SYST2.TXT 'The System' Tinkered With At 'The Other Side Of Reality' by SwampRat "The System is the most sophisticated computer device ever offered to the public. Once the system operator attaches the headset device, The System's advanced technology in effect allows the System Operator to become an extension of the computer itself, rechanneling the host computer's binary information through the System Operator's five senses. WARNING: "THE SYSTEM, INCORPORATED, ASSUMES NO LIABILITY ARISING FROM MISUSE, WILLFUL ABUSE, OR SENSORY ADDICTION RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SYSTEM. OWNER ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTIONS AND EVENTS TAKING PLACE AS A RESULT OF USE OF THE SYSTEM. Lou could barely conceal his excitement. As Sysop of the largest gay BBS in the country, he was constantly looking for ways to improve the service of his board. And now he had The System. God, it had been expensive; but it was the latest and greatest advance in computer technology, and he'd finally scraped up enough money to buy it. The headset quivered in his fingers as he watched his computer screen. At last the message he'd been waiting for flashed on the screen, as his hard disk ground to a halt: DATABASE CONVERTED. THE SYSTEM IS IN PLACE. READY TO GO ONLINE. Once again, the WARNING scrolled up the screen. At this point, Lou had the option of donning the headset, or allowing his computer to operate by itself, as usual. Naturally, he donned the headset, which with its pulsing glow of sensors looked like a small, bright crown. (Snap! The world vanished into an electric void. The man beneath the headset was no longer Lou Harris. He was The System Operator. He was ONLINE. And he had a caller. Lou's first caller under the influence of The System was a user known to him only as SlaveCrusher: 38/6'3"/195#/10"UNCUT/MUSCULAR/BEAR/MASTER/RESPECTS NO LIMITS/DEMANDS BLIND DEVOTION FROM DICKPIG SLAVES.) For the first time ever, Lou SAW him. He was beautiful. He was perfect, the ultimate male. Oozing raw, malevolent power from every thickly muscled pore of his body, SlaveCrusher stood naked before Lou and stared coldly down at him. Insignificant, worthless little Lou, who lay trembling before this awesome God. On the other end of the telephone line, SlaveCrusher was unaware of Lou's electronic perception of him. He had no idea that The System would automatically transform his keyboard input into actual sensory experiences on the System Operator's end. He scanned his messages, found one that seemed promising, and began to type. Lou tried to crawl away from SlaveCrusher's evil smile, but the bullwhip in SlaveCrusher's powerful hand lashed out at him like lightning, leaving its bloody marks on his naked skin. Whimpering with raw terror, Lou reversed directions and crawled over to SlaveCrusher's feet. "Lick me clean, pig," said the voice of this SlaveCrusher in his mind, and Lou knew he had no choice but to obey. Lou darted out his tongue, and proceeded to lick away the sweat and dirt that matted the thick hair covering SlaveCrusher's naked body. SlaveCrusher helped him along by lashing his back and naked ass mercilessly with a bullwhip. Lou had never in his life felt so defiled, and helpless. His heart thudded wildly in his chest, and rivers of his own salty fear-sweat ran into his wounds, causing them to burn like fire right out of hell. Lou licked as though his life were at stake, swallowing the sweat and grime and loose hair that coated his tongue as he licked, until he had licked his way up SlaveCrusher's legs to his crotch. SlaveCrusher's monstrously swollen balls were hanging over Lou's nose like saddlebags, and Lou's nostrils were inflamed with the sharp blend of sweat, piss, shit and male hormones that assaulted them. With the lash of the whip instructing him, Lou cleaned SlaveCrusher's furry balls with meticulous care, washing each prickly, wiry hair individually with his tongue. Lou was horrified, and disgusted, and in fear for his life. He had never in his life dreamed of getting into any scene even remotely like this. He was a just-plain-vanilla kind of guy. And even though he knew, way back in some remote corner of his mind, that this wasn't REALLY happening, at the moment it seemed all too real. The System was very good at what it did! The wiry hairs covering SlaveCrusher's big balls pricked at Lou's tongue, stinging him and making him want to stop. But everytime he slowed his aching tongue down, the whip came lashing down on his naked back or buttocks, bringing tears of misery to his eyes. Lou dared to raise his tearful eyes for just a moment, and saw the awesomely fat head of SlaveCrusher's limber cock hanging right before him. It was enough to make Lou gag. The uncut head of SlaveCrusher's monster prick was caked with the smelliest, slimiest cheese Lou had ever seen. Choking back a sincere desire to vomit, Lou skinned back the head of his Master's cock, and began eating the slimy gobs of cock cheese that assaulted his nostrils and taste buds with scents and flavors so acidly bitter that every morsel made him feel like he was eating something dead that he'd found in a sewer. Lou was revolted. But he continued to lick and taste and clean and swallow until SlaveCrusher's nasty dick was as clean and pink as a baby's behind. Now maybe Lou would get to suck it, at least, like a normal person. "Good work, pig," said the SlaveCrusher in Lou's mind. "Now go fuck yourself while I go get myself a decent blowjob. The sound of SlaveCrusher's malevolent laughter caused Lou's cheeks to burn bright red with shame. He'd never in his life been treated with such distain, such indignity, such utter contempt. And yet, as he crawled away from the sadistic SlaveCrusher, he felt a part of himself stirring that he hadn't known existed: a part of himself that had really gotten off on the abject humiliation he had just suffered. A part of himself that wanted more of the same. (Snap! With a tingling crackle of synapses, SlaveCrusher disappeared from Lou's mind. The user had finished his business and logged off. And now another user was logging on. The new user's handle was JockBoy.) Lou was naked beneath the shower in the locker room at high school, his perfectly-muscled young body glowing with the same athletic good health as all the other young jocks there in the shower. He was the only boy in the shower who wasn't currently engaged in sexual activity, however. As Lou looked around, washing the soap from his beautiful young body, he watched in fascination as the team's lanky quarterback swallowed the star halfback's eight-inch fuckpole. All round him, tongues lapped at teenaged balls, lips sucked hungrily at stiffened tits and cocks, soapy young cocks slithered into tight pink assholes. Lou felt his own massive instrument begin to pulse with excitement, and with every pulse he felt, his cock grew longer and fatter and stiffer. Something wet and warm and wonderful closed over the engorged head of Lou's hardening cock, and he looked down to see his best buddy - the team's best running back - closing his wet pink lips over the tip of his dick. His wiry pal reached up with his hands and grabbed the muscular globes of Lou's ass, forcing Lou forward and pushing Lou's cock deeper into his hungry wet mouth. "Do me, Coach! Fuck my mouth!" pleaded the muscular youth on his knees in front of Lou, pushing aside the surprised young jock who had just been slurping so hungrily on Lou's hard teen prick. At the same moment realized that the pleading youth was none other than JockBoy, he realized that he was no longer Lou-the-young-football-player, but Lou-the-studly-middle-aged-football-coach. As the other football players looked on there in the wet, steamy shower, Lou rammed his mighty penis deep into the boy's throat, not stopping until the teenager's snub nose was buried in his wiry cock hair and his balls were slapping up against the cock-hungry boy's lower lip. JockBoy whimpered in ecstasy as his powerful coach grabbed him roughly by the back of the head and held his head in place while gyrating his hips in a tight circle. These gyrations caused Coach Lou's big uncut cock to dance and twist in the boy's throat, and naturally made the boy gag and swallow hard to keep from throwing up. The rippling movements of the boy's throat muscles responding to the gag reflex gripped Coach Lou's huge dick and milked it from root to tip, drawing it further down into JockBoy's distended esophagus. The other football players, wild with lust at the sight of their coach manhandling their teammate so roughly, gathered round, pounding their hard young cocks furiously, and aiming the heads of their overworked dicks at various places on JockBoy's anatomy. Coach Lou, still holding JockBoy's head perfectly still, began withdrawing his bull-sized dick until just the uncut head was resting inside JockBoy's sucking mouth, then thrusting his hips forward again until nearly a foot of hard slick veiny dick rammed down into the teenager's aching throat in one push. In and out, faster and faster, while the other boys picked up the rythym with their strokes and began chanting in time with their coach's thrusts, "Fuck his face! Fuck his face!" Coach Lou felt his eruption building with volcanic intensity way down in his oversized hairy nuts. He was crazy with animal lust. He wanted to dominate this boy, humiliate him in front of all his teammates, crush him into submission, permanently deform his gulping throat with his gigantic, powerful prick. The other football players began erupting, nearly as one. Hot wads of boyish sperm began shooting like bullets into JockBoy's face and hair. JockBoy began trembling - his own cock was up and hard as steel, though no one had touched it in all this time - and Coach Lou pulled his inhumanly large prick completely out of the boy's mouth just as his own white-hot load began erupting out of the mouth of his dick into the wide-open mouth of his pussy-faced cocksucker. Sperm was flying from all directions like hail. JockBoy's hair was now white with sperm, and it kept coming. Coach Lou's cock kept shooting large wads of steamy white cum with the force of bullets into JockBoy's gulping mouth, and JockBoy's untouched cock began emptying its own load, shooting straight up and arcing back down into his sperm-laden mouth. JockBoy's face and upper torso was now completely covered with slimy sperm, and Coach Lou fired one last wad at the boy's mouth from his deflating horse-dick. "Ok, boys, now wash him off!" said Coach Lou, and led the pack as thick yellow streams of hot smelly piss replaced the oceans of sperm shooting out of all those powerful male instruments, splashing all over the throughly humiliated faggot JockBoy with all the force of fire hoses. Coach Lou grinned. He was the king of this domain, and all these teenaged faggot jocks were his own personal toys. He was powerful. He was the Boss! He was... (Snap! New user online.) a German Shepherd. Animal Trainer whistled, and Ladd/Lou's obedience lesson began. He padded over to his master/lover, and waited. Another man stood waiting. "He's well trained in both giving, and receiving pleasure from men." What did they mean? Well, Lou was about to find out. "Ladd, this is John." He sat, waiting. Lou looked the man over. Big, muscular with a 7" cut cock, that made his mouth water. John grinned, and looked at the dog. Ladd/Lou wanted that cock very much, but he waited to see what was going to happen next. John moved behind, Ladd/Lou, and he almost turned, but Animal Trainer now squatted in front of him. The Shepherd's nostrils filled with the scent of maleness. Lou had never smelled anything so strongly before. "Stand." Ladd/Lou stood up. Animal Trainer grabbed his head. "O.K. John." A hand grabbed his tail, and that big cock was forced up his ass. Ladd/Lou opened his mouth to howl, and it was stuffed with 9" of man-sausauge. "Suck." Now that was something Lou could relate to. He clamped his jaw shut, only to have a rock-hard hand hit him. Whap! "No, Ladd. Suck." How the hell was he supposed to suck, if he couldn't close his mouth? Then Ladd/Lou forgot about the dick stuffed down his throat. John had grabbed his balls, and was pounding his furry butt. The dog swallowed, pulling in Animal Trainer's cock, while he squeezed John's dick with his anus muscles. Cum! His mind was inflammed with lust. Both cocks swelled, ready to dump their loads, and Ladd/Lou was about to hit orgasm himself....(Click. "System maintenance. Going off-line for 30 minutes. Thanks for calling.") What? 4 Hours had passed since Lou had first put on the headset. He looked at the ruination that once was a pair of jeans, and shook his head. Damn! After he showered, and changed clothes, Lou went through the instructions. ...."Up to 4 headsets may be used at once. Each may be used independantly or 2 or more may be tied together, for conferencing." He rummaged frantically in the box. Aha! He thought he had purchaded a spare, just in case .... Lou grinned, then dialed a friend. "Hey, Mark... Fine... Say, I have a new addition to my system.... About 8PM? Great!" Lou rubbed his hands together. This was going to be a very interesting night. The End