“So We Meet” ~~~~ By: Talathia Dark-Song Story started : 7.24.01 Finished: 8.10.01 Rating: PG (c) 2001 all rights reserved to not alter with out verbal permission. Seto, Kasiya, Trystan, Vice and anyone else not created by me is copyrighted to theirs players and owners. All other characters are Copyrighted (c) Kristi Nichols 2001 (( About a year ago a person had turned my coven on me as well as the guides in our coven. I was left with nothing but my element water and the sea. This is a story n which I put characters that in someway represent the ones I know. The summer of 2000 was hell for me and now that a year has past. I have been able to write this a short story. Maybe to explain how the Erica in me drifted away and the wolfen was born.)) Somethings in life are harsh. But they only happen to teach us lessons. Lessons we need to learn. No matter how much it hurts. We fall in love and get our hearts broken. But maybe its for the better. Hiding seems the only exacape for alot of us. But hiding under a mask does not help much. Soon people find out who you are. And leave you to rote... but when they need your paw to get moving again they act like they did nothing. YET when you make a mistake you are doggedly hunted. But in reality all you want is friends and are so gullible to make friends with anyone. Including ones that will stap you in the back. In a micro-second. Pitiful uh ? Well take a lesson from this old sea wolf... TRUST NO ONE but your guides and maybe your friends. Sadly some of us can not even do that. But never the less lets get on with the tale shaw we ? People ask “ How did Talathia meet Verg and How did Erica (Jackie) Become Talathia.? ” well in this little tale the sea wolf will tell you. What Happened To Me....or rather Talathia. Enjoy... ~~~~ A young girl about the age of 17 shivered in some type of room. What happened to her ? She was no longer her self. On the out side at least. The girl lay on the metal rust colored floor. Her fur was damp and sticky with salt water. She tried to remember what all happened to her. Clearly some one had saved her but who? They all where on Tammy's side in this. When She did nothing in the first place. The girl sighed. Maybe the Kats? No.. the form she took was wolf-lepord. Who ever saved her changed her. The girl sat up and tried to remember. Looking around the room she could tell she was in a boat. The vibrations told her that much. She herd voices in a hall away. Different form any *human* voice. She sighed. Then she blacked out. Dreams of what happened came back to her. ** Erica that was my name Erica Van Burace ! Running... running fast. People where after me. She is crying for someone. Seto and Zeik yes I had be-friended the demon yes. Something bad I did nothing ! It was not me no! Tammy is lying!!! Daddy dont believe her! Its not true! STOP! Run away ocean... yes water someone pulls me down. Hostage ? wait... no... maybe... A anthropromorhic primate. YEAH thats who changed me. That ray. Pain it hurt. Black out. Voices odd but familiar. Who are they. Sleep... *** The girl woke up. She was not Erica anymore... or at least on the out side. She shivered. Warping her tail around her. The primate came back. Eyeing her. The girl looked at him. “ Boss shes awake ! Want me to send her back to the Blues as a warning ?” The primate shot up to someone. Then he looked back down at her. “ Boss ? “ “ FOOL ! “ this voice was differnt for the others and the most familiar. The aura as well. So familiar to her. “ Spew ! CAN YOU NOT SEE TALATHIA IN FRONT OF YOU! “ Verg growled picking him up and facing him towards the girl. The girl blinked. ‘Talathia ? Thats what the person in my dreams called me...’ she though. Spew looked at her and cowered at bit. “ Talathia... but I thought the humans killed her years ago? " Spew said shocked. “ This is her reincarnation... Erica Van... Burace...well not longer in that form. I pray for us we are not to late. I hope her mind has not grown cold yet.” Verg said siting Spew down. The girl’s name was Talathia... Talathia blinked again taking her eyes from her knees. To look at the one who saved her. He was huge tall as the sky. Voice that seemed to in so odd way relaxed her. He looked down at her and started to reach for her. “ Who--o are you ... why did you save me. Whats going on ? “ Talathia managed to say. Verg grinned at her and bent down on his knees, even though he was still overwelmeingly taller. “ Why I am Lord Verg of the Phantom Ship and you are my Queen... I had you changed to see if you really were my Queen. That there sweetness is your true form. I know what those humans did to you back home. Dont worry little would cub. Your safe here.” Verg said taking off his cap and wrapping her in it. “ As much as *I* would love you to walk around nude we cant have that. We dont need our crew sniffing at you.” Verg purred. “ You mean... “ Talathia was very confused. “ Why did you save me... What dose Spew mean about back to the Blues...? “ “ He he he he You have *so* much to learn. Dont worry wolf cub your not going anywhere but here. Now lets get you some clothing. And show you *your* NEW Kingdom!” Verg happily said picking her up and holding her. Talathia nuzzled his chest but wondered why. Her father Garrett, and Tammy. Tammy who had managed to turn everyone of Tammy’s friends one her. Convinced that all of Filgaia hated her. Which was a lie, and if Talathia only knew how much her father did love her. But sadly her mind was blinded by Tammy’s lies. A single tear traveled down her wolfen cheek. Verg felt it as it feel onto his skin. In a gentle voice he purred. Not saying anything to her. Only in some way in his low purrs in growls in the old wolf tongue he let her know no one would ever harm her here. But still that did not cover the void of her father. Could she ever morph Erica again and go home ? Or would they case her out ? Being stupid she believed Tammy’s lies. Falling asleep and bearing her belly to Verg in his arms. She for once was given a dreamless sleep. To let her mind ease. And the memories forgotten for a few hours. more to come... when I get off my ass -_- ;;