TULLY.TXT (M/F, Human/Hani) What Came After By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association Based on a line in the last of the Chanur books. All characters (c) C.J. Cherryh =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The crew sat in the galley... Well 2 of them did. Geran was still thinking about her cousin, and Tully - That son was a headache of another kind entirely. But pain was universal, and as the hani looked him over, remembering what he had been and what he had lived through, she had to grin to herself. 'One tough Son, He is.' She thought long on something, bit at her moustache, then as he stirred looked up. "Tully.." he looked back at her, misery plainly showing, but still trying to hide it. Geran threw her cup in the disposal and stood, taking his hand. "You crew, Right?" He nodded slightly, still unsure what was going on. "We go down to Your room, Sit, Talk, Ok?" He nodded again, still not looking directly at her. She shook her head and pushed him before her, slapping his rear lightly. "Go, Tully." He went. Geran meant what she said, having this special place for the silly male in her heart - they All did.. They knew what went on with him and Hilfy, but said nothing. Wasn't their business, but by Gods it was Someone's business when crew hurt. Tully had ridden by Chur, comforted her, made her return to them. Lived through hell and Still wanted to stay. She had seen his eyes - Seen them when Hilfy left, seen them when he came back to sit and wait while the ship was repaired. The door opened and he walked in, followed by the smaller but stronger hani. Geran closed and secured it - Habit - then sat with him on the bed. He looked iffy but she patted his shoulder. "We sit, talk.. Ok?" He nodded and she reached around to grip his far shoulder... And suddenly he was grabbing her, roughly holding her. "Hey!" And then the sounds came... How long had he held this inside, our Outsider.. So brave, So willing to do was one asked. He. Yes, but more female-like.. And then there were times when he was more alien than anything Ger could think of. She patted his back and held him, riding the storm out. She felt his body, his ribs.. and something else... Had he and Hilfy.. He. With needs. And Crew. Male, for the gods sakes. So? Geran thought about it as he held her, the sobs stopping, his breathing becoming less harsh. Khym was available, Cap'n said so.. So why Not Tully. She reached between them, feeling something familiar but strange at the same time. "Tully.." He stiffened, then tried to move away. She gripped him harder. "I have seen you naked, Gods rotted son." She shoved him down on the bed, and continued rubbing the rising cloth. "You need, Tully?" His eyes closed and he bit his lip, but he wasn't trying to stop her either. She leaned down and breathed in his ear, "Friend, Tully. Yes?" He nodded, just a little. "Friends help friends. You Need, Tully?" Then his eyes opened and she could see all the pain, the need that he had kept to himself, The wounds that still hadn't healed in his mind. Fingers undid the knot in his pants and tugged at them, thin hips lifting a little. Geran grinned to herself and looked up at Tully's face, patting it. "It's Ok, Tully. Friend." Soon to be more than that. A hand held hers as she groped for... Gods! Geran swiveled her head back in astonishment. That had been hidden in his pants all this time? Hilfy must have screamed.. She shook her head of such thoughts. She was not a child, having had her share of times downside. But this... She stroked it in her hand, feeling it throb with life. "Well.. So. You are definitely male Tully." Ger shook her hand free of his grip and rubbed his belly, panting a little herself. She stroked a little harder, faster, listening to him pant and her heart synced with his, hormones coming to the fore. She fumbled for her own knot.. Then Tully moaned, and the smell of male came strong and acrid in her nostrils, as she felt liquid splash over his belly and chest, continuing her caresses until the volume stopped.. 'Gods, you Did need that, Old Son.' She left to fetch a towel, tasting him on her hand. 'Not bad. Not as salty as gfi. Tasty..' She returned and towelled him off then removed her breeches. "Geran.." he panted, and tried to rise. She shoved him down and lay beside him. "Shhhh... Friend." She smiled, looking at the fear fighting with the lust in his eyes. "It's Ok, Tully. I want this." Slowly, a shaking hand reached out for her resting on her hip, touching her. 'So much like another..' She gripped him and lifting a leg, moved closer. 'Gods he is Huge!' "Unnnnn.. Tully." She purred huskily, moving closer, until they met, flesh to flesh. She felt the tremors, the hand moving clumsily on her back, her rump. "First.." came as a whisper to her ears, shocking her enough to dig claws into his butt making him jerk a little, push against her. Geran lifted his chin. "Say again.." Color brightened his complexion. "First time... Not have time before coming to this space. Not have time with Hilfy." He pushed his head against her shoulder. "Not know what to do.. How to say.." Ger Hugged the male to herself. "Tully - You have need, You tell me, hear?" Claws not quite pulled, she slapped his naked butt gently. "Talk, be with, Do.." She didn't say it, moving his head back to move the mane from his face. "You crew.. We crew. Understand?" he half nodded again, then moaned loudly as she rolled him on his back and gripped him. Then lifted herself up and stared down at the male who acted like.. She shook her head. 'Virgins.. Gods look on them.' Then moved, stretching, wondering if she Could do this.. But Geran never walked away from a challenge. She worked out a rhythm, hands on his chest, hips sliding, breath coming in gasps. All too soon she felt the dam break and grabbed the bed lest she wound the poor male whose skin tore so easily. "Tully." She growled, hands gripping her, adding to the sensations. Then he moved. "Oh Tully.. Don't do..." Another movement. He was so gods be damned Big! Then there was nothing but rut and 2 beings found a higher plane together, wounds closing in both hearts as they held each other, saying nothing, wanting only to be with each other. "Geran." came over the com. A nasty word followed as the hani lifted herself off the male, giving half a thought not to reply. "Geran.." came again, more insistent. "Your turn on watch." Damn. Ger looked at Tully and rubbed his chest. Then got up and hit the com. "Be there in a few - Shower first." And grabbing the same towel she had used on Tully to keep from dripping on the floor, walked half-bowlegged to the stall and washed, making she was well-scrubbed. No kits from him, That was for sure. A dash of perfume and the breeches she had wore in and with one last pat on her friend, she was gone. Tirun heard her coming, with a question on her face. the com Geran had used was in Tully's cabin, and Why a shower.. Then the hani appeared a little damp, more in some places than others. Well. But Tirun would ask no questions. Not unless Geran cheated at dice again. She chuckled and went off to drink something, bringing a cup of soup to Ger. Then thought of Tully. A second bowl, covered went down to the cabin. She tapped the button, then listened. Labored breathing, a moan of pain. Tirun opened the door, and stepped in.. To wrinkle her nose at the smells. Well. Ger had been down here. None of her business. "Tully?" She turned the lights up and there was the poor male. Bleeding from small scratches on his back and sides. "Tirun.." he managed, not even bothering to try and cover himself. The Hani put the soup in a holder, and went to him, noticing that he was well-built if not in body, then other places. "Ger - She did this?" A deep blush made her lower her ears. The aid-kit was across the room and she got some antiseptic From it. Dabbing at the wounds she shook her head. "Why, For the gods sakes?" When she was done she fetched the soup and waited until he had finished it. "Better Tully?" He nodded. As Tir got up to leave he reached up and tugged at her arm. "Not tell. Please." Not tell Geran or not tell others.. She sat again. "I won't Tully.. But if she by the Gods does this again.." Tully looked distressed. "First." he said, looking at her, then at the deck again. First time with a hani or... Her ears and mouth went down. Poor Tully - Male Outsider. Male. With desires and feelings and.. "Friend. You Friend. Good to me." Damnit Tully.. He leaned over her and scandalized her by kissing her on the cheek, patting her leg. She growled, then bit back a curse as he looked at the floor again, hands to himself. Just like some gods-be young man would downside. Her gut tightened, then she huffed. He Was male.. Too Gods Rotted male... And alone. And lonely. "Shower Tully." He nodded, staying long enough to send a heart-wrenching look her way. Then walked off without a word. Tiran stood and hit com. "Geran - Next time you are with Tully, watch those Gods-Rotted claws." She could almost hear the other's ears flap. "Is he alright?" More than a little worry. Good. "He is in the shower, just a few scratches." An almost audible sigh of relief. "We are going to have to burn some incense down here." An actual chuckle. "And I am going off-shift for a while. Call me down here if you need me." She could almost see Ger's reaction. "He is Crew." Came back, a guilty conscience pricking. Tirun listened to the water run. "That he is. And Maybe you had better run down and get some clean clothes on before anyone Else shows up. I can watch from lower ops until you get back." An "Aye" and she shut the com down, going out to wait until Geran had time to clean up a bit more and get some Clean breeches on. Laundry would have to be one of them.. Or maybe Haral would enjoy a laugh. Tirun's ears flapped as she thought of Solid Haral finding Tully's breeches.. Once she heard the 'Aye' from Ger, she returned to the cabin, wanting to make sure their Other male was ok. She locked the door and removed her breeches, then stepped into the head in time to find Tully coming out of the shower, looking at her with those beautiful blue eyes full of questions. Tirun stepped forward with a towel and dried his back, his chest, being careful about the scratches, and then grabbed him with a grin. "You like Females, Tully?" She kneeled down and rubbed his legs, nuzzling him intimately, inhaling his alien but so male scent. Standing, she turned him and patted his butt dry, then reached around and gripped him, fondling him. "You like Tully?" He leaned against her, obviously liking it. Spoke a word softly. "Say again." He looked at her. "Second?" She laughed and shoved him out of the head and towards the bed, not caring about dirty sheets. Tully went, then stopped short. "Geran." He said, looking scared again. "Share." Tirun said and sat on the bed, looking at him in wonderment. "Share?" She nodded and pulled him closer. "Geran, Me, Haral, Chur if you want and she wants." Tir licked his flesh, tasting him, rubbing his legs, feeling the shudder. She looked up at him. So very male.. Worried about what they would say, worried about what they would do. "You crew with Us. No one Takes you unless You Want, Understand?" A nod, and some lengthy thought going on behind those eyes.. "If... If you want." That vulnerable look again, Trusting. Tirun's mouth was too full to reply, using her hands to tell him it was alright. Her rings jingled as her head moved, gripping his wrists, Growling about how Big he was.. And a few minutes later he proved he was male. The hani purred softly, taking all he had to offer, making sure he was well- drained, laying her head on his legs and closing her eyes, rubbing the male who just lay, breathing hard. One could get used to laying like this.. Her hand moved up his side, feeling ribs. Reluctantly, she let him slide out of her mouth, and retrieved the soup. "Hungry, Tully?" He grabbed the cup, hand shaking. Tirun sat beside him and helped him hold it, got it all down him with a vitamin pill, and got her pants on. "Tirun." She returned to Tully, gathering up the towels and his pants. "I will get you another pair later. You sleep now. Rest, Ok?" Gently he lifted his hands to take her face between them. Then he leaned forward and kissed her, lips on her lips. Tirun kissed him back firmly then pushed on his shoulder. "Rest, Tully. We have time. The Pride isn't going anywhere for a while." He grinned in his insane way. "Sleep with you, Not get much rest." She laughed and patted his shoulder, pulled the blanket over him and turned the light down, closing the door. One more armload of laundry to toss in the machines, a pair of pants and a shirt to be snagged, placed inside the now dark room, a quick check to make sure Tully was sleeping quietly. Then up to find out the latest news. Geran looked up, then back at her board. "Is he.." "Sleeping." Came the answer, as Tirun sat at her station. "Chur thinks the world of him, I even think the Cap'n has taken a liking to the son." They both sat, sharing a secret. More delays, more meetings, more waiting. Haral came in, looking tired. Dinner was a frozen meal, heated, eaten, forgotten. Then she stood in the bridge with a cup of gfi, looking at nothing in particular. Noting a missing figure she asked, "How's Tully doing?" Furtive looks passed back and forth. "Sleeping, Last I saw." So. A male in their midst. But he Was crew.. And Crew took care their own. "Think he would like a hot meal?" Tirun nodded. "I got some soup down him. He is still too skinny though." Haral chuckled to herself, watching reactions. So the son had a couple of Ladies to watch over him, Eh? "So. What's he like?" Tirun's ears folded for a moment, getting a soft hiss of laugher from Haral. They had discussed each others conquests and techniques often enough to make the subject approachable. "Big." Geran offered, "Afraid. Lonely. Keeps it hidden well." Tirun nodded, saying everything with her silence and the set of her face. "Well. Maybe Tully would like a hot meal and someone to sit with him for a while. Should I bring him up here?" Tirun shook her head. "Better he stays in bed. He didn't look too good. Worn out, I would say." Haral nodded, and returned to the galley to heat up 3 more dinners, snag a large mug of tea and head downship. "If anything comes up, call me." The other two nodded, going up to eat, and listen to the com. Haral thought about hitting the buzzer, to let Tully know she was coming, but decided not to wake him just yet. it took a moment of fumbling to open the door, and turn the lights up. Then she got a tray out, and put the food on it, setting the utensils down, then sat and looked at the male sleeping on the bed. He did look worn out. It hadn't been but a few days ago everything quieted down - If this could be called quiet. She watched Tully sleep, thinking maybe she would leave the food and come back later. Then he shifted on the bed and sat up. Removing the blanket, Tully stumbeled off to the head, still naked. The hani recalled him when he was first onboard. A scared, pitiful thing then. Now - Well from what she had just seen, he was somewhat better but still not in Great shape. Maybe it was hormones, or maybe it was just he reminded her of some scrawny kid in Sanctuary, but she had a warm spot for their Outsider. Tully finished, and makde his way back in, groggy from sleep, and the seditave Tirun had slipped him. "Haral?" he said, swaying. "Yes Tully.. Come on. You had better sit down." She helped him sit, and pulled the tray forward. "Thanks." he said, not bothering to dress. Well. So Tully was well-built. And willing, if what was Not said on the bridge was any indication. Along with some healing scratches. She waited until he was done then moved the tray. "You Ok Tully?" He nodded. "Tired. Thank You." Haral patted his back. "It's Ok. Anything you Need, Tully?" His eyes were up and Looking at her.. Then gone again. Fear, worry.. Maybe something else. "Hey.. It's Ok, Tully. You understand? You are Crew. We take care of you." Oh Gods. Maybe she shouldn't have said.. Then his arms were around her and he was Hugging her tightly, and she could feel the moisture from his eyes and she hugged him back gently. Male. But not Hani Male. Our Tully, she had so much as said it. So he was. She patted his back and let him work out whatever he needed to, getting a clean towel to wipe his face with, combing his mane. Then laid him down and held his hand. "Sleep Tully?" He nodded, still holding her hand. Haral patted him between his legs, then drew the covers over him, and waited until his eyes were closed and his breathing regular before gathering up the dishes, locking the tray back in place, and dimming the light on her way out. Our Tully. Why not? She closed the door, thinking she would check up on him later, maybe even see for herself if Geran was right. Poor Tully was going to be busy with four women working on him. But he could handle it. Put some meat on those bones. Get him settled down some. Haral smiled to herself. Definately going to look in on him later. The End