Angelissa and the Serpent By: Lars Carlson All characters copyrighted by their respective players. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Angelissa fought her way through miles of churning vapor. Howling winds and updrafts pushed the angel carelessly about. Oily rainwater soaked her robe and drenching her wings. Visibility was nil - Angelissa could barely see herself the few times she looked down. When she started to worry the storm might never end the dark clouds split open to pink garishness. Gratefully, the angel spiraled toward a crumbled sandstone ridge and landed. Small stones turned to muddy powder under Angelissa's boots, but the ground held. "Always something with this place..." Angelissa, "Angel" for short, muttered while she wrung out her hair. Her buxom figure glistened with moisture, "And I thought the ash on the 3881st layer was bad." She spent several minutes preening, shaking and slicking water onto the grainy rock beneath her. The sandstone thirstily drank the tiny droplets, leaving no trace at all. A hot breeze rolled over the plateau, but it was so humid that Angelissa actually felt wetter than before. Finally she just gave up, decided her good looks would have to wait and turned her attention to the larger scene. The wind which slithered about Angelissa rolled across a sea of violet leaves from which pathetic reddish-brown humps rose. Each hump, a sandstone ridge, bled rock as the twisted fingers of massive trees tore furrows in their flanks. Falling rock and breaking branches echoed unpleasantly beneath the canopy. Angelissa thought she spied birds floating in the distance, but rising fog plumes soon hid them from her sight. Given Terr'serpens' reputation, perhaps it was better she hadn't gotten a better look. Other celestials told unpleasant stories about this place and more than a few openly feared it. Demons used Terr'serpens as a prison for celestials captured in good and evil's unending war - a planar prison. Few actual demons lived in the daemon-forest, but what few did were powerful indeed. Some of the plane's wardens, other angels whispered, rivaled balors in power. Coupled with tales of super-demonic lusts for flesh, Angelissa understood why her angelic kin avoided Terr'serpens. She also understood why she, with her rather "unique" talents, had been approached for the job. Angelissa softly bit her lower lip and considered her options: the same sandstone ridges, torn by the same cruel violet-leaved trees, both under the same pungently pink sky lay in all directions - the place was maddeningly uniform. She hadn't seen any landmarks on her way down and Angelissa doubted the plane ever possessed a one. The demons developed Terr'serpens into a cunning torture device- anyone that made it to the top would find nowhere to go but everywhere. It was the perfect trap. Therefore, Angelissa surmised, she'd find what she sought beneath the canopy. She hoped that, at least... Angelissa took a deep breath and kicked off her ridge. The angel spread her damp wings, caught the wet breeze and arced toward a scraggly sandstone spire below. Her metal-booted foot skipped off the narrow pinnacle with a sharp tap. She swooped down to an even lower spire, skipped off that one and flew even lower, repeating the process again and again until she was almost on the canopy's surface. However, the thickness of the leaves brought her up short - she could see no breaks anywhere, not even against the ridgeline. How would she break through into the forest's depths? Barely twenty feet from the canopy's surface, Angelissa slid to a halt. Bits of stone flaked under her boots and clattered down onto the leaves below. The wind picked up again suddenly and generated a furious updraft. Angelissa struggled to keep her footing but caught her foot on a rock. She fell back with a surprised yelp. Her wings broke her fall, but she still sprawled uncomfortably on the wide ledge. The ledge itself fared much worse - weakened by constant weathering, the wind's sudden jolt tore the sandstone free. Angelissa had barely collected herself when the ledge pitched over and down. Fumbling for a grip on something, Angelissa tried to pull herself away from the falling rock. Her hand grabbed a jagged stone but it powdered instantly. Her wings, pinned against the stone, were useless. A fortunate tumble saved her from being crushed but she continued down with the slab as it punched through tangles of black branches. Terr'serpens putrid pink sky vanished vanished, swallowed by darkness. Wrecked branches scrabbled against Angelissa's body. Terrible echoing crashes boomed around her, the ledge's disintegration and fall echoed by thousands of unseen wood boles. Only when her body struck a particularly solid branch did Angelissa's fall end, with nothing more than a few bruises, a shredded robe and some missing feathers to mark the occasion. Her form-fitting armor glinted dully in the darkness. "Ow...." Angelissa grunted. "That could have gone better." Nothing had broken during the fall, branches aside. All of Angelissa's limbs seemed ok and her armor was none the worse for wear. Her robe was a total loss, but that wasn't important. Cluebringer, something VERY important, hung at her side like a loyal pet. Angelissa thanked goodness that she could see in total darkness, even the tainted darkness which covered her now. Unfortunately she couldn't do anything about the pungent odor of rotten wood. The place reeked of it. "Still, can't say it didn't work, though," Angelissa smirked as she squirmed for a better position. "Better than hacking through these stupid br-" Her branch shook and cracked loudly. The angel scowled - the timing couldn't have been worse. Some might have found it humorous, but in the daemon-forest humor was in short supply. Angelissa twisted her body carefully and took hold of a nearby branch. She pulled as the branch beneath her snapped. She nearly lost her grip on the clammy wood but managed to hang on while the branch beneath her plunged. It smashed against another branch, snapped and then tumbled end over end into the darkness. Angelissa didn't hear anything of it after that. Angelissa sighed and swayed back and forth, suspended by a branch and one arm. She couldn't see the forest floor - darkness swallowed everything beyond a few tens of feet. When she glanced back up, the angel surprisingly saw the ragged tunnel she'd entered through mending itself and preventing any possible egress. Terr'serpens had trapped her. "Guess the only way is down now." Folding her wings tightly against her back, Angelissa closed her eyes and released the branch. She covered her face with her arms as gravity drug her down. Air rushed about her in a storm of noise and her feathers ruffled uncomfortably. Twigs scraped and battered her, but her armor protected her from the worst wooden talons. Then, without warning, she broke through a thin blanket of twigs and into open air. Angelissa dared a peek and then opened her wings reflexively. Her descent immediately slowed. She'd fallen into the forest's lower reaches, somewhere between the canopy and the floor. Massive tree trunks, like malformed pillars, loomed all around her. Rivers of noxiously blue vapor snaked between them, casting off shadowy glows. Further below, she could see a gently boiling cauldron of mist. Endless night stretched above and around her. "Wow." Angelissa breathed, overcome by the awesome sight. Nothing moved, save her wings and the serpentine fog-rivers. Combined with the cold air, she felt like she'd entered some great mausoleum. A flicker of bright light caught Angelissa's eye. At first she thought it a torch but a vapor-flow curled thickly before it. Curious, the angel flew in the light's direction. The air temperature dropped rapidly and she shivered - streams of mist poured from her damp wings. The vapor-cloud itself was even colder, sapping heat and strength from the angel while she flew through it despite her divine protections. When she gratefully burst through the cloud's opposite bank, Angelissa continued descending toward the brilliant beacon. Frozen bands of light clung to slimy tree trunks around her, never flickering despite their source. That source, Angelissa saw, was a massive ball of white flame which must have measured several miles in diameter. A smaller, darker blot rest upon the fireball. Curls of blue flame dripped from the ball's lowest extremities and fell like stardust before disappearing completely. Doubly wary, Angelissa paused and hovered; she'd never seen anything like this before. The air around her was deathly cold and seemed even colder nearer to the fireball. Streams of sickly blue vapor rose and fell around the fireball's equator, some of them becoming globules of ice which fell with the dribbling fire. Their tinkling meshed with the fireball's muted roar. Yet something else about the flaming mass troubled Angelissa - something called to her; compelled her to draw closer. Suppressing anxiety as best she could, Angelissa flew toward the dark blot atop the fireball. Much to her surprise and amazement, Angelissa discovered not a daemonic construct of unearthly sinister intent but a beautiful garden. Lush green creeper vines, each thick as her leg, hung from its sides and swayed in a silent breeze. Waxy pink flowers glistened in white firelight, dripping honey from their unfurled petals. Further inland, bank upon bank of purple and blue wildflowers ruffled in silent breezes. The stench of cold, rotten wood was replaced by warm earthen scents. When Angelissa landed just beyond the wall of pink flowers and vine roots, the darker flowers parted to reveal a stone path. Her boots gently clanked against the gray-white material. Welcome traveler... The angel blinked in surprise and looked around her as a soothing voice whispered in her ear. No one stood near her - no one she could sense, at least. The forest's evil aura remained strong as ever and clouded her special senses. You've come far and at great peril. Rest yourself... Still wary, Angelissa put one foot forward. Since nothing burst through the stone or attacked her from behind, she thought herself safe for the moment and walked slowly down the path. Her footsteps rang louder than was comfortable. Flowers rustled behind her and closed the path so that when she'd almost reached the stand of trees (which ended the path) a glance behind her revealed a trackless sea of purple and blue. A thin veil of hanging moss blocked her path like smaller versions of the garden's creeper vines. They even held small pink flowers, so delicate they were almost translucent. The stone path continued beyond the veil but hid in the stand's shadows. Angelissa didn't dare another step - she'd come this far without incident and now overwhelming dread gnawed her chest. Coooooome... Angelissa narrowed her eyes and pulled Cluebringer from its scabbard. The holy sword rang metallically and gave off pale yellow light. Something tried to compel her through dark magic into the clearing - she could sense enchantment but such was her power that she shook it off. She held Cluebringer before her, its tip pointed at the darkness. The garden shriveled around Angelissa as if blighted. Green stalks crumbled to dust and flowers curled inward. Trees blackened and shrank. Every plant faded to reveal a field of dirt and stone. Yet something even more terrible met the angel's eyes, something the darkness hid before. In the middle of the stand, held by the dead trees, a great pile of bone rose into the garden's overhanging mists. They'd been carefully arranged into grotesque poses of suffering but were all intact - save their heads. No sign of decay showed on any of the bone. What horrified Angelissa the most was what the bones had come from - each one, opalescent and pure, once belonged to an angel. The garden was a charnel house of daemonic victory, a display of unholy power. Angelissa's boot crunched on something and she looked down. The path she'd walked leered up at her, made from the displaced skulls. Their empty eye sockets glowed pale white, as if reflecting the flames beneath. The angel fought the urge to retch and gripped her sword tightly. Bereft of its honeyed tone and sweet words, the voice spoke to Angelissa. This time she could definitely place its source. She whirled around. A great serpentine body rested on the path not a few paces from where she stood. Its owner, a black-scaled demoness, flicked her forked tongue while she met the angel's eyes. Angelissa glared defiantly at her. The demoness spoke. Her coils, easily sixty or so feet long, ground noisily against the skull-path. "You're the beast responsible for all this?" Angelissa snarled, motioning toward the bone pile with her free hand. "You're the one that built this mockery?" The demon laughed, her scale-coated breasts bouncing. Angelissa snorted with disgust. The demon smirked and slid a hand along her gray-scaled belly. Angelissa noted that her opponent, though muscular, bore much visible fat on her body - fat which the demon now squeezed firmly. The angel didn't even dignify that with a response. A lightning bolt exploded from Cluebringer's tip, channeled through the sword by Angelissa. The demon blinked in surprise as the bolt slammed into her chest. Smoke poured from her body when the electrical discharge subsided but she remained intact. She held her ground despite the bolt's force. The demon snarled. Her lips peeled back to reveal banks of salivated fangs. Out of nowhere, two curved blades appeared in the demon's hands. They glowed bright red and throbbed with daemonic energy. The demoness lunged at Angelissa, crisscrossing her blades. Angelissa leaped back and parried one blade while she vaulted over the second. Her path carried her away from the demon and onto the bone pile, where she landed hard. Bones clattered and crumbled beneath her. She fought valiantly for balance. The demoness gave Angelissa no quarter and surged up the bone pile, heavy coils easily gliding over twisted angelic frames. Angelissa leaped forward, barely missing one of the demon's powerful blades as it crashed down where she'd stood. Her boots came down on the demon's long back and dug their pointed heels in. Her opponent screamed in pain and twisted violently. Angelissa was flung sideways in a spray of demon blood and bounced inelegantly down the pile and onto her stomach. Cluebringer flew from her grip when she landed. The angel coughed, spitting out bits of bone and dust. Angelissa looked up to see the demoness bearing down on her in an avalanche of bone and scale. She quickly called upon divine flames and hurled them at her foe in a vengeful geyser. The demoness hissed in pain but burst through the inferno before it did serious damage. Angelissa didn't have time to dodge the demon's attack and her opponent's sword smashed heavily against her side. Her armor shattered into minute fragments - it saved her from injury but left the angel naked and vulnerable. The demoness smirked as she grabbed Angelissa by the throat. Both of her glowing swords vanished. Angelissa squirmed and grabbed the demon's wrist in both hands but couldn't pull free. Casually, the monstrous serpent brought the struggling angel to eye level. Angelissa's kicks bounced off the demon's humanoid stomach. She chuckled and licked Angelissa's cheek slowly. Angelissa shivered at the slimy touch. The demon's jaws popped wetly open. Normally, the sight of a gaping maw would have excited Angelissa to no end. She'd hardly call her situation normal; she admitted inwardly, though, her foe had a compelling mouth: cavernous, salivated and lined with a myriad of curved fangs. Yet the angel had no desire to penetrate this gullet - she dared not think of what horrors the demoness would wreak upon her while she digested. The demon's cold breath washed over her face and Angelissa's vision filled with that terrible mouth. Defeat seemed inevitable... Angelissa suddenly got an idea. She took one hand off the demon's wrist and shoved it back into the gaping jaws, between her foe's teeth. The demon gagged but immediately swallowed the angel's fist, believing Angelisse meant to choke her. That was the moment Angelissa struck. Holy thunder burst from her closed hand. A look of surprised, quickly replaced by glassy dazedness, overcame the demoness's face. The serpentine creature wavered and then fell like a cut tree. She released Angelissa's neck on the second bounce. "Not today..." Angelissa panted while she extracted her arm from the demon's maw, the limb smeared in saliva and bleeding in a couple places. The demoness didn't say anything - she just twitched and stared vacantly ahead. Angelissa's thunder blast had shocked her entire system and she probably wouldn't recover anytime soon. However, the avenging angel wanted to ensure she'd never get that far. Sitting down on the dusty soil, Angelissa drew the demon's snaky head into her lap. She licked her lips slowly and smiled. "You wanted to eat me and make me a part of you. Well, today is the day you become part of me..." Angelissa's ruby red lips parted and planted on the demon's blunt snout. It seemed impossible that she'd consume the demon's body without slicing it up, yet Angelissa's specialty lay in devouring large meals like this. That was why she'd been approached for this task. Soft sucking noises escaped Angelissa's mouth as it stretched impossibly around the demon's head. Black scales, charred by spark and flame, crept steadily into the angel's maw and vanished down her throat. Her cheeks puffed out, followed by her throat, then the upper section of her torso and finally her deceptively flexible belly. She devoured the demon's neck, shoulders and torso greedily. Her gullet rippled and glurped loudly. Only the demon's large, soft breasts gave Angelissa any trouble - she spent almost ten minutes kneading them into her cheeks and swallowing them proved a considerable chore too. Her tongue pressed on the demon's stomach, squeezing her meal's wrongfully gained fatness. By the time she'd forced the demon's upper body into her swelling stomach, she'd drooled a bit onto her chin, belly and breasts. At least no one was around to chide her manners. The rest of the demon's body went down fairly easily - it was, in essence, a very long cylinder of meat. One hand caressed her growing gut the entire time, feeling every squirm of the demon inside and every tremble of muscle as it strained around her meal. Angelissa's stomach-compression ability seemed unable to totally compensate for the demon's evil power; her belly expanded beyond her norm for such feedings. When she slurped down the end of the demon's tail and swallowed it, her stomach dwarfed her body by at least threefold. "Oooooogh..." Angelissa groaned and closed her eyes. With one arm she wiped off her chin and lips, the demon's flavor still strong on her tongue. "Urrp!" She blushed faintly at the girlishly cute belch and opened her eyes again. The fireball's light had gone out and plunged the entire area in blackness, save for a single point of light which floated beside her. Angelissa blinked as the glowing sphere unfolded into the ghostly image of another angel. It could almost have been Angelissa's twin save for the straight black hair, the two wings and the slightly tan skin. The ghost-angel smiled and touched Angelissa's belly. (Thank you for releasing us...) Angelissa stared uncomprehendingly. (So long as the demon lived, our souls were bound to her will. You've freed us from our imprisonment, and we thank you.) Suddenly, the fireball's nature made sense - why it called to her and why it was so cold. The souls of countless angels, trapped for countless ages in Terr'serpense, railed for release. She'd become their savior, in her own special way. Angelissa smiled back to her ghostly compatriot. (For your bravery, we'll transport you away from this place to claim your meal in peace.) The ghost angel leaned down, kissed Angelissa's cheek and the darkness melted away in a wash of light. When it subsided, the angel lay in her own bed in the heavenly realms with her sword propped beside her. The dust and grime of Terr'serpens had been washed away. A sense of euphoria crept over her - she'd done a great deed and gotten a good meal to boot, which amounted to a perfect mission in her book. Burping softly, Angelissa closed her eyes and fell into deep slumber, lulled by her churning stomach. ------------------------------------------ "And that's how I got back..." "I love happy endings, especially when they're like that." Angelissa smiled and nodded. She was on earth now and sat on a grass hill, clad only in her trademark robe. The garment didn't hide her stuffed middle, though she'd digested the demon thoroughly enough that it now seemed a normal-sized belly bulge by the angel's standards. One hand rest on her gently gurgling mound and stroked it. Beside her sat a blue anthromorphic dragoness who also had one hand on the angel's stomach. The dragoness was around six or seven feet tall, had long green hair and sky-blue belly scales. Two plump, round breasts rose up and down as shi breathed, each one a match for Angelissa's pair. Between hir legs, a firm sheath connected to a nice weighty ball-sack rest on the warm grass. Shi didn't take any pride or shame in hir well-muscled form, but shi did like showing off. The dragoness, named Mera, leaned over and licked hir friend's cheek. "Me too..." Angelissa replied, kissing the dragon's muzzle. "I bet I know how to make it happier." Mera grinned. "Oh?" The angel asked, though she already guessed what her friend had in mind. "Wrapping that sexy tummy of yours in a dragonscale coat." "Mmmmm... like this one?" Angelissa asked, sliding her free hand across the dragon's toned middle, which grumbled faintly. "I don't see any others around." Mera laughed and curled one hand around the angel's side. Angelissa giggled, rolled onto her side and swung one leg across the dragoness' lap so that she straddled hir. Her round stomach bumped into the dragon's slim one. Mera smiled and planted another kiss on Angelissa's cheek while shi took hir friend's robe by the neckline and rent it with a single yank. Ripped cloth floated down to either side of them. Angelissa's cheeks blushed slightly, and the angel coyly slid her delicate hands along her belly. "Oh my... you're such a naughty dragon..." "Only because you're such a naughty angel." Angelissa smirked. The dragoness curled her paws around Angelissa's middle and placed them on her hips. Hir claws grazed the celestial's buttocks lightly and sent a shiver up Angelissa's spine. Angelissa arched her back and pressed her feathery mouth to the dragon's sheath, sending hir a signal that she wanted a little fun before she took the plunge. Mera smiled and hugged the angel tightly. Their twin pairs of massive breasts squeezed flatly into one another as muzzle locked with lip. Between them, Mera's blue-scaled sheath grew with excitement. Angelissa's slit rubbed against it eagerly, the angel's fluids gently leaking onto the dragon. While Mera's tongue slid out to cradle Angelissa's chin, hir thick black cock emerged from hir sheath to nestle inside of the angel. Their union suckled lewdly but neither cared. Mera's paws clutched Angel's buttocks firmly while shi thrust hir hips, bouncing the angel slowly into hir mouth in the same motion. Angelissa crooned and closed hir eyes. Her moist pussy clenched around the dragon's black penis, their juices making perfect lubricant. Every thrust pushed her deeper inside the dragoness. She felt every ripple of mawflesh around her, not to mention the gentle scrape of Mera's teeth but she didn't mind if she got nicked - where she was going, it didn't matter. She gripped the dragon's sides and hugged hir firmly - she was ready. Mera smiled around hir treat and gulped. Angelissa's pretty face soon vanished inside the dragon's mouth and Mera's muzzle closed around her neck. Then their lovemaking began in earnest. Powerful thrusts shoved the angel up into the dragon's jaws as several inches of slimy cock slid back and forth in Angelissa's love tunnel. Trickles of pre leaked from the shaft's tip, all of which the angel's body greedily drank. Veins throbbed on the shaft's surface and sexual blush spread across Angelissa's back. Her belly gurgled louder. Mera's saliva ran in thick rivers down her body and dripped from her firm nipples. Within moments, Angelissa's head squeezed into Mera's throat, followed by her neck, part of her wings and soon her shoulders. Angelissa moaned loudly when the dragon's tongue slathered over her demon-fattened breasts. Mera curled hirself forward to keep plunging into hir friend's pussy for as long as possible. Precum and angel-juice smeared hir thighs and filled the air with their combined scents. Whenever the dragoness moaned, hir gullet vibrated heavily around Angelissa. The angel was surrounded by a cacophony of bodily and pleasurable noises. Hir throat's slimy lining coated Angelissa and, coupled with hir saliva, made the angel's descent toward hir stomach that much easier. However, shi could not eat and mate the angel at once indefinitely - shi could only stretch so far. Shi'd have to pull free of Angelissa or spit hir out. Unsurprisingly, Mera didn't stop eating. Hir entire body squeezed tightly around Angelissa, half-crushing the winged female. The dragoness' powerful cock shivered, swelled and vented a fountain of cream into Angelissa's body. She moaned when the hot geyser spewed into her womb and then trembled when it pulled free and coated her bare bottom in ragged cum-strings. Mera grunted and swallowed, dragging Angelissa's stomach down her throat and filling hir muzzle with the angel's cum-stained hips. Angelissa's hands gently gripped Mera's lips before they were pulled down into the dragon's gullet. The next several moments were a recovery period for both of them. Mera slumped onto hir back and used hir wings as a cushion while shi consumed Angel's playfully kicking legs. Angelissa shivered in pleasure, driven to orgasm by the dragon's tongue just before she'd slipped out of range. Then she went limp with a smile on her face. Her body splurched heavily inside of Mera's slime-coated belly and reflexively curled into the fetal position. Angelissa's long flight pinions and saliva-covered feet entered last. Mera panted heavily. Shi smelled of sex and had juices of the same on hir thighs and muzzle, but shi didn't mind. Hir stomach, bloated with Angelissa, quivered as the angel explored her familiar surroundings. Gentle glurps and other slimy noises emitted from the round bulge and Mera chuckled. "Having fun?" "Mmmmhmmmm," Angelissa replied. With her full stomach, she made the dragoness look like shi'd eaten two meals instead of one. "Good." Mera chuckled and curled hir lips back in a powerful belch. A couple errant feathers flew out of hir muzzle and slowly drifted back down to earth. Some of them came to rest on hir rounded stomach. Angelissa smiled and nuzzled hir friend's belly, which got a firm pat. The two of them lay like that for quite a while but soon became sleepy. The angel's full belly, coupled with the dragon's warmth, sent her off to the land of sleep while the dragon's fullness made hir drowsy. Mera's belly gurgled loudly for the next several hours, digesting both Angelissa and what remained of her meal. Nothing remained of the angel by morning - all had been absorbed by the dragon's gut. Angelissa would rise again though. Her demon-meal would not. The angel reformed when the sun rose and curled her naked body against the dragon. One hand reached down and fondled the dragon's ripe ball-sack, now heavy with fresh seed. Angelissa licked her lips and smiled...