RRIN3.TXT - M/M, Semi-NC, Animal/Non-Human/Human - 8/14/02 Still More 'Rat-Cat' Stories - By SwampRat (cl) 1992 The Rashathran Society 2002 Gay Furry Association AFrarr-Ritt sat in the lounge, growling. He shook his head, and yawned, automatically placing a paw over his mouth. Things had come far since the time of his Great-Great-Grandfather. Clothes were not so bad, once you got used to them. "Then you agree?" Matt SonOfJohn.. (No, Johnson. That was how they said it) sat on the other side of him, studying the photos. Actually, a holo of the human sat on the other side of the desk from him. He agreed, now glad he had learned to speak the language of the Mon... No, Men. Old habits die hard, but die they must if the Rrin race was to survive. Especially now. The pictures showed a ship. Not particular in itself, except that it wasn't a United Spaces design... and in a place known to be uninhabited. At least until now. "Agreed. Not ours. Will meet you in a week. At Arm's Point 3. Good Life to you Commander." The Hero returned the greeting. He turned off the vidscreen, and sighed. That had left a bad taste in his mouth... and he knew just how to remove it. "Charles, Hold my calls for the next hour." He walked over to the balcony. A normal Rrin would have leaped into the open expanse, to kill, and rend. He looked over the 6 Bulls, and sighed again. Not much of a herd, but he didn't mind in the least. They had been a gift to him from a very special human, and these were very special animals! The Governor punched a button, and the lift descended, to the patiently waiting bovine. Each a different color, as pertained to their breed. As the flat metal rig came to a gentle halt, he jumped out. Walked over to them, petting each in turn, finally stopping in front of one, and rubbed the black chin. He pressed on the animal's neck, and the bull went down on it's knees, as it had been trained to do. Another press, and it went over onto it's side. The big cat lay beside the bull, stroking it's smooth fur. It chewed it's cud and waited. If most Rrin had seen a Hero lying next to an obviously male bovine and gently caressing it, they would have been shocked beyond words. What AFrarr did next would have made them throw up last week's dinner. But then, they had never tasted semen, in all it's wonderfully sweet varieties.. A paw slid over and down to fondle the huge testicles that lay across one thigh. Lifting them, he slid over the animal, and lapped on the thick organs, as the bull swallowed, then pressed a wet nose between the furry legs. It took great concentration not to castrate the creature, as it's rough tongue explored the slit in which his penis hid. He let the now swelling globes rest in his mouth, running his tongue across the smooth surface, relishing the flavor. A paw stroked the long penile sheath, causing the animal to grunt and the tiger chuckled. Then he moaned, as thick lips slid around his cock, suction pulling more of the reddish organ out of it's hiding place. He let the balls slip out of his mouth, and into a waiting paw, while his tongue slid down the already vibrating sheath. When he got to the bell-like opening, he lapped at the blood-red conical-shaped head, growling in wanton lust. No female had ever made him feel so and besides the animals at the 'Farm', only his man-servant and these bulls had nursed on his maleness... And the fools wondered why he didn't visit the mating chambers any longer. He gave his required monthly semen deposit to his secretary, and that was it. AFrarr gasped in pleasure, nursing on the thick penis, both paws busily torturing the bull's seed-sacks. The sweet cum poured over his tongue, panted breath warming the inside of his thighs, as he milked the bovine. Mmmm. Much better. The Governor only stopped when nothing more could be coaxed out of the fuck-tube. The Rrin wheezed, pulling free of the insistent mouth with some difficulty, then grinned. 2 of the males had been excited by his actions, and their long necks were pressed against each other's sides, humping their salami-like cocks down eager throats. They moaned, grunted, and slurped on each other. AFrarr almost put his maleness back into the Angus's mouth again, but there was a better place to stick it, almost as good as the horse he had enjoyed so much pleasure with.... That reminded him. He had to make another visit out to the asteroids. But that was a Full Damnded Month away! And he still had this enigma to work out. But that would wait as well. He stepped off the lift, and back into his office, getting one of the cloth robes on, then called for his man-servant. The human came in, wearing only the collar that the Rrin had placed, at the man's insistence, upon him. So much smooth flesh... He knelt, making the cat's head reel with thoughts. "Yes, Master?" "Sarraf," almost saying 'Please.' "As Master wishes..." He watched the servant get up, and walk to the food preparation area. He could barely contain his lust, wanting to leap over the area, and pull the human to the carpet, and lap at the smooth buttocks. Merrowr! When the human returned, AFrarr pointed to the desk, and pushed his chair back, a paper in one paw. Margeeb bent, and placed the tray on the wooden surface. The Rrin waited until he had let go of the metal handles, and was in the process of straightening, then flipped the cloth open, latched both paws onto the man's thighs, and rapidly pulled him back, into the furry lap. Like all warriors, the Rrin had an unerring sense of targeting, so the still slick cock levered the warm butt-cheeks apart, and slid deep into the man's anus. The Governor growled, one paw sliding up to toy with a tit, the other caressing the man's erection. Humans... Lovely, Tight, *Unnnh* Humans! He growled as Margeeb bounced lustily on his lap, making sounds of pleasure. All too quickly, orgasm robbed the Rrin of sanity. Both paws held onto the warm flesh, pressing it hard into his groin. He stood, humping gently, until the last of his mating-urge wore off. Then he walked over to the shower stall, still sheath-deep in the male's ass. After turning the water on, he turned sideways, and slowly pulled his 9-inch cock out of the human, washing it thoroughly, before allowing it to slip back into his body. Margeeb helped him clean-up, and dry his fur. "That will be all for now," he said, kissing the creature, and squeezing the muscular buttocks. The Governor of an entire solar system then took out a life-size replica of a horse-cock, and sucking on it, perused the reports once more. He stopped long enough to tell his secretary to confirm his visit to the asteroids called Arm's Points. And his Vacation at the Ranch. Then rumbled quietly, opened a secret door, and walked through to a room which resembled a stall, down to the straw on the floor. A statue of a horse stood at one end, life-like on every detail, save one. The Rrin latched the door, and pressed his muzzle to the replica's. Then he lay down, and attached the dick in his paw to the sheath, and rubbing the testicles, swallowed it to the fleshy extrusion. It wasn't Button, but it would do... He hoped the stallion would be ready, this time. Brother PackRat did an excellent job of training the animals, including the bulls down in the pen. But why did it have to take so fraikren long! Turning he took it to the fleshy holder, moaning as he bounced the replica Pony, butt pushing back as far as he could get the dildo to go inside him.. Once again he snarled, semen splattering over the straw as his butt tugged on the pony-cock, feeling the warm synthetic semen splatter his insides.. Damn it felt good! The End... For Now.