RALPH.TXT A shaggy story.. By SwampRat (c) 1990 The Brotherhood Of Pan 1991 The Rashathran Society Ralph swore, trying to regain the scent-track. He didn't Really want to screw the bitch, But both his human lovers were unavailable.. Shit! Too many tracks, too many scents overlaying the pherenome trail. He re-tracked.. Then sat on a grassy knoll. "Damn! Damn! Damn!" Of all the times to wake up horny.. Replete with an aching erection. Eyes burned into his back. Those same eyes had followed his movements for some time, as the canine had tracked the female's scent. He turned (*Ouch* Fuckin' cock-knobs!!), and re-sat, staring at a man sitting on a bench. He couldn't see the eyes behind the glass, but felt the gaze move down his body. The Shepherd felt like walking over there, and asking the man what the fuck he was staring a.. Oh. The pointed tip of his erection jutted out of it's hairy sheath. Just My Luck.. A Queer! Ralph swore under his breath again, as he realized it was either take the bastard up on his unspoken offer, as the man was wheezing softly and licking his lips, Or try to masturbate.. Hah! His nuts twinged.. Shit! The dog didn't have any choice. He sauntered his way over, trying not to bump his swollen testicles against his thighs too often.. The man bent down, offering Ralph his hand. "Hello, Doggy.. Are you lost?" Ralph's hackles rose. "Don't call me 'doggy'.. I could see you staring at my dick from clear over there." If the man was fazed by being spoken to by the horny canine, he didn't show it. "If you want it, meet me in the bathroom in 5.." The human patted his head like some old fart might. "Too risky.. Wag your tail like you know me, and follow me to my van." The human got up, and Ralph gritted his teeth, but made like a good 'doggy'. He Refused to bark, instead trotted just ahead of the man.. Damn! Look at that Babe in the string-bikini.. His testicles expanded again, the veins standing out in classic "Blue Balls" fashion. *Aaaugh!* He tucked his tail between his legs, and almost ran to the parking lot.. Waited impatiently for the human to arrive. The man came whistling down the path, unlocked the door to a large mobile home, and allowed the antsy animal entrance. Ralph lay on the rug. "Get in here, and let's get this over with.." He shivered with self-loathing. The human climbed in, locked the door, and pulled the curtains. He knelt beside the horny animal, crossed his legs and sat. Ralph tried to suppress a moan, as fingers fondled his nuts. "Jump Up.." "What?" The hand tugged on his already painful balls. "Put your paws in my shoulders.. I want to taste it.." Ralph just about gagged. The cool hand stroked his scrotum, fanning desires.. A finger rubbed his knobby cock-root. "Alright, Alright!" he growled, turning, and placing a paw on either shoulder. He felt the head move down his belly. Warm breath stirred the canine even more.. A tongue bounced the pointed cock-head. Lapped on it.. Ralph knew he was going to be sick. The hand stopped playing with his dick, and peeled the sheath back, gently coaxing the knobs out. Lust and queasiness fought each other, as the tongue traced veins on his cock.. Then the dog jerked, howling as his nuts were sucked into a warm mouth. They were rolled around, nibbled on, making the animal's hind-paws dance. When they had swelled to twice their size, and Ralph had about dug the carpet up, the lips parted, allowing the balls to slowly glide across them. The tongue slapped at the hanging sack, making them sway... Ralph no longer cared of there was a male or a female under him, he was going to screw it! The wet muscle slid around the penile sheath opening, moving slowly up the vibrating reddish doggy-cock. He whimpered as lips pressed against the crowned tip. They parted.. And Ralph roared, plunging the length of his dick into the man's mouth. The dog moaned, panting over the human. "Shit.. Oh, Fuck!" There was something about humping another male.. Perhaps it was just the human was very talented in the art of sucking cock. Ralph curled around the guy, bent in an arch, thighs sliding by the hollowed cheeks, as his hind legs pistoned his doggy-cock as deep as it would go. "Suck it! Lick It!! BITE IT!!!" He lost all vestiges of civilization, turning into a rutting animal. He snarled, snapping at the air. Dug his fore-legs harder into the man's shoulders, pulling the body closer. He missed a stroke. Shuddered. Missed another. A finger teased his anus. He growled warningly, then howled as the digit thrust itself under his tail. The other hand tortured his already bursting balls, stroking them with the practiced ease that comes from playing with a Lot of nut-sacks. The Shepherd whined, moaned, howled anew. A tongue twirled around the fat cock-head, taking the animal over the brink. The swollen doggy-balls contracted, and Ralph's eyes crossed, as the penis spat a stream of runny cum into the hungry maw. Every nerve ending screamed in pleasure.. Teeth chewed on the lumps jutting out on either side of the reddish cock. The dog could only cling to the human and whimper as fingers cajoled still more semen out of his balls for the greedy tongue to harvest. The one gyrating in his ass didn't do his overloaded pleasure centers any good either. The canine shuddered, as another orgasm made his senses swim.. Finally, the man stopped trying to suck Ralph's testicles through his cock, and allowed the flaccid penis to rest in his tongue. Gently moved back, tracing the blue veins that still throbbed. Let the ridged tip slide between his warm lips. The Shepherd fell over onto his side, barely able to whine as the hands stroked his side. "It has been a Long time since I got such a load.. You must have really needed it.." Ralph thumped his tail. The man got up, washed and returned with 2 beers. "Thirsty?" The dog gratefully lapped the bowl of suds down. He shook himself and went into the bathroom. Nudging the lid up, the dog turned and sat. When he was done, he pulled the handle.. Returned to the other room. "Want to have another go?" Not really.. His nuts were still too big for comfort, however. Trish wasn't off for another hour.. And there was no way he could last That long.. Shit! "Alright.." he sighed. The man got down on all 4's.. What? No... The canine shook his head. Aw, what the hell.. He jumped onto the bowed back, slid his sheath along the ass-crack. Hey, this doesn't feel too half bad! The pointed tip found the puckered ring. Tapped it.. The human grunted, and jerked. "Yesss...." Ralph's cock slid in the warm anus. He growled, as muscles grabbed him. He pressed his fore-paws into the man's sides, thrusting deeper. This was fantastic! Pumping his entire length into the orifice, The canine moaned. "Damn Good.." Ralph growled again, shifting his paws. His hind legs dug into the carpet.. He had the overwhelming urge to bite the guy's neck. The Shepherd chuckled. Then gasped as the man rubbed his butt into the dog's hairy crotch.. He's really getting off on this.. Hell! So Am I... "Take it! Take all my doggy- cock..." Shit! Why didn't his female friends like taking in the ass? The man under him sure did.. The butt he was plunging full-tilt into, quivered. The anus pulled on his maleness wanting it deeper. Hind paws digging into the carpet, Ralph compressed the dark ring of muscle with his cock-knobs, almost wanting to 'tie' with the human.. The last of his penis was yanked into the moist hole. The dog gasped. Nothing much he could do now but.. Aaaaugh! A hand mashed his balls against another pair. Rubbed them together. The canine could only whimper, and hang on to the sweaty rib-cage, as the human pounded that wonderful ass into his groin unmercifully. He lay his chin on the man's back, gasping, as his nuts ignited. Ralph yelped as his maleness poured it's load of scum out. Anal muscles milked his cock, getting still more scum to spurt of the rutting animal. The final jet of runny cum was squeezed out of the tortured doggy-cock, and the canine slumped. The man wriggled under him. Then moved slowly forward, the flaccid penis coming out with a *POP*.. "Want another beer?" Ralph lay, gasping, as a bowl of very good ale was placed in front of him. He lapped the stuff up thirstily. Then he lay his head in the man's lap and allowed the talented fingers to work out some kinks in his neck. Something wet brushed his chin.. 'Drooling again?" His tongue flicked out, getting the droplet. What?! That wasn't Saliva.. He took another lick. Again the rich taste of maleness flooded his mouth. He opened his eyes.. To stare at the seeping tip of a cock. His nose told him the man was clean. He shrugged, gave it a lap. Damn! Gave it another.. The hands stroked his ears gently. 'What The Hell Am I Doing?!?' Ralph shook his head, and jerked himself up. "Ready to leave?" The canine found his mouth watering for another taste of the heated maleness. The man was getting up. The dog laughed, and shoved his lover back down. "Not until I get some of that dick!" He slavered over it, no longer thinking the act strange.. He had given head, or to be more exact, tongue, to his lovers before. So why not this one? 'Damn, I must be drunk..' The dog lapped, slavered, and growled over the man-meat. Older instincts came into play, and he wrapped his fore-paws around the penis, sucking on the tip. Drool ran down the stalk, as Ralph noisily nursed in the man. "Come'on.. Cum!" And the guy did just that.. A spurt hit the roof of his mouth. The dog swallowed, lapping on the pulsating maleness. More sweet spunk flowed into his mouth. The canine found he liked the taste. The Shepherd growled, gulping the stuff down. He gently bit the thing, demanding more semen. Rolled the gushering cock aroung his mouth.. He harvested the last slimy drops, then let it drop out of his mouth.. Rubbed it with his muzzle. "Mmmm..." The man got up, put on a robe. "Can I take you someplace?" Ralph thought about it. "Sure." He sat in the front seat, as the man warmed the vehicle up, and drove it out of the park. When they got near the spot, Ralph looked his new lover over. "You come to the park often?" The man smiled. "Everyday.." He opened the door, Giving the dog a kiss. Ralph grunted, but returned the lip-press, finding he liked it. Especially when a hand rubbed his sheath. The canine wiggled his hips, then jumped out onto the dirt. "Bye.. And thanks." A chuckle. "Anytime, my horny canine.." The door closed, and the vehicle merged with traffic. Ralph shook himself. His nuts griped.. Perhaps he would go by the park tomorrow... An image of him pounding those muscular butt-cheeks, while sucking on a hard cock popped into his mind.. "Damn Right I will!!" The End