ROBOT1A.TXT ANDROID RAPE, Tweaked DONATED ON APRIL 14, BY JIM FIELDS Tweaked by PackRat Android Rape The robots were due for their 6 month maintenance, and Jerry, my partner, had taken the week off. 8 of the little monsters had gone without maintenance for over a year. I resented the fact that Jerry had taken this week off and left me with the dirty work. Especially since this was the beginning of a 3-day weekend. Well, at least it would be quiet, no one would be around to bother me. I decided to start with Max. He was the most human looking and definitely the most sexual of the androids, big with a lurking presence that was intriguing, and frightening to many. Dirt and grease was imbedded in the ripples of his muscularity. His exterior was covered with a plastic to protect the inner workings. Amazingly pliable, yet hard and strong to the touch. They had given him a squared face, deep set eyes, and short black hair. Standing over 6' tall, his broad chest was thick, his arms were long with huge biceps. I had never worked on Max before, as Jerry always wanted to do the maintenance on him. I never understood why. But then, I never really understood Jerry. I began to remove the protective leather clothing, and was surprised to find a 12-inch cock, and greasy, low hanging balls. I chuckled. This was just the kind of joke Jerry might play on me. Especially since he knew I was going to be the only one to work on these Androids. Shaking my head, I put him on a trolley, and wheeled him into a shower stall. 15 minutes under a warm oil spray should get rid of most of the gunk. The next one was just as bad, but no sexual equipment. Just a bump. I had gotten four of the monsters ready, when the timer beeped. Time to finish cleaning Max. Putting him under the drip catcher/hair dryer, I got the other four robots in their stalls, and after locking the door, went over to the towel rack. I undressed, still feeling somewhat uneasy. Besides being easier to work on the machines in the nude, we have to buy these blasted uniforms. So most of the time Jerry, and I just go around in a pair of shorts, or when there is just the two of us, in the buff. I moved Max from the shower to the work bench. I ran a brush through his hair, getting it to stay in place. Then used the towel to get all the residue garbage the shower didn't wash off. I worked my way across his face, and down his neck. I still felt like he was watching me. Get ahold of yourself, man. I chuckled, as I rubbed his muscular chest. It felt real, with hard nipples, and massive muscles. Moving across the shoulders, and down each arm was real work. Some of the stuff took a small cloth, soaked in oil, to get off. Especially his nails. Damn Jerry anyway. I finally got his upper half done, when the timer beeped. Dropping the cloth in exasperation, I went over and got another batch of androids ready. Now wheel the "clean" ones over to the drier, and stick the next batch in. These were really bad... better leave them in for half an hour or so. Back to Max. From the back, he looked almost handsome. I picked up the cloth, wiped the sweat off my brow, and pulling a stool over, I ran my hands across the firm buttocks. The cheeks resisted my cloth for a moment, then it slid through, and I rubbed it back-and-forth. I had to rinse the damn thing three times before it came clean. I bent down, to wipe off his legs, and noticed his big cock, hanging down... business before pleasure. Finishing his heels, I swiveled the stool around to his front. His feet weren't too bad, and I made my way up to the thick maleness hanging between his legs. I took the cloth in one hand, and fondled his balls with it, cleaning them. They felt like the real thing. I hesitated a moment, my hand on the androids cock. I almost felt like Max was staring at me. "Well, Max..." I looked up at the robot. "Mind of I play with your dick?" The dolly creaked, and he moved slightly forward, almost nodding. I laughed shakily, and rubbed the man-meat thoroughly. I must thank Jerry, when he returns. I was especially fond of cut cocks, and this one was molded just like a circumcised dick. I gave it a squeeze, slippery with the cleaning oil. Then got up, and tossed the used towels, into the hamper. Then went over to the bench, and opened the toolbox... Now, where the hell was the fermer?!? In order to open Max's service panel, I needed the Fermer to undo the screws. Aha! I bent over the bench, and stretched out one arm, under the cabinet. I was going to have to talk to Jer about tossing the tools around, especially into hard *Unnnh* to reach... A noise came from behind me. Suddenly, I was pinned to the work table face down. It was Max! How had he come to life? I knew I hadn't turned him on... Or maybe I did. I squirmed, stretching every muscle I had to break loose. But, Max was a field robot, and weighed close to 900 pounds. He had me pinned spread eagle, and there wasn't a whole lot I could do. He shoved his knees into mine, pressing them into the bench, then mounted me, slinging his large thighs over my twitching butt. The coldness of his hulking frame went through my bones. I felt his cock on the crack of my firm cheeks, it was like a steel pole. Slick with oil and sweat, it parted my cheeks and was rubbed up-and-down, just like I had done to the android with the cloth. Then it shifted. Both big hands clamped onto my arms, and I felt a huge cock-head press itself against my anus. Max slipped the shaft in my ass with one long plunge. He held it for an instant while I went to the edge of consciousness. Then he smoothly started pistoning all 12 inches into me, over and over, driving me into the boards. I yowlped, and grunted as one hand roughly caressed my chest, while the other held me down on the bench. There came a beep from the showers, telling me the robots were done. That was some sort of cue for Max. Still pumping me to the hilt, the android reached down and pulled me up, one huge hand clamped on my shoulder, the other holding my hip rock steady. We moved back about four paces, giving me a most indescribable sensation. The hand on my shoulder moved down to my erection, and wrapping stubby fingers around it, jacked on it in time to his thrusts. This lasted about five minutes, before I came all over the bench with a grunt. I expected Max to let go of me, and turn-off. Max had other plans, still thrusting smoothly, he continued masturbating my stiffening dick. Then there was a whir, and everything started moving faster. "Maxxxx, Waaaiiiiittt!!" But the machine simply humped faster, pistoning my cock in perfect time. This was about like having a vibrator go haywire, except Max could keep this up for days... my butt was getting sore from being slammed into by a steel crotch, and I was getting my marbles rattled. The second orgasm was a lot more violent than the first. "Muuuwaah!" I howled, close to passing out. Maybe now I could get free.... What else could Max do? I shouldn't have asked. Now both hands locked onto my hips, and I was thoroughly fucked. Slow, then fast, then medium speed... Sometimes he would stop entirely, just letting the entire length soak, or keeping just the tip inside my tortured anus. It took longer, but as they say, third time pays all. I came like I never have before, my balls drained and everything swam. Again Max whirred, this time something warm spurted deep in my guts, and I lost it... When I came to my senses, the better part of an hour had disappeared. Max was quietly standing by the bench. If it wasn't for my aching balls and ass, I would have said nothing had happened. I pulled myself together, cleaned Max off, and got the other robots ready. Then I got out the Android - Model 7 - programming manual... Jerry wouldn't be back for a week... And 3 of the Androids, as well as Max went into storage for the same amount of time. And they were going to have to be checked over before they went back out... I smiled, as I looked up the necessary modifications. I just might get that practical joker back, after all... The End