She just sat there, she was tiered and out of breath. Life was no longer as it had once been for her. So many more obstacles for her to deal with, so many things made harder. Even her mind was being put to work. She could hardly even remember the days of the week, let alone when appointments were to take place. She just sighed and placed a hand upon her swollen furry stomach and sat down on the bed and looked to the door thoughtfully. She was starting to get too far into her pregnancy to even be able to deal with the steps down here. The elevator that had been installed was out of order for some damned reason. Baldurolv was probably to blame for that, always wanting to tinker and make sure things were working and in ‘top condition’ as he said. At least one more day was over, one day closer to be relieve of the full belly that she was growing. She slowly pulled her blouse over her head and winced at the pain in her breasts from this gesture and simply blinked as removing the blouse caused feather to fluff from her wings. Molting, those hot flashes that she had been having was having such an affect on her that her wings seemed to be in a state of constant molting. She was even shedding. Here and there she’d find bald spots on her wings and body now and again. She hated some of these changes so and just didn’t know what to do. Her breasts were in just as much turmoil, hurting and painful. Sometimes at night their discomfort caused her lover Chaz, to keep that discomfort he had downstairs. Unable to help him in relieving his sexual tension, both of them would often fall asleep cranky and wake up groggy from a night of tossing and turning. Though, she was getting to a point where she too was not without her desires. It seemed that this heightened pregnancy was bringing on a heightened arousal for her. Even Chaz seemed more aroused by her fuller rounder self. Odd really she thought, she almost hated this change in her as well as the problems it brought with it. She was beginning to get more and more tiered day by day and was so round that at times she had trouble getting up or moving around. How much longer? One month? Two? Hells if she could remember. One thing for sure was her half sister Tabitha and her mother Almalah voicing their own problems about their growing bodies also due to pregnancy made life a hell of a lot harder. She almost wanted to beat them down because of their whining complaints. ‘Wait until you’re in my paws’ She’d always grump back at them. Baldurolv seemed to be happy a the chance of getting to be a father after his 56 or so years of being with no family. Sure, Chaz called him dad, but technically, Chaz was more of a surrogate to him. Sam though, she wasn’t sure of his thoughts on this or even knew if he understood what was going on. Hell, she was still trying to figure out what was going on. Tabitha’s change to what seemed to be a half dragon seemed followed by her sudden pregnancy were quite odd. Maybe Sam had done something to her he just didn’t realize or mean to. Maybe he still had his dragon in him. They’d see soon enough when Tabby had her litter.

She sat and looked around the small bedroom that belonged to her and Chaz and just sighed. What had she come her for? Oh, yes, sleep. She looked to the door of their private bathroom where behind it she could hear the sound of running water as Chaz showered. She smiled to herself. He was so happy at the thought of being a father. She remember when the pregnancy was new and they were both very concerned and worried about it. Things seemed to be so much smoother now for both of them. Thos sometimes with the way she felt and the things she went through, she felt nearly condemned by the coming children. A litter of six, two having their father’s human genetics, it seemed to make him even happier knowing that the one little girl with the human genes was going to carry her angelic/demonic ones. Why? Hell if she knew. If he was happy she too would remain happy. She sighed once again and rose to remove her skirt then climbed over the bed and lay in her side pulling the covers up over her. She just watched the door in quiet silence as she heard the shower shut off and movement behind the door. She lay there waiting and soon enough the door opened and Chaz stepped out. He looked to her smiling as he finished driving himself off with a towel. He was in the buff. His skin was slightly tanned and smooth, still glistening wet with drops of water. He was slender with a slight build. He was well endowed so to speak and she couldn’t help but to grin as she found herself growing aroused as she looked him over. His glistening green eyes smiled under slender black brows. He rubbed the towel once more through his mess of black hair and through it aside and grinned as he caught her eyes looking him over.

“Enjoying what you see,” he grinned and he almost teasingly strut to her and then lifted the covers to climb into the bed beside her. He paused but a moment to take in her curves that were even more so rounded with her pregnancy. Her white fur seemed to glisten with a pregnant glow and her black tiger stripes were darker on her body. He just eyed her body, her rounded breasts were even more firm and rounded than usual due to being enlarged to produce milk for the children that would be coming to them. Her great wings were just as beautiful with those snow white feathers. He loved how they seemed to portray the gentleness she had in her as well as the angelic side of her. Her tail seemed to twitch under the covers. He wasn’t sure if this was in anticipation or excitement it seemed to excite him just the same. He climbed into bed with her and pulled her close and kissed her nose gently. He felt lucky to have such a beautiful and loving woman. Times had been hard on them with her constant mood swings, but it wasn’t her fault, was it? He smiled as she nuzzled into his chest placing a loving kiss over his chest and neck. He could feel it within her through that bond that one who was married to a Felidae experienced. It was a bond like no other; of life and death, to be joined mind, body and soul. When she hurt, he could feel it, when she was happy, sad or any other mix of emotions he knew that as well, and it some how affected him as well. At times they could even hear one another’s thoughts. It was a helpful bond, for either one could always help the other by giving them the love necessary when certain feelings arose. But for now he paid no attention to any of that and just enjoyed the feel of her body close to his. Her fur so soft and silky, her body so beautiful and kisses so sweet. He just enjoyed what was given to him.

She just kept kissing over him, indulging in her desires until finally he too gave in to them. Touching tasting and feeling on another’s bodies and just enjoying the night in the same way they had on the day the children were conceived to them. Just a wonderful night, a special night. A night to themselves. Tonight, neither would be going to bed cranky, or waking up groggy; that was for sure.