No Horseplay!
by Anima

          Peter stuck his head out of the janitor’s closet, and glanced both
ways, before slipping out and tugging Rudy with him. Giggling, the pair of
nude stallions slipped through the maintenance passage and onto the ship’s
lower deck. It was dusk, and nearly everyone was at dinner or in the casino
on the mid-size pleasure ship.
     “What if someone sees us?” Rudy hissed through his laughter as they
skirted a herd of lounge chairs and snuck beneath the shadow of the upper
     “They’ll never see us, it’s lobster night! Trust me,” Peter grinned
back at his mate. They stopped at the railing, the green foamy sea tossing
below. Affixed to the low wall supporting the railing was a sun-faded red
and white sign. They stopped stock-still and read it.
     ‘No Horseplay.’
     Their laughter startled a pair of preening seabirds into a graceless
series of flaps back into the evening air, away from the loud strangers.
     Rudy slid his warm hands down the smooth short-furred hips of his love,
leaning in to lip and nibble the back of his sweetly-musky neck. Peter
grinned, rotating his hips slowly, his sheath swelling and dropping the
sleek fat cylinder of his cock. Rudy’d been firm and throbbing since they’d
undressed in the closet, and by this time, precum had seeped liberally from
the pursed slit in his tip to coat his shaft. Bending over, Peter flagged
his rich tail, revealing the dark, moist puffy mound of his anus. Rudy
whickered, a spurt of slippery pre painting his mate’s ass, accompanying the
surge of lust the sight provoked.
     “No horseplay, my ass!” Rudy grunted, and nuzzled the bloated mushroom
tip of his member up against that so-soft portal. Peter moaned gently,
flexing his cushy anus to try and reel in that cock.
     “No, my ass silly! Ooohhhh…” The mounted stallion felt his muscular
ring spread, and bypassed, warm firm horseflesh squeezing up and into his
smoothly-fleshed depths… Peter squeezed Rudy snugly, the glide of cock
against his prostate coaxing an enthusiastic spurt of lube from his own
     “What’s long, thick, hard and full of seamen, dear?” Rudy whispered in
his lover’s flicking ear, before teasingly inserting his thick tongue in
there to explore.
     “Ooooh, nnNNGghh, why do you hafta tell such terrible jokes at a time
like this?” Peter snickered, gripping his shaft and stroking it firmly,
squeezing himself to simulate the clenches his rear was treating Rudy to.
“Aren’t you supposed to whisper sweet nothings instead?”
     Rudy just giggled, and began to thrust, plumbing the hot snug depths of
his dear mount. Peter’s insides flexed and caressed him so perfectly! When
he straightened up to press himself fully back against Rudy, Peter’s
rumpcheeks squeezed down snug around his member, forcing a rather loud cry
unbidden from his wet lips.
     A murmur from the upper deck panicked Rudy a moment, until he thought
to push Peter back down and tug one of the lounge chairs around to partially
conceal them. Light poured from an open sliding door, then vanished again
as the person taking fresh air returned to the party. Brushing sweat from
his brow, Rudy took a firm grip on his love and thrust all the harder!
     “You were right, you know, love,” He grunted, slippery cock flaring as
he squashed it up inside Peter again and again. “This does spice things up a
     Peter’s response was a whinny muffled in his chest as he went off like
a cannon, splattering thick slimy cum all over the faded sign! Both
convulsed into giggles again at the sight, Rudy’s own orgasm flaring in the
midst of the choked laughter.
     Both stallions dripping, (just from different ends,) the two scurried
back to the closet for their clothes.
     “Next we’ll do it in the pool!”