RRIN4-2.TXT - M/M, NC-Rape, Semi-NC - February 17, 2003 by SwampRat (cl) 2003 Gay Furry Association The ending that Should have been on Rrin4 Pilot Stood in the grass. He grinned.. His name was no longer what he did. 'Fuzzy-butt' was what the Others called him. He caressed his namesake, Squeezing the strong ass, tail twitching.. He wondered what or who would be his prey today.. This was part of the fun - the Not-knowing. Maybe it would be a dark-skinned human with a large maleness to take pleasure from. Or perhaps a smaller one, with a red tag saying it could be killed if he so choose. He rarely chose to, enjoying the feel of them under him as he fucked their furless asses as many times as he was able.. Which was getting to be quite a few. He worked out regularly, made sure his body was in fit condition to be Hunted. he had gotten some small injuries, but nothing broken.. He hissed between his fangs at the thought of being at the mercy of Humans, having to heal and Not be able to take out his aggressions - His Lust, on another male. Sometimes he cheated - allowing himself to be the bottom male.. Some lovers were clumsy, some skilled.. None were like the First male.. He had his bath as he asked for, and was led into a room where a balding overweight human sat in a chair.. The man stood and bowed, then sat again. "Yes I was the one who you felt caress you, take you as a male takes another. I am neither strong nor fit so I do what I can. You are tied and helpless to my desires.. And we do so abhor waste." His smile was both sad and old, and the Rrin found himself with mixed emotions.. He wanted to feel contempt, to hate this being who brought him so low.. And yet brought him horizons he had never even known existed. He could not.. Old Rrin were given desks, made to work in offices. They did not die an honorable death in Combat, so they were condemned to die of boredom. This was such a male. He strode to the human and embraced him, knowing what the others did not.. What they saw as worthless and had tossed aside was deadlier than any weapon he could think of. This male had done what not even his hardest teacher could - Broke him.. And yet he didn't Feel broken. He felt more alive than any time except in combat. And if he was shot Now - it was a most pleasant shooting.. And he got to shoot back... He stretched, fingering his cock, hoping he could get a couple of runs in this warm day. It was always better if he had 3 or 4 matings before returning to his dorm. Not that he didn't enjoy his bunkmates - It was strange to take a male who was willing.. And to be taken with such lust and joy both sleep together.. Sometimes there was More than one in the bed. and That was fun too. What was taking so long? He plucked a burr from underfoot, wondering if this run would be taped. Sometimes they would bribe their guards to be allowed to See the tapes of their runs.. They would joke and caress each other, pointing out those who 'faked' it so they could get a tasty piece of meat to gnaw on or to be slid between striped butt-cheeks. The guards had to be rotated because once the Rrin got at taste for human semen the demand was high.. He idly though about joining the 'Intelligence' branch - No one can torture a Rrin like another Rrin.. Well, almost no one. But then he couldn't run free and take or be taken.. Maybe he could get a Clan together. He grinned thinking the Humans would enjoy multiple male Rrin screwing each other in heated frenzies of lust. Ah, the signal.. He was off, his erection slapping his belly, balls firm in their elongated sack. When would he smell his opposition.. When would he See the one who would be under him or over him.. He slowed and quietly made his way into the brush.. If the male was well-built and had stamina enough, Perhaps Both! The End.. For now. Yes it's short but I don't know what to add to it. If You do, then go ahead and write it up and send it to me.. It may just help me do more of these ;>