifted unseen. For the sentries were trussed up and dropped by scaly paws in mere moments. The drunken crew fared no better. They were roused to find wrist and ankle firmly fused together. Soft noises came from the reptiles who clamored over the decking, fondling a man here and checking a bond there. And so it was the Captain awoke to a simpering creature who stroked her lewdly. Scaly paws had her bodice open and were stroking her firm breasts. The reptilian head bent to graze on the fleshy mounds. "What the.. Bastard!" She snarled at the creature.. Who twittered! "Now, Now, Sarttu.. It's not nice to tease." The man, if man it was, stood inside the doorjamb. Tiana felt a shudder run down her spine at his cold, blue eyes. There was not even a hint of lust in them.. Not for her, at least. They did however, blaze when they took in her Father's frame. She snarled and strained to rip the cord from her wrists. Then lay, stunned, as he entered full into the cabin. Male, he was. Human? Not even. A creature most resembling a wolf strode in the chamber. He stopped to stroke a dark leg. "Bastard.. Harm Caranga, and nowhere on the earth will hide you from me.." A grin. "I will do him no lasting damage, Female.. However I do have need.. And I believe he can slake my thirst well." The dark giant grunted as a clawed hand slid across his loincloth. The lizard hissed laughter again and left.. But not before stroking Tiana's calf muscle in such an erotic way she bit her lower lip to keep from moaning. "There are some of us who enjoy Females also.." Then he was gone. From the other side of the cabin came a ripping sound. She turned her head to see what the fiend was doing to her self-proclaimed Father. The robe hid most of his body, but one arm moved rythemically. "A fine specimen.. It is a pleasure to serve one such as you, Sir." The monster bent to cover the pirate's groin. Caranga's teeth shone as he tried to bite off a groan as the sound of flesh being scraped by a tongue came to her ears. Tiana knew the sound well.. She had done so to many a randy buck before leaping over their thighs. The furry head moved as slurping sounds came from the other side of the room. Tiana twisted, and turned, trying in vain to rend off her shackles. Then the man she called 'Father' groaned as if deeply wounded. She would kill the perverted bastard.. Slowly! His stones would she crush. His maleness would be leathered and worn as an ornament. The demon's pelt would be hers to trod upon. The dark man threw back his head, forgetting he was tied, forgetting a male suckled at his loins. He only cared for the orgasm that burned up his spine. Throat muscles clung to his spurting cock greedily, milking it like strong, wet fingers. He groaned again, this time in shame. The monster had manipulated him better than any wench! And a part of him desired the male.. Wanted the tongue to continue doing obscene things to his penis. Which it did.. The ribbon curled around his shrinking cock, and squeezed it. His balls were well worked over by the strong fingers. He looked down to see a toothy grin. The creature put it's head down on his thigh and whispered to his maleness, as if it could speak! "Surely such a large man such as you are can give a hungry creature another drink from your well.. Or has my need been too much for even a giant?" His skin crawled at the touch, even as the fur fanned the desire in him. Fingers stroked his penis, as the tongue stropped the sensitive tip well. No! It could not be!! He felt lust once again take control of his body. This time the paws grabbed his ass, and turned him on his side. The monster sat beside him and cradled his nuts in it's mouth. The dark male-meat, shiny with saliva and still leaking pre-cum shuddered to life as fangs gently bit at his testicles and a clawed thumb worked the mingled juices into the sensitive head. The other fingers slid around the big stalk, encouraging it to fill with blood. At last it stood full and hard as iron. This time there was no rush of hunger to stay the creatures' pleasure. He took the tip in his muzzle and pressed fangs just behind the head, so it's tongue could torture the dusky plum. Then let more slowly slide into the warmth, grinning when the big man moaned and jerked reflexively. "Do It.." he said softly, "Mate my mouth.. Shove it deep." The words burned Caranga, but he was a slave to his passions. Tiana closed her eyes and bit her lip as she too found herself being turned-on by what she heard.. A paw dug into the sweaty buttocks, the other wrapping long fingers around his balls. The pirate grunted and his hips moves, stuffing the sausage between the compressed lips. No female had successfully taken his length into their mouths but this monster swallowed him to the hairs and wanted more! Teeth and tongue lashed at the pistoning cock, driving it's owner mad with lust. The suction was incredible, as was the wonderful slide into molten warmth. Now the head moved in rythem with the human. Pulling back when he did.. Mashing it's nose into his crotch with the in-stroke. One last lick shoved Caranga over the edge. He shuddered.. Then roared, spewing his load deep into the hungry maw. The wolf gulped the offering down and worked it's claws over the shrinking testicles, making them give up every last drop of scum. To be drained out of the penis with long, hard sucks. With one final groan, the man flopped onto his back, the leech between his legs making sure nothing was left in the stalk. At last the monster was done. It stood, and patted the man's shuddering thigh. "Most tasty.. My thanks, Pirate." Tiana gritted her teeth.. Then jerked, startled, as the being turned to her! "No, Female. I have no lust for you. Not as you are now, at any rate.. Nor will I do thee harm - Except to liberate a few chests from your stock. And some seed from your crew.." She flung herself up in anger and hate. A hand/paw clasped her neck. The other held her arms. The blue eyes stared into hers deeply.. Then he smiled. "We shall leave you now.." And gave her a kiss that sundered her to the very marrow. Part of her wanted to rip his muzzle off. Part of her wanted to jerk the creature's robe off and pull him on top of her. Part of her wanted to be sick.. The wolfen lifted his mouth from hers and walked to the door. "A parting gift.." He lifted a dagger from somewhere inside his clothes and flung it at her! The blade slid between her wrists, parting the bonds without leaving so much as a nick. She quickly cut the ones at her feet and rose, knowing she would find the monster gone. She went outside anyway. Her crew was trussed up like lambs for slaughter, and all groaned.. Tiana returned to see if her father was injured. He lay in the lamplight, maleness glistening obscenely with saliva. His big head was awash with sweat, and self-loathing.. Which lasted for all of a moment. "Was it fun?" He growled and jerked on his own bonds. "Cut me loose, that I might spank ye!" The sailors were most quiet and made good time to the Harbor. But Tiana remembered.. And vowed to return. Perhaps with steel, or perhaps with Silk.. But She Would Return.. The End