TULLY2.TXT - M/M, Masturbation - 4/25/99 More of Tully's Adventures By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association The characters Tully, Py, Hani, Khym (c) Cherryh =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This text file is a Piece of Fan Fiction. I wrote it for a couple of reasons - Mainly Khym and Tully sounded so HOT Together ( AHEM ).. Because I love the Hani series of Books.. because They stir me so much I have to put word on 'paper'.. Because no one else will *Gryn* Come On you Feline Fur's Out there - here is an Entire race for you to take to your chest and write far into the night about.. Big males who are prone to Violent outbursts.. Or Are they? Females who are Protective of their males, and Polygamy is just fine. The Han have colonies - so does Humanity. Outside threats as well as Inside intrigues give a Vast leeway that could take decades to fill with all manner of Tales. Let Ms. Cherryh know we Love her Work, We want her to continue writing stories about them. That we want her ideas to continue onward.. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Khym lay in bed and ruffled the sheets. Py was off doing Work. She seemed to be doing a Lot of that lately.. Which left less time for Them. He missed hearing her growl at someone - Even him.. Missed their discussions and intimate caresses, and waking up to... He shook his head and got up. All Self-Pity got him was a hard-on. Making, then folding the bed up was routine for him now. He showered, combed his mane, looked at his plain blue breeches.. and Chuckled. The Crew had gone as well - The ship was in for Repairs and wasn't going Anyplace for a while. He could have stayed at a Hotel on the Station, gone down and looked at the sights.. But it wasn't Home and it Wasn't Py. So he slept where he could remember her best. It Did mean Ships Rations.. And having to make one's own meals. Khym chuckled.. She wouldn't complain about his Spicing everything Up at least... Then put his head down. 'Gods I Miss you, Wife!' Hand clenched, he let the emotions run until they passed, leaving a dull emptiness inside. Then smiled. 'Py would call you a Spoiled Brat and slap your butt.' True.. He put the pants back in the drawer, latching it, deciding to go 'nude' for a while.. Males were Supposed to eccentric, It was warm enough inside the ship and besides - It's Nice to be a Spoiled Brat sometimes. A slow walk to the galley, looking at missing panels, re-fitted computers.. Another Month - at Least. The Galley was too empty to be comfortable, so He cooked some things, heated Gfi - Once you got used to it, it wasn't Bad - Then went LowerDecks to the 'Play Area'. Once just a lower Galley, it had been expanded into a lounge of sorts.. Setting his food down, the big feline male stood a moment, remembering earlier times... Arms wrapped around him and a body pressed against his, sending both a thrill and a shock through him. "Khym.." So he wasn't alone.. Patting the hairless arms, he turned and looked at the Other Male on ship. Crew, Friend, One-time pawn.. One he owed his life to. "Hungry Tully?" A nod that meant more than just wanting food and they sat down. He divided the soup and other things in half, making sure the 'Human' ate Something.. Tully sometimes skipped meals and one or another of the Crew would slip down with something - He was, after all, a Male. Khym sat with his ankles crossed, enjoying being with Tully more than he realized.. He laid an arm over Tully's shoulders and Hugged the thin male gently. The Females would have wrinkled their noses, saying it was a Male-Thing - All this Touching. Tully shivered and Khym hugged him closer. "Cold, Tully?" A shake of the golden-furred head. < Lonely.. > That in his Own language. A wonderful sound for being so Alien. So they snuggled, Khym rubbing the soft skin under the shirt.. A wince stopped him. "Tully?" Human skin tore so easily.. Had he hurt himself? The male squirmed.. "Let me See Tully." He was no Doctor but he could manage a first- aid kit. A moment's hesitation.. Then up it went, showing red but healing marks. So... Scratched up, was Tully. He nuzzled the male's neck, knowing it was a ticklish spot. Tully made noises and hunched his shoulders, but did not move away, so Khym continued, wrestling with the male like he had done in earlier days.. They ended up on the floor, Tully on his back and the big male hani laying over him, panting a little. He chuckled, wrinkling his nose at their position, glad they were alone. "Tired." Neither of them looked like they had gotten much rest. Khym nodded and got up, laying on a couch, not wanting to go back to an empty bed. He lay back, arm across his eyes, giving a huff.. "Need Khym?" He opened his eyes and wondered what Tully was talking about... Between his legs a feline erection sprouted. He groaned loudly, angry at his body for betraying him. Angry at his Wife for not being with Him. Angry at.. Fingers slid softly up his cock, grasping it in a familiar but so alien hand. "Tully?" The other hand ran over his stomach, rubbing it. < Khym, you gave of yourself when I Needed. Now You have need. > The hand slid on him, and despite himself, Khym's hips arched up, trembling.. "Tully.." He tried again. < Be Quiet, Friend Khym. There is Little I can give to my Crew, My Friends, My.... > The big male's hips thrust and with a scream, blew his desire over his chest and stomach, big dick throbbing in the smooth grasp. Again and again the male brought him to peak, Furry nuts contracted against his body, until he lay panting and sticky. Tully got a towel and wiped his hands then started on the Hani's matted fur. Khym swiped it from him and wiped the sticky semen off, sitting up, still panting. "How..." The human smiled softly. "Female, Few times.." He rubbed his shoulder. "Male, No times. Self -" A tremble ran through the too-thin frame.. < When one has no other, One has one's self. > Again in his own language.. Khym pulled Tully to him, Holding him. 'Lonely.' How small a word to describe what felt like a hole in one's existence.. "Crew, Tully. You are part of Us." He was Crew. Part of the ship. Always would be. Kyhm smiled to himself.. And Py had told him if he wanted to be with any of the Crew... "Tonight you sleep with me, ok?" The too blue eyes looked at him, and he wrinkled his nose, shaking his head.. Just when you thought you had the Son figured out... "You are Crew Tully. So am I. Crew can sleep together without..." A soft smile cut him off. "You need, I help. I need, You Help. Thanks Friend Khym." The big male patted Tully's rear, standing. "Come on Tully, We need to clean up." He headed for the shower, thinking about the male beside him.. If anybody asked, he could say Tully was Lonely - As He was. Besides, Tully had a Way with those fingers... * * * * Tully Pushed Khym against the shower wall, making him "Oomph' in surprise. "Tully, What are you.." A warm naked body pressed itself against his back, arms wrapping around him, fingers again taking his erection firmly. "Tully! Stop This.. I am Not..." Again his body betrayed him, furred hips moving against the smooth-skinned ones as his penis was stroked, tugged on, played with until the Hani again screamed out his lust, claws scraping against the metal wall, pulsing cock jetting his cum out, Riding the powerful orgasms. "Oh Tully... Tully? Tully!" The hand didn't slow it's pumping motion, the free one found spots to caress to, scritch, to tease. < You have Much Need Friend Khym. Allow me to relieve you of some of that need.. > The hani could only stand and pant, moaning softly as the human stroked him, keeping the desire fanned, making Him arch whenever the sensitive tip was teased. Khym cried out many times before Tully stopped stroking his dick and started washing him... The big male half-lay against the wall, panting as fingers caressed his body, exciting him still more.. But for once, it only showed itself in soft grunts. He felt the head rubbing against his shoulders, The too-thin body sliding along his rump. He stopped the hands and turned to look at the human. "You ever do this with others, Tully?" A shake of the gilden-maned head. "Only to self when in Need." Again, down went the head.. The hani lifted it, patted the soft cheek. "It's Ok Tully. I did need." 'More than I thought I did..' he added silently, then slapped the firm human's butt. "Come on, Let's dry off and get to bed.." Tully turned around and gave him an over-the-shoulder look and padded off.. Khym stood for a long moment, and shook his head, laughing. * * * * Khym woke to the feeling of a warm body beside him, and cuddled Tully. Just to have someone to wake beside again.. "Need, Khym?" Sticking between the smooth human cheeks was big feline erection. Damn. Damn. Damn. For just a moment he was tempted.. And for another sickened at the very thought. Then Tully turned, and looked at the big male.... And they held each other tightly, not caring about what it looked like or that both of them had morning erections.. 2 beings held onto each other and shared an intimate moment. "Try something?" Khym wasn't sure if he should say yes or no.. But curiosity won and He nodded. "If not like, then not do.." He watched Tully moved down between his legs and gripping the big red member, kiss it. A soft warm tongue made Khym hiss a breath and grip the bed. Lips parted, allowing the head inside liquid heat and the hani felt like someone punched him in the gut! His body rolled at the sensations, Not sure if he should let this continue, but totally unable to stop it. "Tull.. Tully.." Fingers ran across his leg, cupping his furry nuts softly, more holding than fondling. Hips moved, thrusting the feline-penis between warm, soft lips until with a scream from it's owner, it gave up it's seed in jets of semen. "Oh Gods, Tully.." Shudders went through the big male, as his friend cleaned him up. "Tastes like Gfi." Oh Gods.. Khym knew if he laughed he would fall off the bed. "Khym Like?" Understatement.. Pulling the soft-skinned male up, he chuckled and nodded. "But let's not make a Habit of it." A nod - and a movement as he squeezed the smooth but firm flesh on his friends's rear. A slap got more movement. "Crew Tully. You are one of Us.. You need something, you Tell one of us." Khym shook his head.. Now he was Sounding like Py. "I Mean it.." A thought came as they lay together - "You want to go out Tully? Look around?" A soft shake and tighter hug told him the answer. Huffing a little, The han ruffled the golden-mane, still unsure what to say or do.. or if he should say Anything. He was sticky with his own semen, sweaty, smelled like 2 males in rut... And didn't care a bit! He was also still horny.. 'Damn! Bad as when me and Py were first together.' "Hungry?" Tully nodded softly, jumping when Khym pushed him off the bed and stood stretching, then patting his rear. "Up to the Galley then." And chuckled at the look. "Nobody here but Us.. And I don't feel like putting pants on right now." He moved out of the room, and the man followed, still unsure but willing to go along. * * * * 2 bachelor's can concoct things that would gag a kif-rat.. But it was fun, and filling if somewhat fiery - as in extinguisher. But no major damage and 2 full bellies later they reclined, eyes closed, hips touching. A big hand slid down a smooth-fleshed one to caress the large piece of male-meat that was laying between Tully's legs. "Need Tully?" Now the shoe was on the other foot, and Khym grinned. Leaning over he sniffed, then licked the human-dick, cocking an ear to the moan it brought. Tully tasted about like he smelled.. But there was a sweetness to this particular bit of him, and the Hani kept on licking until his mouth was suddenly filled with a salty liquid that was Much tastier than Gfi. He sucked on the flared head, stroking it with his tongue until Tully was begging him to stop, SWallowing one last time, Khym swirled the last of his drink and chased the semen down with it. They washed together again, slept in each other's arms and for the next few days enjoyed each other's bodies - If only to lay together and caress one another gently, 2 friends naked on a warm rock by a river or pond. * * * * Py returned to the ship, half expecting a disaster. 2 males alone - Admittedly it Was Khym and Tully.. But Still... At the door, waiting for her were 2 male crew members, with clean pants on. 'They did the laundry?' Nothing smelled burned, Nothing looked broken - More than usual, that is. After a look around and a warm shower she sat on the bed - with Fresh Sheets on It - being combed out by her Husband.. Who seemed to be somewhat apprehensive - Like he had a secret. "So. You go out?" Khym shook his head and kept on combing.. "You and Tully stayed on the ship? Must have been boring." A tongue caressed her ear. "Not really - We managed to entertain ourselves." For just a moment Py thought she noticed something in Khym's voice. "Well. Company?" This time Khym did laugh out loud. "Mahendo'sat working on things is all. Py - You are the Only woman I want." She laughed and pulled her husband on top of her, kissing him. "And you the only Male.." Tully smiled as he turned the intercom off, alone on the bridge, mulling over what had happened. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think that what he and Khym did was Wrong.. It felt too Good to hold the big male close, caress his furry body. Same with the other Han he had risked everything with - he Loved them. Could it be one could Love too much? And it wasn't as if he Planned Anything - It Just Happened... Tully Sighed, wondering if there would ever be someone like Pyanfar - or Khym - For him.. Haral came in and saw the lone figure on the dead bridge. "Tully?" She called softly, coming up behind him to rub his shoulders. "Haral.." he said softly, eyes closed, moving against her firm hands. 'Kitten..' Said in the heat of passion, crimson blushes when pried for information about the word, Haral grinned as she watched the reaction to the word whispered in his ear. Perhaps she Had been drinking a little, and Perhaps She was a littler more blunt than some, but Tully was Crew. A friend. Male - Very Much so.. "Come on.. Let's get you to bed." She gently but firmly got the male out of the seat, and down the corridor. Stepping into his room, she noticed things - It was Too Clean. Scrubbed, as if to hide something. Keeping the light low, Haral locked the door behind her and got Tully onto his bed, kissing him as she got his pants down and off him - Her's were gone the moment the door-lock clicked - and stroked his maleness.. Moving down his body, she nipped the fair skin gently, being careful not to bite Too hard until she was between his legs, lipping and kissing his penis. "Haral..?" She tongued and sucked on the head, Rubbing his legs and belly. "Hmmmmmm?" She replied, intent on what she was doing.. < Can one Love too much? Is it wrong to enjoy being with another? > The hani went from tipsy to sober in a heartbeat. "Why Tully?" Haral could feel him blush all the way down to where she half-lay, still licking on him. Tully had been alone with Khym for a while.. And now Tully was asking some Hard Questions.. So. 2 Males together? It wasn't Unheard of. And Males were Males - And Tully was an Alien Male. Best to throw All the rules out when it came to him. Haral gave a few more licks, then moved back up and laid on top of the human. He was so Pale. So Fragile. She kissed him. "Kitten," he breathed into her shoulder before falling off. Haral looked at the warm male lying beside her and pulled the blanked over them both. "I don't think it is possible to love too much.. Lover." She grinned to herself, then closed her eyes and holding the thin frame against hers, went to sleep. The End?