TOONS3B.TXT - M/M, Cartoon Characters - January 30, 2001 Buggen visits some friends - A continuation of Toons3 By SwampRat (cl) 2000 Gay Furry Association All characters are mine, even they may Sound like some others... ;> Buggen Rabbit sat in his chair, playing with himself. He missed Fuddsie. He missed Duckey.. He missed the good times and the good sex. The pratfalls, the moans. The smell of black-powder and sweaty males. He thought career was everything - Pursued the Money Trail and didn't care who He stepped on or screwed to get it. His half-hard dick flopped in his grasp and he sighed, closing his eyes. How that bald, short man could make him scream in pleasure.. How he Loved to kiss that skinny pate, Wriggle his hips into the trousered crotch, lick the bulge when no one could see, promising it more than just a Hot Kiss as soon as it was possible. He laughed softly at how many times he and that Duck took turns being 'prey' for the Hunter, begging to be 'shot' with his Big, Long 'Gun'.. Stolen caresses and blow-jobs behind the scenery, racing the clock to get his lover off before casting call, or the props were moved. He looked at his crystal glass half-full of expensive scotch and Threw it it the marble fireplace. He had all the money he could want, and everything that money could buy... Friends, Lovers, Houses. A wife. He laughed bitterly - A Sham marriage that lasted long enough for her to get part of his estate, write a tell-all book. He wished her all the best.. Someday someone was going to come along and Screw her over. He smiled to himself, got up and took a cold shower. Stood in front of the mirror, caressing his body - Still in shape. Nice round bunny-ass, with the leaf-shaped tail that wagged enticingly. About average in maleness, His balls were bigger and longer due to stretching then, however. As he fondled himself he remembered back when a short hand would grip those same balls and a voice that was at once rough and gentle would tell him to kneel. Or cum. Or say nothing at all - Just drive him insane with bites and squeezes and a horse-cock rubbing against him. He didn't bother putting on a robe, walking to the bedroom and laying on the Monster that he slept in.. Sometimes, anyway. Most times he tossed and turned, until drugs or alcohol Made him rest. He looked around at the splendor and would have traded it all to hear 'You Wascally Wabbit!' once more. He wondered how Samuel and Ral were getting on.. They were a pair from the beginning - Didn't get too many spots but enough to get a simple house on the coast.. And Ral was good enough to get his cousin Wilea in the Biz.. Had to change his name of course. The rabbit sighed, and slapped the bed. Damnit.. Everybody was coming out of the stable - Even that damn transvestite bear who liked cubs so much! Another sigh.. Then a clenched fist. 'Fuck It! I am going over there. What's the worst he can do, Kick me in my good-for-nothing ass?' Getting up, he packed light, and headed off to see if at least one of the bridges he had burned could be re-built. * * * * Standing in front of the white house with the blue trim, Buggen felt more nervous than his first audition.. Hell, his first blow-job was easier. But he had to try.. As he lifted his hand to the knocker he shivered.. 'I can always stay awhile with the Wolf boys.' Even if playing 'Little Red' so they could 'eat' him was a little monotonous. The knocker hit the door with the sound of a death-knell.. Or maybe just brass on brass. He rehearsed a dozen speeches, a dozen pleas, and hundreds of apologies by the time the door opened. "How can I help..." Oh Shit. He was too late.. The other man had taken his love. His ears drooped his tail slumped, and his back bent. Then a hand gripped his cock and another grabbed his suitcase, and both were yanked inside! "What?!? Hah?!?" The luggage slid to the middle of the floor, forgotten as the door was closed - Not Slammed - and the rabbit was shoved against a wall, kisses raining on his face and chest.. and groin. Especially There. "*Smack* Elmer.. *Mmmmmmm, LickLickLick* Is out back.. *slobber, drool* Getting some veggies.. You ARE Staying for dinner." Then a bill he remembered all too well gobbled his 'worm' up, and sucked it, chomped it, worked on it until it exploded.. It's owner slowly dribbled down the wall, as orgasm after orgasm ripped through him, the mallard swallowing it all and still sucking hungrily on his limp noodle. Another hungry kiss and Buggen was left alone, panting. 'Was that really Dafford?' Then excited voices and in burst a figure that despite the creases, the lines age had place on that sexy brow, Buggen knew instantly. "Buggy!" Strong hands pulled him into an embrace that made a lump form in his throat. "I.. I was in the area and.." A kiss stopped all talk, returning the male to a simpler, happier time.. Tears came unbidden, and he cursed himself, saying he wouldn't cry. And did anyway. Soothing noises and many hands patting his back - and butt - made him feel somewhat better. Then it was a haze of questions and comments and food he barely tasted, a warn shower and then a bed. He lay alone, unable to sort out his feelings.. Dafford have given up His mansion to live with his Love. And they were quite happy together. He would just be a third hand, more in the way than being helpful. In the morning he would say his thanks and leave for... A tapping on the door broke his thoughts. "Come in.." Hardly has the words been said than a dark feathered form jumped on him! An orange beak kissed him roughly, clamped on his nipples, chewed it's way down his belly.. And Stopped! A thin tongue teased his cock-tip making him groan and grip the bed.. "You have been a very naughty Rabbit.. Running out on us like that. Breaking Elmsie's heart." *Flick* *Flick* "You should be Punished - Spanked, slapped, Made to walk the Plank.. Or a couple of 'em... Damn, I missed you Lover." Again tears came, and his throat hurt.. Especially when the same words came from the door. There stood the man who at one time he would have given up Everything for.. Well, Almost everything. He was Still banned from a couple of stables for Seeing if all the 'Stud Horses' were in working condition. "Elmer, I..." And all 3 of them were in bed, crying and kissing and hugging and all talking at the same time. It took a while but all the tears ran dry and the kissing got hot, and the hugs turned to gropes.. But by then they were too exhausted to do much more, and kissed, sleeping in a heap. * * * * Buggen woke to a wonderful dream - He was back with Daffen and Elmer And they were sleeping together. He reached for first one dick, then the other, stroking them to hardness, then bending over to kiss them.. Neither of the others were morning folk so he was the one who made breakfast.. and got to suck them off before 'dressing' for work. But this morning he let himself indulge.. Continuing to caress the drake's dick he slipped his lips around the manly head, sucking it softly, savoring the flavor of unwashed male-flesh. What a Vivid dream! he could feel the veins pulsing under his tongue as he moved his head up and down, could hear the moans from both his lovers as he pulled off one hard cock and sucked the darker, thinner duck-dick into his hungry mouth. He shifted poles again, drinking the sweet pre-cum, knowing Elmsie would take longer and therefore could be teased longer. He missed those days, swallowing the drake's semen, working the smooth balls to get it all.. Then returning to his True Passion.. He didn't want to open his eyes, to see there wasn't a warm penis in his mouth, pressing against the back of his throat as he nuzzled through the thatch of spicy-scented hair at the base. He bobbed his head, wanting the cream, wanting so much to taste it, feel it spurting on his mouth.. And it Did! Buggen's eyes snapped open staring at the jerking rod that was filling his mouth with rich man-cum. He swallowed the load, then went to work licking the flared tip, teasing the fat ball-sac, doing whatever he could to drain the pole, and drain it well. Not even after it went limp did he let go, sucking gently, gratefully on it. "I see you are much a cock-hound as ever.. I guess this means I have to make breakfast, Hmmm?" Dafford, Who set the kitchen on fire trying to make toast - 4 times in a row. Dafford, whose staff had literally locked him out of the pantry with at watch chef on guard.. He slapped the Rabbit's butt firmly and got up, headed for the bathroom. Buggen moved.. And got a hand clamped on his head. "You are staying right where you are.. I am not Done yet." Now That was the Fuddsie that he fell in lust with so many years ago. * * * * Dafford chuckled at the 2 in the bedroom.. Breakfast was usually light - Coffee, toast, maybe a piece of fruit to be shared. This time he made up 2 trays, and brought them in, smiling at the familiar scene.. Putting the trays down he climbed into bed, and gripped the rabbit's hard dick. Turning, he sat down firmly, taking it to the balls that now lay so nicely between his legs. Wriggling his tail a bit to make sure he had it all, Dafford reached over and got his coffee.. "You know this is just like old times.. Buggsie grabbing the best part." They looked at him for a moment.. And he grinned. "You are Always in the Middle!" That made them both burst out laughing.. And snuggle together - Just like Old Times. They ate, talked, wriggled some but it wasn't serious.. This was the way they did mornings for Years. Then they went to shower and Elmer went to do some things outside. As the 2 males washed and caressed, Daff said in a husky whisper, "You know what this means - You are going to have to Stay here so I can get My chance to be the gloryhole." They laughed softly. "Besides, he still loves you.. I still love you. And you can help me with Elmer's.. Recreation." Buggen took all of a half-second. "Of course I will Stay, Lover." They both hugged and kissed as a familiar voice came from the door.. "You 2 queers going to take all day in there?" And there he stood, hard as a rock. Both males yeeped and giggled and grabbing their Love, yanked him to smother his body with kisses and caresses.. 'It's good to be Home again..' The rabbit thought as he helped Daff get his love off yet again. The End.. ?