SIDNEY2.TXT - M/?/M - NC/Rape, Oral - December 10, 2002 By SwampRat (cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association Sidney AKA The Plant was loosely based on Little Shop of Horrors (The Original Film), and of course died.. But there were 4 offspring of the Plant. What happened to them? Were they wiser than their parent, or did they too succumb to their desires and were destroyed? This is the tale of the fourth little plant. It had not fared as well as it's brethren - It somehow fell from the cart and lay on it's side, being buffeted by wind, feet, and birds that pecked at it.. However it had been found by a man - A semi-decent sort who saw it as a metaphor of his own struggles in life and picked it up, re-potted it and left it in a sunny spot.. Little did he know What he had found or how it would Drastically change his Life... * * * * Jowe woke to find himself weak and a little dizzy. Damn, what had he smoked last night? Or was it some new drink a 'friend' had given him, knowing he would not remember Anything the day after - Unless it was in the newspaper. He got up, shuffled to the bathroom, did what was needed, and shuffled out.. To find his little plant very healthy! Not only was it green and looking superb it had grown another pod - a longer one that seemed more flower-like. "It's nice to see Someone's feeling good today." Plant seemed to move as he talked to it.. or maybe it was just the room spinning. Thank the Creator Gods it was not a workday... He sighed and got up, not caring he was naked. Who was going to complain, the Plant? Food didn't sound all that great so he decided to clean up the place.. He liked a clean apartment, easier to Find things that way. As he moved around he noticed an odor.. Something that was there but not there. A joint that had been left behind? An expensive cigar from someone who had offspring? Something blooming? Unsure but it tugged him towards the table where his little - Ok, so it wasn't little any more - plant lay. What was going on? Why was he drawn here? Jowe felt like he was on an acid trip - he was there, but Not there.. His body moved and he watched it move but he seemed to be detached from it. He noted he was erect.. Especially when the plant's leaves touched him. He gasped feeling the soft, leathery fronds caress him. What was going on? The pod opened, moved to his sack and crammed his balls in, somewhat painfully as it wasn't all That big. But they fit and when it closed on them he moaned as something warm, moist and frilly caressed them.. Licked them, smacked them - but in an erotic way. Damn - What HAD he taken last night? Hallucinations like this were almost worth the trip.. Then the longer pod opened.. and swallowed his cock! This was too much - being raped by a plant. Well - not really raped. Then the suction gripped him and he arched as his balls were squeezed, his cock-tip worked over until he blew everything he had been saving for.. What had he been saving all that sperm for? Whoever it was they weren't getting any because the plant moved on his dick like a pump, somehow getting All of it in that long flowery structure. The pod stretched a little so his nuts could comfortably sit in it and he lay, gripping the floor.. Floor? He was on the floor, the plant stuck to his crotch still caressing, sucking, rubbing.. Oh Gods and Goddesses! The little plant was greedy but not so greedy as to destroy the seed-sack that housed the twin globes it could feel moving as the semen it craved was harvested. It tasted the sweat, the sweet pre-cum, the salty semen.. Even the changes in the body of the mammal it was milking for one last shuddering explosion. Tendrils went into the penis-slit, sucking all the liquid out it could find. The woody probe was firm but even as it siphoned the sperm up it's sides caressed and lubricated the walls of the host's cock. It knew Pain most intimately and knew just how much pressure, how much friction to use. It was Hungry, but wary.. It was becoming attached to this creature, and more than just because it gave the Plant what it needed to survive.. It was something more.. Even as it finished, it caressed the shrinking maleness, holding it and the seed-makers long past the time it gave any nourishment. It felt Good to do this - To be gentle to this being. A second tendril stretched out to the orifice where CO2 was being pumped out, taking the needed gasses in, pushing out the oxygen which added to the health of the being it caressed. Reluctantly it let go of it's spout, and went dormant, ingesting it's load of nourishment, cleaning the air as it pulled more chemicals through it's leaves, roots holding it in place more than doing anything to feed the growing plant. It found a sunny spot and for a few hours it was just another houseplant... For a few hours. Then it again enticed the creature over to give it nourishment and be caressed... * * * * Jowe looked wan and pale at work. Had to take vitamin supplements and eat more regularly to keep up with his plants needs. He Never had problems with erections - Any time his cock so much as twitched there were fronds on it, caressing it, petals nuzzling and sucking on the head.. Didn't matter if he came or not, the Plant was content to just work him over intimately - All. Night. Long. His 'Friends' noticed he wasn't at the parties, or late-night gatherings any more - Mostly because there wasn't anyone else to pull pranks on or bum money off of.. Maybe he got a Girlfriend. Or a Boyfriend.. The latter was laughed over as Jowe didn't seem to care much for either sex. He somehow managed to survive, get things done - Like Laundry, sleep and keeping his nuts attached to his body.. Barely. Damn that plant had an appetite! During the process the Plant was growing and harvesting his cum every chance it got. Not surprisingly one bill that somehow slipped his mind was a 'loan' he had gotten to help someone who was in financial trouble.. Of course the person skipped town first chance they got, so he had been doing his best to avoid the 'collectors'.. But they found him. * * * * Jowe woke from a dream of Not having his balls lovingly abused while his cock was drained yet again into a Hungry plant's pod.. To find a nightmare of a different kind... He was pulled off the bed and dumped, sheet and all, onto the floor. His meager supply of cash was waved in his face, being clutched in a ham-like fist. "Hey Ya fuck.. Where's the rest of the dough?" Dough? Jowe laughed weakly.. He was as poor as the churchmouse's cousin. He was always worried how he was going to make the Rent, let alone pay the bills.. It somehow got done, but he was Always amazed that it did. Said as much.. The man kicked him in the side. "No excuses - I want the money.. You ain't' got none, I will take it out on your ass, See?" Another kick made Jowe roll onto his back, the sheet sliding off him. Now naked, he was vulnerable in all kinds of places.. And the Big Man knew just where to hit to get the best results.. Stomp on his balls and he would sing like a canary... He chuckled and lifted his boot - And stood awkwardly as something grabbed his leg. "What the fuuuuu.." The Plant had grown under the caring if somewhat unwilling ministrations of it's owner, taking up most of one wall in a carpet of green. And now it was Pissed... How Dare this creature threaten it's food-supply.. Canes as strong as iron bars snapped out and grabbed the offending man. His clothing was shredded in moments, leaving a very frightened mammal who was urinating on itself... While the warm liquid was nice it Wasn't what the plant craved. If it could have grinned it would have - This spigot didn't need such gentle treatment.. The Plant could drain it of All the sustenance.. A root shot up the man's ass, making him screech as it forced his pucker open despite his best efforts and plunged in, thickening with each inch as it found nutrients in his waste. Pliable and supple it explored his entire large intestine, spiking it with rootlets that held the main root in place.. It also found the bump that was his prostate and played with it, knowing the effect it had on such creatures. A big leaf covered his mouth as pods clamped onto his nipples bruising them as they bit, then caressed the little bumps. The branches had him tied up better than a five-grand-a night Bondage Mistress, and as his eyes rolled in fear the plant turned him, Yet another pod sliding his nuts in to cradle the seed-makers.. Then clamp shut, firmly enough to make him sweat. He crained his neck, unable to look away as his dick was caressed into hardness.. And slowly, ever so slowly taken into the flower-like orifice. He jerked as his cock-tip was opened and the probe entered it, sipping at his cock-sap. Both went deeper as the Plant started working on his balls.. Squeezing them to the point of pain, rolling them, caressing them with hundreds of tiny tendrils, every bit of sweat, loose skin and even the hair was removed, dissolved in the strong 'saliva' that was ingesting all the protein. Having nothing but smooth epidermis to play with now, the Plant traced veins, tickled spots, rubbed and munched and whipped the balls until they swelled up to the point of bursting. The big penis fared no better, also being denuded of hair and any loose bits of skin. The head was held taut as it was being caressed, bitten, tickled. The stalk was also caressed in long stroking motions that made the human sweat profusely and jerk against his bonds.. Until with a muffled scream he came into the hungry maw.. The nuts swelled and contracted, swelled and contracted, pushing the stuff out through the piss-slit in waves of creamy seed. It squirted past the probe, thick and rich from all the nerves being stimulated.. And it wasn't enough. Again the cock was worked over, again the balls were munched and mashed.. And again the man gave up all of his semen. His cock was red and raw, his balls were bruised and trying their best to hide from this monster who kept on making them give and give until they literally couldn't make anything. His dick wasn't allowed to go soft, the probe keeping it stiff, as did the woody 'lips' clamped at the base, allowing only cum to be released from the dick. The Big Man babbled, he moaned, he pleaded.. But the Plant kept on working him over until he had nothing to give it. Finally it let go of him and let him lay on the ground, sobbing.. Then it shoved another tendril in his ass - This one blew it's pollen in him, literally raping the human. Then it tossed the useless bulk out the window - to fall.. It hit some wires, canopies and finally landed on a parked car, quite alive - if completely and thoroughly worked over. All the time the Big Man was being mauled, Jowe was feeling sympathy.. But was totally helpless as the Plant was milking His balls too.. Much more gently, but just as lustily his dick was caressed, sucked, and as he arched his anus was also invaded.. His prostate worked over until he could only lay and pant and moan in the grip of his wooden lover. Jowe never saw anyone from the 'Collections Department again', and the Big wad of cash he found amongst the pile of rags that was once an expensive suit kept him paid up for quite some time.. He even had enough to upgrade the pots the Plant was living in.. He sold his bed, now sleeping on a hammock of branches his lover created whenever he wanted to lay down. Every now and again he would get a pang of guilt, but what was he going to do, Spank the Plant? Tell it that wasn't appropriate behavior? * * * * Winter came and The Plant went into dormancy - Which Jowe thanked whoever was kind to idiots like him Profusely... It had 4 little seedlings in pots beside the big 'Mother Plant'.. Like it they too were hungry for his semen. They too were gentle but demanding. And with 5 hungry mouths to feed his cock was perpetually half-hard.. It never occurred to him to be afraid. Not even the greediest of them did more than grip his balls roughly.. And they were always sorry afterwards lavishing soft kisses on his abused equipment. He found himself almost longing for another 'Collector' to come pounding on his door just to help with the Food Supply.. He thought about putting an ad in one of the Underground newspapers... But who did he dislike enough to torture them This badly? No one.. He also Knew he was going to have to move soon... The plants were outgrowing his meager apartment, and out stripping his ability to Feed them All... One day the manager got wind that Jowe had Plants in his place. While not strictly forbidden, the man was Always looking to kick the tenants out - He could raise the rent a thousandfold and call them 'Condos'.. So while Jowe was at work he let himself in.. And gasped at the Creature that took up a whole wall, with 4 smaller ones in pots beside it. What the Hell? It definitely wasn't Pot.. Maybe some kind of weird African plant. Whatever it was he was going to Kill it, and toss Jowe out for ruining the Walls - Hey.. he could claim it on his insurance, knock the wall down and make it into a Double-room Apartment.. At Double the money of course.. He rubbed his hands together.. A little weed-killer, some tools and he would be... 'No.' What? He shook his head. He was hearing things now... 'No. You will Not Leave.' He stopped, hand reaching for the doorknob. And found himself totally unable to move! 'Turn.' What the.. This was a Bad Dream - Too many anchovies on a Tony's Special mixed with too many late-night horror movies.. 'Come here..' He turned, fighting every step he made. This couldn't be happening.. He had to wake... 'Remove your pants.' He watched in horror as his hands undid his pants and underwear, letting them slide down to his ankles. 'The Provider can no longer keep up with our needs. You will assist us.' He could only shudder as the first little plant moved to his crotch, the bulb at the end of the stalk opening to engulf his cock. He moaned as it caressed and played with his nuts, it's leaves cupping them firmly. Screeched when it bit his cock-head. 'Do not damage the mammal. There are 3 others who also have to feed from it.' Chastised. the little plant kissed the bruised head, sucking it down into the stalk which bulged around the thick male-meat.. Squeezed it.. and got a Lot of semen to ingest.. No more than it was done than the second one took over, not so much as a Drop of cum hit the floor, the wooden 'tongue' sliding into the piss-slit to soak the dribbles up.. Then it was moving it's leaves across his balls, pumping It's pod on his cock.. The man came harder than the first time - If that was possible. The second plant gave up it's spigot with reluctance.. And a hungry kiss that kept the man hard for the Third plant.. More suction, more caresses and squeezes and he was giving all he had yet again.. Gods! He was ready to pass-out but there was still a Fourth Plant.. and It started by munching on his abused nuts! He screeched and danced in the plant's grip, the Bigger one now holding him up as it's sprout worked his nuts around with a strong tongue and woody pod. They had to be shoved one on top of the other to fit but they Did fit.. It bit hard Enough, mindful of it's parent's warning, only letting them go when all the grime, hair and loose skin were gone, leaving twin reddish nuts that hung down nicely.. Then it worked it's way up to the head, stroking and caressing the fat cock, tracing veins.. This little plant Enjoyed the Entire process, Much more than it's siblings who were more interested in feeding than the Food-giver. It worked the underside of the abused head, nipped on it with wooden 'lips', kissed the tip, Slowly opening to slip it inside the warmth of it's pod. The man was going insane.. he had been raped by 3 small plants and was now being seduced by a fourth - It was just too much... Then he felt something probing his butt and he screamed into a big leaf as a root entered his anus, finding his prostate and working it expertly.. Between the loving caresses and suction of the sapling and the ministrations of the Bigger Plant he blew both balls out in one long creamy orgasm that left him limp in the Plant's grasp.. The little plant took his cock to the roots, holding it until it got soft.. Then pulled back slowly and gently, stripping the maleness of All liquid.. All 4 saplings went dormant, using the rich human cum as fuel to grow bigger bodies, longer leaves and a second pod.. When Jowe go home, he found his landlord - sans pants - huddled in a corner, Staring at his row of plants. Well - So they found someone to supplement their diet. 'Come.' What? He looked at the man who babbled in coherently, while keeping both hands at his groin. 'Come.' Jowe found himself moving towards the plants.. Leaves caressed his face, his body and he unzipped his pants without even thinking about it.. He forego wearing underwear when the plant ripped them from him in it's desire to be fed one day.. Tendrils had him hard in seconds. 'It is time. Take the ones on this side and give them away. Keep the one on the left - It will grow with you and care for you - As I do.' Jowe found himself nodding as his cock was gently played with, then placed back in his pants.. This was a First. 'I too must go. One of you is no longer enough.. I must have Several mammals to feed upon. You will find such a place for me.' Jowe nodded, in that dream-place he seemed to find himself in a Lot lately. Picking up the 3 smaller plants he went out to find his 'Friends'.. At least the male ones. Three of them were More than willing to take the strange plants off his hands.. They were Free - Always a Good Thing. They were exotic - All the better to lure someone up to look at and seduce with. And for some reason they felt Compelled to take the Plants. The bigger Plant was a bother - Until he found a YMCA that needed a new plant in it's sauna area.. The old ones were not taking the heat well - or maybe someone was being mean to them... He was more than happy to donate the Plant - which Thrived at the same time the usage of the sauna room soared until they had to add another - stocked with the smaller Plants the Big one created on a regular basis.. One of the saplings even ended up in the President's office.. Where it grew to a nice size, fattening itself on not just it's owner but his Secretary and the staff as well. As for the Little Plant that stayed behind? Between Jowe and his landlord - Who for some reason cut his rent in Half - It grew to a sturdy plant with many pods to use on it's lovers.. Jowe grinned to himself, as he lay on a branch-bed, holding hands with his new friend - More in a shared bond than anything sexual - he sighed, thinking of what his life was like just a year ago.. The pod that was chewing on his balls tugged on them, bringing him back to the Here and Now, reminding him he had a duty to perform.. and like always he gave all he could to the Plant's hungry stalk. A few moments later his hand was gripped as the other male gave up what he could to their mutual lover, who took their offerings and continue it's caresses, it's nipping and nuzzling and squeezes.. It was patient, knowing there was still another harvest to be had before the sun left the room and it would sleep with it's food-givers entwined in it's branches. And thus ends this tale of the Fourth plant.. But there are several more Plants with several more stories should one desire to Find them... The End.. For Now.