All characters in this story are copyrighted to their respective chars. Black Viksen is copyrighted to me, The Black Kat. Lupus is copyrighted to his player as is Alunius. ============================= Vik lashed out at the slave. "What did you call me?" She demanded. The slave, a young cat, looked scared. "I called you a bitch. You are a female wolf. I thought you wouldn't mind it." A smile toyed around her lips. "You're right. I am a bitch technically. But let me show you what being a bitch means." She aimed her fist right at his crotch. The slave slumped, his eyes rolling back in his head. A light clapping could be heard in the room. Vik spun around. "Who clapped?" She snarled. The whole room went quiet very suddenly. Only two of the slavers dared to even look at her raging face. And both of them wore a smile. She stalked up to them, looking quite intimidating. Both of the slavers were sitting at the bar. Both were wolves, but one was a deep tan with green markings and one was all white. "Hello, Viksen." The tan wolf said. "How can I help you?" "Fuck off, Alunius." She spat. "I could if someone were to help." He said with a smile. His loins were already bulging and Vik aimed at him like she had at the slave. He caught her arm and bent it back. Vik stared down at him and then took her free paw and slapped him across the face. He recoiled in shock as blood flowed down his cheek. "Still as feral as ever." He shook his head. Vik took her now free paw and slapped him across the other side. "Don't ever do that to me again!" She turned and stormed out. On the way, she made sure to hit more furs on the head. She didn't care at the moment if they were slave or slaver as they both cowered in fear. The white wolf turned to Alunius. "Sorry about that." He said. "For what?" Alunius asked. he poured himself another drink and sat dressing his cuts. "She hit you because I clapped." "Yes and no." He wrapped a piece of cloth around his muzzle. "I took her as a slave a long time ago. She managed to escape before I was able to duplicate the ownership papers. She took them with her when she went." The white wolf looked curious. "What happened?" "She came back here." He said. "She didn't know where else to go. She didn't want to become a slave again so she is trying to become a master. The easiest way to do that is to own a slave." The white wolf looked back where the unconscious slave still lay. "And that's why she's here?" "Yeah." Alunius finished off his drink. "Why'd she not like it when I clapped?" "Because she thought you were being sarcastic and that you didn't like her actions. Don't worry though, she takes all things like that. You could drop you glass there and she'd think you were trying to throw it at her." The white wolf kept his eyes rooted firmly on the places where she had been. "Hey, what's your name anyways?" "Lupus. Lupus Monoceros." He held out his hand. Alunius looked at the hand and did nothing. "Lupus... very unoriginal name." He went back to drinking. Lupus continued staring off into space. "Does she come back here much?" Alunius choked on his drink. "What in Hell are you thinking?" He shrugged. "I was just wondering." "Wonder somewhere else then. You want to yiff her, don't you?" He looked very embarrassed. "I, well I..." She stuffed his fingers into his ears. "Enough already! She likes to go to the tavern at the edge of town every night. You can find her there." Lupus was thanking him for the next half hour, always asking if he could buy him a drink. Alunius only got rid of him when he threatened to whip him and turn him into his personal pleasure slave.