TOONS3.TXT - M/M, Elmer/Daffy - March 20, 1999 A Parody of some Famous Cartoon Characters By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association Character Names (c) Warner Brothers and used Without Permission. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Elmer Fudd walked into the same drab house that had been his for years, looking longingly at the hatrack where his trusty Hunting cap used to be. His Acme(tm) Trick Shotgun always close by... But he had to give those things back when he retired. 'Company Property..' If they could do it to The Lone Ranger, they could do it to him.. Maybe it was for the best - Bugs and Daffy had long since moved on to other things, and since he had come out as being Gay... Everyone was great about it, Especially a few toons who he Never suspected of being such. It was fun for a while, and friends offered to come by to chat, or stay a while, should he be 'lonely'... But They were just that - Friends. Not Lovers, Not someone to wake up to or have a shouting match with so you could cuddle them and be sorry about it or make something Special in the kitchen Just because They were Special... He looked in the mirror, seeing the same slightly stooped, bald-head with the fringe around the ears, blue-eyed man who had made a career out of Lisping. He didn't have too many dreams about returning to show business after leaving TheStudio, but he knew it was over after the cameo on that Long-Distance Carrier commercial. He looked Old, Felt Old.. Shuffling to the bar, Elmer made a Hi-ball, and sat in his lounger, staring at the wall, wishing Just Once something would fall on him, Just so he could hear the laugh of his Love.. The Hot kisses that rabbit could give! He never had to Act when Bugs was in a dress, he Loved to think of the male in such attire. He sipped his drink, rubbed his crotch and allowed memories to take him back to happier times... Sometimes They were all that kept him getting up mornings. * * * * At the home of D. Duck Esquire, A similar occurrence was happening. Dafford 'Daffy' Ducklin III was sitting on a marble bench, watching the air move the leaves around gently. His parents had been deceased for coming on 10 years and he missed them.. They always had good advice - 'If you are going to be a crazy duck, be a Very Crazy duck.. Don't do things half-way.' But he had been doing it half-way. Lovers, Booze-soaked parties, The 'Life-style'... And it was All Crap! Here he was in a mansion big enough to be a small country, with Every Possible desire already thought of and waiting for him to partake of them.. And he would sell it for a single whiff of gunpowder and burnt feathers. For a 'Gotcha!' with that chuckle - He had fallen in love with a Laugh, And just felt it grow for the man who Always waited in the wings, Always got his lines correct, and Never complained about a certain Duck kissing that shining pate every chance he got. * What would You Do, Father? * He sighed, closing his eyes.. A cool breeze slid across his tail-feathers, 'spanking' him. 'I would Quit Feeling Sorry for Myself, Get my tail off the bench, go pack and Move in With him.' He could almost feel the hand on his shoulder. 'Don't do things half-way - Especially not Love.' A few moments later a cloud of dust was all that was on the verandah to keep the breeze company as Dafford crashed through the front door, zoomed up to his bedroom, looked at everything there and grabbed 2 things - A portrait of his parents and a picture of the '3 Queers' as they called themselves that one wild summer. One last look around, a "Thanks Father" and another hole was made in the door - This one of a Duck in a Big hurry with a suitcase. The breeze stirred once more and something like 'You're Welcome, Son.' echo'd softly in the silence. * * * * Elmer was brought out of his revere by a knock on the door. More by habit than thought he had taken a shower, started a cozy fire in the brick hearth, and was lazing in his robe. "Coming.." He called out, sliding slippers on his feet, and shuffling to the door. "Yes..?" There was nothing on the step but a suitcase with a tag that said, 'Bring me In.' Shrugging his shoulders, He did so, closing the door behind him and bringing the object into the Living Room. 'What in the world could be in..' Squatting he set it on the floor, and undid the snaps... Then reeled back as an explosion of black feathers jumped out and started kissing him! "Daffy?" The duck wrapped his arms around Elmer And kissed the top of his head. "Hello Beautiful Chrome-Dome!" Then down to kiss each toe in turn. "Hello Beautiful Feet!" Then the orange bill moves up to push the stumpy legs apart and nuzzle the full ball-sack hanging between them. Something thumped his head and Daff opened his eyes to stare at the length of man-meat. ""Hellllooo Beautiful!" He kissed the fat tip, feeling it flare, gripping the thick shaft. "Why Elmer - You Did miss me.." He blinked his lashes, then inhaled the 'worm' to the roots, clamping his bill down and Sucking hungrily.. "Ohhh.. Oh Ducky." Hands came down to caress his head, his shoulders, as warmth spread through both of them.. "They all had 'Pet' names for each other - Ducky, Long-Ears, Elmie.. Silly names that the 3 of them Only shared with each other. He could feel the cock throbbing in his gullet, and played with the fat nuts, working his head around the way he Knew Elmer liked so much. "Oh Ducky! Oh.. Ohhhhhh..." Hot cock-sap poured into the horny drakes throat, and he almost cried as he remembered how Good it felt to just suck this big dick of his Lovers. "MMmmmm," He crooned, fondling the still churning balls, "All of it Love.. I want All of it!" And he Got all of it to the point Elmer was laying on the floor groaning and clutching at the duck, who kicked the suitcase out of the way and lay with his head between the still shaking thighs, sucking softly on the still-hard pole, always amazed how long the man could keep a stiffie. "Elmie.." Dafford began between long licks on the fleshy 'candy-cane'. "I Missed you so Much! I want you *Gulp* So Much.." Somehow he managed to stop worshiping the big dick with his beak and make it up to stare into those soulful blue eyes.. "I Love you.." he blurted out, kissing his life-mate. The man sputtered, then recovered and Kissed Daffy back just as hard, just as lovingly. His still strong hands slid down and Gripped the black-feathery butt, squeezing it firmly. "Oh Elmer!" The duck moaned, wriggling his tail. Elmer got up, shed his robe, and Lifting the drake pressed lips to beak, and didn't stop the kiss until they were in the bedroom and Daff was laying on the monster, wriggling and moaning under expert caresses. The man Still knew how to turn him into a puddle of lust... He made a growling noise as his lover retreated - to light candles and turn all the other lights off.. "You Romantic Thang.." He bent a wrist, then giggled as he was jumped on by a just as horny man. "Love.." he whispered in an ear, nibbling on it. "Love.." was sighed in his Own ear-hole. A few moments of kisses and caresses led to orange legs sliding apart and a big dick stuffing itself under a black tail. "Oh Fuck Me! Oh Fuck Me! Oh Fuck Me! Oh Fuck Me! Oh Fuck Me! Oh Fuck Me!" Daff couldn't help it.. He dug his fingers into the bed and Shoved just as hard and as wantonly as he could back at Elmer, Who had to shake his head and smile.. It was a good thing the house was on a Big Lot, and had Thick Walls - Both the duck And the rabbit tended to get vocal when they had their asses pounded. He usually just moaned a lot.. The man Hugged his lover and humped as best he could until He came and came and Went, A black curtain falling over his eyes. The drake sighed, wriggled his full ass and wrapped his arms and legs around his Love.. "I lost you once - Never again.." * * * * Elmer woke to an empty bed.. And the smell of something Delicious wafting in the air.. In a moment Dafford returned with a tray and a smile.. "Breakfast Love - Coffee, Pancakes, Bacon.. Just as you like it." The man almost wept, it had been so long since he had been served like this. The duck got onto the bed, and balanced the tray on his head. "You eat this.. I am eating That!" Fudd had a half hard-on like he did every morning, but this time it was gobbled up - And while Elmer Tried to eat, he dick got sucked on and nibbled on and licked.. He managed to get it all in, and put the tray to one side. "Daff.. Um. Lover.. I was thinking..." ( Neither of them actually had a lisp, that was the product of a good speech coach. ) Daffy jumped up and kissed his love again and again.. "Yes! You want me to move in and live with you and make love to you all day and night.. I will cook and wash your clothes and keep your Big Balls well- drained." The drake *Blushed* getting carried away.. Then they both grabbed each other and started Hugging and kissing and crying and babbling.. The rest of that day was spent in bed renewing a love-bond forged years earlier. They slept together always, never going to bed angry at each other. Sometimes Elmer would get melancholy over Long-Ears, who never even bother to call him.. But Daff made sure they were short with long hugs and nips and caresses that always got his 'Tiger' randy again. And so, Like in many Fairy Tales, they lived happily ever after. The End