Prolog A long way into the future, approximately the year 5062, twelve sacred dragons watched over the growing humans of the planet Earth. Though many of the humans feared these dragons, only some loved them. They were called the dragon lovers. One boy named Gyrow Maccy, is one of them. His whole life, he cherished dragons and what they do and did for them. --- After this point it is written in the standard play format. --- Characters Humans: Gyrow Maccy Dragons: Kira, Stealth, Venom, Sword, Sapora, Talon, Flame, Fielding Evil Dragons: Arima, Delfi Script Gyrow: (Smoking a cigarette, sitting on steps in front on his home)(Looks up at sky after throwing cig on the ground) Flame: (Flies over-head)(Looks down at Gyrow) (Zooms in on Gyrow’s eye) Flame: (Still looking at Gyrow...looks in front of him and continues to fly off) (View over the city while fading into music) Gyrow: (Slowly starts to smile) Wow...I heard about the sacred dragons but never saw one before...that one must have been #7, Flame. It matched its description perfectly. (Fades to black...fades back in to the next scene) (Flame flies down toward the other six dragons sitting in a circle on top of a building. He lands) Flame: Sorry I’m late. I was checking out the area. Sword: Yes, very well. Sapora: We need to find a way to get rid of them. Talon: Yeah, but with just us? I mean, seven against twelve, not a good number here guys! Venom: Man Talon, will you shut-up and help us think here! A strategy, some tactics, some sort of plan is what we need. Stealth: Right! But, I agree with Talon though. Venom: Gees, you too Stealth?! Stealth: ... (Camera looks over at Stealth. Then back to Venom) Venom: sigh... Kira: Will you too nock it off! This is a time of war for us and all you guys are doing is going at each other’s necks! What would Fielding say if he were here right now huh? (Venom and Stealth lower their heads) Fielding: I would say the same thing you said Kira. (He walks out of the shadows toward them. He stands in the center with everyone looking at him) What? Do I have something on my face? Come-on guys! Don’t be so surprised to see me! I know it has been a while, but here I am! Sword: (Stands up and walks toward Fielding) I...we...we thought you were dead. Fielding: Really? Well you were right! Sword: ...What? Fielding: (laughing) (Everyone slowly gets up) (Fielding still laughing, drops to the ground. A blackish white light comes out of Fielding’s body and rises about six feet into the air) (The light takes form into a dragon) Delfi: Ha! I guess my trick worked! Well, hello everybody! (Camera looks at Sword. He’s standing with his right leg slightly back with his fists tightened, and gritting his teeth) Sword: Delfi! Delfi: Hmm...I guess you’ve heard of me. Sword: How could I forget you?! You killed my parents. I’ll avenge them. Delfi: What? I didn’t quite get that. Did you say you’d avenge them? Good luck trying! Sword: Shut the fuck up. I don’t need to hear your trash. Delfi: (Snaps his fingers and ten more dragons fly in) Still want to try? Sword: (Looks around) .....Hmm...that’s the question isn’t it? To tell you, sure! (Everyone looks at Sword) Why not?! All of you are weak anyways. Delfi: (Angry look) We’ll see. (Points his hand forward) (Everyone starts fighting) (Sword runs toward Delfi and throws a punch. Delfi teleports and lands behind Sword. Delfi kicks Sword in the back of the head. Sword doesn’t move at all, but turns his head back and wraps his tail around Delfi’s neck. Sword lifts Delfi up, and holds him in front of him, letting Delfi dangle there. Sword starts punching Delfi, kicking him, throwing energy balls at his body,--and other violent what-not. Camera goes over to Sapora) Sapora: (Throws energy ball at enemy dragon. The enemy dragon gets thrown into a wall. Sapora teleports over there. She grabs it by its neck, pulls her other hand back, extends her fingers, and throws her hand into its’ head. Then pulling her hand out, letting go with her other hand, it drops to the ground) (Camera focuses on an explosion. Then goes to Sword and Delfi) Delfi: (Kneeling down) ...You’re...friend...Flame Sword: What? How do you know? Delfi: Unfortunately, so is one of mine. Sword: ..... Delfi: Pity really. He was inferior to mine! Sword: RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Kicks Delfi in the head) (Camera goes over to Kira) Kira: DIE!!! (She kicks the enemy dragon in the stomach, making it explode) AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Explosion consumes Kira, killing her) Sword: (Camera looks over at Sword, zooming in on his eye, reflecting the explosion) ...K...K...Kira... Delfi: There goes another one! Sword: What happened to them all?! Why are they exploding?! Delfi: That’s my secret. What you don’t know won’t hurt you. But it will kill your friends! Sword: (Looks at Delfi with a mean look) You bastard. (Camera goes over to Stealth) Stealth: RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Launches an energy beam at the enemy dragon, making it hit two more, causing to make them blow-up. Stealth is consumed by the explosion and dies) Talon: (Camera is now on Talon) Two for me! None for you! (Talon starts glowing, making the enemy dragons be surrounded by electricity. He continues to glow. One dragon falls to the ground and blows-up. The other explodes, throwing Talon up against a wall, making him fall to the ground, landing on Venom’s head, stabbing Talon with his head spikes. His eyes widen, and his mouth opens widely) PPPPPOOOOUUUUUWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Talon and Venom fall to the ground. Venom gets Talon off his head) Venom: Talon! Talon! What the fuck happened! Talon: (Coughs) I got two of ‘em. (Smiles) The rest are yours man. Kick their asses for me will ‘ya? Venom: ...Yeah. Will do. Talon: Well, what are you doing? Go get ‘em! Venom: Rest in peace Talon. (Talon smiles, coughs, then dies) Venom: (He flies off) (Camera goes over to Sword) Sword: Why are you laughing for?! Delfi: Because Venom is going to die! Sword: You really need to get a grip dude. Delfi: (Laughs again) No, no. He will die. (Camera goes over to Venom) Venom: Two to go! Huh? (He looks down and sees Sapora fighting them) Bingo! (Venom flies down, kicking one in the head, making it hit a wall) Venom: Need any help? Sapora: Thanks. Why don’t you finish it off? I got this one. Venom: Sure. Be right back. Sapora: (She rushes toward the enemy dragon, kicking it in the chin, making it go up in the air) (Venom walks toward his target. He stops in front of it. The enemy dragon opens its’ eyes. It starts to glow, then explodes. Venom dies along with the enemy dragon) Sapora: (Kicks the enemy dragon in the face. It spirals to the ground, making it explode on contact) Done here! Venom, Let’s go! ...Venom? (She looks around trying to find him, but has no luck) Sapora: He must have gone to meet up with Sword already. (She flies off) (Camera goes back to Sword and Delfi) Delfi: I told you he would die. Sword: Yeah, even so, I’m the one you should be worrying about. (Sword kicks Delfi in the chin, making him go up into the air. Sword teleports to where Delfi is, and punches him in the stomach, then the face. He kicks him in the stomach, causing him to be thrown to the ground. Sword teleports to where Delfi would touch down. Sword gets ready, and kicks Delfi right in the center of the spine, making it brake) Delfi: (On the ground face down, yelling in pain) YOU BASTARD!!! MY DAUGHTER WILL DESTROY THE LAST OF YOU!!! ALONG WITH THE HUMANS!!! Sword: So much for your gloating! (Sword charges up his energy ball in his right hand. He raises his hand enough to be able to hit Delfi, and launches an energy beam. Delfi screams while he disintegrates) (Sapora lands) Sapora: Where’s Venom? Sword: He’s dead. Sapora: What? Sword: Everyone is dead. Including Delfi. Only we are alive. Sapora: ...Now what is going to happen? Sword: ... (Looks at Sapora) Fades to black...fades into next scene Sword: (Standing on top of a high building in a city. Left leg on the ledge) Hmm...I remember being a human at one time...but I’m glad I’m a dragon now. Man...humans need all the help they can get. Huh... (Closes eyes) (An explosion and load crashes suddenly happen in the street below) Sword: Huh?! (Looks down at the street) (Sword flies down and lands on a big-rig lying in the road tipped over) Arima: (Looks at Sword) Who are you? Sword: Hmm. I was going to ask the same. But since you asked first, I’m Sword. #4 of the sacred dragons. And you are? Arima: I’m Arima. No more questions are needed to know who I am. Now what do you want? Sword: Did you cause this? Arima: (Looks around) Yes...does it matter? Sword: You have to be kidding me! Duh it matters! You bastard. (Lowers head just enough to keep eye contact. Makes eyes cringe in anger) Arima: (Makes angered face) Don’t talk to me like that. You won’t live to see me again. Sword: Yah maybe, but these people sure won’t. You just killed them all for now reason! Why?! Arima: Listen! I don’t see where it matters any anyway! So just shut the hell up! Sword: (Grits teeth) Oh you’ll die for their lives. Arima: Bring it on then. You can’t stand a chance anyways. Sword: Shut-up! (Arima raises right hand quickly and fires and energy blast at Sword) (Sword dodges the attack landing on the pavement) Sword: AHHH!!!(Dashes towards Arima and throws a kick)(Arima jumps --- --- up and kicks Sword in the head) UHHH!!! Arima: (When she kicks Sword in the head, she yells:) HIYAHH!!! Sword: (he hits a car parked on the side of the street) AHHH!!! (Sword gets up) Sword: Rrrr... (Sword draws his hands into a parallel position with the right hand over the left aprox 3 inches apart. The right is facing toward Arima and the left is facing Sword’s back) Arima: What now? A little magic trick? Sword: Rrrrr...RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (Launches a large energy ball toward Arima) Arima: Rrrrr!!! (Arima blocks while holding it in her hands) Sword: Mmm... (Forms a blue shield around him generating electricity in his hands) MMM!!! Arima: RRRRrrrr!!!! (Struggling to hold the energy ball from hitting her) Sword: AHHH!!! (Launches the electricity toward Arima using his hands to control it) Arima: (The electricity goes around the ball and hits her) Uhhh! (She loses balance and the energy ball hits her) AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (A large explosion happens causing both dragons to be thrown 100 yards across the city)(This also causes that part of the city to be destroyed) Sword: (Hits the ground and tumbles another 50 feet. Then comes to a stop) Uhhh...uhh... Arima: (Also hits the ground, tumbles, and slides. Stops) Uhhh...Rrrr! (She gets up pulling out her flame bladed dagger rushing at Sword) Sword: (Slowly starting to get up) Uh, uhh...ow..........huh? (Discovers a wing has been torn off) Arima: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hits Sword in the chest with her head causing her horns to go through him) Sword: (At the time of the hit) Caaahhhwww!!!!! (Spits blood while eyes widen) (They both hit the ground. Arima does a front flip while the horns come out of Sword’s chest. Arima lands) Sword: (coughing) AAHHH!!! (Eyes are shut. [Squinting]) (Arima slowly turns around and starts walking toward Sword) Arima: All that talk and none of it did you any good. Oh well. Shit happens right? (Sword then gasps for air and coughs again. He then opens his eyes a little) Arima: (Arima then crawls onto Swords body and twirls the blade in front of Swords eyes.) It’s a shame that a handsome dragon such as you has to die like this. But it had to be done. (She kisses Sword on the lips) Goodbye #4. (Arima stabs Sword in the left side under the armpit) Sword: (As Arima stabs him, he gasps for air and his eyes widen. His mouth opens widely) (Arima gets up, puts her dagger away, and flies off. Sword closes his eyes slowly and his head drops to his left) Gyrow: (Walking down the street sees Arima fly overhead) There’s another one! (He continues walking. He turns the corner and sees Sword lying on the ground) Huh? What’s that dragon doing? (Gyrow runs toward Sword) Sword: Uhh... Gyrow: (Kneels down and looks at Sword’s face.) Are you okay? (He then looks at Sword’s chest and notices the wounds) What happened to you? Answer me!!! Sword: (Turns his head towards Gyrow) Gyrow: Huh!!! Sword: Listen to me. You are Gyrow, one of the dragon lovers. I am Sword, Dragon #4 of the sacred dragons. I need your help. Gyrow: Yeah, yeah what?! What do you need?! Sword: (Coughs and gasps for air) I need your soul to give me back my life. Gyrow: Won’t that kill me though? Sword: Or better yet, you can fuse with me. Gyrow: Huh? Sword: It is decided. You will fuse with me. Let it begin. Gyrow: NO!!! You’ll use my body!!! Sword: Fine, let’s just hurry up then. Gyrow: Okay. (They fuse together) (Sword’s soul was given to Gyrow to make him powerful and have Sword’s psychic powers. Sword’s body is still on the ground) Gyrow: (He stands up) Cool. Now what? Sapora: (She lands in front of Sword’s body) What happened here? Did you do this to him? Gyrow: (Looks at Sapora) No. Sword fused with me. Sapora: What? Now you have his powers. He did this so he could still live on. (She looks at Sword’s dead body and a tear drips --- ---from her eye) Gyrow: Who are you anyway? Sapora: I’m Sapora. #5 of the sacred dragons. Gyrow: Incase that you were going to ask, I’m Gyrow. Did you know Sword? Sapora: All of the sacred dragons know each other. But Sword was my husband. Gyrow: I’m sorry. Sapora: For what?! You didn’t do anything! I’m the only one left now. Gyrow: What?! Sapora: I’m the last of the sacred dragons now. All the others died. Gyrow: Was it the same way that Sword did? Sapora: Unfortunately, yes. None of them stood a chance against Arima. Gyrow: Arima? Sapora: Yes, did you see her before? Gyrow: Was she a black dragon? Sapora: YES!!! (She starts walking toward Gyrow) You must have seen her then! Which way did she go?! Gyrow: Well, I was standing right here. (Gyrow walks to where he was standing before) Sapora: Yeah... Gyrow: Then I saw a dragon fly overhead. (He then looks at Sapora) I thought it was another sacred dragon, so I didn’t think anything. (He lowers his head) Sapora: (She walks toward Gyrow more, raising her right hand and lifting Gyrow’s head up to look at her) Listen, we will find her and destroy her together. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll change you into a dragon okay? Gyrow: (Raises his right eyebrow) And how are you goi... Sapora: (Interrupts Gyrow and lowers her hand) I know you want to be one. I’ve watched you for years on end, and read your thoughts. So don’t lie about it, okay? I know that is your dream to fly away from here and go where we are. Well, that can happen. Just wait and see. Gyrow: (Lowers his head and nods) Sapora: (She raises her right hand again, but strokes his cheek with her claws) To answer your question, I have magic powers. Sort-of like a wizard. Now we need to go. Come-on. (Sapora starts to fly, just letting her 2 inches off the ground. Gyrow walks over and holds on to Sapora’s hands) Gyrow: (Sapora then dashes upward, then flies in the direction Arima did) Whoa!!! Fades to black...fades in to next scene (Sapora and Gyrow are next to each other flying over an ocean when the sun is setting behind the clouds) Gyrow: I don’t understand. Sapora: (Looks over at Gyrow) Hmm? Gyrow: I don’t understand why he fused with me. Why? Why did he do it? Sapora: (Makes eyes look angry) It was you who decided his fate! So you should ask yourself, Why didn’t I fuse with his body instead? Gyrow: (Widens eyes and looks over at Sapora) What? (Says it quietly) (Sapora looks in front of her. Gyrow lowers his head and then looks in front of him) Fades to black...fades into the next scene Arima: (Lands at an abandoned ruin) Uhh. (She stands up) Well, that takes care of that! Only one more to go. (She walks over to a corner and lies down) Huh, she’s coming to me. (She closes her eyes and falls asleep) Fades out...fades in The sun starts to rise Sapora: (Yawns and gets up. Looks at Gyrow) It’s hard to believe that Gyrow has my husband inside him. But I guess I’ll... Gyrow: (Yawns, but goes back to sleep) Sapora: (Smiles in a small grin. Hears a load noise and looks toward it) Gyrow: (Yawns again, but gets up this time) What was that? Sapora: Stay here. (Making a hand gesture telling Gyrow to stay) I’ll go find out. (She flies off checking out the area) Gyrow: (Looks at Sapora while she flies away) Okay? (Camera focuses on Sapora as she flies) Sapora: (Looking around) What?! (Looks at a crater that is smoking as if a meteor hit just now) (Sapora flies down toward the crater and lands) Sapora: (Looks at the crater, checking it) I guess this is it. Well, I’d better... Arima: (While walking out of the shadows interrupts Sapora) ...Not go anywhere. Sapora: (Eyes turn into an angry face) Arima. Rrrr... (Grits teeth) Arima: I guess my diversion worked huh? (Looking at the crater) Arima: (Camera looks at Sapora) Why are you so angry? I just want to talk to you. Oh...It’s because of all of your friends that are dead right? Or was it just Sword that you are angry about? Sapora: (Her face lights up in surprise, then back into an angry face like before) son-of-a-bitch. Don’t test me. Arima: Oh, so now you are little miss tough shit huh? (Makes her head tilt back towards the right, but still giving eye contact) Well, why don’t you shut the fuck up and take me?! Sapora: (Screams while she dashes at her) AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! (Arima jumps up. Sapora stops, turns around, and fires a fire blast at Arima) Arima: Uhh! (She puts both arms in front of her face making an X. The fire stops and she fires an energy ball) Yahhh!!! Sapora: (Dodges going into a side roll. She gets up on one knee and then gets up) Arima: (Flies down and lands) So, you held out this long. Longer than Sword did. Sapora: Shut-up!!! HIAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! (Launches a large energy ball surrounded by electricity) Arima: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Tries to block it but misses. The ball carries her, away from Sapora) Sapora: (Wiping her mouth with her left-hand) Damn bitch. Don’t mess with me. (Sapora flies back to where Gyrow is and lands) Gyrow: Nice job. (He says it while gathering firewood for the fire) Sapora: (Laughs) You saw the whole thing didn’t you? Gyrow: In a way yes. (Says this while looking at Sapora when he walks back to the fire) Sapora: (Turns to face Gyrow) How did you though? Gyrow: (Turns around) Well, it’s simple actually. Sapora: Yeah? Gyrow: It’s something called hearing... Sapora: (While he says the word, hearing, and she says:) You made an ass out of me! (Puts her arms on her waist) Gyrow: (Laughs) No I didn’t. Sapora: Even so, I... Gyrow: (Interrupts her) ...beat her? Sapora: (pauses) Yeah. Gyrow: (Shakes head) No you didn’t. Sapora: Yeah I did! Arima is at least ten miles away by... Gyrow: (Interrupts her again) ...Now yes. Dead? NO! Believe me! This is Sword talking right now. Sapora: (Lowers her head) I know he is. And I wish he... Gyrow: (Interrupts her for the 3rd time) ...Was here right now? Sapora: Yeah. Gyrow: You read my thoughts in the past. Well, now I’m reading yours. Sapora: (Smiles a little) Hmm... Cuts to next scene Arima: (Still stuck on the energy ball) RRRRRrrrrr!!!!! You bitch, you’ll die for that!!! (Arima gathers energy in her hand) Arima: (Launching the energy blast) HIAHHH!!!!! (A huge explosion then happens. Arima has her head tilted back with her arms spread and her legs slightly apart while flapping her wings) Sapora: (Cuts back to Sapora. She looks where the explosion is) Huh?! Gyrow: (Realizes what happened) Oh shit! Sapora! Let’s move it! NOW!!! Sapora:’re...right. Let’s go! Hold on! (Gyrow holds onto Sapora’s hands and they fly off) Arima: (Camera cuts back to Arima. She stands in the air with her arms folded and her legs are limp. She flaps her wings just enough to keep her aloft. She brings her head back to position) You’re not getting away that easily. (Camera cuts back to Sapora and Gyrow. Sapora flips Gyrow onto her back and they gain speed. The cam then cuts to Arima, flying towards them. Back to Sapora, while they fly through ancient ruins to try to lose Arima.) Arima: (The cam cuts back. Laughs) You can’t escape! You’ll die before then! (The cam cuts to Sapora. She flies through tunnels, in between pillars, and cuts between trees.) Arima: (Catches up to Sapora. Waves) Hello Sapora. HIAHHH!!!!! (She hits Sapora with and energy blast) Sapora: AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gyrow: (At the same time) Whoa!!! (Hits the ground) Sapora: (Also hits the ground. She lifts her head a little. Propping her right arm up to try to lift herself) Arima: (Lands in front of Sapora and laughs) You thought you could get away. Huh, you could never outrun me. Sapora: Oh will you shut the fuck up and stop gloating about yourself! Arima: (Kicks Sapora in the face) Don’t talk to your superiors like that! Sapora: (Sits up with blood dripping from her mouth, wipes it away) Superiors...(Laughs)...that’s a good one. Superiors... Arima: You are looking for a fight aren’t you?! Oh, I’ll give you one!!! Sapora: (Laughs) Fuck you! Arima: (Raises her right hand and charges an energy blast) (Gyrow slowly starts to get up) Sapora: (Laughs) What’s wrong? Can’t fight hand to hand? And you say you’re superior. Arima: (Lowers hand) ...Huh...fine. Your way. (Sapora gets up and gets into her fighter stance. Arima gets into hers) (Gyrow is now standing on his feet looking at the two dragons. He then faces them) (Sapora and Arima start to fight) (Arima throws a kick but comes short. Her tail swings at Sapora’s face. Sapora ducks and dashes at Arima. Before her foot touches the ground, Sapora rolls and kicks upward and gets Arima at the bottom part of the jaw, sending Arima along with Sapora in the air. Arima hits the ground doing a hand spring, and lands. Sapora lands and does a jump kick at Arima and gets her in the gut, making Arima hit the ground and tumble a couple of feet. Sapora lands on the ground, getting in her fighter stance. Arima gets up) Arima: Huh. Looks like you have the upper hand here. Even so, you won’t win. (Arima runs at Sapora and tries to ram her. Sapora jumps and kicks --- --- Arima in the back of the head. She tumbles and lands on her face. Sapora lands, then starts to fly in the air. Arima gets up and starts flying toward Sapora. Sapora dodges, Arima teleports and grabs Sapora in a full nelson) Arima: Looks like I got you! Sapora: Fuck off! (Sapora does a high kick and gets Arima in the face. This causes Arima to spring back, making Sapora kick her in the face, dashing behind her, and elbowing her in the back of the neck, thus making Arima gasp for air while kneeling on the ground grabbing her neck. Sapora puts Arima in a full nelson) Sapora: Gyrow! Gyrow: (Looks at Sapora) Sapora: BLAST HER NOW!!! Gyrow: Right!!! (He charges up his first blast and fires.) Sapora: DO IT AGAIN!!! Gyrow: OKAY!!! (He blasts her again four more times. He charges up for the last one and fires the huge one) (The last one hits Arima making her helpless) Sapora: (Still holding Arima) Great! Now get over here and finish her off! Gyrow: (Runs over and stops in front of them. He blasts Arima at point-blank range three times. He takes out her dagger, throws it up making it spin, and catching it in his right hand in a stabbing position. Looking at the blade, he says) I don’t think I can do this Sapora. I can’t kill a dragon. Sapora: Shut-up and do it! She killed six of the seven sacred dragons, so her death is worth the effort! Gyrow: Even so, she is a dragon. (Pauses) I can’t do it. (Lowers his hand) Sapora: The fate of us all is in your hands! Just like Sword’s fate was! Don’t pass this up! Gyrow: (Raises his hand again) Okay. I won’t. I will do this. Sapora: THEN DO IT!!!!! (Gyrow lifts his hand higher, ready to stab Arima, but Arima opens her eyes and kicks Sapora in the head, making Sapora fall back. Arima dashes at Gyrow, hitting him with her shoulder, making the dagger spin and drop to the ground, also knocking him down. Arima pins Gyrow down, holding both his hands on the ground by the wrists. Arima pauses and discovers the dagger fell out of his hand. Arima turns her head back over her right shoulder, lifting her right hand off of Gyrow’s wrist. Sapora then puts the dagger through Arima’s forehead. Arima’s body drops to the ground) Sapora: (Gyrow gets up pushing Arima’s body off of him) Looks like I won! (She turns toward Gyrow) You all right? Gyrow: Yeah. But I don’t think I want to be a dragon anymore. I’d rather just admire them from a distance. Sapora: Well, you said it yourself. I guess you don’t need those powers anymore huh? Gyrow: No, not really. Oh, by the way, there are two sacred dragons left. Not one. Sapora: (Smiles and nods her head) I know. Fades to black...fades into next scene (Gyrow and Sapora stand in front of Sword’s body) Gyrow: How do I do this? Sapora: Just touch Sword’s shoulder and the rest you will need to do. Gyrow: Right. But first, I think he needs his wing back. (He runs and gets it and carries it back. He puts it back to where it was before, and looks at Sword’s shoulder and kneels down) Okay. Here goes. (He places his hand on Sword’s shoulder) (Light forms around Gyrow. Then the light moves over Sword and into his body. His wounds are healed, and he gasps for air) Sword: (Opens his eyes and gets up. Sword looks at himself and then looks at Gyrow) You gave me your soul to revive me? Gyrow: You deserve to live. Sword: (Places his hand on his shoulder and nods his head) Well, thanks. If it wasn’t for your courage and determination, I wouldn’t be standing here now. (While Sword is speaking, Arima falls from the sky and lands in the street) Arima: (Looks around the corner, and slightly closes her eyes) You’ll die for that Sapora! Gyrow: Yo! Man, don’t worry about it. You did me a favor, and I’m doing you one too. Sword: Ya but, this was... (Pauses and looks around) Sapora and Gyrow: What? Sword: Hmm...nothing. I thought I heard something. Anyway, let’s take you home Gyrow. Gyrow: No, no. I live down the street from here anyways. I’ll walk there. Thanks anyway though. Sapora: Hey! Gyrow! (Gyrow looks behind him) Thanks for back there. (Gyrow nods his head and continues walking) Sword: You think he’ll be okay? Arima: Nope! None of you will! All of you will die! (Has Gyrow by the throat) Gyrow: Arg!!! Help me!!! Sapora: Hey! How are you still alive?! I put that pretty knife of yours through your head! Sword: What the he... Arima: (Interrupts Sword) Shut-up! Don’t fuck with me! Sword: What?! You did to us first! Arima: I don’t care! You’ll all die soon anyway! Sapora: Well, we don’t need to kill you. You’re already dead. Arima: Dumb ass! If...I’m.....dead..........then..........................(She falls to the ground, letting Gyrow go) Sword: Get behind me! Arima: (An explosion surrounds her. In the fire, her body rises, floating in the air. Blue light surrounds her, making the fire blow away. Her feet touch the ground, and the light goes away. Her eyes glow white, and Gyrow rises up) Gyrow: What’ (His head pitches up toward the sky slowly. The rest of his body hangs there) (Sword and Sapora watch as what is happening) Gyrow: Ahh...ahhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhh...AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (His neck snaps like a twig, and his neck bone penetrates the skin. His body drops to the ground like a rag doll) Arima: (Her eyes stop glowing) One down. Two to go. Sword: DO THAT FOR YOU BITCH?!!!!! (He dashes toward her) (Arima teleports above him, Sword looks up, and throws and energy ball at her. She teleports again, and appears right behind him, and kicks him in the back of the head. He is thrown into a wall of a building, and he falls to the ground, unable to move) Sword: Rrr...ahhh...uhh... Sapora: You need a reality check! We’re sup post to be protecting the humans! Not killing them! Arima: That’s your job. Mine’s different. I’m sup post to eliminate you, and all of the sacred dragons. Those humans just got in the way! Even what’s his face there. Thanks to him, Sword was revived. He just made my work a little harder for me. That’s why I eliminated him too. Sapora: Even so! You can’t just go around killing people! Arima: I know, but I have the power to do so. Watch. (Arima starts to morph) Sapora: (She goes over to help Sword) Hey! Wake up! I’m going to need your help on this one!!! Come on! Wake up! (She nudges him) Crap! Arima: Just a little more time for you to live Sapora! (Light surrounds her, making her new form visible) (She emerges from the light) Arima: Hmm...not bad. I like this form a lot better. Sapora: What...the...fuck?! Arima: Time to finish you. (Her eyes glow and make a blinding flash) Sapora: Huh? I can’t move! CHEATER!!!!! Arima: Life is just a game! Do what you can to win! Make your moves and act upon them! You should know this by now! Sapora: What?! Life isn’t a game you idiot! Arima: (Grits her teeth and grabs Sapora with her mind) Then what is it to you?! Life is a game! For each choice, there is a consequence! Sapora: Yes! But... Arima: (Interrupts Sapora) BUT NOTHING!!!!! (Squeezes her hand shut. Sapora’s yelling makes Sword regain consciousness. Sapora’s bones get crushed and she no longer can scream. Her breathing stops as well, and her head becomes limp, just like the rest of her body) Arima: (She opens her hand, her eyes stop glowing, and Sapora falls to the ground) Two down, one to go. (Sword gets up, turns around, and sees Sapora lying on the ground) Sword: What...the...hell is going on here?! Arima: (Her ears go up, and she turns her head around over her shoulder)’re the last one on my list hansom. Sword: Yeah? Well, I’m the last thing you’ll see! Arima: Heh heh. Right. Let’s just see. (Sword charges up, and fires a huge energy ball toward Arima. She catches it in her hands. Sword fires again. The ball gets larger, as he fires five more times. He fires one last time, making the giant ball explode. Making Arima loose her form, and having her be blasted into a wall, and falling onto the ground. Sword runs to the next street where the gun shop is) Sword: (While running) Crap! I need to find a mess load of weapons! (He arrives at the shop) Sweat shit! This will do! (He runs in and gets a shotgun, some ammo, and a hunter’s knife. He runs out, and runs back to where Arima is) Sword: Now bitch...(He loads the gun and cocks it)’s time to die for real this time. (He aims the gun at her back and fires eight times, and reloads. He cocks it, aims at her head, and fires eight more times. He throws the gun to the ground, and pulls out his knife. The camera focuses on the knife, and a reflection of Sword’s face is on it. He holds it in his hand, looking down at Arima) Sword: There isn’t any need for this knife now. You’re already dead now. (He throws the knife at Arima, and it sticks right into her left leg. He spits on her and turns around. He walks toward Sapora’s body) Sword: (He kneels down and picks her up. He holds Sapora as a teardrop rolls down his face) You didn’t need to die like that. (Sapora’s body starts to glow a golden light. Then she fades away. Sword falls to his knees) Sword: (Close-up on his face from the side) Looks like I’m all alone now...(He closes his eyes)...mother...why? (Still kneeling, gets up, and wipes the tears from his face) I still don’t know why she had to do that. He wasn’t hurting anything. And she killed Sapora, and the rest of us! (turns around) Now I’m glad she’s dead. (He walks over to Arima’s dead body and looks down at her) I never thought you would do such a thing. And to kill your own son. Arima: I did it for a reason. Sword: (backs up surprised, staring at Arima while she gets up) What... reason...wa...s...that...? Arima: (Finishes getting up) The Apocalypse. Sword: The...Apoc...alypse? Arima: Yes. All of man-kind shall be destroyed along with those who protect it. Sword: So that’s killed all of Arima: (Nods her head) That’s why. Sword: are you standing here right now?! Arima: The devil. The devil powers me to live forever! Sword: Immortality? Arima: Yes. The power of the gods! And I have it. No one can kill me! Sword: ..... Arima: What’s wrong? Surprised? Sword: Not only that, but you might as well kill me now. Arima: .....No. I’m not going to do that. Sword: ??? Arima: I’m going to make you SUFFER!!! Sword: ?!!! (Arima fires an energy blast at Sword which sends him flying into a wall. He gets up stumbling at his feet) Sword: (Groaning) Damn...don’t you think I took enough hits today? Arima: You tell me. Sword: Huh. (Falls to his knees holding his side) So how does it feel killing me again? Arima: No, no. Not again...I only killed you once. It’s about to be the second. Sword: Well then. Good bye mother. (He closes his eyes, waiting for his fate. Arima draws her dagger, twirls it in her hand, and is ready to stab him) Arima: .....I...I...can’ it. (Drops her dagger) I can’t do it. Sword: (Opens his eyes) What? Why can’t you? Arima: You...are my...only son...and...I... Sword: (Arima nods her head while tears roll down her face) Then...why would you kill father? Arima: I didn’t kill him! My father did! You killed him remember?! Sword: Yeah...Delfi. That bastard. (He grabs his side and groans in pain) Damn...there’s another scar to add to my tattered body huh? (Groans again, and passes out) Arima: Sleep son. You’re going to have a big day tomorrow. (Cuts into a black screen and shows Sword opening his eyes) Sword: (Springs up and looks around) Huh?! Wha?! Arima: (Walks over from a lake and sits down next to him) You’re finally awake. Sword: Where are we? Arima: That doesn’t matter any. I’ve been thinking for a while now, and have noticed that what you are protecting is a beautiful thing. Sword: Well...yes actually. But, how can you change your mind so quickly? Arima: Quickly? Yeah well, I could have killed everything on this planet! But something stopped me. Sword: What? Arima: I...guess it (Starts to rub Swords face) Sword: Me? Arima: (Nods her head) Now get some rest son. You were hurt pretty badly. (Sword closes his eyes. Arima smiles, but then gets a mean look on her face. She pulls her arm back with her fingers straightened, and thrusts them through Swords chest) Arima: (Pulls her arm away and stands up) Problem solved. Sword: (Gasps for air, grabs his chest, and looks at Arima) But.....I.....(Tears roll down his face) (He looks at her for a few seconds and his eyes close. His head falls to the side. Arima spits at his dead body and walks away) Arima: (She walks away and heads towards the lake) Nope. It was just an act. Now the last is dead, and it can finally begin. (She washes her hand off. She stands up and looks back at Sword. She waits, and flies off) (Camera focuses on Sword’s face as the tears fall to the ground) Arima: (Camera shows Arima standing on top of a building) Let it begin. (Arima lifts her arms up to the sides and opens her fists. Light starts to surround her, then converts to fire. Her head tilts back, and her eyes spring open, and glow a white light. The buildings colapse, and Arima floats in air. The horizon turns red, and everything is set on fire) Ha ha! It’s working. Soon, all of Earth will die! (Camera goes back to Sword, looking at all of his body. It slowly goes inward, focusing on his face) Sword: (His eyes spring open) HUH!!! (He stands up, and looks at his chest, pulling his hand away, seeing blood on it. His hand goes back down) (He looks up at the sky confused. A white light goes through his body and surrounds him. His head goes back, and his eyes open glowing green. He starts to float, making water underneath his feet, making the grass grow with flowers. The light softens, but his body is still covered in the light. His feet touch the ground, and he closes his eyes. He teleports away, and then in front of Arima. He opens his eyes) Hello mother. (Arima picks here head up, and slowly opens her eyes and the fire settles) Arima: ..... Sword: You started this, and it’s time for me to finish it. Arima: You said that the last time. Do you think you can do it this time? Sword: .....I can back up my words. Arima: Find out then. Sword: (His eyes slightly close in anger) ...What-ever. (Arima pulls her arms back and the fire engulfs her. Sword folds his arms and lets the fire hit him, making it turn to steam. Arima dashes at him throwing a punch that is lit on fire. Sword is hit, but doesn’t move. Arima’s hand is put out, and she is sprung back. Fire engulfs her again) Arima: I guess fire won’t work. Sword: Nice guess. But now you can’t even touch me. Fielding is powering me, the Sacred Dragons are powering me, the Earth is powering me, every life form! Even God. You can’t pass through me this time. You’re done. Arima: ..... (Sword teleports behind her and grabs her by the neck. He charges up, making water on the ground, and Arima scream. Sword lets go, causing Arima to slightly fall, and he does a bicycle kick to her head. She is propelled toward the ground below. She hits the water, making a huge splash. She hits the bottom, and floats back up to the top. Sword slightly closes his eyes, and pulls his arms back and to the sides. Blue light surrounds his hands, and he puts his wrists together. The light joins together, and electricity forms around it. A ball forms, and he throws it into the water. The ball explodes and makes the water electrified. Arima starts to scream, and she becomes paralyzed. Sword makes the water drain, and Arima’s body touches the street. Sword touches the ground) Sword: The victor... (Sword raises his arms up. Electricity forms on top of his hands. The camera looks up at the sky. Clouds start to form, and turn black. Lightning flashes within the clouds. The camera goes back down, looking up from Sword’s feet. Sword looks up, and pulls his left arm down very fast. A bolt of lightning strikes Arima’s body. The bolt stays there shocking her. He pulls down his right arm the same way, making another bolt strike her body. It also stays shocking her) Sword: Bye! (He widens his eyes making them flash. Another bolt comes down and makes an explosion. Sword stands in it un hurt) Nice knowing you mom. (He starts to walk away) Arima: I before... Sword: (Stops. Eyes widen) ..... Arima: Sword: (Turns around) ..... Arima: You can take back what you said now. Sword: ..... Arima: Okay. What-ever. It’s your fate. Sword: ...Half is done. Arima: What? Sword: I stopped it. Arima: Well when you die, I’ll start it again. Sword: ...Try me. Arima: Rrrrrr... (Arima dashes at Sword with her dagger ready. She makes a slash, but Sword dodges. She continues to go forward, but turns her head a little. Sword straightens his fingers, and slashes backward. Arima’s head falls off and her body tumbles to the ground. Sword makes his eyes flash and her head explodes. He turns around. He pulls his right arm back behind his head, makes a fist, and flings his arm away. A blast of blue energy is released, and makes Arima’s body disintegrates) Sword: (Stands straight, and closes his eyes. The light starts to soften) To protect, at all costs. (He pulls his head back, the light fades even more, and Sword’s body begins to show. The camera looks at his entire body from different angles. His chest wound shows, and the rest of the light goes away) Uhh...uhhhh..... (His body falls to the ground while his eyes close and his breath goes away) Fades to black “To protect at all costs.” Sacred Dragon Code (Credits roll playing music) The End